87 research outputs found

    Some noteworthy free-living copepods from surface freshwater in Belgium

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    A reflective ability as an ability to comprehend one’s experience, knowledge, evaluations is a psychological condition of thinking activity. But in researches, reflection is mainly considered as an indicator of a high level of thinking, creativity, the ability to analyze, types of reflection are not distinguished. For teaching mathematics, the development of intellectual reflection is especially important. In our study, the problem of the development of intellectual reflection is identified as an independent one. As a means of its development, we proposed geometric "many-valued" problems in which a situation of choice is organized. Three levels of development of reflective abilities in teaching geometry, in accordance with certain types of reflection are distinguished. The purpose of the study is to find out whether the level of development of students' reflection will change if "many-valued" problems are used in geometry. Is there a correlation of the manifestation of reflection on the geometric content and the content of another object? The experiment involved 375 students. The Pearson criterion was used in processing the results. The inclusion of "many-valued" problems in teaching geometry showed an increase in the level of formation of reflective skills of students and the transfer of these skills to another subject.

    Continental copepod biodiversity in North-Eastern Borneo, Malaysia

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    To obtain a relevant information on copepod biodiversity/distribution in continental Borneo water bodies in June 2011 about 30 different sites in Malaysian state Sabah were visited and more than 50 alcohol and formalin preserved samples in nine rivers, 10 ponds, and six near-road ditches and canals, rice fields and forest leaf litter environment were collected. In literature 16 copepod species were referred for Borneo and 10 other species for Kalimantan (Indonesean) states. After the Sabah sample analyses, the copepodspecies richnessin the Borneo island increased more than twice. The most abundant with species number genera were ranged as: Mesocyclops (13), Elaphoidella (6), Microcyclops (5), Eucyclops (4), Thermocyclops (4), Halicyclops (3) and Paracyclops (3). Species biodiversity in different sites plotted against type of water body and several environment parameters revealed significant positive correlations for number of species and both for depth and temperature in sampling site (Pearson non-parametric tests 0.6 and 0.5 respectively at p < 0.05). One way Kruscal-Walise dispersal analysis confirmed significant relationship between copepod biodiversity and water transparence/ turbidity (p < 0.05). The highest copepod biodiversity values were found in ponds (23 species), near road ditches (15), rivers with transparent water (12), lowland or swamp areas related with rivers (9). The lowest number of species were found in rivers with turbid water colored in orange with soil-erosive matter where the average number of copepod species (0.2 ± 0.08 species per site) was about 20 times less than in waters without silt particles (3.8 ± 2.8 species per site). This indicates a strong negative effect of soil erosion resulting water land-used activities and deforestation in the watershed on the biodiversity of aquatic organisms in Borneo. In one sub-urban population of Mesocyclops cf. thermocyclopoides, a trans-sexual mutation of female-sized but constructed as male armed with genicu late antennule organisms was found that possibly reflect a negative result of wide artificial hormone-based pesticide usage in this area. Keys for Harpacticoida species for Borneo and for Eucyclops species known for SEAsia, Australia and India are provided. Within practically each copepod genus studied in Borneo there are forms with problems on species identification by existing faunistic keys. This possibly indicates a necessity of new species description from this area in the nearest future

    Phylogenetic Study of Dioecious and Parthenogenetic Populations of Canthocamptus staphylinus (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida)

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    The phylogenetic relationships of four dioecious populations and one parthenogenetic population of the harpacticoid Canthocamptus staphylinus Jurine were studied. Analysis of the mtCOI gene revealed two main clades as a phylogenetic tree and a network of haplotypes: a clade with Fennoscandian populations in Lake Pääjärvi (Finland) and Lake Vänern (Sweden), and a second clade with populations in Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia), Orlov Pond in Saint Petersburg (Russia), and the type locality of the species in Lake Geneva (Switzerland).The parthenogenetic population of C. staphylinus showed the smallest nucleotide and haplotype polymorphisms and could have evolved as a reaction to the changing environmental conditions following the Last Glacial Maximum, 20K YBP.</p

