284 research outputs found

    Jezero Crater, Mars, as a Compelling Site for Future In Situ Exploration

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    Jezero is a approximately 45 km diameter impact crater located in the Nili Fossae region of Mars. Jezero is an outstanding site to address key questions of ancient Mars climate, habitability, and volcanic history because: (a) It hosted an open-basin lake during the era of valley network formation [1,2], which ceased at approximately the Noachian-Hesperian boundary [3]. (b) It contains two delta deposits [1,4] with Fe/Mg-smectite and Mg-carbonate sediment [4-7] (the only exposure of lacus-trine shoreline carbonates seen so far on Mars). (c) The depositional environment and mineral assemblage of the delta are promising for the concentration and preservation of organic matter [5,8]. (d) The diverse geologic units in Jezero are in clear stratigraphic context [7]. The Jezero paleolake system has been thoroughly investigated at a variety of scales, including work on: the mineralogy of the delta deposits [4-6] and watershed [7], as well as the morphology and sedimentology of the basin [9] and delta deposits [1,4]. The geologic context of Jezero is also well-studied given the broad suite of alteration minerals exposed in the ancient stratigraphies of the Nili Fossae region [e.g., 6,10-13]. Here we present an overview of the units accessible for exploration in the Jezero basin, including questions and hypotheses that can be tested through analysis in situ and of returned samples. This is particularly timely given the upcoming Mars 2020 mission, for which Jezero is one of the final eight landing sites [14]. Primary science objectives for Mars 2020 are to: (1) characterize the geologic history of a site with "evidence of an astrobiologically-relevant ancient environment and geologic diversity"; (2) assess the habitability and "potential evidence of past life" in units with "high biosignature preservation potential"; and (3) cache scientifically compelling samples for potential return to Earth [15]

    Cold and COVID: Recurrent Pernio during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Pernio is a commonly reported cutaneous manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 infection.(1) Our international registry of COVID-19 dermatologic manifestations has collected 1,176 total cases of COVID-19 skin manifestations, including 619 cases of pernio in suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.(1) Most patients with new-onset pernio were entered into the registry after the first pandemic wave (79% in March-May 2020). Starting in September 2020, the registry received reports of a subset of these patients who developed recurrent pernio in the following months

    Model Age Derivation of Large Martian Impact Craters, Using Automatic Crater Counting Methods

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    Determining when an impact crater formed is a complex and tedious task. However, this knowledge is crucial to understanding the geological history of planetary bodies and, more specifically, gives information on erosion rate measurements, meteorite ejection location, impact flux evolution and the loss of a magnetic field. The derivation of an individual crater's age is currently performed through manual counting. Because crater size scales as a power law, this method is limited to small (and/or young) surface areas and, in the case of the derivation of crater emplacement age, to a small set of impact craters. Here, we used a Crater Detection Algorithm, specifically retrained to detect small impact craters on large‐ and high‐resolution imagery data set to solve this issue. We applied it to a global, 5 m/pixel resolution mosaic of Mars. Here, we test the use of this data set to date 10 large impact craters. We developed a cluster analysis tool in order to distinguish potential secondary crater clusters from the primary crater population. We then use this, filtered, crater population to date each large impact crater and evaluate our results against literature ages. We found that automated counting filtered through clustering analysis produced similar model ages to manual counts. This technique can now be expanded to much wider crater dating surveys, and by extension to any other kind of Martian surface. We anticipate that this new tool will considerably expand our knowledge of the geological events that have shaped the surface of Mars, their timing and duration

    Embedded star formation in the extended narrow line region of Centaurus A: Extreme mixing observed by MUSE

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    We present a detailed study of the complex ionization structure in a small (∼250 pc) extended narrow line region (ENLR) cloud near Centaurus A using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer. This cloud is located in the so-called outer filament of ionized gas (about 15 kpc from the nucleus) where jet-induced star formation has been suggested to occur by different studies. We find that, despite the small size, a mixture of ionization mechanisms is operating, resulting in considerable complexity in the spatial ionization structure. The area includes two H ii regions where star formation is occurring and another location where star formation must have ceased very recently. Interestingly, the extreme Balmer decrement of one of the star forming regions (Hα/Hβobs ∼ 6) indicates that it is still heavily embedded in its natal cocoon of gas and dust. At all three locations a continuum counterpart is found with spectra matching those of O/B stars local to Centaurus A. The H ii regions are embedded in a larger gas complex which is photoionized by the radiation of the central active galactic nucleus (AGN), but the O/B stars affect the spatial ionization pattern in the ENLR cloud very locally. In particular, in the surroundings of the youngest star forming region, we can isolate a tight mixing sequence in the diagnostic diagram going from gas with ionization due to a pure stellar continuum to gas only photoionized by the AGN. These results emphasize the complexity and the mixture of processes occurring in star forming regions under the influence of an AGN radiation. This is relevant for our understanding of AGN-induced star formation suggested to occur in a number of objects, including this region of Centaurus A. They also illustrate that these young stars influence the gas over only a limited region

    Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection for multielement flow injection analysis and elemental speciation by reversed-phase liquid chromatography

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    The feasibility of using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer as a muitieiement detector for flow injection analysis (FIA) and ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography was investigated. Sample introduction was by uitrasonk nebulization with aerosol desolvation. Absolute detecton limits for FIA ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 ng for most elements using 10-pL injections. Over 30 elements were surveyed for their response to both anionic and cationic ion pairing reagents. The separation and selective detection of various As and Se species were demonstrated, yielding detection limits near 0.1 ng (as element) for ail six species present. Determination of 15 elements in a single injection with multiple ion monitoring produced shniiar detection limits. Isotope ratios were measured with sufficient precision (better than 2%) and accuracy (about 1 %) on eluting peaks of Cd and Pb to demonstrate that liquid chromatographyhductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry should make speciation studies with stable tracer isotopes feasible

