87 research outputs found

    A mezÅ‘gazdasági területek érzékenységének és adaptációs képességének mérési lehetÅ‘ségei

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    A tanulmány alapvetÅ‘ célja az, hogy hozzájáruljon az érzékenység, sérülékenység és adaptációs képesség vizsgálatának módszertanához. A kutatások eredményei felhívják a figyelmet arra, hogy bár az európai vidék összessége egyre sérülékenyebbé válik a különbözÅ‘ globális kihívásokra, a veszélyeztetettség mértéke régiónként eltérÅ‘. A kutatások eredményei megerÅ‘sítették az IPCC 3. jelentésében megfogalmazott hipotéziseket, melyek szerint a gazdag országok ugyanolyan veszélyeztetettség mellett is kevésbé sérülékenyek, mivel nagyobb az alkalmazkodóképességük. A klímaváltozás, amely pozitív és negatív hatást is gyakorol Európa mezÅ‘gazdaságára, módosítja az eddigi komparatív elÅ‘nyöket, illetve hátrányokat. Gazdasági szempontból Dél- és Közép-Kelet-Európa minden szcenárióban veszélyeztetettebb. Az északi országok az egyik oldalról nyertesek lehetnek, mivel a mezÅ‘gazdasági termelés szempontjából a várható hÅ‘mérséklet-növekedés több növényféleség termelését teszi lehetÅ‘vé, ugyanakkor az intenzív termelés esélyének növekedése növeli az ökoszisztéma veszélyeztetettségét. Mindenki veszélyeztetett, csak különbözÅ‘ területen és mértékben, ami közös összefogás szükségességére hívja fel a figyelmet, de mivel a globális kihívások sok esetben a teherviselÅ‘ képességgel ellentétesen rendezik át a vagyoni és jövedelemviszonyokat, a közös érdekeltségen alapuló cselekvés elérése nehézkes. Ez a jövÅ‘beni kutatás-fejlesztés irányának a globális kihívásokkal összhangban való megjelölésével, illetve a célirányosabb támogatási rendszer kidolgozásával segíthetÅ‘ elÅ‘. A szűkös kutatási és egyéb támogatási forrásokat azon területekre célszerű összpontosítani, amelyek a lehetséges jövÅ‘t felvázoló forgatókönyvek többségében, vagy mindegyikében érzékenynek, sérülékenynek mutatkoznak. A közös összefogás az adaptáció esetében a mitigációhoz képest is nehezebb, mivel ennek gazdasági elÅ‘nyei sokkal inkább lokálisan jelentkeznek. A kutatások arra is felhívják a figyelmet, hogy a veszélyforrások (kitettségek) azonosítása, a kockázat mértékének felmérése, a kockázat menedzselése mellett annak kommunikálása és az érintettek bevonása az egész folyamatba fontos részét képezi az eredményeknek. --------------------------------------------- The basic aim of this paper is to contribute to the methodology for examining sensitivity, vulnerability and adaptability. The findings highlight that although European rural areas in general are becoming more and more vulnerable to the various global challenges, the extent of danger varies from region to region. Research findings confirm the hypotheses stated in the 3rd IPCC report, i.e. that at the same level of risk, wealthier countries are less vulnerable because they are more adaptive. Climate change, which affects the European agriculture in both positive and negative ways, modifies current comparative advantages and disadvantages. From an economic standpoint, the risk to Southern and Central Eastern Europe is greater in every scenario. The northern countries may drawcertain benefits, as the expected warming enables them to growa greater variety of crops. On the other hand, the higher probability of intensive farming practices means greater risk to the ecosystem. Everyone is at risk, only the areas and extent of risk is different. This draws attention to the need for joint action. Because in many cases, changes caused by the global challenges to assets and revenues are not in line with how resources are distributed, it is difficult to move as one, based on mutual interests. This could be promoted by aligning lines of research and development with the global challenges and by developing a more targeted aid system. Limited research and other aid funds should be concentrated in fields which are seen to be vulnerable in most or all of the scenarios depicting possible futures. Also, joint action aimed at adaptation is more difficult than mitigation, as its economic benefits are more localised. Research findings also highlight that in addition to the identification of the sources of risk (exposure), assessment and management of the risks, proper communication and involvement of the stakeholders in the entire process are also essential to success.fenntarthatóság, klímaváltozás, érzékenység, sérülékenység, veszélyeztetettség, adaptáció, sustainability, climate change, vulnerability, sensitivity, adaptability, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Socio-economic Scenarios of Agricultural Land Use Change in Central and Eastern European Countries

