406 research outputs found

    Kinerja Manajerial Dan Persepsi Nasabah Terhadap Perbankan Syariah Di Jawa Barat

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    The research reveals the performance of Islamic banking in West Java with emphasis on the role of banking intermediation in terms of managerial and customer persefsi terhdap Islamic banks. There are two findings revealed that the performance of Islamic banking of managerial and explore public perception (customers and non-customers) and its response to Islamic banking. Achievement of the performance of Islamic banking in terms of managerial aspects with an average index performance index of 78.05. Not optimal managerial performance because the Islamic banking; not optimal accommodate the wishes and needs of customers and society due to limited facilities, product innovation is still low, and the lack of transparency in the sharing system. Judging from the general public perception is already relatively well. Cognitive aspect shows customers already understand terahadap Islamic banking because it has good access to information so they can create awareness (awareness). The communities also tend to like Islamic banking and to support efforts to socialize the banks and the public has not become a customer intends to become a customer. Only selection Islamic banking is still dominated by the state-owned Islamic banking choice because it is considered bona fide. The study also found differences in the perception of the Bank Umum Syariah versus BPR Syariah. The correlation value is obtained to reach .987. That is a decision the community (customers and non-customers) 98.7% influenced by their perceptions of Islamic banking while the rest (1.3%) is influenced by other variables not included in the model

    Sebab Keruntuhan suatu Bangsa (Kajian Surat Al-fajr Ayat 6-13)

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    The writing aims to study about the last causes of a nation\u27s collapse which is contained in surah Al-Fajr was used thematic interpretation approach. As for the discussion was focused in verses 6-13. There were three languages that collapsed and destroyed in surah Al-Fajr, they were ‘Ad, Tsamud and Fir\u27aun. These three nations were actually potraits of advanced nations and achieving high civilization, but their bad traits have delivered them to the detruction. These two bad traits were: the first was arrogance in the form of theological disobedience which include all of the denial of faith, blasphemy of religion and its symbols and treatise lie. The second, vandalism in the form of sosiological disobedience that include all of the destructive behavior such as intellectual brilliance, rebellion, persecution and criminalization of da\u27wah and tryrannical power

    Double crystal x-ray diffraction simulations of diffusion in semiconductor microstructures

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    Diffusion in group IV, III-V and II-VI semiconductors is an interesting problem not only from a fundamental physics viewpoint but also in practical terms, since it could determine the useful lifetime of a device. Any attempt to control the amount of diffusion in a semiconductor device, whether it be a quantum well structure or not, requires an accurate determination of the diffusion coefficient. The present theoretical study shows that this could be achieved via x-ray diffraction studies in quantum well structures. It is demonstrated that the rocking curves of single quantum wells are not sensitive to diffusion. However the intensity of the first order satellite, which is characteristic of superlattice rocking curves, is strongly dependent upon diffusion and it is proposed that this technique could be used to measure the diffusion coefficient D. © 1998 American Institute of Physics

    Desain Ilustrasi Tokoh Suryaputra Karna Mahabharata

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    The positive values of life are embodied in culture and literary works that contain life values and also knowledge that has an influence on human life until now. Mahabharata is one of two ancient literary works originating from India, apart from Ramayana, as for several versions of this Mahabharata story. Mahabharata tells the story of the conflicts of the five Pandavas with Pandawa cousins namely 100 Kauravas, regarding the dispute over the rights of the Hasstinapura court government. Suryaputra Karna is one of the knights in the Mahabharata story and plays an important role in the storyline. The meaning of life that can be taken very much in the journey of life Karna, this design describes the meaning of heroism owned by Suryaputra Karna in the Mahabharata story. The conclusion obtained from this design, tells Karna's journey through many trials, slanders, and others that ultimately show the value of the character owned by Karna as an antagonist who can become a better figure and save or solve existing problems. The importance of the purpose of this design aims to preserve Karna characters and folklore that can be adapted into other media and can be easily accepted by teenagers today. Nilai positif kehidupan terkandung dalam budaya dan karya sastra yang mengandung nilai kehidupan dan juga ilmu pengetahuan yang berpengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia hingga saat ini. Mahabharata merupakan salah satu dari dua karya sastra kuno yang berasal dari India, selain dari Ramayana, adapun beberapa versi dari cerita Mahabharata ini. Mahabharata menceritakan kisah konflik para Pandawa lima dengan saudara sepupu Pandawa yaitu 100 Korawa, mengenai sengketa hak pemerintahan istana Hasstinapura. Suryaputra Karna adalah salah satu kesatria yang ada di dalam cerita Mahabharata dan berperan penting terhadap jalan ceritanya. Makna kehidupan yang dapat diambil sangatlah banyak di dalam perjalanan hidup Karna, perancangan ini mendeskripsikan makna kepahlawanan yang dimiliki oleh Suryaputra Karna di dalam cerita Mahabharata. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari perancangan ini, menceritakan perjalanan Karna yang melalui banyak cobaan, fitnah, dan lainnya yang pada akhirnya memperlihatkan nilai tokoh yang dimiliki Karna sebagai antagonis yang dapat menjadi tokoh yang lebih baik dan menyelamatkan atau menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. Pentingnya tujuan perancangan ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan tokoh Karna dan cerita rakyat yang dapat diadaptasi menjadi media lainnya dan dapat mudah diterima oleh kalangan remaja saat ini.&nbsp

    Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga Tn.K Khususnya Pada Ny.P Dengan Hipertensi Di Desa Pedusan Pucangan Kartosuro RT 03/ RW 03 Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas 1 Kartasura Sukoharjo

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    Latarbelakang :hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sering terjadi di masyarakat, beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit hipertensi yaitu gaya hidup, umur, pendidikan dan keturunan. Seiring berjalannya waktu penderita hipertensi semakin banyak maka dari itu harus segera ditindak lanjuti agar tidak menjadi masalah kesehatan yang berlanjut. Tujuan :guna memperoleh gambaran dan pengalaman yang nyata dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan hipertensi, membuat analisa data, diagnosa, intervensi, dan membuat evaluasi pada pasien dengan hipertensi. Hasil : setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3x 90 menit dalalm 3x kunjungan didapatkan tiga diagnose keperawatan yaitu gangguan rasa nyaman berhubungan dengan ketidak mampuan keluarga merawat anggota keluarga yang menderita hipertensi, resiko terjadi komplikasi berhubungan dengan ketidak mampuan keluarga mengabil keputusan terkait diit hipertensi. Kesimpulan :masalah keperawatan pasien mengenai kurang pengetahuan tentang hipertensi, , resiko komplikasi penyakit hipertensi, sudah teratasi

    Konsep Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Teologi

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    Konsep pengelolaan sampah berbasis teologi yang disebut dengan shodaqohsampah adalah modifikasi dari pengelolaan sampah berbasis 3 R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)dengan menambahkan unsur pendekatan teologi didalamnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahuntuk mengetahui fenomena yang terjadi, serta mengidentifikasi permasalahan dalampengelolaan sampah berbasis teologi di Desa Potorono, Kabupaten Bantul, DaerahIstimewa Yogyakarta.Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang menekankanpada penafsiran pada fenomena yang muncul di masyarakat yang menjadi objek kemudiandianalisa dan diinterpretasikan. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisa penelitianini adalah fenomenologi. Pendekatan fenomenologi berusaha masuk dalam duniakonseptual subjek agar dapat memahami bagaimana dan apa makna yang disusun subjektersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-harinyaHasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut, munculnya fenomenaperubahan paradigma dari masyarakat dari bershodaqoh sampah ke jual beli sampah.Manajemen pemilahan, penjualan, dan pelaporan berjalan cukup baik meskipun adakendala teknis dilapangan seperti tidak maksimalnya masyarakat dalam memanfaatkanwadah sak yang telah disediakan pangurus dan masih enggannya masyarakat untukmemilah sampah dari sumbernya, sehingga petugas pengambil sampah harus memilahulang karena sampah yang tercampur. Adanya kendala finansial dikarenakan masyarakatmulai bergeser paradigmanya dari menshodaqohkan sampah menuju jual beli sampah,mengakibatkan tersendatnya operasionalisasi shodaqoh sampah.Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdapat saran dan rekomendasisebagai berikut : Memberikan sentuhan teologis untuk memantapkan hati dalambershodaqoh sebagai wujud implementasi amal soleh yang diajarkan oleh agama semisaldengan meminta pengurus MLH (Majelis Lingkungan Hidup) Muhammadiyah untukmemberikan ceramah agama tentang manfaat dan pahala dari bershodaqoh salah satunyaadalah shodaqoh sampah. Perlu adanya komunikasi yang lebih intensif antara pengurusBMS (Bersih Menuju Sehat) dan masyarakat untuk memberikan pemahaman akan manfaatshodaqoh sampah untuk kemaslahatan bersama (masyarakat)

