235 research outputs found

    Personalizing paper-and-pencil training for cognitive rehabilitation: a feasibility study with a web-based Task Generator

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    Cognitive impairments impose important limitations in the performance of activities of daily living. Although there is important evidence on cognitive rehabilitation benefits, its implementation is limited due to the demands in terms of time and human resources. Moreover, many cognitive rehabilitation interventions lack a solid theoretical framework in the selection of paper-and-pencil tasks by the clinicians. In this endeavor, it would be useful to have a tool that could generate standardized paper-and pencil tasks, customized according to patients’ needs. Combining the advantages of information and communication technologies (ICT’s) with a participatory design approach involving 20 health professionals, a novel web-tool for the generation of cognitive rehabilitation training was developed: the Task Generator (TG). The TG is a web-based tool that systematically addresses multiple cognitive domains, and easily generates highly personalized paper and-pencil training tasks. A clinical evaluation of the TG with twenty stroke patients showed that, by enabling the adaptation of task parameters and difficulty levels according to patient cognitive assessment, this tool provides a comprehensive cognitive training.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gravidez e depressão pós-parto (DPP): uma revisão não sistemática sobre o estado da arte do conhecimento da DPP

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    Objective: Pregnancy and motherhood, while rewarding, can be challenging and transformative. The gestational and postpartum periods may cause various changes, making women susceptible to mental disorders like Postpartum Depression (PPD). This review aimed to present the current state of knowledge on pregnancy and PPD, with a focus on PPD prevention in pregnant women aged 20-40, as well as PPD prevalence worldwide and in Portugal. Methods: A non-systematic search of the literature was conducted using four databases: B-on, Scielo, RCAAP, and Google Scholar. One hundred articles published from 2002-2022 were selected for analysis. Results: Articles were classified into nine topics: Cognitive-Behavioral Theory Approach; Risk and Protection Factors; Diagnosis; Breastfeeding; Multidisciplinary Teams; Demystification of Pregnancy; PPD's Impact on Mother-Infant Relationship; Covid-19 Influence; and Environmental Sustainability. The analysis revealed that prevention research is limited, with existing studies focusing on intervention and treatment and emphasizing nursing health professionals. Conclusions: The current literature overlooks the potential benefits of multidisciplinary teams for better prevention and support for at-risk pregnant women. More research is needed to improve PPD prevention strategies. Methods: A systematic search of the existing literature was performed using four digital databases: B-on, Scielo, RCAAP and Google Scholar. Results: One hundred articles published from 2002 to 2022 were selected for analysis. Conclusions: It was possible to verify that prevention is scarce. Existent studies focus more on the intervention and treatment of the pathology, giving more attention to nursing health professionals rather than multidisciplinary teams, which could contribute to better prevention of the condition and act appropriately for non-worsening of symptomatology in pregnant women at risk.Objetivo: A gravidez e a maternidade, embora recompensadoras, podem ser desafiadoras e transformadoras. Os períodos gestacional e pós-parto podem causar várias mudanças, tornando as mulheres suscetíveis a transtornos mentais, como a Depressão Pós-Parto (DPP). Esta revisão teve como objetivo apresentar o estado atual do conhecimento sobre a gravidez e a DPP, com foco na prevenção da DPP em mulheres grávidas com idades entre 20 e 40 anos, bem como na sua prevalência em todo o mundo e em Portugal. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa não sistemática da literatura utilizando quatro bases de dados: B-on, Scielo, RCAAP e Google Académico. Foram selecionados para análise 100 artigos publicados entre 2002 e 2022. Resultados: Os artigos foram classificados em nove tópicos: Abordagem da Teoria Cognitivo-Comportamental; Fatores de Risco e Proteção; Diagnóstico; Amamentação; Equipes Multidisciplinares; Desmistificação da Gravidez; Impacto da DPP na relação mãe-bebé; Influência da Covid-19; e Sustentabilidade Ambiental. A análise revelou que a pesquisa sobre prevenção é limitada, com estudos existentes focando em intervenção e tratamento, e ênfase nos profissionais de saúde da enfermagem. Conclusões: A literatura atual subestima os possíveis benefícios das equipes multidisciplinares para uma melhor prevenção e apoio às mulheres grávidas em risco. São necessárias mais pesquisas para melhorar as estratégias de prevenção da DPP


