167 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Promosi, Kualitas Pelayanan, Dan Fasilitas Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Wisatawan Di Pantai Ngliyep Kabupaten Malang

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of promotion, service quality, and facilities on the interest of tourists visiting Ngliyep Beach, Malang Regency. This research uses the method of distributing questionnaires or questions, quantitative types. The results of the respondent's recap in the research were 91 respondents and the data correction using the SPSS computer program. The validity and reliability have been fulfilled in the research. Classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing, and analysis of the coefficient of determination are included in the study as a data analysis tool. Variable Interest in visiting is the dependent variable, the independent variable is Promotion, Service Quality, and Facilities. The results of the study stated that Promotion, Service Quality, and Facilities had a simultaneous and partial effect on Tourist Visiting Interest. Keywords: Promotion, Service Quality, Facilities, Tourist Visiting Interes

    Vocalista Harmonic Choir: Konsep dan Peran Show Choir Paduan Suara

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    Fenomena Show Choir merupakan hal yang menarik dalam proses perkembangan sebuah kegiatan bermusik dalam bentuk paduan suara. Paduan suara merupakan proses musikal dalam bermain musik dengan cara menggabungkan beberapa suara yaitu Sopran, Alto, Tenor, dan Bass atau biasa disingkat dengan SATB. Proses olah suara dalam bentuk paduan suara sudah banyak diteliti, akan tetapi untuk proses pengolahan paduan suara sebagai pertunjukan yang menggunakan kososep Show Choir masih sangat jarang untuk dibahas. Istilah Show Choir muncul saat perlombaan pertunjukan paduan suara dan saat ini menjadi sebuah fenomena dalam festival paduan suara. Konsep Show Choir dapat membentuk sebuah paduan suara menjadi pertunjukan yang menarik jadi sangat penting bila diaplikasikan pada bagian proses pembelajaran paduan suara. Fenomena Show Choir biasanya dilakukan pada saat kompetisi atau lomba paduan suara. Jadi sangat perlu bagaimana untuk mengetahui sebuah konsep Show Choir pada paduan suara dalam festival choir. Konsep Show Choir sangat bermanfaat bagi para pemusik yang menggeluti bidang paduan suara. Selain itu memahami sebuah konsep Show Choir juga bermanfaat membentuk sebuah penampilan musik yang berupa paduan suara lebih menarik dan perlu diterapkan pada sebuah pembelajaran musik pada paduan suara baik untuk peserta didik baik tingkat anak-anak hingga tingkat professional, formal maupun non formalAbstractThe Show Choir phenomenon is an interesting thing in the process of developing a musical activity in the form of a choir. The choir is a musical process in playing music by combining several sounds namely Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass or commonly abbreviated as SATB. The process of choir processing in the form of choirs has widely studied, but for the process of choir processing as a performance that uses the Show Choir concept is still very rare to be discussed. The term Show Choir emerged during the choir performance competition and is now a phenomenon in the choir festival. The concept of Show Choir can form a choir into an interesting show, so it is very important when applied to the choir learning process. The Show Choir phenomenon is usually carried out during a choir competition or competition. So it is very necessary how to find out a Show Choir concept on choir in choir festival. The concept of Show Choir is very useful for musicians who are in the field of choir. Besides understanding a Show Choir concept it is also useful to form a musical performance in the form of choir which is more interesting and needs to applied to music learning in the choir both for students at the level of children to professional, formal and non-formal.Keywords: show choir; choir; sho

    Invasive earthworms modulate native plant trait expression and competition

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    Biological invasions have major impacts on a variety of ecosystems and threaten native biodiversity. Earthworms have been absent from northern parts of North America since the last ice age, but non-native earthworms were recently introduced there and are now being spread by human activities. While past work has shown that plant communities in earthworm-invaded areas change towards a lower diversity mainly dominated by grasses, the underlying mechanisms related to changes in the biotic interactions of the plants are not well understood. Here, we used a trait-based approach to study the effect of earthworms on interspecific plant competition and aboveground herbivory. We conducted a microcosm experiment in a growth chamber with a full-factorial design using three plant species native to northern North American deciduous forests, Poa palustris (grass), Symphyotrichum laeve (herb) and Vicia americana (legume), either growing in monoculture or in a mixture of three. These plant community treatments were crossed with earthworm (presence or absence) and herbivore (presence or absence) treatments. Eight out of the fourteen above- and belowground plant functional traits studied were significantly affected by earthworms, either by a general effect or in interaction with plant species identity, plant diversity level and/or herbivore presence. Earthworms increased the aboveground productivity and the number of inflorescences of the grass P. palustris. Further, earthworms and herbivores together affected root tissue density of P. palustris and the specific leaf area of V. americana. In this study, earthworm presence gave a competitive advantage to the grass species P. palustris by inducing changes in plant functional traits. Our results suggest that invasive earthworms can alter competitive and multitrophic interactions of plants, shedding light on some of the mechanisms behind invasive earthworm-induced plant community changes in northern North America forests.NE, LT and RS acknowledge funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG Ei 862/18-1). Authors also acknowledge the support of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG–FZT 118, 202548816). Moreover, NE acknowledges funding by DFG (Ei 862/29-1 and Ei 862/31-1) as well as by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 677232)

