117 research outputs found

    Using agent-based modelling to predict the role of wild refugia in the evolution of resistance of sea lice to chemotherapeutants

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    A major challenge for Atlantic salmon farming in the northern hemisphere is infestation by the sea louse parasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis. The most frequent method of controlling these sea louse infestations is through the use of chemical treatments. However, most major salmon farming areas have observed resistance to common chemotherapeutants. In terrestrial environments, many strategies employed to manage the evolution of resistance involve the use of refugia, where a portion of the population is left untreated to maintain susceptibility. While refugia have not been deliberately used in Atlantic salmon farming, wild salmon populations that migrate close to salmon farms may act as natural refugia. In this paper we describe an agent-based model that explores the influence of different sizes of wild salmon populations on resistance evolution in sea lice on a salmon farm. Using the model, we demonstrate that wild salmon populations can act as refugia that limit the evolution of resistance in the sea louse populations. Additionally, we demonstrate that an increase in the size of the population of wild salmon results in an increased effect in slowing the evolution of resistance. We explore the effect of a population fitness cost associated with resistance, finding that in some cases it substantially reduces the speed of evolution to chemical treatments

    Salmon immunological defence and interplay with the modulatory capabilities of its ectoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis

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    The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Lsal ) is an ectoparasitic copepod that exerts immunomodulatory and physiological effects on its host Atlantic salmon. Over 30 years of research on louse biology, control, host responses and the host‐parasite relationship has provided a plethora of information on the intricacies of host resistance and parasite adaptation. Atlantic salmon exhibit temporal and spatial impairment of the immune system and wound healing ability during infection. This immunosuppression may render Atlantic salmon less tolerant to stress and other confounders associated with current management strategies. Contrasting susceptibility of salmonid hosts exists and early pro‐inflammatory Th1 type responses are associated with resistance. Rapid cellular responses to larvae appear to tip the balance of the host‐parasite relationship in favour of the host, preventing severe immune‐physiological impacts of the more invasive adults. Immunological, transcriptomic, genomic and proteomic evidence suggests pathological impacts occur in susceptible hosts through modulation of host immunity and physiology via pharmacologically active molecules. Co‐evolutionary and farming selection pressures may have incurred preference of Atlantic salmon as a host for Lsal reflected in their interactome. Here we review host‐parasite interactions at the primary attachment/feeding site, and the complex life‐stage dependent molecular mechanisms employed to subvert host physiology and immune responses

    Use of waveform lidar and hyperspectral sensors to assess selected spatial and structural patterns associated with recent and repeat disturbance and the abundance of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in a temperate mixed hardwood and conifer forest.

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    Abstract Waveform lidar imagery was acquired on September 26, 1999 over the Bartlett Experimental Forest (BEF) in New Hampshire (USA) using NASA\u27s Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS). This flight occurred 20 months after an ice storm damaged millions of hectares of forestland in northeastern North America. Lidar measurements of the amplitude and intensity of ground energy returns appeared to readily detect areas of moderate to severe ice storm damage associated with the worst damage. Southern through eastern aspects on side slopes were particularly susceptible to higher levels of damage, in large part overlapping tracts of forest that had suffered the highest levels of wind damage from the 1938 hurricane and containing the highest levels of sugar maple basal area and biomass. The levels of sugar maple abundance were determined through analysis of the 1997 Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) high resolution spectral imagery and inventory of USFS Northern Research Station field plots. We found a relationship between field measurements of stem volume losses and the LVIS metric of mean canopy height (r2 = 0.66; root mean square errors = 5.7 m3/ha, p \u3c 0.0001) in areas that had been subjected to moderate-to-severe ice storm damage, accurately documenting the short-term outcome of a single disturbance event

    Identification of critical enzymes in the salmon louse chitin synthesis pathway as revealed by RNA interference-mediated abrogation of infectivity

