74 research outputs found

    Key inventory control system: A team project

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    Fauntleroy’s Letter to Quartermaster General 1852

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    Letter to the Quartermaster General 1852 from T.T. Fauntleroy, colonel First Dragoons, concerning the economical point of view on repairing Fort Leavenworth for military operations and to propose a new location for a Fort

    A home-based intervention to promote physical activity in low income African American adults

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    Physical activity has long been regarded as a key component to a healthy lifestyle; however, the U.S. has disturbingly high rates of sedentary behavior and related chronic illnesses (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2003). While many studies have attempted to address inactive lifestyle, few have reached out to high risk groups, such as African Americans and low income individuals. A recent review of the physical activity literature among African Americans called for more research with this population and encouraged future studies to focus on enduring exercise behavior (at least 6 months post intervention) and use theory-based interventions (Banks-Wallace & Conn, 2002). The transtheoretical model (TTM) is the predominant theoretical model utilized in the physical activity promotion literature. TTM-based studies have shown promising results in promoting physical activity among Caucasians. Recently, a stage-matched mail-delivered intervention was implemented among a predominantly African American low income sample (Whitehead, Bodenlos, Jones, Cowles, & Brantley, 2007). Results indicated that the intervention produced modest increases in self-reported physical activity at one month, but effects were diminished by six months. Thus, the current study saught to maintain these gains by supplementing the mail-delivered intervention with two telephone-delivered motivational interviews and five monthly newsletters, while also addressing methodological problems common to this research area. Overall, results from the current study indicated that participants increased in stage of change and self-reported physical activity from baseline to six months; however, there were no significant group differences in changes in physical activity, self efficacy, or decisional balance. These findings suggest that the physical activity intervention needs and preferences of low income African Americans require further examination. While 90% of this sample reported preferring to receive physical activity information in the mail, as opposed to telephone or Internet, the current intervention was developed and tested among mostly Caucasians and may not be appropriate for use among African Americans due to cultural differences regarding physical activity. Future researchers should consider using qualitative methods to develop culturally sensitive physical activity print materials for low income African Americans

    Know Your Facts Get Vaxxed

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    For this project, our team focused on formulating a campaign that would encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. COVID-19 vaccinations are low in the Saint Charles area for young adults, and teenagers. Due to the St Charles Public Health Department contacting us due to the continued low vaccine rates, we focused our COVID-19 Vaccine campaign on high schoolers and young adults. In addition to analyzing national data, we interviewed the St.Charles Public health department to gather data and interviewed current high school capstone students from the St Charles Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) to understand why vaccine uptake was so low. After gathering this information, we formulated the goals and objectives we wanted our campaign to meet. We aimed to increase self-efficacy in teenagers. In addition, to this, we focused on discrediting common myths and misconceptions regarding the vaccine. Lastly, it was important to ensure we provided succinct facts to encourage COVID-19 vaccination. Through studying different social theories, we selected methods that would work best to convey our messages. Formulating flyers, social media posters, and tweets all aimed towards teenage and young adults audiences

    The Sandbox

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    Unipotent group actions on affine varieties

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    Algebraic actions of unipotent groups UU actions on affine k−k-varieties XX (kk an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0) for which the algebraic quotient X//UX//U has small dimension are considered.. In case XX is factorial, O(X)∗=k∗,O(X)^{\ast}=k^{\ast}, and X//UX//U is one-dimensional, it is shown that O(X)UO(X)^{U}=k[f]k[f], and if some point in XX has trivial isotropy, then XX is UU equivariantly isomorphic to U×A1(k).U\times A^{1}(k). The main results are given distinct geometric and algebraic proofs. Links to the Abhyankar-Sathaye conjecture and a new equivalent formulation of the Sathaye conjecture are made.Comment: 10 pages. This submission comes out of an older submission ("A commuting derivations theorem on UFDs") and contains part of i
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