1,654 research outputs found

    Origen, migraciones y relaciones filogenéticas de las razas ganaderas de Andalucía Oriental

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    Nuestra región a lo largo de la historia se ha visto invadida, conquistada o visitada por una gran variedad de culturas, que provenientes de Africa, el Mediterráneo, o resto de Europa se instalaron en nuestra tierra. Estos pobladores, desde los antiguos Íberos, pasando por los Fenicios, Tartesos y Romanos hasta llegar a los Árabes y los Castellanos, trajeron consigo unas poblaciones de animales que contribuyeron a la formación de la gran variedad actual de razas autóctonas en Andalucía. En este trabajo realizaremos una descripción del origen de las razas autóctonas ovinas, caprinas, bovinas y porcinas de Andalucía Oriental teniendo en cuenta sus vías de acceso y distribución a lo largo de los distintos periodos históricos y sus relaciones filogenéticas, haciendo un análisis de la influencia de estas razas en el mantenimiento del equilibrio ecológico y poblacional de los espacios donde tradicionalmente se han venido explotando

    Low dose electron tomography of novel nanocomposites for additive manufacturing

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licenseThe development of new nanocomposites with added functionalities for Additive Manufacturing (AM) requires of a deep understanding of the 3D distribution of the selected nano-additives within the polymeric matrix, in order to optimize their performance. For this, electron tomography (ET) is an outstanding analysis technique that requires the material to withstand the electron exposure needed for the acquisition of several tens of images, becoming challenging for beam-sensitive materials. In this work, we analyse the parameters involved in the successful analysis by low dose ET of nanocomposites based in acrylic resins for stereolithography (SLA). Needleshape electron-transparent specimens have been fabricated by focused ion beam (FIB), minimizing surface damage due to the high energy Ga+ ions. Microscope settings for tuning the electron dose applied during the ET analysis of these nanoneedles are discussed. A phenomenological study of the effect of increasing the electron dose in the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis of the material has been carried out, showing that ET can be effectively performed at low electron doses. Two case studies are presented, to illustrate the relevance of these analyses in the development of nanocomposites with added functionalities. Our results have revealed the crucial role of the dose rate and of inaccuracies in the calculation of critical electron doses for the design of ET experiments.Junta de Andalucía 00955Universidad de Cádiz PR2022-00

    Comparison of fungal spores concentrations measured with wideband integrated bioaerosol sensor and Hirst methodology

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    The aim of this work was to provide both a comparison of traditional and novel methodologies for airborne spores detection (i.e. the Hirst Burkard trap and WIBS-4) and the first quantitative study of airborne fungal concentrations in Payerne (Western Switzerland) as well as their relation to meteorological parameters. From the traditional method -Hirst trap and microscope analysis-, sixty-three propagule types (spores, sporangia and hyphae) were identified and the average spore concentrations measured over the full period amounted to 4145 ± 263.0 spores/m3. Maximum values were reached on July 19th and on August 6th. Twenty-six spore types reached average levels above 10 spores/m3. Airborne fungal propagules in Payerne showed a clear seasonal pattern, increasing from low values in early spring to maxima in summer. Daily average concentrations above 5000 spores/m3 were almost constant in summer from mid-June onwards. Weather parameters showed a relevant role for determining the observed spore concentrations. Coniferous forest, dominant in the surroundings, may be a relevant source for airborne fungal propagules as their distribution and predominant wind directions are consistent with the origin. The comparison between the two methodologies used in this campaign showed remarkably consistent patterns throughout the campaign. A correlation coefficient of 0.9 (CI 0.76–0.96) was seen between the two over the time period for daily resolutions (Hirst trap and WIBS-4). This apparent co-linearity was seen to fall away once increased resolution was employed. However at higher resolutions upon removal of Cladosporium species from the total fungal concentrations (Hirst trap), an increased correlation coefficient was again noted between the two instruments (R = 0.81 with confidence intervals of 0.74 and 0.86)

    Effect of an in-situ thermal annealing on the structural properties of self-assembled GaSb/GaAs quantum dots