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    Treatment of infestation by the ectoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis relies on a small number of chemotherapeutant treatments that currently meet with limited success. Drugs targeting chitin synthesis have been largely successful against terrestrial parasites where the pathway is well characterised. However, a comparable approach against salmon lice has been, until recently, less successful, likely due to a poor understanding of the chitin synthesis pathway. Post-transcriptional silencing of genes by RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful method for evaluation of protein function in non-model organisms and has been successfully applied to the salmon louse. In the present study, putative genes coding for enzymes involved in L. salmonis chitin synthesis were characterised after knockdown by RNAi. Nauplii I stage L. salmonis were exposed to double-stranded (ds) RNA specific for several putative non-redundant points in the pathway: glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (LsGFAT), UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (LsUAP), N-acetylglucosamine phosphate mutase (LsAGM), chitin synthase 1 (LsCHS1), and chitin synthase 2 (LsCHS2). Additionally, we targeted three putative chitin deacetylases (LsCDA4557, 5169 and 5956) by knockdown. Successful knockdown was determined after moulting to the copepodite stage by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), while infectivity potential (the number of attached chalimus II compared with the initial number of larvae in the system) was measured after exposure to Atlantic salmon and subsequent development on their host. Compared with controls, infectivity potential was not compromised in dsAGM, dsCHS2, dsCDA4557, or dsCDA5169 groups. In contrast, there was a significant effect in the dsUAP-treated group. However, of most interest was the treatment with dsGFAT, dsCHS1, dsCHS1+2, and dsCDA5956, which resulted in complete abrogation of infectivity, despite apparent compensatory mechanisms in the chitin synthesis pathway as detected by qPCR. There appeared to be a common phenotypic effect in these groups, characterised by significant aberrations in appendage morphology and an inability to swim. Ultrastructurally, dsGFAT showed a significantly distorted procuticle without distinct exo/endocuticle and intermittent electron dense (i.e. chitin) inclusions, and together with dsUAP and dsCHS1, indicated delayed entry to the pre-moult phase.publishedVersio

    A mixed-methods assessment of understanding (AoU) tool for AIDS vaccine trials in sub-Saharan Africa: results from a pilot study

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    Assessments of understanding (AoUs) in clinical trials are often composed of true/false multiple choice questions, however, these tools can be difficult for volunteers with limited education or without prior testing experience

    Vaccine-Induced Protection Against Furunculosis Involves Pre-emptive Priming of Humoral Immunity in Arctic Charr

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    With respect to salmonid aquaculture, one of the most important bacterial pathogens due to high mortality and antibiotic usage is the causative agent of typical furunculosis, Aeromonas salmonicida spp. salmonicida (Asal). In Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, the host response during infections with Asal is well-documented, with furunculosis outbreaks resulting in significant mortality in commercial settings. However, less is known about the host-pathogen interactions in the emerging aquaculture species, Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. Furthermore, there is no data on the efficacy or response of this species after vaccination with commonly administered vaccines against furunculosis. To this end, we examined the immunological response of S. alpinus during infection with Asal, with or without administration of vaccines (Forte Micro®, Forte Micro® + Renogen®, Elanco Animal Health). Artic charr (vaccinated or unvaccinated) were i.p.-injected with a virulent strain of Asal (106 CFUs/mL) and tissues were collected pre-infection/post-vaccination, 8, and 29 days post-infection. Unvaccinated Arctic charr were susceptible to Asal with 72% mortalities observed after 31 days. However, there was 72–82% protection in fish vaccinated with either the single or dual-vaccine, respectively. Protection in vaccinated fish was concordant with significantly higher serum IgM concentrations, and following RNA sequencing and transcriptome assembly, differential expression analysis revealed several patterns and pathways associated with the improved survival of vaccinated fish. Most striking was the dramatically higher basal expression of complement/coagulation factors, acute phase-proteins, and iron hemostasis proteins in pre-challenged, vaccinated fish. Remarkably, following Asal infection, this response was abrogated and instead the transcriptome was characterized by a lack of immune-stimulation compared to that of unvaccinated fish. Furthermore, where pathways of actin assembly and FcγR-mediated phagocytosis were significantly differentially regulated in unvaccinated fish, vaccinated fish showed either the opposite regulation (ForteMicro®), or no impact at all (ForteMicro®Renogen®). The present data indicates that vaccine-induced protection against Asal relies on the pre-activation and immediate control of humoral immune parameters that is coincident with reduced activation of apoptotic (e.g., NF-κB) and actin-associated pathways

