4,519 research outputs found

    Spin-2 Amplitudes in Black-Hole Evaporation

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    Quantum amplitudes for s=2s=2 gravitational-wave perturbations of Einstein/scalar collapse to a black hole are treated by analogy with s=1s=1 Maxwell perturbations. The spin-2 perturbations split into parts with odd and even parity. We use the Regge-Wheeler gauge; at a certain point we make a gauge transformation to an asymptotically-flat gauge, such that the metric perturbations have the expected falloff behaviour at large radii. By analogy with s=1s=1, for s=2s=2 natural 'coordinate' variables are given by the magnetic part Hij(i,j=1,2,3)H_{ij} (i,j=1,2,3) of the Weyl tensor, which can be taken as boundary data on a final space-like hypersurface ΣF\Sigma_F. For simplicity, we take the data on the initial surface ΣI\Sigma_I to be exactly spherically-symmetric. The (large) Lorentzian proper-time interval between ΣI\Sigma_I and ΣF\Sigma_F, measured at spatial infinity, is denoted by TT. We follow Feynman's +iϵ+i\epsilon prescription and rotate TT into the complex: TTexp(iθ)T\to{\mid}T{\mid} \exp(-i\theta), for 0<θπ/20<\theta\leq\pi/2. The corresponding complexified {\it classical} boundary-value problem is expected to be well-posed. The Lorentzian quantum amplitude is recovered by taking the limit as θ0+\theta\to 0_+. For boundary data well below the Planck scale, and for a locally supersymmetric theory, this involves only the semi-classical amplitude exp(iSclass(2)\exp(iS^{(2)}_{\rm class}, where Sclass(2)S^{(2)}_{\rm class} denotes the second-variation classical action. The relations between the s=1s=1 and s=2s=2 natural boundary data, involving supersymmetry, are investigated using 2-component spinor language in terms of the Maxwell field strength ϕAB=ϕ(AB)\phi_{AB}=\phi_{(AB)} and the Weyl spinor ΨABCD=Ψ(ABCD)\Psi_{ABCD}=\Psi_{(ABCD)}

    Fluctuation characteristics of the TCV snowflake divertor measured with high speed visible imaging

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    Tangentially viewing fast camera footage of the low-field side snowflake minus divertor in TCV is analysed across a four point scan in which the proximity of the two X-points is varied systematically. The motion of structures observed in the post- processed movie shows two distinct regions of the camera frame exhibiting differing patterns. One type of motion in the outer scrape-off layer remains present throughout the scan whilst the other, apparent in the inner scrape-off layer between the two nulls, becomes increasingly significant as the X-points contract towards one another. The spatial structure of the fluctuations in both regions is shown to conform to the equilibrium magnetic field. When the X-point gap is wide the fluctuations measured in the region between the X-points show a similar structure to the fluctuations observed above the null region, remaining coherent for multiple toroidal turns of the magnetic field and indicating a physical connectivity of the fluctuations between the upstream and downstream regions. When the X-point gap is small the fluctuations in the inner scrape-off layer between the nulls are decorrelated from fluctuations upstream, indicating local production of filamentary structures. The motion of filaments in the inter-null region differs, with filaments showing a dominantly poloidal motion along magnetic flux surfaces when the X-point gap is large, compared to a dominantly radial motion across flux-surfaces when the gap is small. This demonstrates an enhancement to cross-field tranport between the nulls of the TCV low-field-side snowflake minus when the gap between the nulls is small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    A Cenozoic-style scenario for the end-Ordovician glaciation

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    The end-Ordovician was an enigmatic interval in the Phanerozoic, known for massive glaciation potentially at elevated CO2 levels, biogeochemical cycle disruptions recorded as large isotope anomalies and a devastating extinction event. Ice-sheet volumes claimed to be twice those of the Last Glacial Maximum paradoxically coincided with oceans as warm as today. Here we argue that some of these remarkable claims arise from undersampling of incomplete geological sections that led to apparent temporal correlations within the relatively coarse resolution capability of Palaeozoic biochronostratigraphy. We examine exceptionally complete sedimentary records from two, low and high, palaeolatitude settings. Their correlation framework reveals a Cenozoic-style scenario including three main glacial cycles and higher-order phenomena. This necessitates revision of mechanisms for the end-Ordovician events, as the first extinction is tied to an early phase of melting, not to initial cooling, and the largest δ13C excursion occurs during final deglaciation, not at the glacial apex