    Nanostructure Formation in Superior Quality Rails

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    Using transmission electron microscopy methods the layer by layer analysis of the bulk hardened superior quality rails is carried out and the quantitative parameters of structure, phase state and defect substructure gradients are established. The gradient character of changing of structure-phase states and dislocation substructure along the cross section of rail head is revealed. The oil bulk hardening of superior quality rails is accompanied by the formation of morphologically different structure, being produced according to the shear and diffusion of γ-α transformation. The base structure volume is formed by the diffusion mechanism and is consisted of plate pearlite grains, free ferrite grains and grains of ferrite-carbide mixture. The presence of the bend extinction contours testifying to curvature-torsion of crystal lattice is revealed on electron microscope images. The analysis of far acting internal field stresses created by interfaces of cementite plates of pearlite grains and interfaces of pearlite and ferrite grains is carried out. It is shown that the interface boundaries globular cementite particles-matrix are the possible places of microcracks initiation

    Nanostructure Formation in Superior Quality Rails

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    Using transmission electron microscopy methods the layer by layer analysis of the bulk hardened superior quality rails is carried out and the quantitative parameters of structure, phase state and defect substructure gradients are established. The gradient character of changing of structure-phase states and dislocation substructure along the cross section of rail head is revealed. The oil bulk hardening of superior quality rails is accompanied by the formation of morphologically different structure, being produced according to the shear and diffusion of γ-α transformation. The base structure volume is formed by the diffusion mechanism and is consisted of plate pearlite grains, free ferrite grains and grains of ferrite-carbide mixture. The presence of the bend extinction contours testifying to curvature-torsion of crystal lattice is revealed on electron microscope images. The analysis of far acting internal field stresses created by interfaces of cementite plates of pearlite grains and interfaces of pearlite and ferrite grains is carried out. It is shown that the interface boundaries globular cementite particles-matrix are the possible places of microcracks initiation

    Informational approach to the problem of improving the readiness of future teachers for the spiritual and moral development of junior schoolchildren

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    The article considers information aspects of the spiritual and moral development of primary school children in frames of future teachers’ readiness for teaching, thus, the problem of readiness of future teachers for spiritual and moral development of schoolchildren. Information approach is used as the method of analysis. It is shown that, in order to successfully solve the problem of readiness for the spiritual and moral development of the child, it is necessary to provide students with dosed information, and exactly what is really necessary for their personal progress. Keywords: Information approach, Junior schoolchildren, Moral development, Primary education, Spiritual development

    Zooplankton and Dead Zooplankton in Kharbeyskie Lakes of Bolshezemelskaya Tundra (Period From 2009 to 2012)

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    В июле–августе 2009, 2010, 2012 гг. исследован состав и структура зоопланктона в системе Харбейских озер Большеземельской тундры. Обнаружено 87 видов и форм, из которых более половины коловратки (Rotifera). Планктонная фауна обследованных озер обычна для южных тундр и представлена азональными таксонами. Зоопланктон оз. Большой Харбей и придаточных озер различался по составу и количественным показателям, которые соответствовали различным уровням трофности экосистем. Межгодовая динамика планктонных сообществ в озерах была связана с динамикой погодных условий. Доминантный комплекс зоопланктона по численности в оз. Большой Харбей состоял из четырех, по биомассе – из девяти видов, был представлен эвпланктонными видами как коловраток, так и ракообразных (Cladocera, Copepoda) и слабо изменялся по годам. В небольших придаточных озерах число доминирующих в планктоне видов было меньшим по сравнению с оз. Большой Харбей, в глубоководных – доминантный комплекс был сходен с таковым в Большом Харбее. Не было выявлено достоверных различий в количестве зоопланктона в литорали и профундали основного озера системы. Пространственное распределение видов соответствовало морфологическим особенностям водоемов. В 2012 г. в основном и придаточных Харбейских озерах наблюдалась депрессия планктонных Copepoda, проявлявшаяся в высокой доле мертвых особей этих ракообразных в численности рачкового планктона. Наблюдали поражение микропаразитами (вероятно, грибковое) доминирующего вида – Heterocope appendiculata (Copepoda)Zooplankton composition and structure in Kharbeyskie Lakes system of Bolshezemelskaya tundra were investigated in July, August of 2009, 2010 and 2012. In total, 87 species and forms were found and more than half of them belonged to rotifers (Rotifera). Plankton fauna of the studied lakes was typical for southern tundra and presented by azonal taxa. Composition and abundance of zooplankton of Bolshoy Kharbey Lake and adjacent lakes were different and correspond to trophic conditions in ecosystems. Inter-annual dynamics of plankton communities in the lakes was determined by weather conditions. In Bolshoy Kharbey Lake four euplanktonic species of rotifers and crustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda) dominated in terms of abundance and nine species dominated in terms of biomass. Inter-annual changes in dominant species composition were insignificant. In Bolshoy Kharbey Lake the number of dominant species were more than in the adjacent lakes. Differences in the abundance of zooplankton between littoral and prophundal zones of the main lake were not significant. Spatial distribution of species was determined by the morphology of the lakes. Depression of plankton copepods in the main and adjacent Kharbeyskie Lakes was observed in 2012 and proportion of dead individuals in crustacean communities was high. Probably it was related with mass infection of dominant species Heterocope appendiculata (Copepoda) by microparasite

