114 research outputs found


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    Soil porosity is a state parameter of fundamental importance for several geotechnical problems. Geophysical testing provide appealing strategies for the determination of soil porosity, as several geophysical parameters are directly related to soil porosity. In particular the theory of wave propagation in saturated porous media, developed by Biot in the 1950s, allows the determination of soil porosity from the measured velocity of propagation of compressional and shear waves. A formal assessment of the reliability of the estimated porosity values is of primary importance to evaluate the applicability of this approach to solve practical geotechnical problems. In this paper the propagation of measurement uncertainties on the estimated values of soil porosity is theoretically evaluated. Moreover, experimental data of multiple acquisitions of cross-hole tests are considered. Data collected by different operators are also used to assess the confidence interval associated to different equipment, acquisition practices and testing methodology


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    The Vallone di Vradda stratigraphic section is situated in the eastern part of the Gran Sasso range and shows the transition from Late Triassic euxinic facies to Early Liassic open pelagic facies. This paper describes Middle and Late Hettangian ammonite and radiolarian assemblages found in the upper part of the succession. The existence of an anoxic event below the Middle Hettangian beds is noted. Assemblages of small-sized Middle Hettangian ammonites suggest some taxonomic innovation within the early Lytoceratina: gen. n. (Pleuroacanthitidae) and Analytoceras n. sp. indet. Radiolarians found together with ammonites improve the knowledge of Hettangian radiolarian assemblages of the western Tethys

    Recent developments in seismic site response evaluation and microzonation

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    Seismic hazard and seismic actions for the design of buildings are strongly influenced by site response because of significant amplification expected for the specific stratigraphic and topographic conditions. Different approaches can be applied at the scale of the single building, but in complex morphological and geological contexts studies at the urban scale can provide relevant informations to be incorportated in the evaluation. The paper builds on the recent experience of seismic microzonation studies in central Italy in the aftermaths of the 2016 seismic sequence to provide an insight on the role of studies at different scales. Within this context, an example is also provided to illustrate recent methodologies that have been conceived to account for uncertainties in the characterization that affects both geophysical tests in situ and geotechnical tests in the laboratory for the assessment of the response of soils to cyclic loadings


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    La valutazione delle incertezze nei parametri e la loro propagazione all’interno degli studi di risposta sismica locale rappresentano un carattere fondamentale nella valutazione del rischio sismico e nella microzonazione del territorio. Il profilo delle velocità delle onde di taglio (Vs), in particolare, rappresenta il parametro chiave per descrivere il comportamento del deposito sia per bassi, che per alti livelli deformativi. La valutazione della pericolosità di un sito specifico, pertanto, deve tenere in conto di tali incertezze a livello probabilistico, in modo da fornire un risultato consistente con lo studio probabilistico di base, e che tenga conto di diversi livelli di nonlinearità


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    L'articolo presenta alcuni risultati preliminari derivanti dal primo esperimento di liquefazione indotta tramite blast test realizzato in Italia, presso Mirabello (FE), comune fortemente colpito da fenomeni di liquefazione durante la sequenza sismica verificatasi in Emilia-Romagna nel 2012. In particolare diverse indagini in sito con tecniche invasive e non invasive sono state eseguite prima e dopo le detonazioni per confrontare la variazione dei parametri geotecnici e geofisici nel tempo

    Atrophic pseudarthrosis of humeral diaphyseal fractures: medico-legal implications and methodological analysis of the evaluation

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    Humeral shaft fractures account for 1- 3% of all fractures and about 20-27% of those involving the humerus. In the past they were often conservatively treated, with an acceptable consolidation rate. Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is the best choice in polytrauma patients, in complex or pathological fractures and in those associated with vascular injuries. Regardless the type of fixation used, these fractures can evolve into delayed union or pseudarthrosis (PSA). It should be noted that the humeral shaft itself has a high intrinsic healing potential, due to the blood supply provided by the surrounding muscles. The aim of this work is to evaluate whether the causes that led to the development of atrophic pseudarthrosis in a humeral diaphyseal fracture are attributable to inadequate management of this fearful complication and to highlight the possible medico-legal repercussions. We will try to verify whether the currently used forensic evaluation parameters of permanent disability are appropriate and adequate in relation to the complexity of such injuries. This complexity also includes the repercussions on the ergonomic efficiency of the entire limb, the relative possible postural alterations, the inevitable extension of the period of traumatic illness and the relative repercussions on the overall compromised structure of the subject

