27 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships of the Wolbachia of nematodes and arthropods

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    Wolbachia are well known as bacterial symbionts of arthropods, where they are reproductive parasites, but have also been described from nematode hosts, where the symbiotic interaction has features of mutualism. The majority of arthropod Wolbachia belong to clades A and B, while nematode Wolbachia mostly belong to clades C and D, but these relationships have been based on analysis of a small number of genes. To investigate the evolution and relationships of Wolbachia symbionts we have sequenced over 70 kb of the genome of wOvo, a Wolbachia from the human-parasitic nematode Onchocerca volvulus, and compared the genes identified to orthologues in other sequenced Wolbachia genomes. In comparisons of conserved local synteny, we find that wBm, from the nematode Brugia malayi, and wMel, from Drosophila melanogaster, are more similar to each other than either is to wOvo. Phylogenetic analysis of the protein-coding and ribosomal RNA genes on the sequenced fragments supports reciprocal monophyly of nematode and arthropod Wolbachia. The nematode Wolbachia did not arise from within the A clade of arthropod Wolbachia, and the root of the Wolbachia clade lies between the nematode and arthropod symbionts. Using the wOvo sequence, we identified a lateral transfer event whereby segments of the Wolbachia genome were inserted into the Onchocerca nuclear genome. This event predated the separation of the human parasite O. volvulus from its cattle-parasitic sister species, O. ochengi. The long association between filarial nematodes and Wolbachia symbionts may permit more frequent genetic exchange between their genomes

    Genome-wide expression profiling of in vivo-derived bloodstream parasite stages and dynamic analysis of mRNA alterations during synchronous differentiation in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Background: Trypanosomes undergo extensive developmental changes during their complex life cycle. Crucial among these is the transition between slender and stumpy bloodstream forms and, thereafter, the differentiation from stumpy to tsetse-midgut procyclic forms. These developmental events are highly regulated, temporally reproducible and accompanied by expression changes mediated almost exclusively at the post-transcriptional level. Results: In this study we have examined, by whole-genome microarray analysis, the mRNA abundance of genes in slender and stumpy forms of T. brucei AnTat1.1 cells, and also during their synchronous differentiation to procyclic forms. In total, five biological replicates representing the differentiation of matched parasite populations derived from five individual mouse infections were assayed, with RNAs being derived at key biological time points during the time course of their synchronous differentiation to procyclic forms. Importantly, the biological context of these mRNA profiles was established by assaying the coincident cellular events in each population (surface antigen exchange, morphological restructuring, cell cycle re-entry), thereby linking the observed gene expression changes to the well-established framework of trypanosome differentiation. Conclusion: Using stringent statistical analysis and validation of the derived profiles against experimentally-predicted gene expression and phenotypic changes, we have established the profile of regulated gene expression during these important life-cycle transitions. The highly synchronous nature of differentiation between stumpy and procyclic forms also means that these studies of mRNA profiles are directly relevant to the changes in mRNA abundance within individual cells during this well-characterised developmental transition.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Identification and stage-specific association with the translational apparatus of TbZFP3, a CCCH protein that promotes trypanosome life-cycle development

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    The post-transcriptional control of gene expression is becoming increasingly important in the understanding of regulated events in eukaryotic cells. The parasitic kinetoplastids have a unique reliance on such processes, because their genome is organized into polycistronic transcription units in which adjacent genes are not coordinately regulated. Indeed, the number of RNA-binding proteins predicted to be encoded in the genome of kinetoplastids is unusually large, invoking the presence of unique RNA regulators dedicated to gene expression in these evolutionarily ancient organisms. Here, we report that a small CCCH zinc finger protein, TbZFP3, enhances development between life-cycle stages in Trypanosoma brucei. Moreover, we demonstrate that this protein interacts both with the translational machinery and with other small CCCH proteins previously implicated in trypanosome developmental control. Antibodies to this protein also co-immunoprecipitate EP procyclin mRNA and encode the major surface antigen of insect forms of T. brucei. Strikingly, although TbZFP3 is constitutively expressed, it exhibits developmentally regulated association with polyribosomes, and mutational analysis demonstrates that this association is essential for the expression of phenotype. TbZFP3 is therefore a novel regulator of developmental events in kinetoplastids that acts at the level of the post-transcriptional control of gene expression

