757 research outputs found

    Features and Origin of Red Clays in Castafiar Cave: A Touch of Colour

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    In Castaiiar Cave (Caceres, Spain), coatings of red clays cover the walls of the chambers, coexisting with diverse speleothems of aragonite, calcite, huntite and dolomite. The mineralogy of the clays is mainly illite, chlorite, kaolinite, smectite, quartz and Fe oxides and hydroxides such as goethite. They can be transported into the cave by infiltration waters or form by in situ alteration of the host rock: layers of dolomite rich in Fe and magnesite interbedded with greywackes and shales. Present-day hydrological conditions in the cave and conditions during the formation of speleothems have determined that the clays have not been transported by any flooding or seepage, but mostly staying in situ, and not included into carbonate crystal forms . Thus, most of the well-preserved speleothems are white and not stained, conforming an interesting chromatic contrast with the red clays that represent an additional attraction in this show cave

    Turning teachers into entrepreneurship role models: development of a measurement scale of useful characteristics

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    The circumstances under which students consider their teachers of entrepreneurship as role models have not received in-depth exploration in the literature. This paper focuses on determining the main personal, professional and pedagogical characteristics that would turn teachers of entrepreneurship into role models and thereby improve the entrepreneurial intentions of students. A three-step empirical research process combining documentary, qualitative and quantitative methods is developed in order to propose and test a measurement scale of teacher characteristics that is reliable, valid and useful for causal modelling. A total of 26 characteristics are identified and classified into personal, professional and pedagogical categories

    Mate Marote: a BigData platform for massive scale educational interventions

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    In this paper we present Mate Marote, a web platform for massive scale educational interventions. We focus on the scaling requirements needed on these kind of deployments. We show the designed architecture, how these decisions solve the imposed requirements and the implementation. To test this development, we performed a small pilot intervention where the whole system was evaluated. We conclude that Mate Marote is ready for production deployment and enabled to middleto- massive scale interventions. For this purpose, we have deployed this platform in CEIBAL program at Uruguay with more than 100K potential users.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Mate Marote: a BigData platform for massive scale educational interventions

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    In this paper we present Mate Marote, a web platform for massive scale educational interventions. We focus on the scaling requirements needed on these kind of deployments. We show the designed architecture, how these decisions solve the imposed requirements and the implementation. To test this development, we performed a small pilot intervention where the whole system was evaluated. We conclude that Mate Marote is ready for production deployment and enabled to middleto- massive scale interventions. For this purpose, we have deployed this platform in CEIBAL program at Uruguay with more than 100K potential users.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Aplicando UML y DSL en el enfoque MDA

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    El enfoque MDA (Model Driven Architecture) está basado en dos elementos: los modelos y las transformaciones, mediante los cuales se dirige el proceso de desarrollo. Cada transformación arrojará un resultado más detallado hasta obtener el código necesario para implementar la solución en una plataforma específica. En este paper se plantea la utilización de dos lenguajes de modelado aplicados al enfoque de MDA. Un lenguaje de propósito general como lo es UML (Unified Modeling Language) aplicado en un nivel alto de abstracción y DSL (Domain Specific Lenguage) aplicado a un nivel más bajo, cercano a la implementación de la solución final en una determinada plataforma.Eje: ingeniería de softwar

    Integrando UML y DSL en el enfoque MDA

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    En algunos trabajos académicos surge la disyuntiva de utilizar UML (Unified Modeling Language) ó DSL (Domain Specific Lenguage) para modelar un determinado artefacto. UML es un lenguaje de propósito general el cual en un nivel de abstracción elevado resulta de gran aplicabilidad, pero cuando se comienza a bajar dicho nivel de abstracción y se requiere comenzar a modelar características propias de un dominio, UML debe ser adaptado. Es posible adaptar a UML generando un perfil propio para dicho dominio pero esta actividad resulta compleja y en algunos dominios son muy pocos los elementos y diagramas existentes que son directamente aplicables y por lo tanto es necesario realizar una gran cantidad de extensiones para lograr modelar el dominio. En cambio DSL es un lenguaje más simple de aplicar a un dominio específico. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta que permite dentro del enfoque MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) utilizar UML y DSL en distintos niveles de abstracción y generar mediante transformaciones el código fuente de una determinada aplicación.Presentado en el VII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS

    Integrando UML y DSL en el enfoque MDA

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    En algunos trabajos académicos surge la disyuntiva de utilizar UML (Unified Modeling Language) ó DSL (Domain Specific Lenguage) para modelar un determinado artefacto. UML es un lenguaje de propósito general el cual en un nivel de abstracción elevado resulta de gran aplicabilidad, pero cuando se comienza a bajar dicho nivel de abstracción y se requiere comenzar a modelar características propias de un dominio, UML debe ser adaptado. Es posible adaptar a UML generando un perfil propio para dicho dominio pero esta actividad resulta compleja y en algunos dominios son muy pocos los elementos y diagramas existentes que son directamente aplicables y por lo tanto es necesario realizar una gran cantidad de extensiones para lograr modelar el dominio. En cambio DSL es un lenguaje más simple de aplicar a un dominio específico. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta que permite dentro del enfoque MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) utilizar UML y DSL en distintos niveles de abstracción y generar mediante transformaciones el código fuente de una determinada aplicación.Presentado en el VII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS

    The role of climate and aeolian dust input in calcrete formation in volcanic islands (Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Spain)

