397 research outputs found

    Migrants with insecure legal status and access to work: the role of ethnic solidarity networks

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    This article explores the complexities of ethnic solidarity and ethnic capital in enabling participation on labour markets for migrants with insecure legal status in the UK. By drawing together research insights and data from a questionnaire survey of 178 Iraqi-Kurdish migrants with insecure legal status, four focus groups and ten expert interviews, this paper examines how ‘unauthorised’ migrants get access to the segmented labour market at a time of increased in-border controls in the UK. It argues that conflict-generated diasporas such as the Kurds display a distinct solidarity with their community members with insecure legal status and provide access to the labour markets against the tangible threat of in-border migration enforcement. We term this form of solidarity as stretched solidarity which emerges during risky, difficult and destitute times and it is a reluctant act of empathy and socio-political position. This paper identifies the social phenomenon of stretched solidarity and sets out a model for understanding its embeddedness within conflict-generated diasporic networks

    Kinerja Manajerial Dan Persepsi Nasabah Terhadap Perbankan Syariah Di Jawa Barat

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    The research reveals the performance of Islamic banking in West Java with emphasis on the role of banking intermediation in terms of managerial and customer persefsi terhdap Islamic banks. There are two findings revealed that the performance of Islamic banking of managerial and explore public perception (customers and non-customers) and its response to Islamic banking. Achievement of the performance of Islamic banking in terms of managerial aspects with an average index performance index of 78.05. Not optimal managerial performance because the Islamic banking; not optimal accommodate the wishes and needs of customers and society due to limited facilities, product innovation is still low, and the lack of transparency in the sharing system. Judging from the general public perception is already relatively well. Cognitive aspect shows customers already understand terahadap Islamic banking because it has good access to information so they can create awareness (awareness). The communities also tend to like Islamic banking and to support efforts to socialize the banks and the public has not become a customer intends to become a customer. Only selection Islamic banking is still dominated by the state-owned Islamic banking choice because it is considered bona fide. The study also found differences in the perception of the Bank Umum Syariah versus BPR Syariah. The correlation value is obtained to reach .987. That is a decision the community (customers and non-customers) 98.7% influenced by their perceptions of Islamic banking while the rest (1.3%) is influenced by other variables not included in the model


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan pengalihan merek di Indonesia dan bagaimana akibat hukum pengalihan merek, yan mana dengan meode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Hak Merek sebagai bagian dari HKI dapat beralih atau dialihkan oleh pemilik atau pemegang hak Merek kepada pihak lainnya, seperti dalam bentuk jual beli hak Merek maupun perjanjian Lisensi Merek serta perjanjian Waralaba. Pada perjanjian jual beli dapat bersifat tetap atau permanen, sedangkan pada perjanjian Lisensi Merek atau Perjanjian Waralaba bergantung jangka waktu perjanjian yang disepakati. 2. Akibat hukum pengalihan hak Merek ialah berpindahnya hak atas Merek yang dialihkan tersebut kepada pemegang atau pemilik Merek yang baru yang harus pula didaftarkan. Beralihnya hak tersebut dapat berpengaruh bagi pemegang Perjanjian Lisensi atau Waralaba, meskipun jangka waktunya masih terus berlangsung.Kata kunci: merek; perjanjian

