391 research outputs found

    O galego no humor

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    Marketing político, ¿hacer pensar o hacer soñar?

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    INNDAGA: an environmental data acquisition innovation platform

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    INNDAGA is a multipurpose platform for conducting oceanographic surveys in coastal areas developed on an 8.5 m long inflatable boat. This concept allows the vessel to operate safely and with great manoeuvring flexibility in areas where larger research vessels cannot access (rocky areas, port ...) at low operational cost. Is fully integrated in an information management system to providing efficiency and effectiveness of strategic decision making.Peer Reviewe

    Dissolution and phosphate-induced transformation of ZnO nanoparticles in synthetic saliva probed by AGNES without previous solid-liquid separation. Comparison with UF-ICP-MS

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    The variation over time of free Zn2+ ion concentration in stirred dispersions of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) prepared in synthetic saliva at pH 6.80 and 37 degrees C was followed in situ (without solid liquid separation step) with the electroanalytical technique AGNES (Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping). Under these conditions, ZnO NPs are chemically unstable due to their reaction with phosphates. The initial stage of transformation (around 5-10 h) involves the formation of a metastable solid (presumably ZnHPO4), which later evolves into the more stable hopeite phase. The overall decay rate of ZnO NPs is significantly reduced in comparison with phosphate-free background solutions of the same ionic strength and pH. The effective equilibrium solubilities of ZnO (0.29-0.47 mg.L-1), as well as conditional excess-ligand stability constants and fractional distributions of soluble Zn species, were determined in the absence and presence of organic components. The results were compared with the conventional ultrafiltration and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (UF-ICP-MS) methodology. AGNES proves to be advantageous in terms of speed, reproducibility, and access to speciation information. KeywordsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry MINECOunder Grant No. CTM2016-78798 and European UnionSeventh Framework Programme FP7-NMP.2012.1.3-3 underGrant No. 310584 (NANoREG). FQ gratefully acknowledgesa grant from AGAUR

    Dynamics of trace metal sorption by an ion-exchange chelating resin described by a mixed intraparticle/film diffusion transport model. The Cd/Chelex case

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    The time-evolution of Cd2+ ion sorption by Chelex 100 resin was studied in batch experiments as a function of time, pH, ionic strength, stirring rate, mass of resin and initial metal ion concentration. In the experimental conditions, the amount of resin sites are in excess with respect to the amount of metal ion, leading to extensive depletion of metal in bulk solution when equilibrium is reached. The data were described using a mixed control mass transport model in finite volume conditions (MCM) that includes explicitly both intraparticle and film diffusion steps. Exact numerical computations and a new approximate analytical expression of this model are reported here. MCM successfully predicts the influence of pH and ionic strength on the experimental Cd(II)/Chelex kinetic profiles (which cannot be justified by a pure film diffusion controlled mechanism) with a minimum number of fitting parameters. The overall diffusion coefficient inside the resin was modelled in terms of the Donnan factor and the resin/cation binding stability constant. The values of the latter coefficient as a function of pH and ionic strength were estimated from the Gibbs-Donnan model. Even though MCM is numerically more involved than models exclusively restricted to film or intraparticle diffusion control, it proves to be accurate in a wider range of values of the mass transfer Biot number and solution/resin metal ratios.The authors gratefully acknowledge support for this research from the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Projects CTM2013-48967 and CTM2016-78798) and by the “Comissionat d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya” (2014SGR1132). FQ acknowledges a grant from AGAUR

    La relevancia del capital humano en el crecimiento económico de los países

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    El crecimiento económico es un fenómeno de largo plazo, que todas las economías desean lograr; y que implica mantener un crecimiento sostenido del PBI per cápita. No muchos países son capaces de lograr esto, debido a diferentes situaciones, pero que se puede resumir a partir de la definición de la economía como ciencia: la escasez de recursos. Es por ello, que la economía busca la mejor forma de asignar los recursos, esto es ser eficiente. En particular, para crecer, muchos economistas han desarrollado teorías sobre la importancia de determinadas variables que ellos consideran “claves" para lograr el crecimiento. En esta investigación, se hará hincapié en el análisis del capital humano: las capacidades y formación de la fuerza laboral de los países como variable que determina el deseado crecimiento. A lo largo del tiempo, y utilizando variables tendientes a medir el nivel educacional de los habitantes de un país, se determinó a través de un análisis empírico y econométrico, que el capital humano, es una variable significativa para el crecimiento económico de los países. Por otro lado, el estudio permitió determinar que existen otras variables que influyen en el crecimiento económico; el ahorro interno, la dotación de capital físico, la inversión y la estabilidad macroeconómica del país. Se presentan como variables del aumento sostenido de la riqueza de una nación a lo largo del tiempo.Fil: Rey Macías, Federico. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Models for biomass estimation in native forest tree plantations and secondary forests in the Costa Rican Caribbean Region