    Optimization of simultaneous production of waste cooking oil based-biodiesel using iron-manganese doped zirconia-supported molybdenum oxide nanopeprintss catalyst

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    Biodiesel derived from simultaneous esterification and transesterification of waste cooking oil has been attracting consideration as a replacement green fuel for diesel fuels, as it is economically feasible and circumvents the issue of energy versus food, which is estimated to take place with current biodiesel production techniques. In this optimization study, iron-manganese doped zirconia-supported molybdenum oxide catalyst has been prepared and used in the synthesis of waste cooking oil based biodiesel by a simultaneous esterification and transesterification method. The catalyst is prepared via an impregnation method and consequently characterized by XRD, TEM, TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), TPD-NH3, and Brunauer–Emmer–Teller (BET) techniques. The simultaneous process for biodiesel production has been assessed and improved statistically via response surface methodology in combination with the central composite design. It has been established that the process for synthesis of waste cooking oil based biodiesel achieved about 96.8% biodiesel yield at a best condition of 200 °C, waste cooking oil/ methanol molar ratio of 1:30 and 5.0 wt. % as loading of the catalyst. The highest ester yield of 96.8% has been obtained due to the improved physicochemical properties of zirconia-supported molybdenum oxide catalyst which accesses diffusion of the reactants to the active sites

    New Fractional Spline Polynomial for Computing Fractional Differential Equations

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    هذا البحث يوضح كيفية تركيب لاكونري كسري لمتعددة حدود من الدرجة الرابعة بأستخدام دالة سبلاين. من ناحية أخرى, تمت مناقشة و اثبات الوحدوية و حدود الخطأ لهذه الدوال. الهدف من هذه الطريقة هو حل المعادلات التفاضلية الكسرية. تم توضيح كفاءة وملاءمة هذه الطرق الجديدة من خلال اعطاء أمثلة حسابية عددية This paper illustrates how fractional lacunary for quartic polynomial using spline function has been constructed.  On the other hand the existence, the uniqueness and error bounded for these functions have been discussed and proved. The goal of this method is to solve fractional differential equations. The efficiency and pertinence of these new methods are illustrated by giving numerically computing examples

    Assessment of compost for suppression of Fusarium oxysporum and improving Zea mays and Hibiscus sabdarriffa resistance to wilt diseases

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    The present research was conducted to evaluate the compost effectiveness on Zea mays and Hibiscus sabdarriffa under Fusarium wilt disease. Compost physical, chemical and biological characters were monitored weekly during the ripening process. Both coliform and nematode were tested. Finally, the effect of compost on pathogenic Fusarium was examined within Z. mays and H. sabdarriffa in soil amended with 10% compost. Biochemical tests and antioxidant enzyme activities were determined for all the treated plants. The values of organic carbon recorded a percentage of 3.8%, while nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) values recorded 1.7, 4.6 and 5.6% higher than the commercial compost. The concentrations of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in compost were below the threshold standard values. The compost is free of nematodes and coliform bacteria at maturity stage. Microbial population densities were usually high for Bacillus sp. compared to other microorganisms. In infected Z mays with compost, shoot height, fresh and dry weight increased significantly (62, 248 and 130%) and H. sabdarriffa also recorded increase in the same plant criteria. In infected Z. mays, a significant increase in catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities was recorded (162 and 150%). For H. sabdarriffa there was a significant decrease in APX activity (35%) with compost, while no significant differences in peroxidases (PODs) activity for both plants. In case of infection, a significant decrease was observed for both Z. mays and H. sabdarriffa compared to infected plants without compost. The observed disease suppression in compost-amended soil was associated with the reduction in soil pathogen population and increase in microbial activity of composts. Moreover, diversification of different organic materials in compost enhanced the activation of the microbial population in soil that eventually increases disease suppressiveness and effectively controlling Fusarium wilt.Key words: Antioxidant enzymes, compost, Hibiscus sabdarriffa, Zea mays