    Biogeographic patterns of planktonic and meiobenthic fauna diversity in inland waters of the Russian Arctic

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    Broad-scale assessment of biodiversity is needed for detection of future changes across substantial regions of the Arctic. Presently, there are large data and information gaps in species composition and richness of the freshwater planktonic and meiobenthos communities of the Russian Arctic. Analysis of these data is very important for identifying the spatial distribution and temporal changes in species richness and diversity of rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods in the continental Russian Arctic. We investigated biogeographic patterns of freshwater plankton and meiobenthos fromc. 67 degrees to 73 degrees N by analysing data over the period 1960-2017. These data include information on the composition of rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods obtained from planktonic and meiobenthic samples, as well as from subfossil remains in bottom sediments of seven regions from the Kola Peninsula in the west, to the Indigirka River Basin (east Siberia) in the east. Total richness included 175 species comprised of 49 rotifer genera, 81 species from 40 cladoceran genera, and 101 species from 42 genera of calanoid, cyclopoid, and harpacticoid copepods. Longitudinal trends in rotifer and micro-crustacean diversity were revealed by change in species composition from Europe to eastern Siberia. The most common and widespread species were 19 ubiquitous taxa that includedKellicottia longispina(Rotifera),Chydorus sphaericuss. lat. (Cladocera),Heterocope borealis,Acanthocyclops vernalis, andMoraria duthiei(Copepoda). The highest number of rare species was recorded in the well-studied region of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra and in the Putorana Plateau. The total number of copepod and rotifer species in both Arctic lakes and ponds tended to increase with latitude. Relative species richness of copepods was positively associated with waterbody area, elevation, and precipitation, while relative species richness of cladocerans was positively related to temperature. This result is consistent with known thermophilic characteristics of cladocerans and the cold tolerance properties of copepods, with the former being dominant in shallow, warmer waterbodies of some western regions, and the latter being dominant in large cold lakes and waterbodies of eastern regions. Rotifers showed a negative association with these factors. Alpha- and beta-diversity of zooplankton in the Russian Arctic were strongly related to waterbody type. Lake zooplankton communities were more diverse than those in pond and pool systems. Moreover, the highest beta-diversity values were observed in regions that showed a greater breadth in latitude and highly heterogeneous environmental conditions and waterbody types (Bolshezemelskaya tundra and Putorana Plateau). Redistribution of freshwater micro-fauna caused by human activities occurred in the 1990s and 2000s. As a result of climate warming, a few cladoceran species appear to have extended their range northward. Nevertheless, the rotifer and micro-crustacean fauna composition and diversity of the majority of Arctic regions generally remain temporally conservative, and spatial differences in composition and species richness are chiefly associated with the differences between the warmer European and colder east Siberian climates.Peer reviewe

    Quinolactacine Analogues: Synthesis and Thermal Stability

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    The reported study was funded in part by RFBR and Ministry of education and science of Perm region (Project № 17-41-590100)