    Do Invasive Earthworms Affect the Functional Traits of Native Plants?

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    As ecosystem engineers, invasive earthworms are one of the main drivers of plant community changes in North American forests previously devoid of earthworms. One explanation for these community changes is the effects of earthworms on the reproduction, recruitment, and development of plant species. However, few studies have investigated functional trait responses of native plants to earthworm invasion to explain the mechanisms underlying community changes. In a mesocosm (Ecotron) experiment, we set up a plant community composed of two herb and two grass species commonly found in northern North American forests under two earthworm treatments (presence vs. absence). We measured earthworm effects on above- and belowground plant biomass and functional traits after 3 months of experiment. Our results showed that earthworm presence did not significantly affect plant community biomass and cover. Furthermore, only four out of the fifteen above- and belowground traits measured were affected by earthworm presence. While some traits, such as the production of ramets, the carbon and nitrogen content of leaves, responded similarly between and within functional groups in the presence or absence of earthworms, we observed opposite responses for other traits, such as height, specific leaf area, and root length within some functional groups in the presence of earthworms. Plant trait responses were thus species-specific, although the two grass species showed a more pronounced response to earthworm presence with changes in their leaf traits than herb species. Overall, earthworms affected some functional traits related to resource uptake abilities of plants and thus could change plant competition outcomes over time, which could be an explanation of plant community changes observed in invaded ecosystems

    Invasive earthworms reduce chemical defense and increase herbivory and pathogen infection in native trees

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    Recent research shows that earthworms can alter defense traits of plants against herbivores and pathogens by affecting soil biochemistry. Yet, the effects of invasive earthworms on defense traits of native plants from previously earthworm-free ecosystems as well as the consequences for multitrophic interactions are virtually unknown. Here we use a combination of an observational study and a complementary experimental study to investigate the effects of invasive earthworms on leaf defense traits, herbivore damage and pathogen infection in two poplar tree species (Populus balsamifera and Populus tremuloides) native to North American boreal forests. Our observational study showed that earthworm invasion was associated with enhanced leaf herbivory (by leaf-chewing insects) in saplings of both tree species. However, we only detected significant shifts in the concentration of chemical defense compounds in response to earthworm invasion for P. balsamifera. Specifically, leaf phenolic concentrations, including salicinoids and catechin, were lower in P. balsamifera from earthworm-invaded sites. Our experimental study confirmed an earthworm-induced reduction in leaf defense levels in P. balsamifera for one of the defense compounds, tremulacin. The experimental study additionally showed that invasive earthworms reduced leaf dry matter content, potentially increasing leaf palatability, and enhanced susceptibility of trees to infection by a fungal pathogen, but not to aphid infestation, in the same tree species. Synthesis. Our results show that invasive earthworms can decrease the concentrations of some chemical defense compounds in P. balsamifera, which could make them susceptible to leaf-chewing insects. Such potential impacts of invasive earthworms are likely to have implications for tree survival and competition, native tree biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

