11 research outputs found

    Denoising Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data

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    Protein identification using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has proven to be an effective way to identify proteins in a biological sample. An observed spectrum is constructed from the data produced by the tandem mass spectrometer. A protein can be identified if the observed spectrum aligns with the theoretical spectrum. However, data generated by the tandem mass spectrometer are affected by errors thus making protein identification challenging in the field of proteomics. Some of these errors include wrong calibration of the instrument, instrument distortion and noise. In this thesis, we present a pre-processing method, which focuses on the removal of noisy data with the hope of aiding in better identification of proteins. We employ the method of binning to reduce the number of noise peaks in the data without sacrificing the alignment of the observed spectrum with the theoretical spectrum. In some cases, the alignment of the two spectra improved

    Integrated Biorefinery Approach to Lignocellulosic and Algal Biomass Fermentation Processes

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    Lignocellulosic and algal biomass have been suggested as relatively sustainable alternatives to sugar and starch-based biomass for various fermentation technologies. However, challenges in pretreatment, high production costs and high waste generation remains a drawback to their commercial application. Processing cellulosic and algal biomass using the biorefinery approach has been recommended as an efficient and cost-effective pathway since it involves the recovery of several products from a single biomass using sequential or simultaneous processes. This review explored the developments, prospects and perspectives on the use of this pathway to add more value and increase the techno-economic viability of cellulosic and algal fermentation processes. The composition of lignocellulosic and algal biomass, the conventional ethanol production processes and their related sustainability issues are also discussed in this chapter. Developments in this approach to lignocellulosic and algal biomass has shown that valuable products at high recovery efficiencies can be obtained. Products such as ethanol, xylitol, lipids, organic acids, chitin, hydrogen and various polymers can be recovered from lignocellulosic biomass while ethanol, biogas, biodiesel, hydrocolloids, hydrogen and carotenoids can be recovered from algae. Product recovery efficiencies and biomass utilisation have been so high that zero waste is nearly attainable. These developments indicate that indeed the application of fermentation technologies to cellulosic and algal biomass have tremendous commercial value when used in the integrated biorefinery approach

    Seaweed bioethanol production: A process selection review on hydrolysis and fermentation

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    The rapid depletion and environmental concerns associated with the use of fossil fuels has led to extensive development of biofuels such as bioethanol from seaweeds. The long-term prospect of seaweed bioethanol production however, depends on the selection of processes in the hydrolysis and fermentation stages due to their limiting effect on ethanol yield. This review explored the factors influencing the hydrolysis and fermentation stages of seaweed bioethanol production with emphasis on process efficiency and sustainable application. Seaweed carbohydrate contents which are most critical for ethanol production substrate selection were 52 ± 6%, 55 ± 12% and 57 ± 13% for green, brown and red seaweeds, respectively. Inhibitor formation and polysaccharide selectivity were found to be the major bottlenecks influencing the efficiency of dilute acid and enzymatic hydrolysis, respectively. Current enzyme preparations used, were developed for starch-based and lignocellulosic biomass but not seaweeds, which differs in polysaccharide composition and structure. Also, the identification of fermenting organisms capable of converting the heterogeneous monomeric sugars in seaweeds is the major factor limiting ethanol yield during the fermentation stage and not the SHF or SSF pathway selection. This has resulted in variations in bioethanol yields, ranging from 0.04 g/g DM to 0.43 g/g DM

    A viable electrode material for use in microbial fuel cells for tropical regions

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    Electrode materials are critical for microbial fuel cells (MFC) since they influence the construction and operational costs. This study introduces a simple and efficient electrode material in the form of palm kernel shell activated carbon (AC) obtained in tropical regions. The novel introduction of this material is also targeted at introducing an inexpensive and durable electrode material, which can be produced in rural communities to improve the viability of MFCs. The maximum voltage and power density obtained (under 1000 load) using an H-shaped MFC with AC as both anode and cathode electrode material was 0.66 V and 1.74 W/m(3), respectively. The power generated by AC was as high as 86% of the value obtained with the extensively used carbon paper. Scanning electron microscopy and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of AC anode biofilms confirmed that electrogenic bacteria were present on the electrode surface for substrate oxidation and the formation of nanowires