    The post-transcriptional trans-acting regulator, TbZFP3, co-ordinates transmission-stage enriched mRNAs in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Post-transcriptional gene regulation is essential to eukaryotic development. This is particularly emphasized in trypanosome parasites where genes are co-transcribed in polycistronic arrays but not necessarily co-regulated. The small CCCH protein, TbZFP3, has been identified as a trans-acting post-transcriptional regulator of Procyclin surface antigen expression in Trypanosoma brucei. To investigate the wider role of TbZFP3 in parasite transmission, a global analysis of associating transcripts was carried out. Examination of a subset of the selected transcripts revealed their increased abundance through mRNA stabilization upon TbZFP3 ectopic overexpression, dependent upon the integrity of the CCCH zinc finger domain. Reporter assays demonstrated that this regulation was mediated through 3β€²-UTR sequences for two target transcripts. Global developmental expression profiling of the cohort of TbZFP3-selected transcripts revealed their significant enrichment in transmissible stumpy forms of the parasite. This analysis of the specific mRNAs selected by the TbZFP3mRNP provides evidence for a developmental regulon with the potential to co-ordinate genes important in parasite transmission

    Post-transcriptional control of nuclear-encoded cytochrome oxidase subunits in Trypanosoma brucei: evidence for genome-wide conservation of life-cycle stage-specific regulatory elements

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    Trypanosomes represent an excellent model for the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression because their genome is organized into polycistronic transcription units. However, few signals governing developmental stage-specific expression have been identified, with there being no compelling evidence for widespread conservation of regulatory motifs. As a tool to search for common regulatory sequences we have used the nuclear-encoded components of the cytochrome oxidase (COX) complex of the trypanosome respiratory chain. Components of this complex represent a form of post-transcriptional operon because trypanosome mitochondrial activity is unusual in being developmentally programmed. By genome analysis we identified the genes for seven components of the COX complex. Each mRNA exhibits bloodstream stage-specific instability, which is not mediated by the RNA silencing pathway but which is alleviated by cycloheximide. Reporter assays have identified regulatory regions within the 3β€²-untranslated regions of three COX mRNAs operating principally at the translational level, but also via mRNA stability. Interrogation of the mapped regions via oligonucleotide frequency scoring provides evidence for genome-wide conservation of regulatory sequences among a large cohort of procyclic-enriched transcripts. Analysis of the co-regulated subunits of a stage-specific enzyme is therefore a novel approach to uncover cryptic regulatory sequences controlling gene expression at the post-transcriptional level

    Regulation of Trypanosoma brucei Total and Polysomal mRNA during Development within Its Mammalian Host

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    This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Programme grant to KM and by a Wellcome Trust Strategic award to the Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution at the University of Edinburgh. SM was supported by a studentship from the Medical Research Council, UK.The gene expression of Trypanosoma brucei has been examined extensively in the blood of mammalian hosts and in forms found in the midgut of its arthropod vector, the tsetse fly. However, trypanosomes also undergo development within the mammalian bloodstream as they progress from morphologically 'slender forms' to transmissible 'stumpy forms' through morphological intermediates. This transition is temporally progressive within the first wave of parasitaemia such that gene expression can be monitored in relatively pure slender and stumpy populations as well as during the progression between these extremes. The development also represents the progression of cells from translationally active forms adapted for proliferation in the host to translationally quiescent forms, adapted for transmission. We have used metabolic labelling to quantitate translational activity in slender forms, stumpy forms and in forms undergoing early differentiation to procyclic forms in vitro. Thereafter we have examined the cohort of total mRNAs that are enriched throughout development in the mammalian bloodstream (slender, intermediate and stumpy forms), irrespective of strain, revealing those that exhibit consistent developmental regulation rather than sample specific changes. Transcripts that cosediment with polysomes in stumpy forms and slender forms have also been enriched to identify transcripts that escape translational repression prior to transmission. Combined, the expression and polysomal association of transcripts as trypanosomes undergo development in the mammalian bloodstream have been defined, providing a resource for trypanosome researchers. This facilitates the identification of those that undergo developmental regulation in the bloodstream and therefore those likely to have a role in the survival and capacity for transmission of stumpy forms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe