203 research outputs found

    Transhumant herding systems in Iberia

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    UID/HIS/00749/2013The topic of medieval transhumance in the Iberian Peninsula inevitably brings to mind La Mesta (beginning in the thirteenth century, La Mesta referred to a complex system of transhumant long-distance paths which allowed shepherds to move large flocks of sheep either southwards to the rich winter commons in Southern Iberia or northwards to the summer pastures in the Cantabrian Mountains; Gerbet, 1991). In addition to the fact that it survived well into the nineteenth century, the importance of La Mesta has made it a centrepiece of medieval stockbreeding studies in Iberia (see Klein, 1920; Bishko, 1963).authorsversionpublishe

    Más allá de la aldea: Estudio diacrónico del paisaje en el entorno de Vigaña (Belmonte de Miranda)

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    Fernández Mier, Margarita and González Álvarez, David (2013): «Más allá de la aldea: Estudio diacrónico del paisaje en el entorno de Vigaña (Belmonte de Miranda)». Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias 2007-2012. En el centenario del descubrimiento de la caverna de La Peña de Candamo. Oviedo: Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Principado de Asturias. Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural, 353-365.Peer reviewe

    Study of the relationship between telecommunications infrastructures and renewable energy systems

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    Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Técnicas constructivas, comunidades locales y poderes feudales

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    This article makes a first approach to constructive techniques present in a series of valleys in the west of Asturias between the 11th and 13th century, relating them to the technical level of hill communities where the constructions are found and with the feudal powers that finance them. This has made it possible to prove the existence of a very similar technical environment throughout the area, as the majority of cases are works carried out with labourers’ techniques, restricting stonemason work to very specific elements within the buildings.En este artículo se realiza un primer acercamiento a las técnicas constructivas presentes en una serie de valles del occidente de Asturias entre los siglos XI-XIII, relacionándolas con el nivel técnico de las comunidades aldeanas en las que se localizan las construcciones y con los poderes feudales que las financian. Esto ha permitido constatar un ambiente técnico muy similar en toda la zona, siendo en la mayoría de los casos obras ejecutadas con técnicas de albañil, restringiéndose los trabajos de cantería a elementos muy concretos dentro de las edificaciones

    El paisaje rural medieval: del estudio de los dominios monásticos a la arqueología agraria

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    Este estudio hace una revisión de las principales líneas de investigación desarrolladas en la Historia Rural medieval en los últimos veinte años en la Península Ibérica, tanto en la sociedad andalusí como en los reinos cristianos. Se da especial relevancia al despegue de la arqueología agraria, a una mejor caracterización del campesinado medieval y al estudio de la ganadería.This study analyses the main lines of research developed in medieval Rural History in the last twenty years in the Iberian Peninsula, both in the Andalusian society and in the Christian kingdoms. We present special attention to the take-off of agrarian archeology, the characterization of the medieval peasantry and the study of livestock

    Proyecto de Investigación: La formación de los paisajes agrarios del Noroeste peninsular durante la Edad Media (siglos V al XII)

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    Presentamos los objetivos y los primeros resultados del proyecto de investigación La formación de los paisajes del Noroeste Peninsular durante la Edad Media (siglos V al XII). Exponemos los presupuestos teóricos y metodológicos de la arqueología agraria y nos acercamos a los resultados preliminares obtenidos en los tres casos de estudio abordados en nuestra investigación. [ABSTRACT] The paper introduces the aims and the preliminary outcomes of the research project entitled ‘The formation of agricultural landscapes in north western Iberia during the Middle Ages (V – XII centuries)’. Also, the text sets out the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of agrarian archaeology. Finally, the paper presents and explains the results achieved hitherto in the three archaeological case studies under investigation

    Tracer particle transport dynamics in the diffusive sandpile cellular automaton

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    The confinement properties of the diffusive running sandpile are characterized by tracking the motion of a population of marked grains of sand. It is found that, as the relative strength of the avalanching to the diffusive transport channel is varied, a point is reached at which the particle global confinement time and the probability density functions of the jump-sizes and waiting-times of the tracked grains experience a sudden change, thus revealing a dynamical transition, that is consistent with previous studies (Newman DE et al., Phys Rev Lett 2002;88(20):204304). Across this transition, the sandpile moves from a regime characterized by self-similarity and memory, where avalanches of all possible sizes dominate transport across the system, to another regime where transport is taken over by near system-size, quasi-periodic avalanches. Values for the fractional transport exponents that quantify effective transport across the sandpile prior to the transition are also obtained.This research has been sponsored in part by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain under Projects No. ENE2015- 68265-P and No. ENE2015-66444-R. Research also supported in part by DOE-OFES Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER5741 at University of Alaska. Sandpile simulations have been run in Uranus, a supercomputer cluster at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) that has been funded by the Spanish Government via the national projects UNC313-4E-2361, ENE2009-12213-C03-03, ENE2012-33219 and ENE2012-31753