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    [EN]Calcretes are widely described in non-marine settings with carbonates in their catchment, or vicinity areas, but in volcanic islands without carbonates in their substrate, calcretes are not very common. In Lanzarote and Fuerteventura Canary Islands, characterized by impressive volcanic landscapes, the sedimentary carbonate rocks are rare except for some recent marine and aeolian deposits. In these settings very well-developed calcretes cover large areas of the present landscape. The source of calcium required for the formation of these calcretes has not been discussed in much detail till now, although its role is critical to an understanding of the climatic conditions in which calcium was transported and fixed and of the calcrete formation processes. The petrological and geochemical studies (87Sr/86Sr ratios, δ13C, δ18O, major, trace and REE) carried out in this paper do confirm the important role of aeolian dust input in the formation of these calcretes. Canarian calcretes were mainly generated by pedogenic processes and are composed of various irregular carbonate lamina interbedded with fine clastic deposits. Our study indicates that these interbeddings were the result of several stages in which, during dry periods, aeolian dust deposition alternated with leaching and calcite precipitation during wetter periods when plants, insects and bacteria played an important role in carbonate precipitation. The δ18O (− 2.70 to + 2.22‰ VPDB) and δ13C (− 8.21 to + 0.24‰ VPDB) values indicate that calcretes were formed by pedogenic processes. Comparison of calculated ∆18O values for the Canary calcretes with continental mid-latitude calcrete values reflects the more homogeneous temperature regimes of calcrete formation in island (oceanic) settings. Calcrete87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.706357 to 0.709208) show strong affinity with those obtained in aeolian carbonate dust and marine deposits, and are relatively different from those obtained in basalts. REE, major and trace element concentrations show that Ca-bearing minerals from volcanic host rock contributed little to calcrete formation and most of the calcium was supplied by aeolian deposits such as the aeolian dust coming from the Sahara and Sahel or sand dunes

    Use a web-app to improve breast cancer risk factors and symptoms knowledge and adherence to healthy diet and physical activity in women without breast cancer diagnosis (Precam project)

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    Breast neoplasm; Health promotion; TelemedicineCáncer de mama; Promoción de la salud; TelemedicinaCàncer de mama; Promoció de la salut; TelemedicinaPurpose: This study aimed to evaluate the preliminary effectiveness of an educational intervention using a web-app to improve knowledge of breast cancer risk factors and symptoms and adherence to healthy eating and physical activity among women without breast cancer diagnosis in Asturias (Spain). Methods: A pragmatic randomized pilot trial was conducted to evaluate the impact of a web-app-based intervention for women without breast cancer diagnosis. Women in the intervention group participated in a 6-month intervention web-app based on the Behaviour Change Wheel Model. The web-app includes information about breast cancer risk factors, early detection, physical activity and diet. Results: Two hundred and eighty-fifth women aged 25-50 were invited to join the study. Two hundred and twenty-four were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (IG = 134) or control group (CG = 90) according to their place of residence. Adherence among women in the IG increased significantly from pre- to post-intervention for eight of the 12 healthy behaviors and for the identification of six risk factors and six symptoms compared to women in the CG and, among whom adherence only increased for two behaviors, the identification of one risk factor and 0 symptoms. The intervention significantly improved the mean number of risk factors + 1.06 (p < 0.001) and symptoms + 1.18 (p < 0.001) identified by women in the IG. Conclusions: The preliminary results of this study suggest that an educational intervention using a web-app and based on the Behaviour Change Wheel model could be useful to improve knowledge of breast cancer risk factors and symptoms and to improve adherence to a healthy diet and physical activity in women without a previous breast cancer diagnosis

    Exhumaciones de fosas comunes en el País Valenciano: 10 años de intervenciones científi-cas

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    This article approaches the exhumations of victims of Franco dictatorship during the last decade in the Valencian territory. The main goal is to offer the current data regarding the number of interventions, graves, victims, identifications, etc. However, at the same time, we discuss on the urgency of making certain measures a reality, such as the creation of the DNA bank and the census of victims. Or address the need for a professional debate on some issues such as the existing legal scenario given the impossibility of judicializing the exhumation processes. The purpose as a whole is to highlight and defend that memory public policies are a challenge, which goes beyond the exhumation of victims, where the transversality and professionalization of processes and projects must be a reality and a commitment by both technical teams and administrations, without falling into the mistake of leaving aside the citizenry.Este artículo aborda, a modo de estado de la cuestión, las exhumaciones de víctimas del franquismo durante la última década en el territorio valenciano. El objetivo principal es ofrecer una actualización de los datos disponibles hasta la fecha, en lo que respecta al número de intervenciones, fosas, víctimas, identificaciones, etc. No obstante, al mismo tiempo, pretendemos reflexionar sobre la urgencia de hacer realidad algunas medidas como la creación del banco de ADN y el censo de víctimas. O abordar la necesidad de un debate profesional sobre algunas cuestiones como el escenario legal existente ante la imposibilidad de judicializar los procesos de exhumación. La finalidad en conjunto es mostrar y defender que las políticas públicas de memoria son un reto que va más allá de la exhumación de víctimas, donde la transversalidad y la profesionalización de procesos y proyectos deben ser una realidad y un compromiso tanto de los equipos técnicos como de las administraciones, sin caer en el error de dejar al margen a la ciudadanía