    Kinerja Manajerial dan Persepsi Nasabah Terhadap Perbankan Syariah di Jawa Barat

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    The research reveals the performance of Islamic banking in West Java with emphasis on the role of banking intermediation in terms of managerial and customer persefsi terhdap Islamic banks. There are two findings revealed that the performance of Islamic banking of managerial and explore public perception (customers and non-customers) and its response to Islamic banking. Achievement of the performance of Islamic banking in terms of managerial aspects with an average index performance index of 78.05. Not optimal managerial performance because the Islamic banking; not optimal accommodate the wishes and needs of customers and society due to limited facilities, product innovation is still low, and the lack of transparency in the sharing system. Judging from the general public perception is already relatively well. Cognitive aspect shows customers already understand terahadap Islamic banking because it has good access to information so they can create awareness (awareness). The communities also tend to like Islamic banking and to support efforts to socialize the banks and the public has not become a customer intends to become a customer. Only selection Islamic banking is still dominated by the state-owned Islamic banking choice because it is considered bona fide. The study also found differences in the perception of the Bank Umum Syariah versus BPR Syariah. The correlation value is obtained to reach .987. That is a decision the community (customers and non-customers) 98.7% influenced by their perceptions of Islamic banking while the rest (1.3%) is influenced by other variables not included in the model

    Bujukan Visualisasi Barang dan Harga pada Keputusan Pembelian di E-commerce Shopee

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    Many online customers cancel their product orders, which is undesirable for anyone as it reduces the number of purchases. Product visualisation and price are important factors for customers' purchasing decisions in e-commerce. These two factors attract consumers' attention, and they may cancel their purchases due to unattractive product displays and mismatched prices. This study seeks to reveal how much influence visualising goods and prices has on purchasing decisions. The number of research samples is 97 respondents. The research object is in Sukakerta Village. The quantitative descriptive method is used; the data comes from primary and secondary data with the help of computational software SPSS ver. 18. The research results show that product visualisation and price positively influence purchasing decisions on Shopee, with an F-value of 103.111 > F-table 3.92 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. This result means that the visualisation of goods and prices together significantly influence purchasing decisions.   Keywords: Product Visualisation, Price, Purchasing Decision   Abstrak Tidak sedikit konsumen online yang membatalkan order produknya, dan tentu saja hal tersebut tidak diinginkan oleh siapapun dikarenakan pasti mengurangi jumlah pembelian. Visualisasi produk dan harga menjadi poin penting bagi konsumen dalam keputusan pembelian di e-commerce, 2 faktor tersebut menjadi sorotan konsumen karena memiliki daya tarik tersendiri, tidak sedikit dari mereka membatalkan pembelian karena tampilan barang yang dianggap kurang menarik serta harga yang dirasa tidak sesuai. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkap berapa besar pengaruh visualisasi barang dan harga pada keputusan pembelian. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 97 responden. Objek penelitian di Desa Sukakerta. Metoda yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif, data berasal dari data primer dan data sekunder dengan komputasi bantuan software SPSS ver. 18. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa visualisasi barang dan harga berpengaruh positif kepada keputusan pembelian di Shopee, dengan nilai Fhitung 103.111 > Ftabel 3,92 dengan taraf  signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Ini berarti bahwa visualisasi barang dan harga secara bersama-sama dan signifikan mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian.   Kata kunci: Visualisasi Produk, Harga, Keputusan Pembelia

    Clinicopathological Significance of ATM-Chk2 Expression in Sporadic Breast Cancers: a Comprehensive Analysis in Large Cohorts

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    ATM-Chk2 network is critical for genomic stability, and its deregulation may influence breast cancer pathogenesis. We investigated ATM and Chk2 protein levels in two cohorts [cohort 1 (n = 1650) and cohort 2 (n = 252)]. ATM and Chk2 mRNA expression was evaluated in the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium cohort (n = 1950). Low nuclear ATM protein level was significantly associated with aggressive breast cancer including larger tumors, higher tumor grade, higher mitotic index, pleomorphism, tumor type, lymphovascular invasion, estrogen receptor (ER)−, PR−, AR−, triple-negative, and basal-like phenotypes (Ps b .05). Breast cancer 1, early onset negative, low XRCC1, low SMUG1, high FEN1, high MIB1, p53 mutants, low MDM2, low Bcl-2, low p21, low Bax, high CDK1, and low Chk2 were also more frequent in tumors with low nuclear ATM level (Ps b .05). Low ATM protein level was significantly associated with poor survival including in patients with ER-negative tumors who received adjuvant anthracycline or cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil–based adjuvant chemotherapy (Ps b .05). Low nuclear Chk2 protein was likely in ER−/PR−/AR−; HER-2 positive; breast cancer 1, early onset negative; low XRCC1; low SMUG1; low APE1; low polβ; low DNA-PKcs; low ATM; low Bcl-2; and low TOPO2A tumors (P b .05). In patients with ER+ tumors who received endocrine therapy or ER-negative tumors who received chemotherapy, nuclear Chk2 levels did not significantly influence survival. In p53 mutant tumors, low ATM (P b .000001) or high Chk2 (P b .01) was associated with poor survival. When investigated together, low-ATM/high-Chk2 tumors have the worst survival (P = .0033). Our data suggest that ATM-Chk2 levels in sporadic breast cancer may have prognostic and predictive significance