    Characterizing host-pathogen interactions between Zostera marina and Labyrinthula zosterae

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    Introduction Seagrass meadows serve as an integral component of coastal ecosystems but are declining rapidly due to numerous anthropogenic stressors including climate change. Eelgrass wasting disease, caused by opportunistic Labyrinthula spp., is an increasing concern with rising seawater temperature. To better understand the host-pathogen interaction, we paired whole organism physiological assays with dual transcriptomic analysis of the infected host and parasite. Methods Eelgrass (Zostera marina) shoots were placed in one of two temperature treatments, 11° C or 18° C, acclimated for 10 days, and exposed to a waterborne inoculation containing infectious Labyrinthula zosterae (Lz) or sterile seawater. At two- and five-days post-exposure, pathogen load, visible disease signs, whole leaf phenolic content, and both host- and pathogen- transcriptomes were characterized. Results Two days after exposure, more than 90% of plants had visible lesions and Lz DNA was detectable in 100% percent of sampled plants in the Lz exposed treatment. Concentrations of total phenolic compounds were lower after 5 days of combined exposure to warmer temperatures and Lz, but were unaffected in other treatments. Concentrations of condensed tannins were not affected by Lz or temperature, and did not change over time. Analysis of the eelgrass transcriptome revealed 540 differentially expressed genes in response to Lz exposure, but not temperature. Lz-exposed plants had gene expression patterns consistent with increased defense responses through altered regulation of phytohormone biosynthesis, stress response, and immune function pathways. Analysis of the pathogen transcriptome revealed up-regulation of genes potentially involved in breakdown of host defense, chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and metabolism. Discussion The lack of a significant temperature signal was unexpected but suggests a more pronounced physiological response to Lz infection as compared to temperature. Pre-acclimation of eelgrass plants to the temperature treatments may have contributed to the limited physiological responses to temperature. Collectively, these data characterize a widespread physiological response to pathogen attack and demonstrate the value of paired transcriptomics to understand infections in a host-pathogen system

    Instructional Models for Course-Based Research Experience (CRE) Teaching

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    The course-based research experience (CRE) with its documented educational benefits is increasingly being implemented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. This article reports on a study that was done over a period of 3 years to explicate the instructional processes involved in teaching an undergraduate CRE. One hundred and two instructors from the established and large multi-institutional SEA-PHAGES program were surveyed for their understanding of the aims and practices of CRE teaching. This was followed by large-scale feedback sessions with the cohort of instructors at the annual SEA Faculty Meeting and subsequently with a small focus group of expert CRE instructors. Using a qualitative content analysis approach, the survey data were analyzed for the aims of inquiry instruction and pedagogical practices used to achieve these goals. The results characterize CRE inquiry teaching as involving three instructional models: 1) being a scientist and generating data; 2) teaching procedural knowledge; and 3) fostering project ownership. Each of these models is explicated and visualized in terms of the specific pedagogical practices and their relationships. The models present a complex picture of the ways in which CRE instruction is conducted on a daily basis and can inform instructors and institutions new to CRE teaching

    Phase 1 Safety and Immunogenicity Evaluation of ADMVA, a Multigenic, Modified Vaccinia Ankara-HIV-1 B'/C Candidate Vaccine

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    in a modified vaccinia Ankara viral vector. Sequences were derived from a prevalent circulating HIV-1 recombinant form in Yunnan, China, an area of high HIV incidence. The objective was to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of ADMVA in human volunteers.. Two volunteers mounted antibodies that were able to neutralize clade-matched viruses.ADMVA was well-tolerated and elicited durable humoral and cellular immune responses