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    The use of forest ecosystems as carbon sinks is now more accepted. However, credible information about its growth in terms of\ud biomass and its capacity to capture and store CO2 is still insufficient in order to suggest ways by which forest owners should be\ud compensated. The objective for this study was to construct models that allow us to determine tree biomass for native tree plantations\ud of Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemào, Vochysia guatemalensis Donn and a group of 35 species of secondary forests in the\ud Costa Rican Caribbean region. In each plantation the tree with the mean diameter at breast height (d) was harvested; in secondary\ud forests the harvested tree corresponded to the mean d tree with the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) for each diametric class.\ud Destructive sampling was used, separating each tree component and collecting a field sample in order to determine dry matter\ud content (MS). All selected models had R2aj values above 82.6%. Tree species from secondary forests showed the lowest R2aj\ud values. Stem, roots and total biomass had R2aj values above 91.3%, while leaves and branches had values between 82.6 and 94.1%.\ud Biomass expansion factor (BEF) in secondary forest was 1.44 and in forest tree plantations it was 1.56. The radical biomass (Bra)\ud relationship to total aboveground biomass (Bat) and stem biomass (Bf) in secondary forests was 0.25 and 0.37, respectively, 0.26\ud and 0.39 for V. guatemalensis and 0.3 and 0.52 for H. alchorneoides.El uso de los ecosistemas forestales como sumideros y reservorios de carbono es cada día más aceptado. Aún así, la información\ud fidedigna sobre su crecimiento en biomasa y la capacidad de captura y de almacenamiento de CO2 es insuficiente para proponer\ud formas de compensación a los propietarios de bosques. El objetivo de este trabajo fue construir modelos para estimar la biomasa\ud del árbol en plantaciones de Hieronyma alchorneoides, Vochysia guatemalensis y para un grupo de 35 especies en bosque secundario,\ud en la zona Caribe de Costa Rica. En cada plantación se extrajo un árbol de diámetro promedio a la altura del pecho (d) y en\ud bosque secundario un árbol de d promedio de la especie de mayor índice de valor de importancia por clase diamétrica. Se utilizó\ud un muestreo destructivo, separando cada componente del árbol y tomando una muestra de campo para determinar la materia seca.\ud Todos los modelos seleccionados tuvieron un R2aj superior al 82,6%. Las especies arbóreas de bosque secundario mostraron R2aj\ud inferiores. El fuste, raíz y biomasa total del árbol mostraron R2aj > 91,3%, y las hojas y ramas, entre 82,6 y 94,1%. El factor de\ud expansión de biomasa en bosque secundario fue de 1,44 y en plantaciones de 1,56. Se estimó que la relación de biomasa radical\ud respecto a biomasa aérea total y biomasa del fuste fue 0,25 y 0,37, respectivamente, en bosques secundarios; 0,26 y 0,39 en V.\ud guatemalensis, y 0,3 y 0,52 en H. alchorneoides.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Universidad\ud Nacional Autónoma de Costa Rica, el Ministerio de Ciencia\ud y Tecnología de Costa Rica y gracias al apoyo de la empresa\ud privada. El primer autor se benefició de una beca del\ud Programa Miguel de Cervantes para realizar su tesis doctoral\ud en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, España

    Estudio genético HLA en poblaciones iraníes: epidemiología, antropología y farmacogenética

