62 research outputs found

    Developing Healthcare Practitioners’ Professional Expertise Through Effective Continuing Education: Commentary

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    Development of professional expertise is the transition from novice to expert within a profession through deliberate practice with feedback. While this development is actively stimulated during undergraduate studies, encouraging practicing healthcare professionals to pursue their development towards expertise doesn’t seem as obvious. This commentary briefly describes the development of professional expertise and the possible decline in performance that can occur with time. It then gives insight into the roles of continuing professional education in healthcare practitioners’ acquisition and maintenance of professional expertise

    Evaluation of AID-COM, a communication-focused program for family carers of people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study (innovative practice)

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    Families providing care to relatives with Alzheimer’s disease are quickly destabilized by changes that disrupt communication. This pilot mixed-design study aimed to provide a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a communication-based training program for carers of people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Five participants received three training sessions. The use of communication strategies by participants and their effectiveness were evaluated before and after the training, and a focus group was conducted to gather participants’ impressions about the impacts of the training on communication with the person they cared for. The AID-COM (AID for COMmunication) program appears to have met expectations. © The Author(s) 2019

    L’inévitable défi des dilemmes éthiques en optométrie, partie 2: Relations professionnelles et pratiques sur la sellette

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    Les professionnels de la santé doivent parfois choisir entre deux décisions qui ne sont pas optimales, risquant de compromettre un principe éthique. Les dilemmes éthiques n’avaient jamais été étudiés chez les optométristes, malgré les conséquences qu’ils peuvent avoir sur eux-mêmes et sur la population qu’ils desservent. Objectif. Cet article est le deuxième d’une série de trois rapportant les résultats d’une étude qui visait à identifier et à décrire les dilemmes éthiques relatifs à l’optométrie. Méthode. Un total de 240 optométristes ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne sur les dilemmes éthiques rencontrés durant leur carrière. Résultats. Les conflits entre optométristes, de même qu’avec les opticiens et les ophtalmologistes sont souvent source de dilemme éthique pour les optométristes. D’autres situations comme la prise en charge de cas à la limite de leurs compétences et la dénonciation d’autrui constituent également des enjeux éthiques importants. Conclusion. Les optométristes vivent des questionnements éthiques susceptibles de leur causer du stress et de compromettre le bienêtre de la population. Le prochain et dernier article de cette série dévoilera des dilemmes éthiques concernant la relation optométriste-patient et offrira des pistes pour mieux préparer les optométristes à faire face aux différents enjeux éthiques relatifs à l’exercice de leur profession

    The Inevitable Challenge of Ethical Dilemmas in Optometry, Part 3: The Optometrist, their Patient and their Fees, a Ménage à Trois

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    Some situations place healthcare professionals in a dilemma where two ethical principles are in conflict and none of the choices are optimal. Despite the potential consequences of this quandary, no previous study has examined ethical dilemmas in optometry. Objective. This article concludes a series of three articles reporting the results of a study that sought to identify the ethical dilemmas experienced by optometrists and to describe some typical scenarios. Method. Two hundred forty optometrists completed an online survey. Results. A breach of trust can present an optometrist with a dilemma as to whether or not to maintain their relationship with the patient. The most common dilemma involves the billing of professional fees on top of the basic exam. Several other ethical dilemmas were worrisome, including those involving sexual or seductive advances by patients. Conclusion. Many ethical issues have been identified and described. These results will be useful for academic and professional bodies in helping them prepare optometrists for ethical decisions that can sometimes be difficult

    Lorsqu’il n’y a aucune bonne option : l’inévitable défi des dilemmes éthiques en optométrie

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    Les professionnels de la santé sont souvent confrontés à des dilemmes éthiques, qui surviennent lorsque deux principes éthiques entrent en conflit. Malgré la détresse psychologique pouvant en résulter, aucune étude ne s’est penchée sur les dilemmes éthiques en optométrie. Objectif. Cette étude visait à identifier les dilemmes éthiques vécus par les optométristes et à décrire des scénarios typiques. Méthode. Un questionnaire en ligne a été envoyé à 1393 optométristes. Chaque question concernait un aspect de la profession et visait à savoir si les répondants avaient déjà vécu un dilemme à ce sujet. Un espace illimité était fourni pour explications. Résultats. Chacun des 22 dilemmes éthiques proposés a déjà été rencontré par une proportion allant de 3,75 % à 67,9 % des 240 participants. Le plus fréquent concerne les honoraires professionnels. Plusieurs autres sont préoccupants : sécurité compromise (41,3%), avances sexuelles ou séductrices (33,9%), actes au-delà des compétences (30,2%). Conclusion. Les optométristes vivent beaucoup d’enjeux éthiques, plusieurs semblables à ceux vécus par d’autres professionnels. Ces résultats seront utiles aux instances académiques et professionnelles pour leur permettre de guider les optométristes face aux enjeux éthiques

    The Inevitable Challenge of Ethical Dilemmas in Optometry, Part 1: When Confidentiality is Tested

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    Healthcare professionals often face ethical dilemmas, which arise when two ethical principles conflict. Despite the potential for psychological consequences, no study has examined ethical dilemmas in the field of optometry. Objective. This article is the first in a series of three pertaining to a joint study that aimed to identify and describe the ethical dilemmas faced by optometrists. Method. An online survey sent to 1,393 optometrists asked them about various categories of ethical dilemmas. Unlimited space was provided for explanations. Results. Each of the 22 ethical dilemmas proposed had previously been encountered by between 3.75% and 67.9% of the 240 respondents. This first article reports that ethical dilemmas involving confidentiality are varied and those pertaining to the filling out of driver’s licence forms had previously affected 40% of the participants. Conclusion. Optometrists regularly face tough ethical decisions for which knowledge of the legislation and regulations alone is insufficient. The results will be revealed in the next two articles in this series, with the last one broaching the discussion of how to optimize the management of ethical issues in the field of optometry

    The Inevitable Challenge of Ethical Dilemmas in Optometry, Part 2: Professional Relationships and Practices in the Spotlight

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    Health care professionals sometimes have to choose between options that are each less than optimal, and thereby risk compromising an ethical principle. Despite the impact they can have on these professionals and the population they serve, ethical dilemmas have never been studied in optometry. Objective. This article is the second in a series of three reporting the results of a study that aimed to identify and describe the ethical dilemmas faced by optometrists. Method. A total of 240 optometrists completed an online questionnaire concerning ethical dilemmas encountered during their career. Results. A major source of ethical dilemmas for optometrists is conflicts with other optometrists, as well as with opticians and ophthalmologists. Other situations, such as being confronted with cases at the limit of one’s competency and the disclosure of personal information, are also important ethical issues. Conclusion. Optometrists experience ethical questioning that is likely to cause them stress and compromise the well-being of the public. The next and final article in this series will reveal ethical dilemmas concerning the optometrist/patient relationship and offer suggestions for optometrists to be better prepared for dealing with the various ethical issues related to the practice of their profession
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