344 research outputs found

    La formación de los docentes en la intervención con alumnos/as con déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH)

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    La presencia del Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) en algunos/as de nuestros/as alumnos/as ocasiona serios problemas para que estos/ as se adapten al contexto escolar y sociofamiliar en el que se desenvuelven, debido a la presencia de una serie de dificultades: hiperactividad, dificultades para mantener la atención, autorregular la conducta, controlarse, etc. En las últimas décadas ha aumentado el interés por encontrar tratamientos que sean eficaces para disminuir la sintomatología de este trastorno. Este interés ha dado como resultado un gran número de estudios en los que se ha intervenido en niños/ as y adolescentes con estas características a través de tratamientos cognitivoconductuales como único método, en los que se formaban a padres y maestros/as, y a veces se intervenía directamente con los/as niños/as, para llevar a cabo la intervención. Estos estudios han puesto de manifiesto la eficacia de este tipo de intervenciones, aunque no siempre los resultados han sido satisfactorios.Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada

    High-frequency collective excitations in molten and glassy Te studied by inelastic neutron scattering

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    7 págs.; 5 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 61.43.Er, 61.20.Lc, 61.12. qhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.73.094201The spectra of collective excitations of liquid and glassy tellurium have been studied by means of inelastic neutron scattering. Here we report on the dynamics of liquid Te as measured at two different temperatures, just above melting (Tm =723 K) and at ∼1000 K as well as the glass that is studied at room temperature. Estimates for the velocity of propagating excitations for both temperatures have been obtained from the experimental data, and a contrasting behavior is found with respect to anomalies shown by the adiabatic sound velocity measured by ultrasound methods. The origin of such differences is finally discussed. © 2006 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by Grant No. MAT2002- 04178-C04 SpainPeer Reviewe

    Eficacia de un programa de tutoría entre iguales para la mejora de los hábitos de estudio del alumnado universitario

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    Eficacia de un programa de tutoría entre iguales para la mejora de los hábitos de estudio del alumnado universitario

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    Stochastic dynamics in molten potassium explored by polarized quasielastic neutron scattering

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    10 págs.; 8 figs. ; PACS number s : 61.25.Mv, 66.10. x, 66.30.Fq, 65.20. wThe coherent Sc (Q,ω) and single-particle Ss (Q,ω) dynamic structure factors which contribute to the low-energy spectrum of molten potassium are separated by means of neutron polarization analysis. The linewidth and amplitude of the single-particle spectra follow an apparent sub-Fickian behavior, with a diffusion coefficient below the value found by macroscopic means. Once this is accounted for, the results are found to conform with predictions made from kinetic theory. Also, the available theoretical recipes to account for the coherent quasielastic intensity are seen to reproduce the experimental observations within a region of momentum transfers located about the location where the static structure factor shows its main peak. From the measured data as well as from computer simulation results which are validated by comparison to measurement, a clear separation of time scales involving rapid rattling motions within the liquid cages from diffusional processes involving collective or single-particle rearrangements is established. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Microscopic dynamics in molten Ni: Experimental scrutiny of embedded-atom-potential simulations

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    11 págs.; 10 figs. ; PACS number s : 66.10. x, 66.20. d, 63.20.LsThe stochastic dynamics in molten nickel is studied by neutron scattering. The quasielastic spectrum shows two distinct components having disparate linewidths. The wave-vector dependence of the narrow component is shown to arise from incoherent scattering at low momentum transfers. In turn, the spectral half-width of the wider component shows a modulation with wave vector characteristic of coherent quasielastic scattering. The analysis of both components provides direct experimental estimates for the self-diffusion coefficient, as well as the effective particle diameter. The experimental data are then used to validate computer simulation results which are derived using an embedded-atom potential. Such results are also employed to explore regions in frequency-wave-vector space not easily amenable to experiment. In addition, simulation results are also compared with data pertaining to the collective motions. Such an exercise reveals the need to develop a further level in the memory function expansion of the coherent dynamic structure factor. The implications of such findings for our current understanding of the dynamics of liquid metals are finally assessed. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    El impacto de la tenacidad en el rendimiento académico en la educación superior

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    El rendimiento académico ocupa un lugar sumamente importante a nivel internacional debido a las elevadas tasas de abandono y fracaso escolar. En este sentido, la tenacidad se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con el rendimiento académico, es por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la relación entre la tenacidad y el rendimiento académico en 576 estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada. Para ello, se realizó la prueba H de Kruskal-Wallis para muestras independientes y la prueba U de Mann Whitney para dos muestras independientes para identificar la presencia de diferencias en tenacidad en función de edad, sexo, titulación y curso, y rendimiento académico en función de la tenacidad y el análisis de correlación de Spearman entre las variables del estudio. Los resultados revelaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en perseverancia en el esfuerzo en función de la titulación, así como en perseverancia en el esfuerzo y tenacidad en función del sexo. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el rendimiento académico de los participantes en función de su nivel de tenacidad, con una tendencia a presentar un mayor rendimiento académico el alumnado universitario con mayor nivel de tenacidad. Estos resultados suponen un avance en lo que respecta a los estudios relacionados con la tenacidad en el contexto español, pues parece que esta habilidad no cognitiva tiene incidencia en el rendimiento académico del alumnado de universitario, con las implicaciones que ello conlleva

    A systematic review on evidences supporting quality indicators of bilingual, plurilingual and multilingual programs in higher education

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    This systematic review intends to report on the strength of evidences supporting the quality indicators (predictors) attributed to higher education bilingual, plurilingual or multilingual practices and programs across four key dependent variables (outcomes) analyzed (i.e., student performance, second language proficiency, employment, and motivation and attitudes). The rapid growth of both offer and demand of this type of higher education and learning worldwide requires the implementation of high-quality evaluation strategies and techniques to measure potential causal links between interventions and results. To do so, a pre-specified systematic review protocol following the Campbell Collaboration (2015) recommendations is designed and implemented. The results suggest the urgent need to increase the primary research quality standards in this sub-discipline by reducing bias in the processes of designing, implementing and reporting research. Despite the scarcity of results sustained on statistical conclusions with the higher statistical power found in this review, specific results of the dependent variables indicate that this type of education benefits students’ performance and second language proficiency, with a higher impact on receptive skills. Although no results were obtained concerning student employment, other results point out that there is general satisfaction of participation with the programs. Finally, several recommendations on how to scale up those quality research standards in this sub-discipline are provided
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