104 research outputs found

    Model Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan Berbasis Karakteristik Potensi Perairan Aceh Barat (Study Kasus: Hasil Tangkapan Per Unit Upaya (CPUE) di Perairan Meulaboh)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) menentukan jenis ikan unggulan; 2) menghitung potensi ikan unggulan dan 3) menyusun model pengelolaan sumberdaya Ikan Berbasis Karakteristik Potensi Perairan Aceh Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan jenis komoditi ikan unggulan dilakukan dengan metode skoring dan kajian stok sumberdaya ikan dengan menggunakan model produksi surplus adalah untuk menentukan tingkat upaya optimum, serta pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan berbasis potensi perairan Kabupaten Aceh Barat menggunakan metode Interpretative structural modeling (ISM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis CPUE (cact per unit effort) ikan di Kabupaten Aceh Barat menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara Effort dan CPUE diperlihatkan pada persamaan linier Y = 20,65-0,243x. Intercept persamaan adalah 20,65 sedangkan slope -0,243. Ini berarti bahwa jika X=0 atau dengan kata lain tidak ada penambahan upaya maka CPUE akan bertahan pada angka 20,65 ton/effort standar. Kemiringan persamaan regresi adalah sebesar -0,243 artinya jika effort terus ditambah tanpa memperhatikan MSY maka akan terjadi penurunan CPUE sebesar 0,243 ton/ effort standar ikan. Oleh sebab itu semua pihak yang terkait dengan pengelolaan perikanan berbasis karakteristik wilayah perlu memperhatikan sumberdaya ikan dengan efisien sehingga akan tetap terjaga keberlanjutan sumberdaya.The aims of this research are 1) to determine the fish featured; 2) to calculate the fish featured and 3) to develop the fisheries resources management model based on the potential characteristic of West Aceh waters. The method used in this study for determining the commodity of fish featured carried out with the scoring method and the fish stock assessment by using a surplus production model for determining the optimum level of effort, as well as the fish resources management based on potential of West Aceh waters using Interpretative structural modeling (ISM). Based on the CPUE analysis (Catch Per Unit Effort) in West Aceh shows that the relationship between Effort and CPUE shown in the linear equation Y = 20,65-0,243x. Intercept equation is 20.65 while the slope -0.243. This means that if X = 0, or in other words no additional effort will then CPUE stands at 20.65 ton/standard effort. The slope of the regression equation is -0.243 means that if the effort continues without regard to MSY then there will be a decline in CPUE on 0,243 ton/effort fish standard. Therefore, all stakeholders that related to the fisheries management based on the characteristics of a region needs to pay attention to the fish resources efficiently so that the resources will remain sustainable

    Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Media Information and Communication Technologies Dengan Model Contextual Teaching and Learning di MAN 1 Lamongan

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    ABSTRACTThe involvement of technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 in all areas of human life has become a necessity, including in the field of education. This study aims to reveal how efforts to apply technology-based Islamic Religious Education learning at Islamic High School of Lamongan respond to the challenges and needs of society in the digital era. Implementation of based learning in the model contextual learning and teaching carried out through two stages, namely the stage of designing the learning model and implementation by the teacher. The implementation stage is divided into three stages, namely: (a) opening, which contains the delivery and teaching of Islamic Education knowledge material, (b) implementation, a group project of students in associating the material with actual events in the real world and their experiences, (c) closing which contains reflection and evaluation of the learning process. In the learning process, students are given the freedom and supported to utilize technology with laptop/smartphone devices and application software to facilitate student learning. The results of the study show that learning Al-Qur'an Hadith with information and communication Technologies based learning media is in this model succeeded in increasing students' interest in learning, critical thinking power, and creative competence of students in understanding and processing information and knowledge learned collaboratively. Keywords:  PAI Learning, information and communication, contextual learning and teaching, Islamic High School of LamonganABSTRAKKeterlibatan teknologi di era revolusi industri 4.0 di segala bidang kehidupan manusia sudah menjadi keniscayaan, termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana upaya penerapan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam berbasis teknologi di MAN 1 Lamongan dalam merespon tantangan dan kebutuhan masyarakat di era digital. Implementasi pembelajaran berbasis Information and Communication Technologies dalam model Contextual Learning and Teaching dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu tahap mendesain model pembelajaran dan pelaksanaan oleh guru. Dalam tahap pelaksanaan ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu: (a) pembukaan, yang berisi penyampaian dan pengajaran materi pengetahuan PAI, (b) pelaksanaan, berisi projek kelompok siswa dalam mengaitkan materi dengan kejadian-kejadian aktual di dunia nyata dan pengalamannya, (c) penutup yang berisi refleksi dan evaluasi proses pembelajaran terkait materi yang dipelajari. Dalam proses belajarnya, siswa diberikan kebebasan dan didukung untuk memanfaatkan teknologi dengan perangkat laptop/smartphone dan software aplikasi seperti search engine, microsoft office, youtube, akses wifi gratis, untuk mempermudah belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Hadis dengan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam model Contextual Learning and Teaching berhasil dalam meningkatkan minat belajar, daya berpikir kritis, dan kompetensi kreatif siswa dalam memahami dan mengolah informasi pengetahuan yang dipelajari secara kolaboratif. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran PAI, Information and Communication Technologies, Contextual Learning and Teaching, MAN 1 Lamonga