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    RESUMO O presente artigo tem por objetivo, a partir do pensamento feminista negro, contribuir com os estudos da produção das culturas infantis, referentes à participação das crianças desde a pequena infância na construção da realidade social, trazendo para a cena as crianças com idade entre 0 a 3 anos, do coletivo infantil de uma creche pública, e as suas reinterpretações a respeito das intersecções entre as práticas racistas e sexistas. Traremos para discussão as crianças pequenininhas, negras e brancas, suas resistências e suas transgressões, que tensionam as hierarquias patriarcais e racistas. Construindo outros modos de se viver no mundo, por meio de suas brincadeiras, elas lançam outros olhares para as relações vigentes na sociedade e desafiam o poder adultocêntrico que pretende calá-las

    Psychosocial aspects of caregivers of children with cancer: stress and coping

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o nível de stress dos cuidadores de crianças com leucemia, suas estratégias de enfrentamento, bem como caracterizar a vivência afetiva frente ao adoecimento. Participaram vinte cuidadores de crianças, após um ano de tratamento. Utilizaram-se os instrumentos: Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp, Inventário de Estratégias de Coping e um roteiro complementar. Encontrou-se stress em 50% dos participantes, predominância na fase de resistência e sintomatologia psicológica. Renda superior esteve associada a manifestações de stress (p=0,02). As estratégias de enfrentamento mais utilizadas foram: "resolução de problemas" e "fuga e esquiva". Maior utilização da estratégia de enfrentamento "aceitação de responsabilidade" associou-se à presença de stress (p=0,04) e não ser praticante de religião (p=0,003). A análise da entrevista possibilitou o agrupamento em quatro categorias. Conclui-se que o cuidador necessita de atenção, visando melhorar a qualidade de vida e um maior acolhimento à criança.The purpose of this study was to assess the level of stress experienced by caregivers of children with leukemia, the coping strategies they use and to characterize the affective experience towards falling ill. Twenty caregivers participated in the study, which took place one year after the children began treatment. The following instruments were used: Lipp's Adult Stress Symptoms Inventory, Coping Strategy Inventory, and a supplementary script. It was found that 50% of the participants experienced stress, most were in the resistance phase and showed psychological symptoms. Higher income was associated with stress (p=0.02). The major coping strategies used were "problem solving" and "escape and avoidance". A greater use of the "acceptance of responsibility" strategy was associated with the presence of stress (p=0.04) and not practicing a religion (p=0.003). The analysis of the interviews enabled a grouping into four categories. In conclusion, the caregiver needs support with a view to improving his/herquality of life and to making children feel more welcome.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    relação triangular da estratégia de distribuição, mercado-alvo e serviços de investimento

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    This internship report is based on a study of the changes of the regulatory framework of the financial system, focused on the implementation of MIFID II. This legislation is based on the idea of a globalized financial system, having as gears of the regulatory policy, the investor protection and the safeguarding the of the market efficiency. In the recent decades and because of the economic and financial crisis, several studies were conducted to determine its causes. Among some findings, the main conclusion was the need for development of regulatory policy and oversight supervision. Being the MiFID II is a very embracing legislation, the main purpose of this report is the study of the product governance regime and its dimensions, as measures to mitigate selling and settlement practices for information asymmetries and financial illiteracy. In this sense, as the rules of the product regime increased the perspective about on the financial instruments and their negotiation process, always adjusted to its life cycle. The actors involved are: the producer, the distributor and the investor. The legislator as reformulated and emphasized the actual rules, highlighting the three dimensions of the product governance regime: (i) the distribution strategy; (ii) the definition of the target market and (iii) the investment service. The demands of each dimension and the connection between them imply a relation of interdependence in the fulfillment of the MiFID II emerging norms. To understand the actual rules, it was necessary a reflection through the past. The analysis of a case study, in particular a jurisprudence situation, the considering proven facts and the court decision, allows to understand in which aspects the legislator intends to act looking forward to an evolution of the financial system control, and its practices.Este Relatório de Estágio tem por base um estudo das alterações do quadro normativo do sistema financeiro, designadamente com a implementação da DMIF II. Este diploma baseia-se na ideia de um sistema financeiro globalizado, tendo como engrenagens da política regulatória a proteção do investidor e a salvaguarda da eficiência do mercado. Nas últimas décadas e em consequência das crises económicas e financeiras, realizaram-se diversos estudos para apurar as causas das mesmas. Entre as várias conclusões, a necessidade de evolução da política regulatória e da supervisão, foram as principais ilações. Sendo a DMIF II um diploma muito abrangente, este Relatório tem como principal objetivo o estudo do regime de governo de produto e as suas dimensões, como medidas de mitigação das práticas de mis-selling e de combate às assimetrias de informação e da iliteracia financeira. Neste sentido, as normas do domínio do regime de produto ampliaram o campo de visão sobre os instrumentos financeiros e o seu processo de comercialização, ajustado ao ciclo de vida do mesmo. Esta abordagem impõe responsabilidades sobre os intervenientes: o produtor, o distribuidor e o investidor. O legislador reformulou e aprofundou as normas que já vigoravam, destacando-se três dimensões do regime de governo de produto: (i) a estratégia de distribuição; (ii) a definição do mercado-alvo e (iii) do serviço de investimento. As exigências correspondentes a cada uma das dimensões e a conexão entre elas, implicam uma relação de interdependência no cumprimento das normas emergentes da DMIF II. A compreensão das regras atuais revela-se mais clara através de uma reflexão sobre o passado. A análise de um caso de estudo, em particular de um jurisprudencial, considerando os factos provados e a decisão do tribunal, permite perceber em que aspetos o regulador pretende atuar, para uma evolução benigna da regulação do sistema financeiro e das suas práticas

