652 research outputs found

    Diez años de narrativa asturiana (1994 - 2004)

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    Like measuring the satisfaction of the students/ace with the university teaching

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    A lo largo de nuestra docencia utilizamos una dinámica de grupo y un instrumento para medir la satisfacción del alumnado. Consiste en una figura que representa un ciclo simple de fortalezas y debilidades que ha de ser cubierta en grupos pequeños, previa discusión, sobre los factores considerados positivos y aquellos otros que debieran mejorarse. Se propone al finalizar la materia, y nos ha permitido recoger los indicadores de satisfacción más destacados para nuestro alumnado. Entre ellos se encuentra el trabajo en grupo, las presentaciones, el uso de la metodología del estudio de casos y las visitas de campoAlong our teaching use a dynamics of group and an instrument to measure the satisfaction of the students. It consists in a figure that represents a simple cycle of fortresses and weaknesses that has to be covered in small groups, previous discussion, on the factors considered positive and those others that had to improve. It proposes when finalising the matter, and has allowed us collect the indicators of satisfaction more stood out for our students. Between them it finds the work in group, the presentations, the use of the methodology of the study of cases and the visits of fieldS

    Spanish teaching students’ attitudes towards teaching science at the pre-school level

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    Previous researches on early childhood teachers´ attitudes toward science teaching reveals that they feel anxiety and fear regarding science classes. Sometimes, teaching students´ experience with science have a significant influence on their attitude toward science and science teaching. This prior experience has been frequently joined to remember abstract concepts, and it determine what they guess about science teaching in early childhood. In order to assess teacher trainee´s pre-existing attitudes and beliefs toward science teaching in early years, we used a preschool teachers’ attitudes and beliefs toward science teaching questionnaire developed and validated for Maier, Greenfield and Bulotsky-Shearer (2013). Aspects such as science knowledge or ability to create science related activities, at the beginning, are very poorly valued by future teachers of early childhood education. The main reason is the poor knowledge that they have about science in general. We can conclude that it is important that future teachers of early childhood education should understand importance to teach science to children.Funding was provided by the group HUM613 of the Universidad de Granad

    Cáncer de mama, determinantes sociales en salud y calidad de vida de mujeres en Latinoamérica: revisión narrativa

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    Introducción: El cáncer de mama es la enfermedad oncológica que más afecta a las mujeres latinoamericanas, esta patología tiene im-plicaciones biológicas, emocionales y económicas que influyen en su calidad de vida. El objetivo de la revisión fue sintetizar los deter-minantes sociales y la calidad de vida de mujeres latinas. Material y métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos PubMed, ebsco, Web of Science y lilacs, utilizando los términos: calidad de vida, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, cáncer de mama, neoplasma de mama, Latinoamérica, hispanos, latinas, mujeres, determinantes sociales de la salud, factores sociodemográficos y socioeconómicos. Se consideraron artículos realizados en Latinoa-mérica en los últimos 5 años publicados en inglés y español.Resultados: Se encontraron 49 artículos y tras depurarlos queda-ron 9. Los determinantes sociales más reportados fueron edad y estado civil. El instrumento más utilizado para evaluar la calidad de vida fue el cuestionario QLQ-C30 con su módulo BR23. Recibir quimioterapia produce mayor sintomatología. La calidad de vida reportada va de regular a buena, los síntomas más reportados: insomnio, fatiga y sintomatología mamaria. Conclusiones: Las va-riables sociodemográficas suelen usarse con fines descriptivos y no analíticos. El diagnóstico en estadios avanzados afecta la cali-dad de vid

    Contribución al estudio de la utilización selectiva por Apis mellifera L. de la flora local en un colmenar del NW de la Península Ibérica: (Galicia)

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    Contribution at the study of the selective utilization for Apis melltfera L. of the local flora in one apyary in the NW of Spain. In this work, we have determined the selective utilizatión of the pollen collection by Api.s inellifera in the species of the sub-humed mediterranean (in accordance with climatic index of Allué) zone of Galicia (NW of Spain), throughout sampling pollen loud at the hives. This was quantified the different plant used by honey bees, analyzing the relative importance of them.En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la apetencia selectiva que Apis mellifera hace de las especies de la vegetación mediterránea subhúmeda de tendencia centroeuropea (según los índices climáticos de Allué) en Galicia (NW de España), en su recolección de polen, mediante el muestreo sistemático de cúmulos de polen corbicular. Ello ha permitido diagnosticar y cuantificar las especies preferidas y determinar la importancia relativa de cada una de ellas

    Can the life-history strategy explain the success of the exotic trees Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia in Iberian floodplain forests?

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    Ailanthus altissima and Robina pseudoacacia are two successful invasive species of floodplains in central Spain. We aim to explain their success as invaders in this habitat by exploring their phenological pattern, vegetative and sexual reproductive growth, and allometric relations, comparing them with those of the dominant native tree Populus alba. During a full annual cycle we follow the timing of vegetative growth, flowering, fruit set, leaf abscission and fruit dispersal. Growth was assessed by harvesting two-year old branches at the peaks of vegetative, flower and fruit production and expressing the mass of current-year leaves, stems, inflorescences and infrutescences per unit of previous-year stem mass. Secondary growth was assessed as the increment of trunk basal area per previous-year basal area. A. altissima and R. pseudoacacia showed reproductive traits (late flowering phenology, insect pollination, late and long fruit set period, larger seeds) different from P. alba and other native trees, which may help them to occupy an empty reproductive niche and benefit from a reduced competition for the resources required by reproductive growth. The larger seeds of the invaders may make them less dependent on gaps for seedling establishment. If so, these invaders may benefit from the reduced gap formation rate of flood-regulated rivers of the study region. The two invasive species showed higher gross production than the native, due to the higher size of pre-existing stems rather than to a faster relative growth rate. The latter was only higher in A. altissima for stems, and in R. pseudoacacia for reproductive organs. A. altissima and R. pseudoacacia showed the lowest and highest reproductive/vegetative mass ratio, respectively. Therefore, A. altissima may outcompete native P. alba trees thanks to a high potential to overtop coexisting plants whereas R. pseudoacacia may do so by means of a higher investment in sexual reproduction

    Innovative learning and teaching methodology in electronic technology area: A case of study in computer science university degrees

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    This paper describes an experience that has been carried out by several professors in different subjects. Our experience is framed within the First Plan in Teaching of the University of Seville. All involved subjects belong to the electronic technology area and from three Computer Science degrees. We propose to use, in a combined way, some learning techniques: cooperative learning as complement to traditional learning, role-playing technique and jigsaw technique. We have considered a base methodology but in each subject a variant of it has been accomplished. We have used several evaluation techniques, such as reciprocal evaluation, electronic portfolio and check lists. Applying our methodology helps us to detect learning problems before the term ends. Also, in tune with the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), our methology gives a boost to develop transversal competences as important as work (or study) management, empathy and understanding of other members in a workgroup, conflict resolution, capacity to make decisions as well as coordinate and communicate with other members in a workgroup and also with the professor

    A Minor Dihydropyran Apocarotenoid from Mated Cultures of Blakeslea trispora

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    The heterocyclic C15 apocarotenoid 1 was isolated from mated cultures of the strains F986 (+) and F921 (−) of Blakeslea trispora. This new compound formed during sexual interaction is a minor constituent of the culture media and its structure was elucidated by spectroscopic data, including 2D-NMR. A plausible biosynthetic pathway involving a double degradation of β-carotene, followed by several oxidations of the resulting monocyclofarnesane C15 fragment is proposed.This research was financed by Junta de Andalucía (Grants FQM 340, CVI 910, and P08-CVI-03901) and the Spanish Government (Grant CTQ 2010-16818, subprogram BQ)

    Comparación del consumo en unidades físicas de tres tipos de carne por niveles de ingresos, utilizando la verosimilitud empírica

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    Este artículo estudia el consumo de tres tipos de carnes de los hogares españoles y analiza si existe variación en dicho consumo al diferenciar por niveles de renta. Utiliza la metodología de la verosimilitud empírica que permite obtener, la función de verosimilitud para el parámetro de interés, consumo medio, y realizar inferencias a partir de ella. La carne de pollo se consume más en los hogares españoles frente a la de cerdo o ternera, independientemente de los ingresos. Esto lleva a que existen otros factores que influyen más en dicho consumo. Tan sólo en el caso de la carne de ternera se presenta como un factor determinante. Además, se analiza el cambio relativo experimentado por cada tipo de carne ante el cambio en la renta, y ante el cambio de los otros tipos de carne.This paper focuses on consumption in physical units of chicken, pork and beef, and analyses changes in consumption related to income levels. Using an Empirical Likelihood approach we arrive at an estimate for average consumption and its confidence regions, as well as likelihood intervals. Spanish families prefer chicken to beef or pork and income is not the reason. We also study changes in consumption considering changes in income or in alternative products.Investigación parcialmente financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología a través del proyecto BEC 2001-3774