531 research outputs found

    Las parejas de hecho internacionales: Análisis de su problemática desde la perspectiva del DIPR español

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    Las parejas de hecho internacionales forman parte de una realidad cercana y que perdura en el tiempo: muchas personas de diferentes nacionalidades deciden compartir una vida en pareja, de forma estable sin celebrar matrimonio. Sin embargo, se enfrentan a una grave problemática por carecer a día de hoy en España de una regulación centralizada, que ordene de forma homogénea el régimen legal aplicable a su constitución y efectos. Pese a que el legislador europeo con instrumentos como la Directiva 2004/38/CE, de 29 de abril de 2004 y el Reglamento (UE) 2016/1104, de 24 de junio de 2016 las ha considerado modelos familiares beneficiarios del derecho a la libre circulación y residencia y aboga por la eliminación de obstáculos cuando se trata de resolver los problemas relativos a la administración o división de su patrimonio. Esta ausencia de normativa estatal ha propiciado que las CCAA, regulando de forma autónoma y descentralizada sobre las parejas de hecho, hayan generado un caos normativo que ha suscitado infinidad de críticas e incluso el reproche de inconstitucionalidad por cuestiones de competencia del Alto Tribunal.International partnerships are part of a close reality that lasts over time: many people of different nationalities decide to share a life as a couple, in a stable way without having a marriage. However, they face a serious problem due to lack of a centralized regulation in Spain, which orders the legal regime applicable to its constitution and effects homogeneously. Although the European legislator with instruments such as Directive 2004/38 / CE, of April 29, 2004 and Regulation (EU) 2016/1104, of June 24, 2016, has considered them to be family models that are beneficiaries of the right to free circulation and residence and advocates the elimination of obstacles when it comes to solving the problems related to the administration or division of their assets. This absence of state regulations has led the autonomous communities, autonomously and decentrally regulating de facto couples, to have generated a normative chaos that has provoked an infinity of criticisms and even a rebuke of unconstitutionality due to the competence of the High Court

    Well-being and satisfaction with life in students aged between 14-17 years at the Community of Madrid

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    La implicación que un adecuado manejo de las emociones supone para el desarrollo psicosocial, especialmente durante la etapa adolescente, es de suma importancia. Las personas emocionalmente inteligentes no sólo poseen una mayor capacidad para percibir, comprender y regular sus emociones, repercutiendo esto de forma positiva en su bienestar personal, sino que también son capaces de generalizar estas habilidades a las emociones de los demás favoreciendo de este modo sus relaciones sociales, familiares y personales. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la correlación entre Inteligencia Emocional y el rendimiento académico en alumnado de 3º y 4º de E.S.O. de un total de 181 estudiantes de la Comunidad de Madrid. La obtención de los datos se realizó mediante la aplicación del Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT, Mayer, Salovey y Caruso, 2001; Mayer et al., 2000) y su adaptación al castellano (Extremera y Fernández-Berrocal, 2009) y los boletines de calificaciones finales del alumnado facilitados por el centro escolar. El análisis de los datos se ha realizado con el programa SPSS v23. Los resultados muestran que existen correlaciones positivas entre Inteligencia Emocional y rendimiento académico en determinadas materias, así como diferencias significativas en función del género o las necesidades específicas de apoyo educativoThe implications that an adequate managing of the emotions has for the psychosocial development, especially during adolescence, are very important. Emotionally intelligent people not only have a greater capacity to perceive, understand and regulate their emotions, having a positive impact on their personal well-being, but they are also capable of generalizing these skills to the others emotions, thus favoring their social, family and personal relationships. The objective of this research is to analyze the correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance in students between 14 and 17 years old of a total of 181 students of the Community of Madrid. The data was obtained through the application of Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT, Mayer, Salovey y Caruso, 2001; Mayer et al., 2000) in its Spanish version (Extremera y Fernández- Berrocal, 2009), and student´s academic achievement reports provided by the school. The analysis of the data has been done with the SPSS v23 program. The results show that there are positive correlations between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance in certain scholl subjects, as well as significant differences depending on gender or specific educational support need

