9 research outputs found

    Réponse du génome aux stress abiotiques : le cas des plantes serpentinophytes en Bosnie centrale

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    Habitati na serpentinskim substratima predstavljaju nepovoljne uvjete za razvoj biljaka. Karakteriziraju se sa malim brojem vrsta, ali prisustvom velikog broja endema. U ovoj studiji se po prvi put prezentira serija podataka o veličini genoma serpentinofita, njihovom hromosomskom broju, nivou ploidije, sklonosti ka supstratu, tipu životnog ciklusa i životne forme na krajnjem sjeverozapadnom dijelu serpentinskog područja Balkanskog poluostrva. Uzorak je obuhvatao 308 svojti iz 213 rodova, sa novim vrijednostima za 28 rodova i 99 vrsta. Prema Leitch-evim kriterijima, više od polovine analiziranih svojti (55.63%) pripadale su grupi vrlo malih genoma, 22.19% malim, 18.75% srednjim, 3.13% velikim i samo 0.31% vrlo velikim genomima. U odnosu na sklonost ka supstratu, glavnina vrsta (171) su bile indiferentne ili fakultativne serpentinofite (103). U zavisnosti od životnog ciklusa, ~ 4% vrsta su bile jednogodišnje, a 88.31% višegodišnje, od kojih je 57% imalo vrlo male genome. Hemikriptofite su predstavljale dominantnu životnu formu (48.38%), koju slijede fanerofite (17%), hamefite (15%), terofite (9%) i geofite (9%). Iz dobivenih rezultata proizilazi da vodni stres, visoke temperature i prisustvo teških metala u serpentinskim habitatima imaju visok selektivni pritisak i favoriziraju višegodišnje vrste sa vrlo malim genomom.Narcissus poeticus (Amaryllidaceae), fakultativna serpentinofita, je predak kultiviranih narcisa. Ovo je prva studija o N. poeticus i njegovoj rizosferi u prirodnim populacijama. Ova vrsta pokazuje toleranciju na promjene pH vrijednosti u dijapazonu od 4.64 do 7.85. Totalne koncentracije nikla, kobalta i magnezija u serpenitnskim tlima su bile veće nego u krečnjačkim. Narcissus poeticus se karakterizirao većom akumulacijom mangana, nikla i magnezija u nadzemnim dijelovima biljke. Suprotno, kobalt je imao skoro istu totalnu koncentraciju u svim dijelovima biljke. Druga neuobičajena karakteristika N. poeticus je najveći iskazani molarni odnos Ca/Mg u podzemnim dijelovima, vjerovatno zbog njegove životne forme (geofita) i ljetne dormancije. Očito je da iako N. poeticus akumulira određene količine istraživanih teških metala (Mn, Ni, Co, Fe) on se ne moze smatrati nije njihovim hiperakumulatorom.Važan dio ove studije se odnosi na varijabilnost hromosomske strukture, veličine genoma, nivoa ploidije i prisustva B-hromosoma u 13 prirodnih populacija N. poeticus koje rastu na različitim geološkim supstratima i pod različitim okolišnim uslovima. Korištena je tehnika protočne citometrije za određivanje veličine genoma, fluorescentna in situ hibridizacija (FISH) za fizicko mapiranje rDNK, fluorohrom banding za organizaciju heterohromatina i bojenje srebrenim nitratom za utvrđivanje aktivnosti ribozomalnih gena. Organizacija ribosomalnih gena i prisustvo prirodnih triploida su u ovoj studiji saopćeni po prvi put. Uočeno je prisustvo individua koje nose B-hromosome (u 9 od 13 populacija) i hromosomske translokacije. Poseban sistem B-hromosoma je predstavljen sa tri različita morfotipa. Najčešći submetacentrični tip pokazuje četiri različita obrasca u organizaciji heterohromatina i rDNK. Bojenje s AgNO3 je pokazalo da se formirani broj nukleolusa povećava u prisustvu B-hromosoma koji nose ribosomalne gene, što potvrđuje njihovu aktivnost. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da N. poeticus ima dinamičan genom sa različitom količinom DNK usljed prisustva poliploidije, B-hromosoma i hromosomskih rearanžmana. Uočene promjene najvjerovatnije odražavaju odgovor genoma na različite okolišne uslove u kojima individue koje posjeduju B-hromosome imaju izvjesnu selektivnu prednost.Habitats on serpentine substrate present a hostile environment for the plants development. They are characterized by a small number of species, but high levels of endemism. This study shows for the first time a series of data on genome size, chromosome number, ploidy level, the affinity to the substrate, the life cycle, the type and form of growth in the extreme northwest region of serpentine area in the Balkans. The sample includes 308 taxa belonging to 213 genera, with new values recorded for 28 genera and 99 species. Using Leitch’s criteria, more than half of estimated taxa (55.63%) belong to the group of very small genomes, 22.19% small, 18.75% intermediary, 3.13% large and only 0.31% to very large genomes. Regarding the affinity to the substrate, the majority of species (171) were indifferent or facultative serpentinophytes (103). Concerning the life cycle, ~ 4% of species are annuals and 88.31% perennials, and 57% had very small genomes. Hemicryptophytes represent a dominant life form (48.38%), phanerophytes 17%, 1chamaephytes5%, therophytes 9% and geophytes 9%. It is clear that the water stress, high temperatures and presence of heavy metals in serpentine habitats have the high selective pressure and favor perennial species with very small genome.The Narcissus poeticus (Amaryllidaceae), facultative serpentinophyte, is the ancestor of cultivated daffodils. This is the first study of N. poeticus and its rhizosphere in natural populations. It shows tolerance to soil pH ranging from 4.64 to 7.85. Serpentine soils have total concentrations of nickel, cobalt and magnesium highest, compared with calcareous soils. Narcissus poeticus is characterized by the greater accumulation of manganese, nickel and magnesium in the aerial parts of plant. Against the cobalt has a