    KONSEPTUALISASI PENGELOLAAN PERIKANAN LAUT SKALA KECIL BERBASIS LOKASI PKN (Peningkatan Kehidupan Nelayan) (Study Kasus: Wilayah Kecamatan PKN Kabupaten Nagan Raya)

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    Capture fisheries are very important economic activity and have contributed greatly to the total fishery production in general in the District Naganraya. Fishery system that occurs dominated by small-scale fisheries. Fishermen in Naganraya district has a high dependence on fisheries resources as the main source of livelihood and almost all coastal areas based fisheries activities. Small-scale fisheries businesses have an impact on the fishing fleet and fishing locations (fishing ground) resulting in range of fishing operations is limited. The purpose of this research is 1). Analyzing small-scale capture fisheries system in locations PKN Naganraya district, 2). Formulate an alternative strategy in the management of small-scale fishing locations PKN Naganraya district. Data to be collected in this study consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected intensively using semi-structured interviews (semi-structured interview) to small-scale fishermen, observation and documentation in selected locations. The results showed that the dominant type of fishing gear is trawl catches beach and species that dominate the catch is Sardinella lemuru and Selar spp. Fish marketing patterns in locations peningkapan fishing activities (PKN) is not through the auction only through traders / large and are twelve strategic through internal and external environmental factors were dominant influence on the pattern of the conceptualization of small-scale fishery management in PKN location Nagan Raya

    Thermal stability and effect of heat treatment on manganese doped silica borotellurite glass

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    Glasses with chemical formula of {[(TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.8[SiO2]0.2}1-x{MnO2}x where x = 0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.05 molar fraction were fabricated using melt quenching technique. The temperature used in the heat treatment process of the glass sample is 600?C. Calorimetric measurement had been carried out to study the thermal properties of the fabricated glass. The crystallization kinetics of the glass system we reexamined under non-isothermal conditions via differential scanning calorimetric (DSC). The glass transition (Tg), onset glass transition (To), maximum crystallization temperature (Tc) and melting temperature (Tm) were determined. Results from DSC proved that the studied glasses have good thermal stability (Ts) in which indicates its high resistance to devitrification. Strong indicator for the glass forming ability of a glass material, Hurby parameter (Kgl) was also calculated in this research

    Optical properties of zinc borotellurite glass doped with trivalent dysprosium ion

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    The zinc borotellurite doped with dysprosium oxide glass samples with chemical formula {[(TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.7(ZnO)0.3}1−x(Dy2O3)x (where x=0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 M fraction) were prepared by using conventional melt quenching technique. The structural and optical properties of the proposed glass systems were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and UV–VIS spectroscopy. The amorphous nature of the glass systems is confirmed by using XRD technique. The infrared spectra of the glass systems indicate three obvious absorption bands which are assigned to BO3 and TeO4 vibrational groups. Based on the absorption spectra obtained, the direct and indirect optical band gaps, as well as the Urbach energy were calculated. It is observed that both the direct and indirect optical band gaps increase with the concentration of Dy3+ ions. On the other hand, the Urbach energy is observed to decrease as the concentration of Dy3+ ions increases