    Teachers’ subjective well-being and satisfaction with life

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    El Bienestar Subjetivo como aspecto indispensable de la calidad de vida, ha sido objeto de estudio durante las últimas décadas. Como consecuencia lógica, esta inquietud se ha extendido a la necesidad de investigar estos aspectos en el ámbito escolar, específicamente en la población docente. Las investigaciones acerca del bienestar docente han aumentado considerablemente debido principalmente a los cambios en el sector educativo. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el Bienestar Subjetivo y el grado de Satisfacción Vital de los profesionales que se dedican a la docencia y la influencia que tienen sobre estos factores distintas variables. Estas medidas de bienestar se han recogido de un total de 180 docentes de la Comunidad de Madrid mediante la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico para Adultos [BIEPS-A] (Casullo, 2002) y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida [SWLS] (Diener, Emmons, Larsen y Smith, 1985). El análisis de los datos se ha realizado con el programa SPSS v23. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas con respecto a la Satisfacción Vital y el Bienestar Subjetivo en las variables de género, años de experiencia y etapa educativa en la que se imparte la docenciaWell-being as an indispensable aspect of quality of life has been the object of study during the last three decades. As a logical consequence, this need has resulted in the investigation of these aspects in the school environment, specifically in the teaching staff. Research about teachers well-being have increased considerably in number, mainly due to the notable changes in the sector. The aim of this paper is to analyze the subjective well-being and satisfaction with life of the professionals who dedicate themselves to teaching in different educational stages and the influence of these variables on several aspects. These welfare measures have been collected from 180 teachers of Madrid. The instruments used to collect the data were the Psychological Well-being Scale for Adults [BIEPS-A] (Casullo, 2002) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale [SWLS] (Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Smith, 1985) and the data analysis was performed with the SPSS v23. The results reveal significant differences acording to gender, years of experience and educational grad

    HIV-1 Infection Induces Differentiation of Immature Neural Cells through Autocrine Tumor Necrosis Factor and Nitric Oxide Production

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    AbstractImmature neural cell lines could be productively infected by HIV-1. Interestingly, this infection was associated with a differentiation to a mature neuronal phenotype, characterized by the expression of mature neurofilaments and cell adhesion molecules, intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Infection also induced TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA expression, as well as the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase by neuroblastoma cells. Exogenous addition of TNF-α, but not of IL-1β or many other cytokines, including nerve growth factor, mimicked those effects induced by infection. Moreover, blocking endogenous TNF-α or NO production in cultures of infected cells with a neutralizing anti-TNF-α antibody or inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitors prevented the expression of the mature cell phenotype as well as expression of intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Addition of NO generators and TNF-α activated NF-κB- and intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1-dependent promoter transcription, whereas inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitors prevented the transcriptional activation of intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 promoter that was induced by TNF-α. Those results suggest that HIV can infect immature neural cells and this infection induces their neural development via a TNF-α- and NO-mediated mechanism

    Automatic marbling prediction of sliced dry-cured ham using image segmentation, texture analysis and regression

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    Dry-cured ham is a traditional Mediterranean meat product consumed throughout the world. This product is very variable in terms of composition and quality. Consumer’s acceptability of this product is influenced by different factors, in particular, visual intramuscular fat and its distribution across the slice, also known as marbling. On-line marbling assessment is of great interest for the industry for classification purposes. However, until now this assessment has been traditionally carried out by panels of experts and this methodology cannot be implement in industry. We propose a complete automatic system to predict marbling degree of dry-cured ham slices, which combines: (1) the color texture features of regions of interest (ROIs) extracted automatically for each muscle; and (2) machine learning models to predict the marbling. For the ROIs extraction algorithm more than the 90% of pixels of the ROI fall into the true muscle. The proposed system achieves a correlation of 0.92 using the support vector regression and a set of color texture features including statistics of each channel of RGB color image and Haralick’s coefficients of its gray-level version. The mean absolute error was 0.46, which is lower than the standard desviation (0.5) of the marbling scores evaluated by experts. This high accuracy in the marbling prediction for sliced dry-cured ham would allow to deploy its application in the dry-cured ham industryThis work has received financial support from the Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia, accreditation 2020– 2023) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund–ERDF), Project ED431G-2019/04. IRTA’s contribution was also funded by the CCLabel project (RTI-2018- 096883-R-C41) and the CERCA programme from Generalitat de CatalunyaS

    A hierarchy in the family of real surjective functions

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    This expository paper focuses on the study of extreme surjective functions in ℝℝ. We present several different types of extreme surjectivity by providing examples and crucial properties. These examples help us to establish a hierarchy within the different classes of surjectivity we deal with. The classes presented here are: everywhere surjective functions, strongly everywhere surjective functions, κ-everywhere surjective functions, perfectly everywhere surjective functions and Jones functions. The algebraic structure of the sets of surjective functions we show here is studied using the concept of lineability. In the final sections of this work we also reveal unexpected connections between the different degrees of extreme surjectivity given above and other interesting sets of functions such as the space of additive mappings, the class of mappings with a dense graph, the class of Darboux functions and the class of Sierpiński-Zygmund functions in ℝℝ