uniform total concentration in all parts of the plant. Another unusual feature of N. poeticus is the highest molar ratio Ca / Mg in the underground parts, probably du to his life form (geophytes) and summer dormancy. It is obvious that although N. poeticus accumulate certain amounts of estimated heavy metals (Mn, Ni, Co, Fe), it does not a hyperaccumulator.An important part of this work concerns the variability of the chromosome structure, genome size, the ploidy level and the presence of B chromosomes in 13 natural populations growing on different soils and under different environmental conditions. The technique of flow cytometry was used to estimate the genome size, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for the physical mapping of rDNA, the fluorochrome banding for the organization of heterochromatin and silver staining to estimate the activity of ribosomal genes. Organization of ribosomal genes and natural triploids have been reported here for the first time. Presence of individuals carrying B chromosomes (in 9 / 13 populations) and chromosomal translocations were detected. A particular system of B chromosomes presents three different morphotypes. The most common submetacentric type shows four different patterns in the organization of heterochromatin and rDNA. The AgNO3 staining showed that the number of nucleoli formed increases in the presence of B chromosomes carrying ribosomal genes, which proved their activity. The obtained results show that N. poeticus has a dynamic genome with the variable amount of DNA due to the presence of polyploidy, B chromosomes and chromosomal rearrangements. It seems that the observed changes reflect the response of the genome to different environmental conditions in which individuals carrying B chromosomes may have some selective advantagesLes habitats sur le substrat de serpentine représentent un environnement hostile pour le développement des plantes. Ils sont caractérisés par un faible nombre d’espèces mais un haut niveau d’endémisme. Cette étude présente pour la première fois une série des données sur la taille du génome, du nombre chromosomique, du niveau de ploïdie, de l’affinité pour le substrat, du cycle de vie, du type et de la forme de croissance des serpentinophytes dans l’extrême nord-ouest de la zone de serpentine dans les Balkans. Les 308 taxons des plantes étudiées comprennent appartenant à 213 genres, dont la taille du génome est donnée pour la première fois pour 28 genres et 99 espèces. En utilisant les critères de Leitch, plus de la moitié des taxons (55.63%) appartiennent au groupe des très petits génomes, 22.19% aux petits, 18.75% aux moyens, 3.13% aux grands, et seulement 0.31% aux très grands génomes. Concernant l'affinité au substrat, la majorité d’espèces (171) sont indifférentes ou des serpentinophytes facultatives (103). Selon le type de cycle de vie, ~ 4% des espèces sont annuelles, 88.31% pérennes, dont 57% possèdent de très petits génomes. Les hémicryptophytes représentent une forme de vie dominante (48.38%), tandis que les phanérophytes représentent 17%, les chaméphytes 15%, les thérophyte 9% et les géophytes 9%. Il est évident que le stress hydrique, les températures élevées et la présence de métaux lourds dans les habitats sur la serpentine jouent une haute pression sélective et favorisent des espèces pérennes à très petits génomes.Le Narcissus poeticus (Amaryllidaceae), serpentinophyte facultative, est l’ancêtre des narcisses cultivés. C'est la première étude de N. poeticus et de sa rhizosphère dans les populations naturelles. Il montre une tolérance au pH du sol qui varie du 4.64 à 7.85. Les concentrations totales de nickel, de cobalt et de magnésium sont plus élevées dans les sols sur serpentine que dans ceux sur calcaires. Narcissus poeticus est caractérisé par une plus grande accumulation de manganèse, de nickel et de magnésium dans ses parties aériennes. Le cobalt, par contre, a une concentration totale uniforme dans toutes les parties de la plante. Une autre caractéristique inhabituelle de N. poeticus est son plus grand rapport molaire Ca/Mg dans les parties souterraines, probablement dû à sa forme de vie (géophytes) et une dormance estivale. Il est évident que, même si N. poeticus accumule certaines quantités de métaux lourds estimés (Mn, Ni, Co, Fe), il n'est pas pour autant un hyperaccumulateur.Une partie importante de ce travail concerne la variabilité de la structure chromosomique, la taille du génome, le niveau de ploïdie et la présence de chromosomes B dans 13 populations naturelles de N. poeticus poussant sur différents substrats géologiques et dans différentes conditions environnementales. La technique de la cytométrie en flux a été utilisée pour estimer la taille du génome, l’hybridation in situ fluorescente (FISH) pour la cartographie physique de l'ADNr, le fluorochrome banding pour l'organisation de l’hétérochromatine et la coloration au nitrate d’argent pour estimer l'activité des gènes ribosomiques. L’organisation des gènes ribosomiques et l’existence des triploïdes naturels ont été rapportés ici pour la première fois. Présence des individus portant de chromosomes B (dans 9 populations sur 13) et de translocations chromosomiques a été détectée. Un système particulier de chromosomes B présente trois différents morphotypes. Le submétacentrique type, le plus fréquent, possède quatre paternes différents dans l’organisation de l’hétérochromatine et de l'ADNr. La coloration à l’AgNO3 a montré que le nombre de nucléoles formés augmente en présence des chromosomes B portant des gènes ribosomiques, dont l’activité est ainsi prouvée