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    In this work, the effect of the application of a thermal annealing on the structural properties of GaSb/GaAs quantum dots (QDs)1 is analyzed by aberration corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM)2 and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)3. Our results show that the GaSb/GaAs QDs are more elongated after the annealing, and that the interfaces are less abrupt due to the Sb diffusion. We have also found a strong reduction in the misfit dislocation density with the annealing. The analysis by EELS of a threading dislocation has shown that the dislocation core is rich in Sb. In addition, the region of the GaAs substrate delimited by the threading dislocation is shown to be Sb-rich as well. An enhanced diffusion of Sb due to a mechanism assisted by the dislocation movement is discussed

    Atomic-column scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis of misfit dislocations in GaSb/GaAs quantum dots

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    The structural quality of GaSb/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) has been analyzed at atomic scale by aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy. In particular, we have studied the misfit dislocations that appear because of the high lattice mismatch in the heterostructure. Our results have shown the formation of Lomer dislocations at the interface between the GaSb QDs and the GaAs substrate, but also at the interface with the GaAs capping layer, which is not a frequent observation. The analysis of these dislocations point to the existence of chains of dislocation loops around the QDs. The dislocation core of the observed defects has been characterized, showing that they are reconstructed Lomer dislocations, which have less distortion at the dislocation core in comparison to unreconstructed ones. Strain measurements using geometric phase analysis (GPA) show that these dislocations may not fully relax the strain due to the lattice mismatch in the GaSb QDs

    Delta doping and positioning effects of type II GaSb quantum dots in GaAs solar cell

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    GaSb quantum dot (QD) solar cell structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. We investigate the reduction in open-circuit voltage and study the influence of the location of QD layers and their delta doping within the solar cell. Devices with 5 layers of delta-doped QDs placed in the intrinsic, n- and p-regions of a GaAs solar cell are experimentally investigated, and the deduced values of Jsc, Voc, fill factor, efficiency (η) are compared. A trade-off is needed to minimize the Voc degradation while maximizing the short circuit current density (Jsc) enhancement due to sub-bandgap absorption. The voltage recovery is attributed to the removal of the QDs from the high-field region which reduces SRH recombination. The devices with p- or n-doped QDs placed in the flat band potential (p- or n-region) show a recovery in Jsc and Voc compared to devices with delta-doped QDs placed in the depletion region. However, there is less photocurrent arising from the absorption of sub-band gap photons. Furthermore, the long wavelength photoresponse of the n-doped QDs placed in the n-region shows a slight improvement compared to the control cell. The approach of placing QDs in the n-region of the solar cell instead of the depletion region is a possible route towards increasing the conversion efficiency of QD solar cells

    Understanding the link between benefits from protected areas and their relationship with surrounding communities: an exploration in Costa Rica