    Microzonazione sismica e risposta sismica locale: specificitĂ  e aspetti critici

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    La pericolosità sismica, ossia lo scuotimento atteso, è fortemente influenzata dalle specifiche condizioni di sito che possono comportare fenomeni di amplificazione dovuti ad effetti stratigrafici e topografici. Gli studi condotti alla scala territoriale e alla scala locale della singola opera rappresentano due elementi complementari, che spesso vengono erroneamente messi in contrapposizione. Nella presente nota vengono considerati gli elementi distintivi delle due tipologie di studi, presentando alcuni esempi tratti dalle recenti esperienze riguardanti gli studi condotti in Centro Italia a seguito degli eventi sismici del 2016. Successivamente vengono considerati due aspetti critici per la valutazione delle azioni sismiche: l’influenza delle incertezze associate alla caratterizzazione del sito e l’affidabilità degli approcci semplificati proposti dalle normative sismiche, con specifica attenzione alle NTC2018

    Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in a Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma of a Horse: Future Perspectives

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most frequent tumors of skin and muco-cutaneous junctions in the horse. Equine papillomavirus type 2 (EcPV2) has been detected in equine SCC of the oral tract and genitals, and recently also in the larynx. As human squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (SCCL), it is strongly etiologically associated with high-risk papillomavirus (h-HPV) infection. This study focuses on tumor cells behavior in a naturally occurring tumor that can undergo the so-called epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). A SCCL in a horse was investigated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against E-cadherin, pan-cytokeratin AE3/AE1, β-catenin, N-cadherin, vimentin, ZEB-1, TWIST, and HIF-1α. EcPV2 DNA detection and expression of oncogenes in SCC were investigated. A cadherin switch and an intermediate filaments rearrangement within primary site tumor cells together with the expression of the EMT-related transcription factors TWIST-1, ZEB-1, and HIF-1α were observed. DNA obtained from the tumor showed EcPV2 positivity, with E2 gene disruption and E6 gene dysregulation. The results suggest that equine SCCL might be a valuable model for studying EMT and the potential interactions between EcPV2 oncoproteins and the EMT process in SCCL

    First genome-wide data from Italian European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): strong and ancient differentiation between Alps and Apennines

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    The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most widespread forest trees in Europe whose distribution and intraspecific diversity has been largely shaped by repeated glacial cycles. Previous studies, mainly based on palaeobotanical evidence and a limited set of chloroplast and nuclear genetic markers, highlighted a complex phylogeographic scenario, with southern and western Europe characterized by a rather heterogeneous genetic structure, as a result of recolonization from different glacial refugia. Despite its ecological and economic importance, the genome of this broad-leaved tree has only recently been assembled, and its intra-species genomic diversity is still largely unexplored. Here, we performed whole-genome resequencing of nine Italian beech individuals sampled from two stands located in the Alpine and Apennine mountain ranges. We investigated patterns of genetic diversity at chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes and we used chloroplast genomes to reconstruct a temporally-resolved phylogeny. Results allowed us to test European beech differentiation on a whole-genome level and to accurately date their divergence time. Our results showed comparable, relatively high levels of genomic diversity in the two populations and highlighted a clear differentiation at chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The molecular clock analysis indicated an ancient split between the Alpine and Apennine populations, occurred between the GĂĽnz and the Riss glaciations (approximately 660 kyrs ago), suggesting a long history of separation for the two gene pools. This information has important conservation implications in the context of adaptation to ongoing climate change
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