814 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Penyedia Lowongan Pekerjaan dan Pelatihan Bagi Mantan Narapidana Berbasis Web

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    Menyandang predikat sebagai mantan narapidana merupakan beban tersendiri yang akan dipikul oleh seorang mantan narapidana. Hal tersebut karena adanya stigma negatif yang muncul dari masyarakat yang membuat orang-orang dengan status mantan narapidana harus bisa beradaptasi lagi dan memiliki kekuatan untuk bertahan dari kesulitan dalam kehidupan sosial. Salah satu wujud penolakan dan pengucilan masyarakat terhadap mantan narapidana adalah dalam hal pencarian pekerjaan. Pada umumnya salah satu syarat melamar pekerjaan, seorang pelamar tidak pernah melakukan suatu tindak pidana. Hal inilah yang membuat mantan narapidana sulit untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah aplikasi web yang menyediakan informasi lowongan pekerjaan freelance dan pelatihan soft skill dan hard skill bagi mantan narapidana secara online. Dimana aplikasi ini menawarkan pekerjaan dan pelatihan dari berbagai sumber yang memberikan mantan narapidana kesempatan untuk bekerja maupun pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bekerja mereka. Sistem aplikasi penyedia lowongan pekerjaan dan pelatihan ini dikembangkan dengan motodologi waterfall, dan dibangun dengan bahasa PHP, framework laravel dan Mysql untuk basis datanya. Aplikasi ini dapat menghubungkan antara mantan narapidana dengan penyedia lowongan pekerjaan dan pelatihan kapanpun dan dimanapun mereka berada. Mantan narapidana bisa mengakses semua informasi lowongan pekerjaan dan pelatihan yang bisa mereka ikuti secara akurat karena informasi yang tersedia senantiasa diperbaharui

    Kontrol Diskrit Hexapod Dengan Metode Elman Neural Network Dengan Studi Kasus Driving Simulator Game Sederhana

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    Game is one of many ways to get entertainment and to relief from stress. One of many category of game is simulation game where player can feel the effect of the gameplay. One of the many instrument that can help to get the effect of simulation is Diskrit Hexapod.The design of Diskrit Hexapod can be used in Driving Simulator with Arduino as its brain and controller for the Diskrit Hexapod. Diskrit Hexapod can move according to the visual display of the car in Driving Simulator game. Diskrit Hexapod can move accurately if receive the input of x-axis and z-axis from range -20° to 20° and y-axis from range -90° to 90°. The data used for the program is made of 161 pairs of inputs and has trained root-mean-squared-error of 0,063

    Design of Smart Trash Can Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm Based on Arduino

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    Smart trash cans use a proximity sensor (ultrasonic) to detect the height of the trash, the PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor to detect human presence and Arduino as the data processing center. This trash can also has an LED that functions as an indicator and the buzzer functions as an alarm when the trash can is full. If the garbage reaches half of the trash, the LED will turn yellow, if the garbage reaches a height of 4cm from the trash lid, then the LED will turn red and so the trash can will be locked even though the PIR sensor detects humans. Buzzer will live to attract the attention of cleaning officers to dispose of trash. To dispose of garbage, the clerk needs to shift the open and close trash button so that the lid will open. The author hopes that this smart trash can can increase public awareness to dispose of garbage in its place. The results of study show that PIR sensors work by well in detecting the presence of humans and ultrasonic sensors in detecting the height of garbage are not accurate, so that if the trash if the trash can is empty, sometimes the garbage is minus, whereasif the garbage is < 3.5 cm, the sensor fails detect it

    Enabling data linkage to maximise the value of public health research data: Summary report

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    Summary for the Wellcome Trust report on Enabling Data Linkage, including example case studies, key findings, and recommendation

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Layanan Fine Dining untuk Meningkatkan Customer Experience dan Influence Satisfaction: Utilization of Fine Dining Service Technology to Improve Customer Experience and Influence Satisfaction