    Superior fruit total soluble solid content of red x pink F1 hybrids over nearly-isogenic parental lines

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    Comunicación realizada en el congresoPink-coloured tomatoes are reputed as good flavoured and are very popular in local markets. Pink tomatoes show a transparent, colourless fruit cuticle in contrast to the naringenin-chalcone flavonoid-rich, orange-yellow cuticle of normal, red tomatoes due to the y (colourless epidermis) recessive mutation in MYB12 gene located in chromosome 1. In order to investigate the basis of the alleged higher quality of pink vs. red tomatoes and, especially, our previous observations of good flavour in hybrids between red and pink tomato varieties, two red x pink F1 crosses between pairs of tomato near-isogenic lines were obtained, namely ‘Ailsa Craig’ wt/wt x ‘Ailsa Craig’ y/y and ‘Ponderosa Red’ wt/wt x ‘Ponderosa Red’ y/y, being the latter a pink tomato line in which y allele was introgressed from its closely related ‘Ponderosa Pink’ cultivar. The parental lines and the two F1 hybrids were grown to harvest in a greenhouse and total soluble solids (°Brix) and titratable acidity (TA) were measured in red ripe fruits. While no differences for °Brix were observed between the parents of each cross, significantly higher °Brix was measured in the two red x pink F1’s compared to their corresponding parental lines. No clear differences between parental lines and F1 crosses were shown for TA. The experiment was repeated but including also the pink x red, reciprocal F1 crosses. The overdominance for °Brix but not for TA was confirmed in the red x pink hybrids while the pink x red hybrids produced °Brix values similar to those of their parents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evolution of psychomotor development in pre-school children born prematurely

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    Introducción: En las últimas décadas, el nacimiento de niños prematuros se ha incrementado notablemente, siendo importante conocer sus efectos. El objetivo del estudio es determinar el perfil de desarrollo psicomotor de niños con antecedentes de prematuridad, a los 4, 5 y 6 años, y compararlos con un grupo de niños nacidos a término para detectar posibles desajustes. Pacientes y métodos: La muestra estaba constituida por 98 participantes, distribuidos uniformemente en 2 grupos, prematuros y a término. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo longitudinal analítico observacional con un diseño de casos y controles. Se ha considerado la división del grupo prematuro en muy prematuros y prematuros moderados y tardíos. Las evaluaciones se realizaron con las Escalas McCarthy de Aptitudes y Psicomotricidad para niños. Resultados: Los datos muestran logros dentro de los intervalos medios. No obstante, se evidencian más dificultades en el desarrollo a los 4 años en el grupo de prematuros. Atendiendo a la edad gestacional, los muy prematuros (edad gestacional menor de 32 semanas) muestran puntuaciones significativamente más bajas con respecto a los prematuros moderados y tardíos, fundamentalmente a los 6 años, y con los nacidos a término, a los 4 y 6 años. Conclusiones: A menor edad gestacional, son mayores las dificultades, pudiendo afectar en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Se considera la necesidad de efectuar un seguimiento a todos los prematuros en la etapa preescolar, así como evaluar habilidades más específicas y continuar con la atención desde equipos especializados.Introduction: The rate of premature births has significantly increased, and it is important to determine its effects. The objective of this study is to determine the psychomotor development profile of a group of children born prematurely, at the age of 4, 5 and 6, and to compare them with a group of full-term birth children, in order to detect any differences. Patients and methods: The sample consisted of 98 participants, evenly distributed into two groups, premature and full-term born children. A prospective longitudinal observational analytical study, with a design of cases and controls, was carried out. For some analyses, the separation into early pre-term, moderate pre-term, and late pre-term was considered. The evaluations were performed using the McCarthy Scale of Aptitudes and Psychomotor skills for children. Results: The data shows achievements within the middle intervals. However, there are more difficulties in development at 4 years in the group of premature children, according to gestational age. Early pre-term (gestational age less than 32 weeks) showed significantly lower scores compared to moderate and late pre-term, mainly at 6 years, and with those born at term, at 4 and 6 years. Conclusions: Development difficulties are greater at a lower gestational age, and may affect the Primary Education stage. The need to monitor all premature children in the preschool stage is suggested, as well as to evaluate more specific skills and continue with the care from specialist teams.Consejería de Salud. Junta de Andalucía PI-0397/200