    Comparing adaptive cognitive training in virtual reality and paper-pencil in a sample of stroke patients

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    The growing number of people with cognitive deficits creates an urgent need for new cognitive training solutions. Paper-and-pencil tasks are still widely used for cognitive rehabilitation despite the proliferation of new computer-based methods, like VR-based simulations of ADL’s. The health professionals’ resistance in adopting new tools might be explained by the small number of validation trials. Studies have established construct validity of VR assessment tools with their paper-and-pencil versions by demonstrating significant associations with their traditional construct-driven measures. However, adaptive rehabilitation tools for intervention are mostly not equivalent to their counterpart paper-and-pencil versions, which makes it difficult to carry out comparative studies. Here we present a 12-session intervention study with 31 stroke survivors who underwent different rehabilitation protocols based on the same content and difficulty adaptation progression framework: 17 performed paper-and-pencil training with the Task Generator and 14 performed VR-based training with the Reh@City. Results have shown that both groups performed at the same level and there was not an effect of the training methodology in overall performance. However, the Reh@City enabled more intensive training, which may translate in more cognitive improvements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reh@City v2.0: a comprehensive virtual reality cognitive training system based on personalized and adaptive simulations of activities of daily living

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    Cognitive impairments are among the most common age-related disabilities worldwide. Literature has shown that cognitive training using Virtual Reality (VR) systems can be a valid and effective solution for cognitive rehabilitation. Virtual environments can be easily customized to deliver very specific training by controlling the presentation of stimuli and keeping track of the user responses. Reh@City (RC) is a virtual reality simulation of a city where patients can train a variety of cognitive skills while performing simulated activities of daily living. An initial prototype of this city with four environments was clinically validated with a stroke sample, and the encouraging results motivated further iterations and improvements in the RC, in terms of its tasks, interaction with the content, and task adaptation. This paper presents the efforts of creating RC v2.0, a VR-based software system for cognitive rehabilitation that presents different cognitive training tasks that take place in 8 realistically modeled 3D environments, that are personalized to the patient clinical profile and also implements automatic difficulty adaptation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulation policies, research and pedagogy in child education, first step of the basic education

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    This paper describes the trajectory of kindergarten and pre-school until the 1966 Brazilian Education Basic Tenets Law (LDB) transformed them into the child education institution responsible for the first phase of basic education. It shows that the attempts to articulate research, policies and pedagogical practices ensured progress and innovation in this area, which have been building a child pedagogy involved in guaranteeing, at the municipal level, the right to education of the 0-6 year olds. Still a new area in education, it suffers pressures that may lead to a retroversion, as is the case nowadays. Eluding conclusions, this text highlights that the transgression implemented by a child education giving life to a childhood that extends to the first grades practically hinders nationally integrated policies. This is also the case in Italy, where 0-3 year olds education in kindergarten is not free and where a government fell, in 1968, when people wanted free pre-school.Como fazer um mapa durante um terremoto, este artigo refaz as trajetórias pelas quais passaram creche e pré-escola, até tornarem-se, pela LDB de 1996, instituições de educação infantil responsáveis pela primeira etapa da educação básica. Mostra também que as tentativas de articulação entre pesquisa, política e prática pedagógica garantiram avanço e inovação na área, que vem construindo a Pedagogia da Infância e se empenha em garantir, pela esfera municipal, o direito à educação das crianças de 0 a 6 anos. Enquanto área muito jovem da educação, acaba sofrendo pressões que podem levar a um retrocesso, como o que vem ocorrendo no momento no Brasil. Sem concluir, o texto permite constatar a transgressão instalada pela educação infantil que, ao dar vida a uma infância que continua nas séries iniciais, torna-se o grande impedimento para uma política nacional integrada para a infância.1013103
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