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    The restaurant industry is a business that is popular among the public, because it promises large profit potential. One of the classifications in the restaurant industry is upscale restaurants, which are the type of restaurant that has the highest level of service. Fine dining restaurants are a type of restaurant that is included in the upscale restaurant category. Even though fine dining restaurants are included in the niche market category which has few competitors, there are quite a lot of fine dining restaurants in Jakarta &amp; Bali. Therefore, fine dining restaurants need to present something different for their consumers. In Jakarta &amp; Bali, a fine dining restaurant has introduced a distinctive dining experience by integrating three-dimensional visual technology and digital mapping in its Le Petit Chef program. Through the concept offered by Le Petit Chef, it provides a new touch to the culinary world, especially in Indonesia because this concept is something that has not existed before. In order to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. By providing this unique experience, researchers are interested in examining what Customer Experience factors can have an influence on Customer Satisfaction. This research aims to have an impact on customer experience at Le Petit Chef in Jakarta &amp; Bali which involves aspects of product quality, price and service quality on the level of Customer Satisfaction. In achieving this goal, the research focus will be placed on three main aspects: (1) the influence of the impact of product quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the influence of the impact of price on the level of customer satisfaction, and (3) the influence of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive and explanatory methods, utilizing secondary data. The population used in this research is all reviews on the Google Review and Tripadvisor platforms for Le Petit Chef restaurants in Jakarta &amp; Bali, namely 115 reviews, with a sample size of 17 reviews. Sampling was carried out using the Probability sampling method. Data collection involved two sources from TripAdvisor and Google Reviews as sources to extract customer perceptions of the Le Petit Chef Jakarta &amp; Bali restaurant. The discussion data will then be explained in more depth as to whether there are aspects such as food, price and service in the review. So that it can produce a conclusion regarding the impact of these aspects on the level of customer satisfaction. The research results show that price has a perpendicular influence on customer satisfaction, food quality that meets customer expectations has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and service quality from a restaurant has a significant impact on customer satisfaction.The restaurant industry is a business that is popular among the public, because it promises large profit potential. One of the classifications in the restaurant industry is upscale restaurants, which are the type of restaurant that has the highest level of service. Fine dining restaurants are a type of restaurant that is included in the upscale restaurant category. Even though fine dining restaurants are included in the niche market category which has few competitors, there are quite a lot of fine dining restaurants in Jakarta &amp; Bali. Therefore, fine dining restaurants need to present something different for their consumers. In Jakarta &amp; Bali, a fine dining restaurant has introduced a distinctive dining experience by integrating three-dimensional visual technology and digital mapping in its Le Petit Chef program. Through the concept offered by Le Petit Chef, it provides a new touch to the culinary world, especially in Indonesia because this concept is something that has not existed before. In order to be able to face increasingly fierce competition. By providing this unique experience, researchers are interested in examining what Customer Experience factors can have an influence on Customer Satisfaction. This research aims to have an impact on customer experience at Le Petit Chef in Jakarta &amp; Bali which involves aspects of product quality, price and service quality on the level of Customer Satisfaction. In achieving this goal, the research focus will be placed on three main aspects: (1) the influence of the impact of product quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the influence of the impact of price on the level of customer satisfaction, and (3) the influence of the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive and explanatory methods, utilizing secondary data. The population used in this research is all reviews on the Google Review and Tripadvisor platforms for Le Petit Chef restaurants in Jakarta &amp; Bali, namely 115 reviews, with a sample size of 17 reviews. Sampling was carried out using the Probability sampling method. Data collection involved two sources from TripAdvisor and Google Reviews as sources to extract customer perceptions of the Le Petit Chef Jakarta &amp; Bali restaurant. The discussion data will then be explained in more depth as to whether there are aspects such as food, price and service in the review. So that it can produce a conclusion regarding the impact of these aspects on the level of customer satisfaction. The research results show that price has a perpendicular influence on customer satisfaction, food quality that meets customer expectations has a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and service quality from a restaurant has a significant impact on customer satisfaction

    Association between exercise frequency with renal and cardiovascular outcomes in diabetic and non-diabetic individuals at high cardiovascular risk