    Environmental drivers of local abundance-mass scaling in soil animal communities

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    The relationship between species' body masses and densities is strongly conserved around a three-quarter power law when pooling data across communities. However, studies of local within-community relationships have revealed major deviations from this general pattern, which has profound implications for their stability and functioning. Despite multiple contributions of soil communities to people, there is limited knowledge on the drivers of body mass–abundance relationships in these communities. We compiled a dataset comprising 155 soil–animal communities across four countries (Canada, Germany, Indonesia, USA), all sampled using the same methodology. We tested if variation in local climatic and edaphic conditions drives differences in local body mass–abundance scaling relationships. We found substantial variation in the slopes of this power-law relationship across local communities. Structural equation modeling showed that soil temperature and water content have a positive and negative net effect, respectively, on soil communities. These effects are mediated by changes in local edaphic conditions (soil pH and carbon content) and the body-mass range of the communities. These results highlight ways in which alterations of soil climatic and edaphic conditions interactively impact the distribution of abundance between populations of small and large animals. These quantitative mechanistic relationships facilitate our understanding of how global changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature and precipitation, will affect community–abundance distributions and thus the stability and functioning of soil–animal communities

    Growing Research Networks on Mycorrhizae for Mutual Benefits

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    Research on mycorrhizal interactions has traditionally developed into separate disciplines addressing different organizational levels. This separation has led to an incomplete understanding of mycorrhizal functioning. Integration of mycorrhiza research at different scales is needed to understand the mechanisms underlying the context dependency of mycorrhizal associations, and to use mycorrhizae for solving environmental issues. Here, we provide a road map for the integration of mycorrhiza research into a unique framework that spans genes to ecosystems. Using two key topics, we identify parallels in mycorrhiza research at different organizational levels. Based on two current projects, we show how scientific integration creates synergies, and discuss future directions. Only by overcoming disciplinary boundaries, we will achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the functioning of mycorrhizal associations

    Invasive earthworms erode soil biodiversity: A meta-analysis

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    Biological invasions pose a serious threat to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across ecosystems. Invasions by ecosystem engineers, in particular, have been shown to have dramatic effects in recipient ecosystems. For instance, invasion by earthworms, a below-ground invertebrate ecosystem engineer, in previously earthworm-free ecosystems alters the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil. Studies have shown that such alterations in the soil can have far-reaching impacts on soil organisms, which form a major portion of terrestrial biodiversity. Here, we present the first quantitative synthesis of earthworm invasion effects on soil micro-organisms and soil invertebrates based on 430 observations from 30 independent studies. Our meta-analysis shows a significant decline of the diversity and density of soil invertebrates in response to earthworm invasion with anecic and endogeic earthworms causing the strongest effects. Earthworm invasion effects on soil micro-organisms were context-dependent, such as depending on functional group richness of invasive earthworms and soil depth. Microbial biomass and diversity increased in mineral soil layers, with a weak negative effect in organic soil layers, indicating that the mixing of soil layers by earthworms (bioturbation) may homogenize microbial communities across soil layers. Our meta-analysis provides a compelling evidence for negative effects of a common invasive below-ground ecosystem engineer on below-ground biodiversity of recipient ecosystems, which could potentially alter the ecosystem functions and services linked to soil biota.European Union's Horizon 2020, Grant/ Award Number: 677232; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; German Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: FZT 11

    Biotic interactions as mediators of context-dependent biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships

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    Biodiversity drives the maintenance and stability of ecosystem functioning as well as many of nature’s benefits to people, yet people cause substantial biodiversity change. Despite broad consensus about a positive relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF), the underlying mechanisms and their context-dependencies are not well understood. This proposal, submitted to the European Research Council (ERC), aims at filling this knowledge gap by providing a novel conceptual framework for integrating biotic interactions across guilds of organisms, i.e. plants and mycorrhizal fungi, to explain the ecosystem consequences of biodiversity change. The overarching hypothesis is that EF increases when more tree species associate with functionally dissimilar mycorrhizal fungi. Taking a whole-ecosystem perspective, we propose to explore the role of tree-mycorrhiza interactions in driving BEF across environmental contexts and how this relates to nutrient dynamics. Given the significant role that mycorrhizae play in soil nutrient and water uptake, BEF relationships will be investigated under normal and drought conditions. Resulting ecosystem consequences will be explored by studying main energy channels and ecosystem multifunctionality using food web energy fluxes and by assessing carbon storage. Synthesising drivers of biotic interactions will allow us to understand context-dependent BEF relationships. This interdisciplinary and integrative project spans the whole gradient from local-scale process assessments to global relationships by building on unique experimental infrastructures like the MyDiv Experiment, iDiv Ecotron and the global network TreeDivNet, to link ecological mechanisms to reforestation initiatives. This innovative combination of basic scientific research with real-world interventions links trait-based community ecology, global change research and ecosystem ecology, pioneering a new generation of BEF research and represents a significant step towards implementing BEF theory for human needs