    Origin and evolution of the South American endemic Artemisia species (Asteraceae): evidence from molecular phylogeny, ribosomal DNA and genome size data

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    12 p., gráf. fot.Genus Artemisia is thought to have reached the Americas across the Bering Strait from Asia during the late Tertiary, but the systematic position of the South American endemic species and the migration routes towards the south have not yet been studied. We used nuclear DNA sequences to unravel the interspecific relationships among the South American Artemisia and their connections with the remaining species of the genus, as well as using fluorescent in situ hybridisation and genome size assessments to characterise this polyploid complex. Most of the species are clustered in a monophyletic clade, nested within the American endemic clade, with the exception of A. magellanica Sch. Bip., which appears segregated from the other American species and constitutes a clade together with A. biennis Willd. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation and genome size data revealed that monoploid genome size remains quite constant across ploidy levels and a proportional increase of ribosomal loci was detected, a dynamic not usually found in this genus. The results are discussed in the light of evolutionary processes which occur in plants, and plausible origins for the South American endemic species are hypothesised.This work was subsidised by DGICYT (Spanish Government; projects CGL2007–64839-C02–01/BOS and CGL2007–64839-C02–02/BOS) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (projects: 2005-SGR-00344 and 2009-SGR-00439). J. P. received a predoctoral grant from the Spanish Government (FPI program).Peer reviewe

    When sexual meets apomict: genome size, ploidy level and reproductive mode variation of Sorbus aria s.l. and S. austriaca (Rosaceae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Allopolyploidy and intraspecific heteroploid crosses are associated, in certain groups, with changes in the mating system. The genus Sorbus represents an appropriate model to study the relationships between ploidy and reproductive mode variations. Diploid S. aria and tetraploid apomictic S. austriaca were screened for ploidy and mating system variations within pure and sympatric populations in order to gain insights into their putative causalities. METHODS: Flow cytometry was used to assess genome size and ploidy level among 380 S. aria s.l. and S. austriaca individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with 303 single-seed flow cytometric seed screenings being performed to identify their mating system. Pollen viability and seed set were also determined. KEY RESULTS: Flow cytometry confirmed the presence of di-, tri- and tetraploid cytotype mixtures in mixed-ploidy populations of S. aria and S. austriaca. No ploidy variation was detected in single-species populations. Diploid S. aria mother plants always produced sexually originated seeds, whereas tetraploid S. austriaca as well as triploid S. aria were obligate apomicts. Tetraploid S. aria preserved sexuality in a low portion of plants. A tendency towards a balanced 2m : 1p parental genome contribution to the endosperm was shared by diploids and tetraploids, regardless of their sexual or asexual origin. In contrast, most triploids apparently tolerated endosperm imbalance. CONCLUSIONS: Coexistence of apomictic tetraploids and sexual diploids drives the production of novel polyploid cytotypes with predominantly apomictic reproductive modes. The data suggest that processes governing cytotype diversity and mating system variation in Sorbus from Bosnia and Herzegovina are probably parallel to those in other diversity hotspots of this genus. The results represent a solid contribution to knowledge of the reproduction of Sorbus and will inform future investigations of the molecular and genetic mechanisms involved in triggering and regulating cytotype diversity and alteration of reproductive modes

