4,449 research outputs found

    Trace elements and C and N isotope composition in two mushroom species from a mine-spill contaminated site

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    Fungi play a key role in the functioning of soil in terrestrial ecosystems, and in particular in the remediation of degraded soils. The contribution of fungi to carbon and nutrient cycles, along with their capability to mobilise soil trace elements, is well-known. However, the importance of life history strategy for these functions has not yet been thoroughly studied. This study explored the soil-fungi relationship of two wild edible fungi, the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria laccata and the saprotroph Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. Fruiting bodies and surrounding soils in a mine-spill contaminated area were analysed. Isotope analyses revealed Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies were 15N-enriched when compared to Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, likely due to the transfer of 15N-depleted compounds to their host plant. Moreover, Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies δ13C values were closer to host plant values than surrounding soil, while Volvopluteus gloiocephalus matched the δ13C composition to that of the soil. Fungal species presented high bioaccumulation and concentrations of Cd and Cu in their fruiting bodies. Human consumption of these fruiting bodies may represent a toxicological risk due to their elevated Cd concentrations

    Tutories de comunicacio intercultural per a la mobilitat internacional (alemany)

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    El projecte d´innovació docent que es presenta es porta a terme a la Facultat d´Economia i Empresa de la UB, i té com a objectiu desenvolupar la competència intercultural dels estudiants de mobilitat internacional (outgoers espanyols/catalans - incomers de païssos de parla alemanya) abans i durant la seva estada. Es presentaran les dues primeres fases del projecte, que consisteix en la realització de dues sessions presencials de tutories entre iguals i sensibilització i el treball en tàndems

    Differences in the relative roles of environment, prey availability and human activity in the spatial distribution of two marine mesopredators living in highly exploited ecosystems

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    Aim Identifying the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of marine predators is essential in order to evaluate their distribution patterns, predict the potential impact of human activities on their populations and design accurate management actions. This information is also valuable from a more general management perspective, since marine predators are often considered indicators of habitat quality. In this context, we aimed to determine the degree to which environmental features, prey availability and human activities interact and influence spatial distribution of two marine mesopredator elasmobranchs, the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) and the Mediterranean starry ray (Raja asterias), living in a highly human-exploited environment. Location Mediterranean Sea. Methods With information obtained from an extended experimental survey we investigated the relative importance of environmental variables, prey availability and human activities on the spatial distribution of the abundance, biomass and occurrence rate of these marine mesopredators using deviance partitioning analyses. Results Our results revealed that environmental variables were the most important factors explaining the spatial distribution of Mediterranean starry ray, whereas small-spotted catshark distribution was also influenced by prey availability and human factors. From a management point of view, these findings suggest that Mediterranean starry ray could be a good candidate as an indicator species of demersal environmental quality. On the other hand, the distribution of the small-spotted catshark, which responds in an interactive and complex way to environment, prey availability and particular human activities, may be misleading as an environmental indicator. Main conclusions The spatial distribution of elasmobranchs in highly human-impacted marine areas can reflect the interactive and combined effects of multiple factors. To avoid misunderstandings, attention should be paid to statistical procedures allowing the separation of pure and joint contribution of the factors driving the observed spatial patternsPeer reviewe

    Temporal variability of diazotroph community composition in the upwelling region off NW Iberia.

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    Knowledge of the ecology of N2-fixing (diazotrophic) plankton is mainly limited to oligotrophic (sub)tropical oceans. However, diazotrophs are widely distributed and active throughout the global ocean. Likewise, relatively little is known about the temporal dynamics of diazotrophs in productive areas. Between February 2014 and December 2015, we carried out 9 one-day samplings in the temperate northwestern Iberian upwelling system to investigate the temporal and vertical variability of the diazotrophic community and its relationship with hydrodynamic forcing. In downwelling conditions, characterized by deeper mixed layers and a homogeneous water column, non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs belonging mainly to nifH clusters 1G (Gammaproteobacteria) and 3 (putative anaerobes) dominated the diazotrophic community. In upwelling and relaxation conditions, affected by enhanced vertical stratification and hydrographic variability, the community was more heterogeneous vertically but less diverse, with prevalence of UCYN-A (unicellular cyanobacteria, subcluster 1B) and non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs from clusters 1G and 3. Oligotyping analysis of UCYN-A phylotype showed that UCYN-A2 sublineage was the most abundant (74%), followed by UCYN-A1 (23%) and UCYN-A4 (2%). UCYN-A1 oligotypes exhibited relatively low frequencies during the three hydrographic conditions, whereas UCYN-A2 showed higher abundances during upwelling and relaxation. Our findings show the presence of a diverse and temporally variable diazotrophic community driven by hydrodynamic forcing in an upwelling system