    Structural and optical properties of zinc borotellurite glass co-doped with lanthanum and silver oxide

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    A series of zinc borotellurite glass co-doped with lanthanum and silver oxide with the chemical formula of [{[(TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.7(ZnO)0.3}0.96(La2O3)0.04]1-x(Ag2O)x where the molar frac-tion of silver oxide, x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10 had been successfully prepared via the conventional melt-quenching technique. The structural properties of the glasses were unveiled through X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy while optical properties of the glasses were investigated with Ultra Violet Visible (UV-Vis) spectropho-toscopy. The short range periodic atomic arrangement in the glass matrix that implies the amorphous nature of the glass was confirmed with the presence of a broad hump in the XRD pattern. On the other hand, the three absorption bands observable in the FTIR spectra had proven the existence of BO4, BO3 as well as TeO4 units in the glass network. The absorbance values retrieved from UV-Vis spectroscopy were utilized to calculate the indirect energy band gap and Urbach energy values of the fabricated glass. By employing the equations proposed by Mott and Davis, the obtained indirect energy band gap have val-ues ranging from 2.16 to 4.16 eV.The decreasing trend in indirect energy band gap and increasing Urbach energy values were related to the increasing num-ber of nonbridging oxygen (NBO) in the glass that is created from the breaking of Te-O-Te or B-O-B bonds after lanthanum as well as silver oxide are incor-porated into the zinc borotellurite glass network

    Thermal stability, structural and optical properties of rice husk sillica borotellurite glasses containing MnO2

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    The quaternary glass system {[(TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.8[SiO2]0.2}1-x{MnO2}x where x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 molar fraction was prepared by melt quenching technique. The amorphous nature of the glass is confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns and Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM). The prepared glass samples had also been characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC). The glass transition(Tg), onset glass transition(To), crystallization(Tc) and melting temperature(Tm) values were measured from DSC thermo-gram. Results from DSC indicate good thermal stability and low value of fragility (F) of the prepared glass samples. Thermal stability(Ts), Hurby parameter(Kgl), fragility(F) and activation energy(Ea) were calculated for every glass composition. It is observed that the optical band gap decreases with the concentration of MnO2. On the other hand, the refractive index(n) is observed to increase as the concentration of MnO2 increases. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been done to identify the functional group in glass sample

    Influence of silver oxide on structural, physical, elastic and optical properties of zinc tellurite glass system for optical application

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    The research on several properties of erbium-doped zinc tellurite glass system is thoroughly investigated recently. However, the introduction of silver oxide as a dopant plays a role on the fabrication of new optical materials specifically in optical application. By conducting the investigation, the use of melt-quenching technique is one of the techniques to fabricate a series of silver-doped zinc tellurite glass systems with the chemical composition of [[(TeO2)0.7(ZnO) 0.3] 0.96 (Er2O3)0.04]] 1-x (Ag2O) x at different molar fraction of x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05. The characterization of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, density, elastic and optical measurements were investigated to analyse the prepared glass samples. The result of the XRD, FTIR, density, elastic and optical properties were all reported at the room temperature. The glass samples are proven as amorphous in nature which can be seen by the XRD spectra. Besides that, the presence of functional vibration of tellurite network can be clearly observed through the analysis of FTIR spectra. The density of the glass system is found to increase with the increase of silver oxide concentration. Anyhow, the value of molar volume is noticed to be inversely proportional to the density. Therefore, the inclination in the density value causes the decrement of the molar volume which can be associated with the inclusion of silver oxide in the glass system. Plus, this also follows the theoretical formula where the density is equivalent to molar mass per molar volume. In the meantime, the ultrasonic velocity was employed in order to specify the elastic moduli of the glass systems. The elastic moduli for instance longitudinal modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, Young’s modulus as well as other parameters come out with a varying trend against the concentration of silver oxide. The increment of the elastic moduli can be attributed to the high connectivity and rigidity of the glass structure. Nonetheless, the decrement of the elastic moduli can be associated with the breakage of bonds within the zinc tellurite glass system which impair the structure of the glass sample. The UV-Vis analysis can determine the optical properties of the prepared glass samples. The optical absorption was reported at room temperature within the wavelength ranging from 200 to 2000 nm. The optical absorption spectra unveil the fundamental absorption edge shifts to longer wavelength as the content of silver oxide increases. The values of direct and indirect band gap and metallization criterion have been evaluated and noticed to have a decreasing trend with the increasing content of silver oxide whereas the Urbach energy, refractive index, molar refraction, molar polarizability, oxide ion polarizability and optical basicity are obviously increasing as the concentration is included into the glass system

    Taḥlīl ahdāf at-Ta ‘līm (TP) wa sā’ir Ahdāf at-Ta ‘līm (ATP) limāddah al-lugah al-‘Arabiyyah wifqa manhaj at-ta ‘līm al-mustaqil

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    The curriculum that is still widely applicable in Indonesia is the 2013 curriculum. However, it will be refined with a new breakthrough launched by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, namely the independent curriculum. The government took the policy to be implemented by pioneer schools, one of which is MAN 1 Lamongan. The purpose of this research is to find out the extent of the school's ability to translate the educational objectives and the flow of Arabic language education objectives according to the independent curriculum made by the Ministry in the field. The researcher used a qualitative approach with a literature review method. Learning Objectives and Flow of Arabic Learning Objectives at MAN 1 Lamongan as primary data sources and books, articles, journals, and references related to the needs of this research as secondary data sources. The author uses documentation method in data collection, and content analysis technique. The results of the research for Educational Objectives are that they have met the standard components implemented by the government, namely containing competencies and content. The Learning Objective Flow component has also fulfilled all components in the independent curriculum. Both in the components of competencies, learning outcomes, content, variations, learning objectives and phases in learning have been fulfilled. Unfortunately, there is a lack of numbering in the phases of each competency. As a result, it causes confusion for educators in determining the sequence of phases in the competency section concerned. The conclusion of this study shows that the Learning Objectives and Flow of Arabic Learning Objectives at MAN Lamongan are appropriate and the independent curriculum can be applied to Arabic language subjects at the high school level

    Experimental and theoretical approach on the optical properties of zinc borotellurite glass doped with dysprosium oxide

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    A series of glass samples with chemical formula {[(TeO2)0.7(B2O3)0.3]0.7(ZnO)0.3}1-x(Dy2O3)x where x=0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05M fraction were synthesized through conventional melt-quenching method. The most common way to fabricate a glass material is by fusion of two or more component oxides followed by their quenching. This technique is known as melt-quenching technique. Kaur et al. (2016) [1] highlighted that the melt-quenching method able to enhance the mechanical properties like hardness and flexural strength of the material. The nature of the glass systems is proven to be amorphous based on the XRD pattern. The FTIR spectra of the glass systems confirm the existence of five bands which are assigned for the BO4, BO3, TeO4 and TeO3 vibrational groups. The density of the glass systems is increased with the addition of Dy2O3 while the molar volume is found to be inversely proportional to the density of the proposed glass. The optical properties of the glasses are determined through the absorption spectra obtained from the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. From the absorption spectra, the indirect and direct optical band gaps and the Urbach energy are found to be inversely proportional to each other. As the molar fraction of the Dy2O3 increased, the optical band gaps are observed to increase as opposed to the Urbach energy. For this glass system, the values of refractive index, electronic polarizability, oxide ion polarizability and the optical basicity are found to decrease as the addition of the dysprosium oxide is increased. From the emission spectra, two intense blue and yellow emission bands are observed, which correspond to the 4F9/2→6H15/2 and 4F9/2→6H13/2 transitions of Dy3+ ions respectively. The CIE chromaticity coordinates of the zinc borotellurite glass systems are found to be located in the white light region