369 research outputs found

    The participative characteristics of LAG-members in Hungary

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    One of the much debated questions in the governance literature is the social participation of local people. According to the majority of experts, the participation of local actors in decision-making process is growing through the partnerships and thus wiser and fairer decisions can be made in development issues affecting them. Therefore, partnerships have become popular instruments of government to deliver policy goals more effectively. This study focuses on the participative characteristics of members of rural development partnerships. The participative features of local actors are studied in the paper through the example of the LEADER partnerships. Interviews and two countrywide surveys were conducted in the circle of leaders of Management Offices and members of Local Action Groups (LAGs). The so gained data were analysed by different statistical methods. The results concerning the participation and activity of members proved my hypothesis, according to which the work in partnership does not always end in real and meaningful participation of local actors. Most of the partners typically did not exploit all the possibilities of participating in partnership actions

    Anomie as a Thermometer of the Crisis (Experiment) - Social Capacity - Phenomenon of the Complex Crisis

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    När ett rikstäckande Supervision And Data Acquisition (SCADA) nätverkssystem skautformas, innehållandes alla tänkbara anslutningar och platser, är det eftersträvansvärtatt kunna konfigurera alla delar från en central plats. Denna rapport undersöker därförhuruvida det skulle vara en bra idé att placera intelligenta noder ute i anläggningarna,som både kan kontrolleras centralt och självständigt sköta kommunikationen med mekatroniskutrustning på ett sätt som med de nuvarande enklare maskinerna inte är möjligt.Det som talar emot en sådan lösning är huvudsakligen att placera ut mer avanceradutrustning i en bergsanläggning med sin mer krävande miljö och sämre datauppkoppling.Ett av målen med rapporten är att göra en djupgående studie av hur den Meddelande-Orienterad Middleware (MOM) Network Message Exchange (NMX) fungerar och hurdatabandbreddsbehovet varierar med behovet av datainsamlingspunkter.Studien visar att nätverksanvändningen växer linjärt med antalet datainsamlingspunkteroch att varje sådan punkt kräver ungefär 9 bytes per sekund, oavsett hur ofta värdet påden ändras. Detta innebär att med ett 56kbps modem på 80% användningsgrad, kan enanläggning ha runt 500-600 insamlingspunkter. Detta borde vara tillräckligt för anläggningarmed en sådan uppkoppling.Slutligen rekommendares, baserat på denna studie, att den föreslagna topologin kan användas,men med några tänkvärda problem som följd, bland annat att se till att tillräckligbandbredd finns tillgänglig och att hårdvaran är anpassad till miljön.When designing a country-wide Supervision Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)network software including all sorts of connections and locations, it is desirable thateverything should be configurable from the central parts of the system. This report aimsto investigate whether it would be a good idea to place an intelligent node at these remotelocations that can both be controlled centrally and has the capabilities of communicatingwith all sorts of mechatronic devices on site.What contradicts this solution is mainly the issue of putting a more complex machine in arock shelter and the data connection available. This report aims to give an in-depth studyon the Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) Network Message Exchange (NMX) andhow the network bandwidth needs based on the amount of acquitted data correlates.This study shows that the network usage grows linearly with the number of superviseddata items, and that each such data item requires approximately 9 byte per second ofbandwidth, regardless of the value change frequency of the items. This means, using a56 kbps modem connection at a reasonable 80% utilisation, one facility can have around500-600 data items, which is considered enough in most cases.The recommendations concluded from the study are that the suggested topology can indeedbe used, but that there are some issues worth considering when doing so, such asmaking sure the available bandwidth is sufficient and the remote site is a good environmentfor the chosen hardware