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    The study presented in this paper is part of the ACCELERATES (Assessing Climate Change Effects on Land Use and Ecosystems from Regional Analysis to The European Scale) project whose main goal is the construction of integrated predictions of future land use in Europe. The scenarios constructed in the project include estimates not only due to changes in the climate baseline, but also estimates due to possible future changes in socio-economics. The overall aim of the ACCELERATES was to assess the vulnerability of European agroecosystems based on economic and environmental considerations in term of both their sensitivity and capacity to adapt changes. The historical background, the type of economy, the policy aim and governance and importance of agriculture in the overall national economy have created large differences between Western and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). This paper focuses on vulnerability of the farm sector and rural economy of CEECs.ACCELERATES, climate change, agricultural land use, scenario, Land Economics/Use, Q24,

    Platform Entrepreneurship: An Interpretative Structural Modeling

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    Purpose: Popularity of social media and their power to connect media enterprises to wide range of audiences have made platforms as a popular business models for media entrepreneurs’ activities. Due to increasing number of entrepreneurial activities in platforms, this study aims to identify the critical factors of platform entrepreneurship. Methodology: This study followed a qualitative approach and used ISM methodology for comparing the variables that are extracted from the literature and confirmed by the experts. A questionnaire developed and distributed to a limited sample of experts in platform business and social networks to compare nine identified factors. Findings/Contribution: The findings showed that eight factors of opportunity, influencers, UX/UI, Strategic partners, resource control, platform governance, technical features and target audiences are the strategic factors in development of media entrepreneurship. Regulatory environment recognized as dependent variable that determine the success of media entrepreneurship in platforms. Implications: This study provides a foundation for future research in the subject of media entrepreneurship on social media as well as media platform businesses. Policy makers can use the results of this study to understand the determining role of regulatory environment in promotion of media entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs and owners of platform can use this research to use the identified factors in design and development of their media platform businesses

    Green purchase and sustainable consumption: A comparative study between European and non-European tourists

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    This research aims to investigate tourists' sustainable consumption values and choice behaviour regarding green products in Europe by integrating the Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and consumption values (TCV). This study also compares the decisions of European and non-European tourists to purchase green products and services while travelling in some selected European cities. A total number of 720 useable questionnaires were collected from residents of two tourist groups in Europe. PLS-SEM, MGA, and other newly developed advanced analysis methods were applied to test the model and hypotheses. Findings reveal that environmental attitudes, environmental knowledge, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, conditional value, and emotional value have a significant positive relationship with green purchase intentions for European and non-European tourist groups. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study that broadly provides a theoretical framework for green purchase choice and sustainable consumption intention in Europe. The theoretical and practical contributions to tourists' purchasing green products are discussed

    Transforming consumers' intention to purchase green products: Role of social media

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    This research aims to examine consumers' green product purchasing intentions and observe how social media marketing (SMM) and social media usage (SMU) actively influence consumers' sustainable consumption behavior. We propose a new model for evaluating consumers' green purchase intentions (GPI) through social media (SM) by expanding the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with additional variables, namely green thinking, social media usage, and social media marketing. 785 usable responses were collected using a self-administered questionnaire, and PLS-SEM was applied to perform the analysis. Findings suggest that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, green thinking, and social media marketing have a strong and positive association with the intention to purchase green products on social media. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first empirical research to explore the moderating-mediating impact of social media usage interaction on the proposed TPB model, bridging research gaps by investigating the effect of consumers' green purchase intentions. Theoretical, managerial, and policy contributions are discussed.publishedVersio

    ¿Cómo el género y la edad pueden afectar el comportamiento de compra del consumidor? Evidencia desde una perspectiva microeconómica de Hungría