    Deaf bilingual education: key tenets for strategic change

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    Pese a los progresos logrados en la protección de los derechos fundamentales de salud y educación de las personas sordas usuarias de las lenguas de signos, a menudo se sigue negando a niños sordos su derecho a aprender y usar las lenguas de signos en su educación y en entornos físicos y psicosociales accesibles de conformidad con la Convención de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD) y con las recientes leyes 27/2007 y 17/2007. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue obtener información sobre los factores estratégicos que favorecen una escuela saludable e inclusiva, mediante programas de educación bilingüe sostenibles y de calidad para escolares sordos en España. La metodología utilizada consistió en un estudio descriptivo con componentes de investigación-acción participativa y un enfoque de análisis estratégico. Como resultados, cabe destacar que las principales macrotendencias que, en el ámbito internacional, han promovido el cambio hacia prácticas bilingües son dos: en primer lugar, los cambios sociales y políticos que tienden a una creciente aceptación de la diversidad y los temas relacionados con las personas sordas; y en segundo lugar, una tendencia a un activismo, una autoconciencia y un apoderamiento crecientes por parte de las personas sordas. Como contrapartida, las que lo han obstaculizado son, por un lado, la visión de la sordera como una condición médica, que puede solucionarse mediante la tecnología; y por otro lado, el fonocentrismo, unido a una cierta resistencia social a lo desconocido. Aunque en España algunas de las escuelas que han iniciado el cambio cumplen las recomendaciones de la CDPD, la mayoría están todavía en una fase preliminar de formulación o puesta en práctica de este nuevo modelo y distan mucho de encontrarse distribuidas de manera igualitaria en las diferentes comunidades autónomas. Como conclusión podemos decir que conseguir una educación más saludable e inclusiva para los escolares sordos implica poner en marcha una estrategia de actuación planificada en la que participen activamente todos los sectores y organismos relevantes implicados y, en particular, las comunidades sordas a través de las organizaciones que las representan. Sin un cambio radical de perspectiva, la salud y la educación no serán accesibles a todos y las desigualdades sociales se verán acentuadas.Although progress has been made in protecting deaf sign language users’ fundamental rights to health and education, all too often deaf children are still denied the right to learn and use sign languages in their education and in accessible physical and psycho-social environments in accordance with both the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and recent Spanish laws (Act 27/2007 and Act 17/2007). The main objective of the present study was to collect information about some strategic factors that may facilitate healthy, inclusive schooling through sustainable, high-quality deaf bilingual programmes in Spain. A descriptive study was conducted, with some components of participatory action research and a strategic analysis framework. The two main megatrends found to have spurred the current change toward bilingual education in order of priority are: (1) societal and political changes towards a growing acceptance of diversity and Deaf issues and (2) growing Deaf activism, selfawareness and empowerment. The two main hindering megatrends are: (1) the view of deafness as a medical condition with a technological solution and (2) phonocentrism and societal resistance to the unknown. Although some schools have achieved CRPD-recommended standards, the majority of deaf bilingual programmes in Spain are still in a very early stage of formulation and implementation and are far from being equally distributed across the country. Transforming schools into healthier, more inclusive settings for deaf children implies the implementation of a well-planned strategy involving the active participation of relevant sectors and organizations, particularly deaf communities through their representative organizations. Unless there is a radical change of perspective, health and education will not be available to all, and therefore social inequalities will increase.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Vicerrectorado de Alumnado; y Grupo de Investigación en Salud Pública de la Universidad de Alicante

    Autologous platelet-rich plasma (APRP) in diabetes foot disease: a meta-analysis

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    Introduction This study will explore the effectiveness of autologous platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of diabetic foot disease compared to conventional treatments, based on the ulcer healing rate. Methods The electronic databases of PubMed, EMBASE, and WOS internet were searched. Evaluated outcome rate of complete ulcer healing. Statistical analysis was performed with RevMan 5.0 software and SPSS 25.0. Results Eleven RCTs with 828 patients were included in this study. The meta-analysis showed a higher complete ulcer healing rate (OR = 3.69, 95 % CI 2.62 to 5.20, P < 0.01, I2 = 0 %) in growth factors based in autologous platelech-rich plasma (aPRP) group compared with control. Mixed evidence was seen for publication bias, but analyses by using the trim-and-fill method did not appreciably alter results. Conclusion Autologous platelet-rich plasma can improve the complete healing rate of the ulcer compared to current conventional treatments in diabetic foot ulcer patients.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU