21,294 research outputs found

    Natural and laser-induced cavitation in corn stems: On the mechanisms of acoustic emissions

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    Water in plant xylem is often superheated, and therefore in a meta-stable state. Under certain conditions, it may suddenly turn from the liquid to the vapor state. This cavitation process produces acoustic emissions. We report the measurement of ultrasonic acoustic emissions (UAE) produced by natural and induced cavitation in corn stems. We induced cavitation and UAE in vivo, in well controlled and reproducible experiments, by irradiating the bare stem of the plants with a continuous-wave laser beam. By tracing the source of UAE, we were able to detect absorption and frequency filtering of the UAE propagating through the stem. This technique allows the unique possibility of studying localized embolism of plant conduits, and thus to test hypotheses on the hydraulic architecture of plants. Based on our results, we postulate that the source of UAE is a transient "cavity oscillation" triggered by the disruptive effect of cavitation inception.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Single-photon exchange interaction in a semiconductor microcavity

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    We consider the effective coupling of localized spins in a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. The lowest cavity mode and the quantum dot exciton are coupled and close in energy, forming a polariton. The fermions forming the exciton interact with localized spins via exchange. Exact diagonalization of a Hamiltonian in which photons, spins and excitons are treated quantum mechanically shows that {\it a single polariton} induces a sizable indirect exchange interaction between otherwise independent spins. The origin, symmetry properties and the intensity of that interaction depend both on the dot-cavity coupling and detuning. In the case of a (Cd,Mn)Te quantum dot, Mn-Mn ferromagnetic coupling mediated by a single photon survives above 1 K whereas the exciton mediated coupling survives at 15 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Apsidal motion in massive close binary systems. I. HD 165052 an extreme case?

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    We present a new set of radial-velocity measurements of the spectroscopic binary HD 165052 obtained by disentangling of high-resolution optical spectra. The longitude of the periastron (60 +- 2 degrees) shows a variation with respect to previous studies. We have determined the apsidal motion rate of the system (12.1 +- 0.3 degree/yr), which was used to calculate the absolute masses of the binary components: M_1 = 22.5 +- 1.0 and M_2 = 20.5 +- 0.9 solar masses. Analysing the separated spectra we have re-classified the components as O7Vz and O7.5Vz stars

    2D granular flows with the μ(I)\mu(I) rheology and side walls friction: a well balanced multilayer discretization

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    We present here numerical modelling of granular flows with the μ(I)\mu(I) rheology in confined channels. The contribution is twofold: (i) a model to approximate the Navier-Stokes equations with the μ(I)\mu(I) rheology through an asymptotic analysis. Under the hypothesis of a one-dimensional flow, this model takes into account side walls friction; (ii) a multilayer discretization following Fern\'andez-Nieto et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 798, 2016, pp. 643-681). In this new numerical scheme, we propose an appropriate treatment of the rheological terms through a hydrostatic reconstruction which allows this scheme to be well-balanced and therefore to deal with dry areas. Based on academic tests, we first evaluate the influence of the width of the channel on the normal profiles of the downslope velocity thanks to the multilayer approach that is intrinsically able to describe changes from Bagnold to S-shaped (and vice versa) velocity profiles. We also check the well balance property of the proposed numerical scheme. We show that approximating side walls friction using single-layer models may lead to strong errors. Secondly, we compare the numerical results with experimental data on granular collapses. We show that the proposed scheme allows us to qualitatively reproduce the deposit in the case of a rigid bed (i. e. dry area) and that the error made by replacing the dry area by a small layer of material may be large if this layer is not thin enough. The proposed model is also able to reproduce the time evolution of the free surface and of the flow/no-flow interface. In addition, it reproduces the effect of erosion for granular flows over initially static material lying on the bed. This is possible when using a variable friction coefficient μ(I)\mu(I) but not with a constant friction coefficient

    Broadening of H2_2O rotational lines by collision with He atoms at low temperature