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effect of demographic variables of gender and age on online consumer purchase behavior (CPB) on Facebook in Hungary. The statistical population of the present study consists of Facebook users in Hungary, including Hungarian natives, foreigners residing in this country including students. A sample of 433 online consumers in different age groups was surveyed. The questionnaire was shared via an online link on the Facebook platform and also on various channels. Welch’s t-test was used to examine the gender variable, and Welch and Brown-Forsythe test was used to examine the age variable. The results showed that there was a significant difference between CPB in all age groups and the age group of over 50 years on Facebook. This important result emphasized the importance and impact of social networks as marketing channels on young people. Another important point was the difference between the purchase behaviors of male and female consumers. The results from this research can have implications for businesses in developing their competitive advantages and adopting proper approaches in advertising and marketing campaigns based on the socio-demographic characteristics of people.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el efecto de las variables demográficas de género y edad en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor on-line (CPB, por sus siglas en inglés) en Facebook en Hungría. La población estadística del presente estudio consiste en usuarios de Facebook en Hungría, incluidos los nativos húngaros y los extranjeros que residen en este país, incluidos los estudiantes. Se encuestó a una muestra de 433 consumidores en línea en diferentes grupos de edad. El cuestionario se compartió a través de un enlace en línea en la plataforma de Facebook y también en varios canales. Se utilizó la prueba t de Welch para examinar la variable de género, y la prueba de Welch y Brown-Forsythe, para examinar la variable de edad. Los resultados mostraron que hubo una diferencia significativa entre el CPB en todos los grupos de edad y el grupo de más de 50 años en Facebook. Este importante resultado enfatizó la importancia y el impacto de las redes sociales como canales de comercialización en los jóvenes. Otro punto importante fue la diferencia entre los comportamientos de compra de los consumidores masculinos y femeninos. Los resultados de esta investigación pueden tener implicaciones para que las empresas desarrollen sus ventajas competitivas y adopten enfoques adecuados en las campañas de publicidad y marketing en función de las características sociodemográficas de las personas

    User engagement in social network platforms: what key strategic factors determine online consumer purchase behaviour?

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    Social network platforms as ubiquitous media in our today lives are the venue of many everyday activities including purchasing products and services. This study set out to explore key strategic factors of online consumer purchase behavior in social network platforms. ISM methodology is used for comparing the variables that are extracted from the Delphi technique and confirmed by the experts. To collect the data, a questionnaire was developed and distributed among a limited sample of experts in microeconomics, social networks marketing and consumer purchase behavior to compare twelve factors. The findings revealed that ‘Consumer engagement’, ‘Consumer’s value perception’ and ‘Perceived risk’ are placed at the level I. Thus, they would be positioned at the top of the ISM model. Meanwhile, findings show that ‘Trust’, ‘Social influence’, ‘Social support’ and ‘Value co-creation’ are the most important strategic variables of research. Thereafter, all linkage variables are strategic variables. This, in terms of MICMAC analysis, means such variables are significant and are worth the investment in the future based on the crossimpact analysis. The results of this study can be used for platform businesses to deepen the user engagement level and to lead the customers to purchase decision. Also future researchers can use the findings of this research to propose new models of user engagement in social network platforms or to investigate the relationship among the identified factors


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    Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) understood as a means to attain the United Nations 2030 agenda particularly its contribution in reducing the massive unemployment and deep-rooted poverty. Hence, the main aim of this paper is to examine the role of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to the survival, value creation and growth of MSEs. For this study purpose, secondary data were collected from the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and triangulated with systematic review of empirical evidences. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to examine the relationships and significance in and between the data emerge. The empirical evidences result reveals that unlike banks, MFIs provide diverse micro credit services to address the diverse socio-economic needs of the poor who cannot afford collateral requirement and besides the result from PCA reveals that the economic growth and access to microcredit service by itself is not enough to create more jobs as they are uncorrelated. However, the empirical evidences shows that, the poorest and most vulnerable people are being left behind due to lack of access to finance, poor market linkage and inadequate skill training among many other factors. Therefore, policy-makers have to develop regulatory frameworks that build sound financial institutions and encourage competition among one another

    Forecasting of Bitcoin Illiquidity Using High-Dimensional and Textual Features

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    Liquidity is the ease of converting an asset (physical/digital) into cash or another asset without loss and is shown by the relationship between the time scale and the price scale of an investment. This article examines the illiquidity of Bitcoin (BTC). Bitcoin hash rate information was collected at three different time intervals; parallel to these data, textual information related to these intervals was collected from Twitter for each day. Due to the regression nature of illiquidity prediction, approaches based on recurrent networks were suggested. Seven approaches: ANN, SVM, SANN, LSTM, Simple RNN, GRU, and IndRNN, were tested on these data. To evaluate these approaches, three evaluation methods were used: random split (paper), random split (run) and linear split (run). The research results indicate that the IndRNN approach provided better results.Peer Reviewe