    Glaciovolcanic hydrothermal environments in Iceland and implications for their detection on Mars

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    Volcanism has been a dominant process on Mars, along with a pervasive global cryosphere. Therefore, the interaction between these two is considered likely. Terrestrial glaciovolcanism produces distinctive lithologies and alteration terrains, as well as hydrothermal environments that can be inhabited by microorganisms. Here, we provide a framework for identifying evidence of such glaciovolcanic environments during future Mars exploration, and provide a descriptive reference for active hydrothermal environments to be utilised for future astrobiological studies. Remote sensing data were combined with field observations and sample analysis that included X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, thin section petrography, scanning electron microscopy, electron dispersive spectrometer analysis, and dissolved water chemistry to characterise samples from two areas of basaltic glaciovolcanism: Askja and Kverkfjöll volcanoes in Iceland. The glaciovolcanic terrain between these volcanoes is characterised by subglacially-erupted fissure swarm ridges, which have since been modified by multiple glacial outburst floods. Active hydrothermal environments at Kverkfjöll include hot springs, anoxic pools, glacial meltwater lakes, and sulfur- and iron- depositing fumaroles, all situated within ice-bound geothermal fields. Temperatures range from 0 °C - 94.4 °C, and aqueous environments are acidic - neutral (pH 2 - 7.5) and sulfate-dominated. Mineralogy of sediments, mineral crusts, and secondary deposits within basalts suggest two types of hydrothermal alteration: a low-temperature ( 120 °C) assemblage signified by zeolite (heulandite) and quartz. These mineral assemblages are consistent with those identified at the Martian surface. In-situ and laboratory VNIR (440 – 1000 nm) reflectance spectra representative of Mars rover multispectral imaging show sediment spectral profiles to be influenced by Fe2 +/3 + - bearing minerals, regardless of their dominant bulk mineralogy. Characterising these terrestrial glaciovolcanic deposits can help identify similar processes on Mars, as well as identifying palaeoenvironments that may once have supported and preserved life

    Optimising intraperitoneal gentamicin dosing in peritoneal dialysis patients with peritonitis (GIPD) study

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    Background: Antibiotics are preferentially delivered via the peritoneal route to treat peritonitis, a major complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD), so that maximal concentrations are delivered at the site of infection. However, drugs administered intraperitoneally can be absorbed into the systemic circulation. Drugs excreted by the kidneys accumulate in PD patients, increasing the risk of toxicity. The aim of this study is to examine a model of gentamicin pharmacokinetics and to develop an intraperitoneal drug dosing regime that maximises bacterial killing and minimises toxicity

    Clinical and radiological evaluation of Trabecular Metal and the Smith–Robinson technique in anterior cervical fusion for degenerative disease: a prospective, randomized, controlled study with 2-year follow-up

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    A prospective, randomized, controlled study was carried out to compare the radiological and clinical outcomes after anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF) with Trabecular Metal™ (TM) to the traditional Smith–Robinson (SR) procedure with autograft. The clinical results of cervical fusion with autograft from the iliac crest are typically satisfactory, but implications from the donor site are frequently reported. Alternative materials for cervical body interfusion have shown lower fusion rates. Trabecular Metal is a porous tantalum biomaterial with structure and mechanical properties similar to that of trabecular bone and with proven osteoconductivity. As much as 80 consecutive patients planned for ACDF were randomized for fusion with either TM or tricortical autograft from the iliac crest (SR) after discectomy and decompression. Digitized plain radiographic images of 78 (98%) patients were obtained preoperatively and at 2-year follow-up and were subsequently evaluated by two senior radiologists. Fusion/non-fusion was classified by visual evaluation of the A–P and lateral views in forced flexion/extension of the cervical spine and by measuring the mobility between the fused vertebrae. MRI of 20 TM cases at 2 years was successfully used to assess the decompression of the neural structures, but was not helpful in determining fusion/non-fusion. Pain intensity in the neck, arms and pelvis/hip were rated by patients on a visual analog scale (VAS) and neck function was rated using the Neck Disability Index (NDI) the day before surgery and 4, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. Follow-ups at 12 and 24 months were performed by an unbiased observer, when patients also assessed their global outcome. Fusion rate in the SR group was 92%, and in the TM group 69% (P < 0.05). The accuracy of the measurements was calculated to be 2.4°. Operating time was shorter for fusion with TM compared with autograft; mean times were 100 min (SD 18) and 123 min (SD 23), respectively (P = 0.001). The patients’ global assessments of their neck and arm symptoms 2 years postoperatively for the TM group were rated as 79% much better or better after fusion with TM and 75% using autograft. Pain scores and NDI scores were significantly improved in both groups when compared with baseline at all follow-ups, except for neck pain at 1 year for the TM group. There was no statistically significant difference in clinical outcomes between fusion techniques or between patients who appeared radiologically fused or non-fused. There was no difference in pelvic/hip pain between patients operated on with or without autograft. In our study, Trabecular Metal showed a lower fusion rate than the Smith–Robinson technique with autograft after single-level anterior cervical fusion without plating. There was no difference in clinical outcomes between the groups. The operative time was shorter with Trabecular Metal implants

    Comparison of markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and arterial stiffness between incident hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients – an observational study

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    Background: Patients on peritoneal and hemodialysis have accelerated atherosclerosis associated with an increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The atherosclerosis is associated with increased arterial stiffness, endothelial dysfunction and elevated oxidative stress and inflammation. The aims of this study are to investigate the effects of peritoneal and hemodialysis on arterial stiffness, vascular function, myocardial structure and function, oxidative stress and inflammation in incident patients with end stage kidney disease