    Lay Concept of Aging Well According to Age: A ReAnalysis

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    Thus, as the document Futurage (2011), published as a Research Road Map in Europe, stated: “there is an urgent need to explore through multi-disciplinary and multi-country studies, involving qualitative and quantitative components, how older people themselves define healthy aging, including the oldest old.”Peer Reviewe

    When invasion biology meets taxonomy: Clavelina oblonga (Ascidiacea) is an old invader in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Taxonomic issues often confound the study of invasive species, which sometimes are unrecognized as introduced in newly colonized areas. Clavelina oblonga Herdman, 1880 is an abundant ascidian species along the southeastern coast of the United States and the Caribbean Sea. It was introduced into the eastern Atlantic and Brazil decades ago. In the Mediterranean Sea, a similar species had been described as C. phlegraea Salfi 1929 and reported from southern Italy and Corsica. In the last few years a species of Clavelina has proliferated in the embayments of the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean), a zone of active bivalve culture industry where it has smothered mussel spat, leading to economic loss. We here report the morphological and genetic identity of this species, synonymizing the Atlantic C. oblonga and the Mediterranean C. phlegraea (the latter therefore is a synonym of the former). Thus, C. oblonga has existed in the Mediterranean for over 80 years, but was known under a different name. We also found this species in natural habitats in the Iberian Atlantic coast close to the Strait of Gibraltar, raising concerns about an ongoing expansion. In order to obtain information relevant for management, we monitored growth, reproductive cycles and settlement patterns of this ascidian on bivalve cultures in the Ebro Delta. Its biological cycles were markedly seasonal, with peak abundance and reproduction during the warmest months, followed by regression during the cold season. The settlement period was short, mostly concentrated in a single month each year. Avoidance of mussel and oyster seeding during late summer and early autumn can readily reduce the damage caused by this species

    Training in Rhythmic Gymnastics during the pandemic

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    [Abstract]: The pandemic caused by the COVID 19 Virus creates an unprecedented situation of global confinement altering the development of competition and sports training at all levels of participation and in all sports, including rhythmic gymnastics (RG). To avoid possible effects of physical, technical and psychological detraining, coaches looked for home training alternatives. The objectives of the study were to know how rhythmic gymnastics training developed during the lockdown period (the conditions, type of training, performance monitoring means, and determinants of gymnasts’ participation) and to provide recommendations for a possible future lockdown. Three hundred and two RG coaches from twenty-six different countries throughout the five continents and four professional levels took part in the study: national team (28), international (26), national (172) and regional (75). The data collection tool was a questionnaire consisting of 39 closed questions structured in three dimensions: identification data of the coaches, training data during confinement and gymnast participation data. The independent variable was the gymnasts’ performance levels and the dependent variables organized in four categories: the technical media used to conduct and monitor the training sessions, the type of training done, the mechanisms for monitoring training performance and the aspects that determined participation. Most coaches kept their gymnasts training during confinement, although 76.5% confirm abandonment of any of their gymnasts. The main means used were real-time video conferencing, although at the lower practice levels the media stand out in deferred time. The contents of the training were mainly body technique, physical preparation and body difficulties. For performance monitoring, challenges, physical, and technical tests were predominant. The determinants for the development of training in the confinement vary depending on the level of the gymnasts, connectivity and electronic resources at the highest level, and the availability of spaces and social distancing at lower levels. For future lockdowns, it is necessary to review the content of the trainings, as well as the performance evaluation and the means necessary for it

    Gender inequality and violence against women in Spain, 2006-2014: towards a civilized society