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    We report pressure broadening coefficients for the 21 electric-dipole transitions between the eight lowest rotational levels of ortho-H2_2O and para-H2_2O molecules by collisions with He at temperatures from 20 to 120 K. These coefficients are derived from recently published experimental state-to-state rate coefficients for H2_2O:He inelastic collisions, plus an elastic contribution from close coupling calculations. The resulting coefficients are compared to the available experimental data. Mostly due to the elastic contribution, the pressure broadening coefficients differ much from line to line, and increase markedly at low temperature. The present results are meant as a guide for future experiments and astrophysical observations.Comment: 2 figures, 2 table

    Mass and width of the d′d' resonance in nuclei

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    We calculated the mass and width of the d′d' resonance inside nuclei within a nucleon-Δ\Delta model by including the self-energy of the Δ\Delta in the NΔN\Delta propagator. We found that in the nuclear medium the width of the d′d' is increased by one order of magnitude while its mass changes only by a few MeV. This broadening of the width of the d′d' resonance embedded in nuclei is consistent with the experimental observations so that the d′d' can be understood as a NΔN\Delta resonance. Thus, given the freedom between either isospin 0 or isospin 2 for the d′d', our results give weigth to the isospin-2 assignment.Comment: 14 pages, RevteX type, 2 eps figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. C (September

    A family of complex potentials with real spectrum

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    We consider a two-parameter non hermitean quantum-mechanical hamiltonian that is invariant under the combined effects of parity and time reversal transformation. Numerical investigation shows that for some values of the potential parameters the hamiltonian operator supports real eigenvalues and localized eigenfunctions. In contrast with other PT symmetric models, which require special integration paths in the complex plane, our model is integrable along a line parallel to the real axis.Comment: Six figures and four table

    A two-layer shallow water model for bedload sediment transport: convergence to Saint-Venant-Exner model

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    A two-layer shallow water type model is proposed to describe bedload sediment transport. The upper layer is filled by water and the lower one by sediment. The key point falls on the definition of the friction laws between the two layers, which are a generalization of those introduced in Fern\'andez-Nieto et al. (ESAIM: M2AN, 51:115-145, 2017). This definition allows to apply properly the two-layer shallow water model for the case of intense and slow bedload sediment transport. Moreover, we prove that the two-layer model converges to a Saint-Venant-Exner system (SVE) including gravitational effects when the ratio between the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic time scales is small. The SVE with gravitational effects is a degenerated nonlinear parabolic system. This means that its numerical approximation is very expensive from a computational point of view, see for example T. Morales de Luna et al. (J. Sci. Comp., 48(1): 258-273, 2011). In this work, gravitational effects are introduced into the two-layer system without such extra computational cost. Finally, we also consider a generalization of the model that includes a non-hydrostatic pressure correction for the fluid layer and the boundary condition at the sediment surface. Numerical tests show that the model provides promising results and behave well in low transport rate regimes as well as in many other situations

    Formal deduction of the Saint-Venant-Exner model including arbitrarily sloping sediment beds and associated energy

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    In this work we present a deduction of the Saint-Venant-Exner model through an asymptotic analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations. A multi-scale analysis is performed in order to take into account that the velocity of the sediment layer is smaller than the one of the fluid layer. This leads us to consider a shallow water type system for the fluid layer and a lubrication Reynolds equation for the sediment one. This deduction provides some improvements with respect to the classical Saint-Venant-Exner model: (i) the deduced model has an associated energy. Moreover, it allows us to explain why classical models do not have an associated energy and how to modify them in order to recover a model with this property. (ii) The model incorporates naturally a necessary modification that must be taken into account in order to be applied to arbitrarily sloping beds. Furthermore, we show that this modification is different of the ones considered classically, and that it coincides with a classical one only if the solution has a constant free surface. (iii) The deduced solid transport discharge naturally depends on the thickness of the moving sediment layer, what allows to ensure sediment mass conservation. Moreover, we include a simplified version of the model for the case of quasi-stationary regimes. Some of these simplified models correspond to the generalization of classical ones such as Meyer-Peter&\&M\"uller and Ashida-Michiue models. Three numerical tests are presented to study the evolution of a dune for several definition of the repose angle, to see the influence of the proposed definition of the effective shear stress in comparison with the classical one, and by comparing with experimental data.Comment: 44 pages, sumbitted to Advances in Water Resources 17 july 201
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