195 research outputs found

    Performatividad Tecnológica de Género : explorando la Brecha Digital en el mundo del Videojuego

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    En este artículo revisamos el campo de los estudios sobre género y videojuegos. Los videojuegos por su carga lúdica, que hace que su consumo sea facultativo e informal, nos permiten comprender algunos de los mecanismos que mantienen a las chicas alejadas del mundo tecnológico, sin tener que apelar a razones o mecanismos institucionales, que no explican correctamente las exclusiones "voluntarias", es decir, aquellas que se producen porque la persona "no quiere" o "no está interesada" en participar en un sector básico para la configuración de la sociedad. Mostramos cómo la creación y el consumo de tecnología, especialmente de videojuegos, en el mundo occidentalizado, recrea distintos espacios de vida para las personas en función de la invención, distribución y performación de diferencias sexualesIn this article we revise the field of gender and video games. Video games for their ludic component, which makes their consumption facultative and informal, allow us to understand some of the mechanisms that maintain girls away from the technological realm without using institutional reasons which do not correctly explain the "voluntary" exclusions, that is to say those produced because the person "does not want" or "does not show interest" in participating in a basic sector for society construction. We show how creation and consumption of technology, especially of videogames, in the Occidentalized world, recreates different life spaces for people in function of the invention, distributions and perfor-mance of sexual difference

    Una eina innovadora per a la informació i la divulgació geogràfica : l’Atles comarcal de Catalunya en format digital

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    Coincidint amb l’edició, per part de l’Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, del nou Atles comarcal de Catalunya en format digital, en aquest article, s’hi presenta quina és l’estructura dels continguts que tenen i quina dinàmica cal seguir per consultar-los. Així mateix, s’hi detalla quina metodologia es va utilitzar per realitzar-los. Finalment, s’hi proposen unes reflexions sobre les innovacions que comporta aquest nou producte en l’àmbit textual i cartogràfic, les quals van lligades al context socioeconòmic actual i a les noves tecnologies utilitzades.Coincidiendo con la edición, por parte del Instituto Cartográfico de Cataluña, del nuevo Atles comarcal de Catalunya en formato digital, en este artículo, se presenta cuál es la estructura de sus contenidos y cuál es la dinámica para consultarlos. Asimismo, se detalla qué metodología se utilizó para su realización. Finalmente, se proponen unas reflexiones sobre las innovaciones que comporta este nuevo producto en el ámbito textual y cartográfico, las cuales están relacionadas con el contexto socioeconómico actual y las nuevas tecnologías utilizadas.Due to the edition of the new Atles comarcal de Catalunya by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in digital format, we look at the structure of their contents and the dynamics of its use. Likewise, it is detailed which methodology was utilized to perform it. Finally, some reflections on the innovations that this new product entails in textual and cartographic areas are proposed, especially related to the current socioeconomic context and new employed technologies

    Psychological benefits of Forest Bathing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot study in a Mediterranean forest close to urban areas

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    The practice of Shinrin-Yoku or Forest Bathing is an outdoor therapeutic modality with mounting evidence suggesting positive effects on individuals' psychological wellbeing and overall health. However, its benefits have mainly been studied in Asian biomes and more research is needed to evaluate if its benefits are also generalizable to other regions such as European-Mediterranean forests. To preliminarily explore this issue, 16 healthy adults (87.5% women, mean age 47.5) were assessed before and after a 3-hour session of Forest Bathing with meditation exercises in a Mediterranean forest near Barcelona (Spain). Changes in state anxiety, negative affect, positive affect and state mindfulness were assessed. Results show significant increases in positive affect, vigour, friendship and mindfulness, and decreases in negative affect, anxiety, anger, fatigue, tension, and depressive mood. Effect sizes observed for all the outcomes were significant and large, ranging from d = 1.02 to d = 2.61. This study encourages more applied research of the forest therapy model and the practice of Shinrin-Yoku in Mediterranean forests to increase the general population's psychological wellbeing and to deal with the growing prevalence of the psychological side-effects generated by the COVID-19 in European countries such as Spain

    Género y TIC: en torno a la brecha digital de género

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    Presentació del Tema Especial "Género y TIC : entorno a la brecha digital de género

    Long-term follow-up of surgical resection alone for primary intracranial rostrotentorial tumors in dogs: 29 cases (2002-2013)

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    Intracranial neoplasia is frequently encountered in dogs. After a presumptive diagnosis of intracranial neoplasia is established based on history, clinical signs and advanced imaging characteristics, the decision to treat and which treatment to choose must be considered. The objective of this study is to report survival times (ST) for dogs with intracranial meningiomas and gliomas treated with surgical resection alone (SRA), to identify potential prognostic factors affecting survival, and to compare the results with the available literature. Medical records of 29 dogs with histopathologic confirmation of intracranial meningiomas and gliomas treated with SRA were retrospectively reviewed. For each dog, signalment, clinical signs, imaging findings, type of surgery, treatment, histological evaluation, and ST were obtained. Twenty-nine dogs with a histological diagnosis who survived >7 days after surgery were included. There were 15 (52%) meningiomas and 14 (48%) gliomas. All tumors had a rostrotentorial location. At the time of the statistical analysis, only two dogs were alive. Median ST for meningiomas was 422 days (mean, 731 days; range, 10-2735 days). Median ST for gliomas was 66 days (mean, 117 days; range, 10-730 days). Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that ST was significantly longer for meningiomas than for gliomas (P<0.05). A negative correlation between the presence of a midline shift and ST (P=0.037) and ventricular compression and ST (P=0.038) was observed for meningiomas. For gliomas, there were no significant associations between ST and any of the variables evaluated. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that, for dogs that survived >7 days postoperatively, SRA might be an appropriate treatment, particularly for meningiomas, when radiation therapy is not readily available. Also, the presence of midline shift and ventricular compression might be negative prognostic factors for dogs with meningiomas

    Long‐term effectiveness of a nurse‐led smoking cessation clinic at a comprehensive cancer center

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    Purpose: Smoking cessation interventions should be promoted in cancer centers to improve clinical outcomes among cancer patients and the quality of life of cancer-free patients and survivors. The aim of the present study was to examine long-term abstinence (1, 3, and 5 years) among smokers who received an intensive nurse-led smoking cessation intervention.Design: A prospective follow-up study was conducted in a smoking cessation clinic in Barcelona.Methods: The study included 479 smokers who received a nurse-led smoking cessation intervention that included motivational interviewing, psychological support, behavioral change counseling, promotion of smoke-free policies, and relapse-prevention strategies, as well as pharmacotherapy if necessary, for 12 months. We calculated overall and sex-specific 1-, 3-, and 5-year abstinence probabilities (Kaplan-Meier curves) and adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) of relapse with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using Cox regression.Findings: The overall probability of abstinence at 1 and 5 years was 0.561 (95% CI: 0.516-0.606) and 0.364 (95% CI: 0.311-0.417), respectively. Females had a higher, but not significant, hazard ratio for relapse compared to males (aHR = 1.180; 95% CI: 0.905-1.538). Attending <5 visits was the most remarkable determinant of relapsing compared to attending 5-9 visits or =10 visits, both overall and by sex (p for trend: overall, p < 0.001; males, p = 0.007; and females, p < 0.001).Conclusions: Abstinence probability decreased over the 5-year follow-up but was relatively high. Males had higher abstinence rates than females in all follow-up periods. Completeness of the intensive intervention was the main predictor of cessation.Clinical Relevance: Smoking cessation interventions should consider sex and incorporate strategies to increase adherence to obtain higher long-term abstinence rates