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    ABSTRACT. Objective: Considering both the economic crisis of 2008 and the Gender Equality Law (2007), this study analyses the association between gender inequality in Spanish Autonomous Communities (AC) and intimate partner violence (IPV) from 2006 to 2014 in terms of socio-demographic characteristics. Methods: Ecological study in the 17 Spanish AC on the correlation between the reported cases by IPV and deaths and the Gender Inequality Index and its dimensions: empowerment, participation in the labour market and adolescent birth rates; and their correlation with Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Results: In 2006, IPV mortality rates were higher in autonomous communities with greater gender inequality than AC with more equality (4.1 vs. 2.5 × 106 women >14 years), as were reporting rates of IPV (OR = 1.49; 95% CI: 1.47-1.50). In 2014, the IPV mortality rates in AC with greater gender inequality fell to just below the mortality rates in AC with more gender equality (2.5 vs. 2.7 × 106 women >14 years). Rates of IPV reports also decreased (OR = 1.22; 95% CI: 1.20-1.23). Adolescent birth rates were most associated with IPV reports, which were also associated with the burden of NEET by AC ( 2006 = 0.494, 2014 = 0.615). Conclusion: Gender-sensitive policies may serve as a platform for reduced mortality and reports of IPV in Spain, particularly in AC with more gender inequality. A reduction of NEET may reduce adolescent birth rates and in turn IPV rates.RESUMEN. Objetivo: Considerando la crisis económica de 2008 y la Ley de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres (2007), se analiza la asociación entre la desigualdad de género de las comunidades autónomas (CCAA) españolas con la violencia del compañero íntimo (VCI) en 2006 y 2014, respecto a características sociodemográficas. Métodos: Estudio ecológico en las 17 CCAA sobre la asociación entre las muertes y denuncias por VCI y el Índice de Desigualdad de Género y sus dimensiones: empoderamiento, participación en el mercado laboral y tasas de fecundidad de adolescentes; y su asociación con jóvenes que ni estudian ni trabajan. Resultados: En 2006, las CCAA con mayor desigualdad de género sufrieron tasas de mortalidad por VCI superiores que las de mayor igualdad (4,1 frente a 2,5 × 106 mujeres >14 años), y también las denuncias fueron más (odds ratio [OR]: 1,49; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 1,47-1,50). En 2014, disminuyeron las tasas de mortalidad por VCI en las CCAA con mayor desigualdad de género, situándose ligeramente por debajo de las de más igualdad (2,5 frente a 2,7 × 106 mujeres >14 años). Las denuncias también disminuyeron (OR: 1,22; IC95%: 1,20-1,23). La fecundidad de las adolescentes es la dimensión más asociada con las denuncias por VCI, asociadas al porcentaje de jóvenes que ni estudian ni trabajan por CCAA ( 2006 = 0,494, 2014 = 0,615). Conclusión: Las políticas con perspectiva de género pueden ser la base de la reducción de la mortalidad y de las denuncias por VCI en España, y aún más en las CCAA con más desigualdad de género. Reducir la cantidad de jóvenes que ni estudian ni trabajan puede disminuir la fecundidad adolescente y los índices de VCI

    Seasonal patterns of settlement and growth of introduced and native ascidians in bivalve cultures in the Ebro Delta (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    Ascidians are important both as invasive species and as a fouling group in artificial marine habitats, causing negative impacts in aquaculture settings and the surrounding environment. The Ebro Delta is one of the major centres of bivalve production in the Mediterranean and is affected by proliferation of ascidian species (mostly introduced forms). Knowledge of the patterns of settlement and growth of the fouling species is mandatory to attempt mitigation measures. Settlement PVC plates were deployed from May to September 2015 at different depths (0.2, 1 and 2 m) in the Ebro Delta oyster aquaculture facilities. The occurrences of all species and the area cover of a selected subset of 6 species were monitored on a monthly basis from June 2015 to December 2016. Fifteen species were found, of which 10 are introduced. There were some differences between the deployed plates and the oyster ropes in species abundance and composition, likely due to differences in substrate complexity. For instance, Didemnum vexillum and Clavelina oblonga occurred in few plates in contrast to their abundance on oysters. The most abundant species were Styela plicata and Clavelina lepadiformis, which together with Ecteinascidia turbinata showed a preference to grow on plates deployed in May and June. Most of the species grew more at 0.2 m depth than at deeper plates. Thus, to minimise fouling on bivalves, spat immersion during fall and below 1 m depth is recommended. The number of occurrences and cover of the species was found to be similarly informative; suggesting that a periodic monitoring of species occurrence on replicate plates is sufficient for detecting new introduced species as soon as possible and will provide information useful for management

    Hyper-Cross-Linked Porous Polymer Featuring B−N Covalent Bonds (HCP-BNs): A Stable and Efficient Metal-Free Heterogeneous Photocatalyst

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    The first example of a porous polymer containing B-Ncovalentbonds, prepared from a tetraphene B-N monomer and biphenylas a comonomer, is reported. It was prepared using the solvent knittingstrategy, which allows the connection between the aromatic rings ofthe two monomers through methylene groups provided by an externalcross-linking agent. The new polymer exhibited micromeso porositywith an S (BET) of 612 m(2)/g, highthermal stability, and potential properties as a heterogeneous photocatalyst,since it is very active in the aza-Henry coupling reaction (>98%ofconversion and selectivity). After the first run, the catalyst improvesits photocatalytic activity, shortening the reaction time to only2 h and maintaining this activity in successive runs. The presenceof a radical in this structure that remains stable with successiveruns makes it a new type of material with potential applications asa highly stable and efficient photocatalyst.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad de Madri