    On the Hadronic Contribution to Light-by-light Scattering in gμ2g_\mu-2

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    We comment on the theoretical uncertainties involved in estimating the hadronic effects on the light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, especially based on the analysis and results of T. Kinoshita, B. Ni\v zi\'c, and Y. Okamoto, Phys.\ Rev.\ D31, 2108 (1985). From the point of view of an effective field theory and chiral perturbation theory, we suggest that the charged pion contribution may be better determined than has been appreciated. However, the neutral pion contribution needs greater theoretical insight before its magnitude can be reliably estimated.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, U. Michigan UM-TH-93-18. (Input phyzzm to compile.) Revised version has minor changes in text. To be published in Phys. Rev. D, Comments sectio

    Exploring atmospheric optical turbulence: observations across zenith angles

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    We present measurements of the atmospheric optical turbulence as a function of zenith angle using two identical instruments, Shack-Hartmann Image Motion Monitors (SHIMMs), to measure atmospheric parameters concurrently. One instrument was pointed near zenith, while the other collected data by tracking a single star until it set and thus sampling zenith angles continuously to the horizon. By comparing these measurements, we can attribute changes in the atmospheric parameters to the changing zenith angle rather than variations in local turbulence conditions. The primary purpose of this experiment is to make comparisons between the measurements of the scintillation index, 2, and Fried parameter, 0, with current theories. In this demonstration, we find that there is a strong agreement between the models and the instrument up until zenith angles of 70∘, above which model and measurements begin to deviate. We discuss various ways in which limitations in models and our instrument may cause these deviations

    Aging and the visual perception of exocentric distance

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    AbstractThe ability of 18 younger and older adults to visually perceive exocentric distances was evaluated. The observers judged the extent of fronto-parallel and in-depth spatial intervals at a variety of viewing distances from 50cm to 164.3cm. Most of the observers perceived in-depth intervals to be significantly smaller than fronto-parallel intervals, a finding that is consistent with previous studies. While none of the individual observers’ judgments of exocentric distance were accurate, the judgments of the older observers were significantly more accurate than those of the younger observers. The precision of the observers’ judgments across repeated trials, however, was not affected by age. The results demonstrate that increases in age can produce significant improvements in the visual ability to perceive the magnitude of exocentric distances

    R-values in Low Energy e^+e^- Annihilation

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    This presentation briefly summarizes the recent measurements of R-values in low energy e^+e^- annihilation. The new experiments aimed at reducing the uncertainties in R-values and performed with the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer (BESII) at Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) in Beijing and with CMD-2 and SND at VEEP-2M in Novosibirsk are reviewed and discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, invited presentation at the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy, Stanford University, August 199

    The implications of noninertial motion on covariant quantum spin

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    It is shown that the Pauli-Lubanski spin vector defined in terms of curvilinear co-ordinates does not satisfy Lorentz invariance for spin-1/2 particles in noninertial motion along a curved trajectory. The possibility of detecting this violation in muon decay experiments is explored, where the noninertial contribution to the decay rate becomes large for muon beams with large momenta and trajectories with radius of curvature approaching the muon's Compton wavelength scale. A new spacelike spin vector is derived from the Pauli-Lubanski vector that satisfies Lorentz invariance for both inertial and noninertial motion. In addition, this spin vector suggests a generalization for the classification of spin-1/2 particles, and has interesting properties that are applicable for both massive and massless particles.Comment: REVTeX file; 7 pages; 2 figures; slightly revised with new abstract; accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Improved α4\alpha^4 Term of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment

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    We have completed the evaluation of all mass-dependent α4\alpha^4 QED contributions to the muon g2g-2, or aμa_\mu, in two or more different formulations. Their numerical values have been greatly improved by an extensive computer calculation. The new value of the dominant α4\alpha^4 term A2(8)(mμ/me)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e) is 132.6823 (72), which supersedes the old value 127.50 (41). The new value of the three-mass term A3(8)(mμ/me,mμ/mτ)A_3^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_e, m_\mu / m_\tau) is 0.0376 (1). The term A2(8)(mμ/mτ)A_2^{(8)} (m_\mu / m_\tau) is crudely estimated to be about 0.005 and may be ignored for now. The total QED contribution to aμa_\mu is 116584719.58(0.02)(1.15)(0.85)×1011116 584 719.58 (0.02)(1.15)(0.85) \times 10^{-11}, where 0.02 and 1.15 are uncertainties in the α4\alpha^4 and α5\alpha^5 terms and 0.85 is from the uncertainty in α\alpha measured by atom interferometry. This raises the Standard Model prediction by 13.9×101113.9 \times 10^{-11}, or about 1/5 of the measurement uncertainty of aμa_\mu. It is within the noise of current uncertainty (100×1011\sim 100 \times 10^{-11}) in the estimated hadronic contributions to aμa_\mu.Comment: Appendix A has been rewritten extensively. It includes the 4th-order calculation for illustration. Version accepted by PR