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    Background: Guidelines recommend physical activity to reduce cardiovascular (CV) events. The association between physical activity and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with and without diabetes is unknown. We assessed the association of self-reported physical activity with renal and CV outcomes in high-risk patients aged≥55 years over a median follow-up of 56 months in post-hoc analysis of a previously randomized trial program. Methods: Analyses were done with Cox regression analysis, mixed models for repeated measures, ANOVA and χ2 - test. 31,312 patients, among them 19,664 with and 11,648 without diabetes were analyzed. Results: Physical activity was inversely associated with renal outcomes (doubling of creatinine, end-stage kidney disease (ESRD)) and CV outcomes (CV death, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure hospitalization). Moderate activity (at least 2 times/week to every day) was associated with lower risk of renal outcomes and lower incidence of new albuminuria (p<0.0001 for both) compared to lower exercise levels. Similar results were observed for those with and without diabetes without interaction for renal outcomes (p=0.097–0.27). Physical activity was associated with reduced eGFR decline with a moderate association between activity and diabetes status (p=0.05). Conclusions: Moderate physical activity was associated with improved kidney outcomes with a threshold at two sessions per week. The association of physical activity with renal outcomes did not meaningfully difer with or without diabetes but absolute beneft of activity was even greater in people with diabetes. Thus, risks were similar between those with diabetes undertaking high physical activity and those without diabetes but low physical activity. Clinical trial registration: http://clinicaltrials.gov.uniqueidentifer:NCT00153101

    Integrated analysis of the oral and intestinal microbiome and metabolome of elderly people with more than 26 original teeth: a pilot study

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    Elderly subjects with more than 20 natural teeth have a higher healthy life expectancy than those with few or no teeth. The oral microbiome and its metabolome are associated with oral health, and they are also associated with systemic health via the oral-gut axis. Here, we analyzed the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly subjects with more than 26 natural teeth. Salivary samples collected as mouth-rinsed water and fecal samples were obtained from 22 healthy individuals, 10 elderly individuals with more than 26 natural teeth and 24 subjects with periodontal disease. The oral microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly individuals resembled those of subjects with periodontal disease, with the metabolome showing a more substantial differential abundance of components. Despite the distinct oral metabolome profiles, there was no differential abundance of components in the gut microbiome and metabolomes, except for enrichment of short-chain fatty acids in elderly subjects. Finally, to investigate the relationship between the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome, we analyzed bacterial coexistence in the oral cavity and gut and analyzed the correlation of metabolite levels between the oral cavity and gut. However, there were few associations between oral and gut for bacteria and metabolites in either elderly or healthy subjects. Overall, these results indicate distinct oral microbiome and metabolome profiles, as well as the lack of an oral-gut axis in elderly subjects with a high number of natural teeth

    Dominant ACO2 mutations are a frequent cause of isolated optic atrophy.

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    Biallelic mutations in ACO2, encoding the mitochondrial aconitase 2, have been identified in individuals with neurodegenerative syndromes, including infantile cerebellar retinal degeneration and recessive optic neuropathies (locus OPA9). By screening European cohorts of individuals with genetically unsolved inherited optic neuropathies, we identified 61 cases harbouring variants in ACO2, among whom 50 carried dominant mutations, emphasizing for the first time the important contribution of ACO2 monoallelic pathogenic variants to dominant optic atrophy. Analysis of the ophthalmological and clinical data revealed that recessive cases are affected more severely than dominant cases, while not significantly earlier. In addition, 27% of the recessive cases and 11% of the dominant cases manifested with extraocular features in addition to optic atrophy. In silico analyses of ACO2 variants predicted their deleterious impacts on ACO2 biophysical properties. Skin derived fibroblasts from patients harbouring dominant and recessive ACO2 mutations revealed a reduction of ACO2 abundance and enzymatic activity, and the impairment of the mitochondrial respiration using citrate and pyruvate as substrates, while the addition of other Krebs cycle intermediates restored a normal respiration, suggesting a possible short-cut adaptation of the tricarboxylic citric acid cycle. Analysis of the mitochondrial genome abundance disclosed a significant reduction of the mitochondrial DNA amount in all ACO2 fibroblasts. Overall, our data position ACO2 as the third most frequently mutated gene in autosomal inherited optic neuropathies, after OPA1 and WFS1, and emphasize the crucial involvement of the first steps of the Krebs cycle in the maintenance and survival of retinal ganglion cells
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