    Contribution to plant genome size knowledge: first assessments in five genera and 30 species of angiosperms from western Balkans

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    8 p. -- tablasThe first assessments, done by flow cytometry, of nuclear DNA amount for five genera and 30 species of angiosperms (three monocots, 27 eudicots) from the western Balkan Peninsula, including eight taxa with some degree of endemism to this area, are presented here. These data complement the substantial existing information on plant genome size in this region, now accounting for 670 species and subspecies studied for this character.The authors are grateful for the support received from Ministry of Education and Science of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (project 05-14-4565-1/12), Faculty of Forestry (University of Sarajevo), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS,France), the Agència per a la Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, Catalan government, projects 2012BE100508 and 2009SGR439) and the Dirección General de Investigación (Spanish government, CGL2010-22234-C02/BOS, subprojects 01 and 02). This work has benefited from the facilities and expertise of the Imagif Cell Biology Unit of the Gif Campus (www.imagif.cnrs.fr) which is supported by the Infrastructures en Biologie Sante et Agronomie (IBiSA), the FrenchNational Research Agency under Investments for the Future programs "France-BioImaging infrastructure" (ANR-10-INSB-04-01), "Saclay Plant Sciences" (ANR-10-LABX-0040-SPS), and the "Conseil "Conseil Général de l'EssonnePeer reviewe

    Genome size of Balkan flora: a database (GeSDaBaF) and C-values for 51 taxa of which 46 are novel

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    Place: Wien Publisher: Springer Wien WOS:000522136400001The Balkan Peninsula is one of the 250 centres for plant diversity identified in the World, and one of the major biodiversity hotspot plant areas in Europe. Balkan flora has been well studied at the morphological, phytogeographical and taxonomic levels, but a scarce attention had been paid to genome size. This work consists of two distinct parts. The first concerned the contribution for 2C values of Balkan plants, taking into account mainly the plants with unknown genome size. On the one hand, 54 accessions of 51 species or infraspecific taxa belonging to 43 genera and 25 families were studied for their nuclear DNA amount. Among the obtained values, 46 are novel (four for genera, 31 for species, 10 for subspecies and one for a hybrid). The novelties represent the 6.43% of the 731 taxa with nuclear DNA amount assessed in the Balkans to date. Three taxa presented two ploidy levels in different populations. Partial endoreplication has been detected in Dactylorhiza cordigera subsp. bosniaca. This observation brings a new addition to the list of partial endoreplication cases in Orchidaceae, a family which, with Brassicaceae, shows this phenomenon most frequently. On the other hand, we compiled all bibliographic data concerning C-values for plants of the Balkan region, aiming to establish a genome size database, which is available online and will be regularly updated. We presented some numeric analyses on the 1013 accessions and 731 taxa for which data are currently accumulated and concluded with a discussion on the usefulness of such a database

    Polyploidy does not control all: Lineage‐specific average chromosome length constrains genome size evolution in ferns

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    Recent studies investigating the evolution of genome size diversity in ferns have shown that they have a distinctive genome profile compared with other land plants. Ferns are typically characterized by possessing medium‐sized genomes, although a few lineages have evolved very large genomes. Ferns are different from other vascular plant lineages as they are the only group to show evidence for a correlation between genome size and chromosome number. In this study, we aim to explore whether the evolution of fern genome sizes is not only shaped by chromosome number changes arising from polyploidy but also by constraints on the average amount of DNA per chromosome. We selected the genus Asplenium L. as a model genus to study the question because of the unique combination of a highly conserved base chromosome number and a high frequency of polyploidy. New genome size data for Asplenium taxa were combined with existing data and analyzed within a phylogenetic framework. Genome size varied substantially between diploid species, resulting in overlapping genome sizes among diploid and tetraploid spleenworts. The observed additive pattern indicates the absence of genome downsizing following polyploidy. The genome size of diploids varied non‐randomly and we found evidence for clade‐specific trends towards larger or smaller genomes. The 578‐fold range of fern genome sizes have arisen not only from repeated cycles of polyploidy but also through clade‐specific constraints governing accumulation and/or elimination of DNA