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    The HLA system is the most polymorphic genetic system described in humans. It consists of several closely linked loci encoding cell surface glycoproteins whose best known function is activating immune system response through antigenic presentation. New loci and new alleles have been described since the discovery of this genetic system and the presently available DNA typing and sequencing of these new alleles have increased the variety of HLA allelism. Due to the fact that HLA gene frequencies have a large degree of variability and a remarkable geographical correlation, HLA genes are an important and useful tool to infer genetic background and ethnical composition of modern human populations and also for tracing migration of ancient ones. In addition, certain combinations of contiguous alleles due to the strong linkage disequilibrium between HLA neighbouring loci show a characteristic frequency or are distinctive in many present day populations. Thus, HLA genetic system is a unique tool for studying the origin of relatively isolated groups, like Turkmen, Azeri and Kurd people, the populations under study, living in North Iran, in the surrounding area of Caspian Sea. Finally, HLA polymorphism is crucial for the compatibility between donor and receptor in organ transplantation and several HLA alleles have been linked to diseases and to response to drug treatments, which accomplishes relationships of certain variants with different pathologies treatment including AIDS. This is important in personalized treatments design. Turkmen could be descendants of Oghuz tribes from Seljuq branch coming from Transoxiana region (Central Asia) contemporarily to the foundation of the Seljuk Empire in 10th century AD. Conversely, this people could belong to another group within the Oghuz, arriving to Iran five centuries later. Migrations of this people were initially developed peacefully, being vassals of the Safavid Empire, and later by violent raids. They speak a language belonging to the Turkish-Oghuz group. In Iran, Turkmen live in Golestan province, mainly in Türkmensähra (“Turkmen plain”) area and amount 1.5 million people (2% of Iranian population). Most of this people are Sunni Muslims..

    Comunidad de Labradores de Nava del Rey : conferencia dada por su presidente Don Federico Carbonero el día 6 de enero de 1916

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Recursos minerales marinos en las rías gallegas y en la plataforma continental adyacente.

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    La riqueza natural de las rías gallegas y de su plataforma adyacente no se restringe exclusivamente a las pesquerías. Los recursos minerales marinos, entre los que se encuentran los áridos, placeres, sal marina, fosforitas, hidrocarburos e hidratos de gas poseen un interés económico intrínseco muy importante. Aunque las explotaciones de sal marina tuvieron importancia histórica en Galicia, en la actualidad el aprovechamiento económico de los recursos minerales marinos se limita a los áridos empleados en la regeneración de playas. Una compleja interacción de factores jurídicos, tecnológicos y económicos ha inhibido hasta ahora el desarrollo de otros recursos. Sin embargo, el nuevo orden político y económico internacional proporciona un escenario muy distinto que facilita su explotación. Sensibles a este cambio, las instituciones responsables han impulsado el desarrollo de programas de evaluación de algunos de estos recursos, cuyos resultados se exponen aquí. Este es el caso de los hidrocarburos, de interés energético estratégico, o de los placeres cuyo interés se basa en la presencia de ciertos metales y tierras raras empleados en los nuevos materiales. En este sentido es deseable que en los próximos años se considere también la evaluación de recursos energéticos alternativos como los hidratos de gas, o de otros que como las fosforitas, poseen un interés estratégico especial para la creciente demanda de fertilizantes que anticipa la racionalización del sector agropecuario en la región. Sólo una completa evaluación del potencial económico de 67 G. Méndez et al. Recursos minerales marinos en las rías gallegas... todos los recursos minerales marinos en Galicia permitirá planificar una política de desarrollo sostenido adecuada.The natural wealth of the Galician rias and adjoining platform is not constrained to their well know fisheries. Their marine mineral resources, such as aggregates, placers, marine salt, phosphorites, hydrocarbons and gas hydrates, also have very significant intrinsic economic value. Despite a number of marine salt exploitations of historical relevance, the economic importance of marine mineral mining in Galicia, at present day, is limited to aggregates for beach renourishment. A complex interaction of legal, technological and economical factors has inhibited the development of other resources. However, the new international political and economical order has provided a very different scenario that favours their exploitation. Sensitive to this change, the relevant institutions have put in place evaluation programs for some of these resources, whose results will be shown here. This is the case of hydrocarbons, of strategic energy interest, or placers a source of metals and rare-earth elements for the new materials industry. In this sense it is desirable that alternative energy resources like gas hydrates, or strategically interesting resources for agriculture like phosphorites will be adequately evaluated in the next few years. Only a complete evaluation of the true economical importance of all the marine mineral resources in Galicia will allow adequate long-term planning of successful sustained development policies