    Anti-proliferative effect of Ficus pumila Linn. on human leukemic cell lines

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    Background: Cancer is one of the many diseases of global concern due to its high mortality rate with drug resistance becoming a major challenge to chemotherapy and this have propelled many cancer patients to seek alternative and complementary methods of treatment. The objective for this study was, therefore, to determine the antiproliferative activity as well as phytochemical, total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activity of the stem and leaf extracts (FPS and FPL) of Ficus pumila (L.) using standard methods.Methods: The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay was used to evaluate anti-proliferative effect and spectrophotometric-based assays for antioxidant and TPC. Phytochemical constituents were accessed by standard methods.Results: The hydroethanolic extracts of the leaves and stems were rich in tannins, general glycosides, saponins, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids (leaves only), and sterols (stem only). Strong total antioxidant activities were observed with FPL and FPS with EC50 values of 0.07 mg/ml and 0.089 mg/ml, respectively. All the crude extracts showed anti-proliferative effect towards the three human leukemic cell lines used (Jurkat, CEM, and HL-60). However, FPL gave the strongest inhibition concentration at 50% values of 130.97 µg/ml (Jurkat) and 56.31 µg/ml (HL-60).Conclusion: These findings suggest that crude extracts of FPS and FPL have anti-proliferative effect on the leukemia cells. The antioxidant properties of the plant including phenolics may be partly responsible for the anti-proliferative activity. Further studies are required to isolate chemical components of the plant and establish their anti-proliferative activities and mechanism of action

    Energy-efficient loading and hauling operations

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    Approximately, 40% of the total energy used in surface mines is related to diesel consumption. Truck haulage is responsible for a majority of this. This chapter introduces the principal equipment used to load and haul materials in mines, namely trucks, electric rope shovels, hydraulic excavators and crushing and conveying systems. The chapter discusses factors that contribute to the energy-efficient operation of such equipment. Based on gross weight hauled per unit weight of payload, belt conveyors appear to be the most energy-efficient means of transporting material in surface mines. However, a number of factors, including large upfront capital expenditure and limited ability to relocate and scale up belt capacities, currently restrict their widespread applicability

    Зелене управління ланцюгами поставок: Вплив сталості закупівель на зворотну логістику

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    Історія питання: Сталі закупівлі - це врахування соціальних та екологічних факторів поряд з фінансовими при прийнятті рішень про закупівлі, а також придбання товарів і послуг з урахуванням соціального, економічного та екологічного впливу, який такі закупівлі мають на людей і громади. Це дослідження було проведено з метою вивчення впливу сталості закупівель на реверсну логістику. Воно мало чотири завдання: встановити взаємозв'язок між екологічною сталістю закупівель та реверсивною логістикою, дослідити взаємозв'язок між економічною сталістю закупівель та реверсивною логістикою, дослідити взаємозв'язок між соціальною сталістю закупівель та реверсивною логістикою, а також дослідити стримуючу роль урядової політики. Методи: У цьому дослідженні було застосовано моделювання структурних рівнянь для перевірки гіпотез дослідження. Використано метод цілеспрямованої вибірки. Для збору первинних даних було використано структуровану анкету. Зібрані дані були проаналізовані за допомогою описового та інференційного аналізу. Аналіз даних проводився за допомогою програми SPSS версії 21. Дослідження показало, що екологічна, економічна та соціальна сталість закупівель має значний і позитивний вплив на реверсну логістику. Державна політика пом'якшує взаємозв'язок між екологічною, економічною та соціальною сталістю закупівель і реверсною логістикою. Висновки: Це дослідження рекомендує організаціям об'єднуватися з природоохоронними установами для виробництва екологічно чистої продукції. Слід визнати соціальні втручання, які можуть допомогти захистити суспільство від шкоди. Слід також відзначити ефективну економічну політику, яка забезпечує організаціям збільшення їхнього добробуту.Background: Sustainable procurement is about considering social and environmental factors alongside financial factors in making procurement decisions and purchasing goods and services that take into account the social, economic, and environmental impact that such purchasing has on people and communities. This study was carried out to address the effects of procurement sustainability on reverse logistics. It considered four objectives: to establish the relationship between environmental procurement sustainability and reverse logistics, to examine the relationship between economic procurement sustainability and reverse logistics, to examine the relationship between social sustainability procurement and reverse logistics, and to examine the moderating role of government policy. Methods: This study applied structural equation modeling to check the research hypotheses. A purposive sampling technique was used. A structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data. The data gathered were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The data were analyzed in SPSS version 21. The study found that environmental, economic, and social procurement sustainability has a significant and positive effect on reverse logistics. Government policy moderates the relationships between environmental, economic, and social procurement sustainability and reverse logistics. Conclusions: This study recommends that organizations team up with environmental protection agencies to produce environmentally friendly products. Social interventions that can help protect society from damage should be acknowledged. Good economic policies that ensure that organizations increase their wealth should also be acknowledged.Це дослідження було профінансовано Європейською виконавчою агенцією з питань освіти і культури (Модуль Жана Моне, номер проекту 101047530 "Здорова економіка і політика: Європейські цінності для України")