    Adverse prognostic and predictive significance of low DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) expression in early-stage breast cancers

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    Background: DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), a serine threonine kinase belonging to the PIKK family (phosphoinositide 3-kinase-like-family of protein kinase), is a critical component of the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway required for the repair of DNA double strand breaks. DNA-PKcs may be involved in breast cancer pathogenesis. Methods: We evaluated clinicopathological significance of DNA-PKcs protein expression in 1161 tumours and DNA-PKcs mRNA expression in 1950 tumours. We correlated DNA-PKcs to other markers of aggressive phenotypes, DNA repair, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Results: Low DNA-PKcs protein expression was associated with higher tumour grade, higher mitotic index, tumour de-differentiation and tumour type (ps<0.05). Absence of BRCA1, low XRCC1/SMUG1/APE1/Polβ were also more likely in low DNA-PKcs expressing tumours (ps<0.05). Low DNA-PKcs protein expression was significantly associated with worse breast cancer specific survival (BCCS) in univariate and multivariate analysis (ps<0.01). At the mRNA level, low DNA-PKcs was associated with PAM50.Her2 and PAM50.LumA molecular phenotypes (ps<0.01) and poor BCSS. In patients with ER positive tumours who received endocrine therapy, low DNA-PKcs (protein and mRNA) was associated with poor survival. In ER negative patients, low DNA-PKcs mRNA remains significantly associated with adverse outcome. Conclusions: Our study suggests that low DNA-PKcs expression may have prognostic and predictive significance in breast cancers

    Konsepsi Siswa Kelas XI IPA Negeri 5 Palangka Raya Tentang Senyawa Hidrokarbon Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

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    Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 5 Palangka Raya pada 80&nbsp; siswa di kelas XI IPA-1 SMA Negeri 5 Palangka Raya Tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Data penelitian didapat melalui tes uraian siswa dan wawancara siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kosepsi siswa tertinggi terletak pada konsepsi siswa tantang pengertian senyawa hidrokarbon yaitu sebesar 63,75% dan berada pada kategori tuntas. Konsepsi siswa tentang memberikan nama senyawa hidrokarbon alkana, alkena dan alkuna ialah 34,6% siswa masuk kategori tidak mengerti. Konsepsi siswa tentang membedakan atom C primer, sekunder, tersier dan kuartener ialah 33,125% masuk kategori tuntas dan konsepsi siswa terendah tentang mengelompokan senyawa hidrokarbon berdasarkan kejenuhan ikatan ialah 30% siswa masuk kategori tuntas. Penguasaan konsepsi siswa terbagi kedalam&nbsp; (empat) kategori yaitu tidak mengerti, tuntas sebagian, mendekati tuntas dan tuntas. Banyak siswa menjawab dengan benar pengertian senyawa hidrokarbon dan menjawab dengan benar perbedaan atom C primer, sekunder, tersier dan kuartener. Banyak siswa tidak mampu menjawab dengan benar mengelompokan senyawa hidrokarbon berdasarkan kejenuhan ikatan dan memberikan nama pada senyawa hidrokarbon
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