1,810 research outputs found

    Dynamics of plasma blobs in a shear flow

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    The global dynamic of plasma blobs in a shear flow is investigated in a simple magnetized torus using the spatial Fourier harmonics (k-space) framework. Direct experimental evidence of a linear drift in k space of the density fluctuation energy synchronized with blob events is presented. During this drift, an increase of the fluctuation energy and a production of the kinetic energy associated with blobs are observed. The energy source of the blob is analyzed using an advection-dissipation-type equation that includes blob-flow exchange energy, linear drift in k space, nonlinear processes, and viscous dissipations. We show that blobs tap their energy from the dominant E B vertical background flow during the linear drift stage. The exchange of energy is unidirectional as there is no evidence that blobs return energy to the flow

    A robust method for measurement of fluctuation parallel wavenumber in laboratory plasmas

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    Measuring the parallel wavenumber is fundamental for the experimental characterization of electrostatic instabilities. It becomes particularly important in toroidal geometry, where spatial inhomogeneities and curvature can excite both drift instabilities, whose wavenumber parallel to the magnetic field is finite, and interchange instabilities, which typically have vanishing parallel wavenumber. We demonstrate that multipoint measurements can provide a robust method for the discrimination between the two cases

    When characters impact on dubbing: the role of sexual stereotypes on voice actor/actress’ preferences

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    Dubbing is a procedure through which an original actor’s voice is replaced with that of a voice actor, usually speaking a different language. Dubbing is not only an adaptation to language but also to cultural beliefs. Across two studies, we analyzed how some Italian participants would prefer a television series’ character to sound. In Study 1, participants read a male/female character description that was manipulated according to gender and sexual stereotypes in order to be masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral. Next, participants were asked to indicate their preference for three voice actors/actresses who sounded heterosexual, gay/lesbian, or ambivalent. Study 2 tested the interplay between a character’s description and the voice of the English-speaking (gay/lesbian vs. heterosexual sounding) actor/actress who played the role in the original television series on dubbing preferences. The results of both studies showed that a character’s description affected dubbing preferences. Participants preferred the gay/lesbian-sounding voice actor/actress to the counter-stereotypical character (i.e., a feminine man or a masculine woman) and the heterosexual-sounding voice actor/actress to the stereotypical character. Interestingly, at least for male targets, the original actor’s voice itself affected the preference for voice actors in the same way. This work suggests that dubbing can maintain and reinforce stereotypes.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene Edges

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    Graphene edges are of particular interest since their orientation determines the electronic properties. Here we present a detailed Raman investigation of graphene flakes with edges oriented at different crystallographic directions. We also develop a real space theory for Raman scattering to analyze the general case of disordered edges. The position, width, and intensity of G and D peaks are studied as a function of the incident light polarization. The D-band is strongest for polarization parallel to the edge and minimum for perpendicular. Raman mapping shows that the D peak is localized in proximity of the edge. For ideal edges, the D peak is zero for zigzag orientation and large for armchair, allowing in principle the use of Raman spectroscopy as a sensitive tool for edge orientation. However, for real samples, the D to G ratio does not always show a significant dependence on edge orientation. Thus, even though edges can appear macroscopically smooth and oriented at well-defined angles, they are not necessarily microscopically ordered

    Determinación quelatométrica de secantes en medio no acuoso

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    Se presenta una modificación de la técnica complejométrica utilizada para la determinación de secantes en forma directa en un medio no acuoso. Se emplea una mezcla de benceno-isopropanol-metil glicol en la relación 1/60/50. Se titula por retorno, usando soluciones de EDTA y cloruro de cinc, empleando negro de Eriocromo T como indicador y una solución reguladora de cloruro de amonio y amoníaco. El método es aplicado a la determinación de hierro, cobre, cobalto, cinc, manganeso, plomo, bario y calcio.A modification of the technique used for the complexometric determination of driers, for being used in non aqueous solutions is presented. The solvent used is a mixture of 1 part of bencene, 60 parts of isopropanol and 30 parts of methyl glicol.The back titration performed using EDTA solution, zinc chloride solution, Eriochrome black T as indicator, and a buffer solution of amonium hidroxide and amonium chloride. This method may be applied to the determination of iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese, lead, barium and calcium

    Risk factors for adenocarcinoma of the cervix: a case-control study.

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    To assess risk factors for cervical adenocarcinoma data were collected in a case-control study of 39 cases and 409 controls conducted in the greater Milan area. Questions were asked about personal characteristics and habits, gynaecologic and obstetric data, history of lifetime use of oral contraceptives and other female hormones, and general indicators of sexual habits (age at first intercourse and total number of sexual partners). The relative risk of cervical adenocarcinoma increased with number of births and abortions, early age at first birth and early age at first intercourse. These estimates did not materially change after adjustment for the potential reciprocal confounding effect. Further, there was a positive association with overweight, but an apparent association with lower education was not significant. No relationship emerged with oral contraceptive use. Thus, despite the similarities with the epidemiology of squamous cell cancer, reproductive patterns and other factors related to the risk of endometrial cancer (i.e., overweight) seem to play an important role in the risk of adenocarcinoma of cervix uteri


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    Reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of whooping cranes (Grus americana) into eastern North America began in 2001. Reproduction first occurred in 2005. Through 2008, eggs were produced in 22 first nests and 2 renests. All first nests failed–50% confirmed due to desertion by the parents and the remaining nest failures also consistent with the pattern of parental desertion. Nest failures were not related to stage of incubation, and they were often synchronous. Temperatures in winter and early spring affected timing of nest failure. An environmental factor such as harassment of incubating cranes by black flies (Simulium spp.) may be responsible for widespread nest desertion

    Auditory gaydar: perception of sexual orientation based on female voice

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    We investigated auditory gaydar (i.e., the ability to recognize sexual orientation) in female speakers, addressing three related issues: whether auditory gaydar is (1) accurate, (2) language-dependent (i.e., occurs only in some languages, but not in others), and (3) ingroup-specific (i.e., occurs only when listeners judge speakers of their own language, but not when they judge foreign language speakers). In three experiments, we asked Italian, Portuguese, and German participants (total N = 466) to listen to voices of Italian, Portuguese, and German women, and to rate their sexual orientation. Our results showed that auditory gaydar was not accurate; listeners were not able to identify speakers’ sexual orientation correctly. The same pattern emerged consistently across all three languages and when listeners rated foreign-language speakers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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