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    Protected areas are an essential strategy in preserving natural resources. A central aspect of protected area management is to maintain and improve their relationship with surrounding communities given that local conflicts often occur over the existence or expansion of protected areas due to land-use restrictions. This study seeks to understand the link between perceived socioeconomic and environmental benefits from protected areas and the perceived strength of the relationship between 12 of these communities and their corresponding protected areas in Costa Rica. In total, 365 door-to-door interviews were conducted to collect data, and a logistic model and correlations were used to analyse the results. We found there is a significant link between the strength of the relationship between the community and protected area and the number of perceived socioeconomic benefits from the protected area; however, such a link does not exist with environmental benefits. This finding suggests that policy makers and protected area managers need to better develop and explain, in a participatory and integrated fashion, socioeconomic benefits from protected areas to communities since the successful long-term management and survival of protected areas hinges on these relationships. In this way, the desired goals of preserving habitats and biodiversity can be supported.Las áreas protegidas son una estrategia esencial en la preservación de los recursos naturales. En la actualidad, un aspecto central del manejo de las áreas protegidas es mantener y mejorar su relación con las comunidades circundantes dado el frecuente conflicto por la existencia y expansión de áreas protegidas debido a restricciones en el uso de la tierra. En este estudio, buscamos entender la conexión entre los beneficios socioeconómicos y ambientales percibidos por las comunidades sobre las áreas protegidas y la fortaleza de la relación percibida entre 12 de estas comunidades y sus correspondientes áreas protegidas en Costa Rica. En total, se realizaron 365 entrevistas casa a casa para recolectar los datos, y se utilizó un modelo logístico y correlaciones para analizar los resultados. Encontramos que existe una conexión significativa entre el nivel de percepción de la relación comunidad-área protegida y el número de beneficios socioeconómicos percibidos del área protegida; sin embargo, dicha conexión no se mantiene para los beneficios ambientales. Este resultado sugiere que los responsables de la formulación de políticas y los administradores de áreas protegidas deberían desarrollar y explicar mejor, de una manera participativa e integradora, los beneficios socioeconómicos adicionales de las áreas protegidas hacia las comunidades, por cuanto la gestión a largo plazo y la supervivencia de las áreas protegidas dependen de la relación que tienen con sus comunidades circundantes. De esta manera se pueden apoyar los objetivos deseados de preservación de los hábitats y la biodiversidad.Les aires protégées sont un élément clé pour la préservation des ressources naturelles. L’un des principes fondamentaux de la gestion des aires protégées est de maintenir et d'améliorer leurs relations avec les communautés locales, car l'existence ou l'expansion des aires protégées est souvent source de conflits, en raison des restrictions d'utilisation de ces terres. Cette étude vise à comprendre le lien entre la perception des avantages socio-économiques et environnementaux créés par aires protégées, et la qualité des relations entretenues par 12 communautés avec leurs aires protégées au Costa Rica. 365 entretiens en porte-à-porte ont été menés, puis analysés grâce à un modèle logistique basé sur des corrélations afin d’en déduire les résultats. Nous avons constaté que la qualité des relations entre la communauté et l’aire protégée influence la perception des avantages socio-économiques provenant de l’aire protégée; cependant ceci n’est pas le cas pour les avantages environnementaux. Ces résultats suggèrent que les décideurs et les gestionnaires d'aires protégées se doivent de mieux présenter et expliquer, de manière intégrée et participative, les avantages socio-économiques liés aux aires protégées, car la gestion à long terme et la survie des aires protégées repose sur leurs bonnes relations avec les communautés. La réalisation des objectifs attendus de la préservation des habitats et de la biodiversité sera ainsi favorisée.SFS-Center for Sustainable Development Studies in Atenas, Costa Rica, the National University of Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ingeniería::Instituto Investigaciones en Ingeniería (INII

    Interannual variability of ground surface thermal regimes in Livingston and Deception islands, Antarctica (2007–2021)

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    The absence of vegetation in most ice-free areas of Antarctica makes the soil surface very sensitive to atmosphere dynamics, especially in the western sector of the Antarctic Peninsula, an area within the limits of the permafrost zone. To evaluate the possible effects of regional warming on frozen soils, we conducted an analysis of ground surface temperatures (GSTs) from 2007 to 2021 from different monitoring sites in Livingston and Deception islands (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctica). The analysis of the interannual evolution of the GST and their daily regimes and the freezing and thawing indexes reveals that climate change is showing impacts on seasonal and perennially frozen soils. Freezing Degree Days (FDD) have decreased while Thawing Degree Day (TDD) have increased during the study period, resulting in a balance that is already positive at the sites at lower elevations. Daily freeze–thaw cycles have been rare and absent since 2014. Meanwhile, the most common thermal regimes are purely frozen – F1 (daily temperatures < = 0.5C), isothermal – IS (ranging between 0.5C to +0.5C), and purely thawed – T1 (> = +0.5C). A decrease in F1 days has been observed, while the IS and T1 days increased by about 60 days between 2007 and 2021. The annual number of days with snow cover increased between 2009 and 2014 and decreased since then. The GST and the daily thermal regimes evolution point to general heating, which may be indicative of the degradation of the frozen soils in the study area.Ministry of Economy of the Government of Spain; PERMAMODEL, Grant/Award Number: POL2006-01918; PERMAPLANET, Grant/Award Number: CTM2009-10165; PERMASNOW, Grant/Award Number: CTM2014-52021-R; PARANTAR, Grant/Award Number: PID2020-115269GBI00; ANTARPERMA, Grant/Award Number: CTM2011-15565-Einfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of socialization on employees efficiency: moderating role of perceived organizational support

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of socialization on employee’s efficiency with moderating role of perceived organizational support. A field survey approach was used by selecting 30 employees from telecom sector. Pakistan study area was district Hyderabad. Multistage simple random sampling technique used to select employees. Structured questionnaire was used as data instrument. The result confirm that organizational socialization enhance organization commitment of employees, thus reducing cost of losing employees therefore, socialization program must be designed so which fulfills the expectation of employees. On the basis of result it is recommended that government, and non-government organization must enhance friendly environment in their organization to meet the market competition and more output with less input