8 research outputs found

    Methodological contribution to the measurement of spatial development : the territorial development reports of Andalucía, Spain

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    Los conceptos de cohesión, diversidad y desarrollo territorial han ido ganando progresiva importancia durante los últimos años en el debate sobre las políticas públicas a aplicar sobre el territorio, en especial en el seno de la Unión Europea. Este artículo plantea una clarificación terminológica de los mismos y una aproximación metodológica a su medición, centrándose en la experiencia desarrollada con los Informes de Desarrollo Territorial de Andalucía.The concepts of cohesion, diversity and spatial development have gained increasing importance in the debate on public policies in recent years, in particular within the European Union context. This article raises a terminological clarification of these concepts, as well as a methodological approach to its measurement, focusing on the experience gained with the Spatial Development Reports of Andalusia (Spain).Fil: Pita, M. F,. Universidad de SevillaFil: Pedregal, B.. Universidad de SevillaFil: Torres, J.F.. Universidad de SevillaFil: Fernández-Tabales, A.. Universidad de Sevill

    Empty Urbanism: the bursting of the Spanish housing bubble

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    The depth of the Spanish housing crisis manifests itself in the collapse of construction activity and in the amount of housing and land stocks. The geography of the crisis shows its widespread nature, and the intensity of the previous bubble explains spatial differences. Resulting from this collapse are some problematic areas of 'empty urbanism'. An enormous land bubble, emerging from the peculiar Spanish urban development model, was a key factor in the impacts - caused by the crisis - on the territory and land-use plans. The crisis has demonstrated the unsustainability of this and the urgency of change in the existing land-use plans

    A catalogue of Spanish archaeomagnetic data

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    International audienceA total of 58 new archaeomagnetic directions has been determined from archaeological structures in Spain. Together with five previous results they allow the compilation of the first archaeomagnetic catalogue for Spain, which includes 63 directions with ages ranging between the 2nd century BC and the 20th century AD. Characteristic remanence directions have been obtained from stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization. The hierarchical structure has been respected in the calculation of the mean site directions. Rock magnetic experiments reveal that the main magnetic carrier is magnetite or titanomagnetite with different titanium contents. The age estimate of the studied structures is generally well justified by archaeological constraints. For six structures the proposed date is also supported by physical methods. The data are in close agreement with the French secular variation (SV) curve. This catalogue represents the first step in the construction of a SV curve for the Iberian Peninsula, which will be of much use in archaeomagnetic dating and in modelling of the Earth's magnetic field in Western Europe


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    In a time of great changes, university teaching is not alien to the challenges and needs that the society in which it develops its activity poses. The role of women as a dynamic agent of economic activity plays a special role. In this sense, the university should try to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among the students. According to this, this project is oriented towards the development of teaching material for the visibility of female entrepreneurship cases. The teaching material has materialized in a book in editing process coedited by the social council of the University of Córdoba and the publishing house Tirant lo Blanc (indexed in the first quartile of the SPI index). This material provides a selection of real and varied cases that the student can consult, thus becoming an essential didactic complement in the Business Creation Course. In the medium term, this book, through its continuous use in future courses, could allow to track and measure response rates entrepreneurial intention among students.En un momento de grandes cambios, la docencia universitaria no se encuentra ajena a los retos y necesidades planteados por la sociedad en la que desenvuelve su actividad. Juega una especial importancia el papel de la mujer como agente dinamizador de la actividad económica. En este sentido la universidad debe de tratar de fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre el alumnado. Según esto, este proyecto se orienta hacia la elaboración de material docente para la mejora de la visibilización del rol empresarial de la mujer mediante la elaboración de casos de emprendimiento femenino. El material docente se ha materializado en un libro coeditado por el Consejo Social de la universidad de Córdoba, la Fundación Caja Rural del Sur y la editorial Tirant lo Blanc (indexada en el primer cuartil del índice SPI). Dicho material proporciona una variada selección de casos reales que el alumno puede consultar convirtiéndose así en un complemento didáctico esencial en la Asignatura de Creación de Empresas. Además, a medio plazo, este libro, mediante su continua utilización en próximos cursos, podría permitir hacer un seguimiento y medición de las tasas de respuesta en intención emprendedora entre los alumnos

    The potential of international coastal mass tourism destinations to generate creative capital

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    This paper introduces a new line of research in international coastal mass tourism destinations. Such destinations have started to function in a more complex and potentially beneficial way, acting as transitional areas between the global city and local territory while at the same time developing their own unique characteristics. From this perspective, such destinations can potentially become environments for creativity and innovation, two factors that act as economic driving forces in the so-called “knowledge society”, thereby promoting the sustainable development of the destination from a socioeconomic perspective. The methodology used herein develops 10 indicators that are calculated and mapped out for two case studies which examine the same geographical context and comparable populations in order to demonstrate the creative capacity of a location whose economy is heavily reliant on tourism. The results show that tourist destinations have greater potential for generating creative capital than non-tourist destinations. Therefore, the consolidation of international mass tourism destinations as creative and innovative spaces which are capable of generating creative capital without losing their competitiveness as tourist destinations merits a reconception of their current role in global-local networks.Esta investigación ha contado con el apoyo del Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía TECH, promovido por las Universidades de Sevilla (US) y Málaga (UMA), y también ha contado con el apoyo parcial del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de España: Proyecto de Investigación de Innovación MTM 2010-14992 Programación Multiobjetivo Interactiva basada en técnicas de puntos de referencia y su aplicación a la sostenibilidad y el cambio climático en España y Proyecto de Investigación CSO2012-30840 Geografías de la Crisis: Un análisis de los espacios urbano-turísticos de Baleares, Costa del Sol y los destinos turísticos más importantes del Caribe y Centroamérica. Esta obra se incluye en el polo de turismo y desarrollo territorial de Andalucía TECH para la innovación y transformación del turismo

    Toledo entre Europa y al‐Andalus en el siglo XIII. Revolución, tradición y asimilación de las formas artísticas en la Corona de Castilla

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    Multicriteria decision making for sustainable development: A systematic review

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