27 research outputs found


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    There are two kinds of annuity, annuity certain and life annuity. Annuity certain does not depend on life probability, for example, mortgage. Life annuity depends on time until death and life probability, for example, pension payment from insurance company. The objective of this paper is to discuss further about life annuity and the relationship with life probability that is influences by time until death and the assumption of interest which is used. Time until death (T) is a random variable, because it is unpredictable. To determine the value of distribution, assumption values on tqx will be used. These values are generated by T simulation which depends on Uniform distribution (0,1) random values. A few cases of determining life annuity using tpx distribution values by T simulation will be discussed


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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/576Preparating one’s retirement is important for many people, because an employee will often have no salary anymore after retiring, but his/her daily needs are still remained. It is not easy to calculate or estimate the amount of investment funds that must be saved during the active working years to make up for the lack of funds after one’s retirement. This is still the case, even when the case when he/she will receive a pension from the company where he/she worked. In this research we further examine how the life expectancy plays an important role in calculating the amount of necessary fund investments. The results of these calculations are compared with the results without life expectancy. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the required pension fund investments calculated with the life expectancy is much less than the one without life expectancy. This happens because the required pension fund investments are only estimated by assuming that he/she is still alive.Keywords: present value, annuity, pension, investmentPersiapan memasuki usia pensiun penting untuk dilakukan mengingat seorang karya- wan tidak akan mempunyai pemasukan dari gaji setelah dia pensiun, tapi pengelu- aran untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari masih tetap ada. Kesulitan yang sering muncul adalah menghitung berapa besaran dana investasi yang harus dilakukan pada saat masih aktif bekerja supaya mencukupi kekurangan dana setelah seorang karyawan pensiun meskipun ia telah menerima juga tunjangan pensiun dari pe- rusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Pada penelitian ini ditelaah lebih lanjut bagaimana ekspektasi hidup berperan dalam menghitung besaran dana investasi ini. Hasil per- hitungannya dibandingkan dengan perhitungan biasa yang tidak menerapkan ek- spektasi hidup di dalamnya. Dari hasil analisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung dengan menerapkan ekspektasi hidup, jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung tanpa ekspektasi hidup, karena antisipasi dana investasi pensiun hanya dilakukan selama orang tersebut diasumsikan masih hidup.Kata Kunci: nilai tunai, anuitas, pensiun, investasi

    The Influence of Life Expectancy in the Determination of Pension Fund Investments

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    Preparating one's retirement is important for many people, because an employee will often have no salary anymore after retiring, but his/her daily needs are still remained. It is not easy to calculate or estimate the amount of investment funds that must be saved during the active working years to make up for the lack of funds after one's retirement. This is still the case, even when the case when he/she will receive a pension from the company where he/she worked. In this research we further examine how the life expectancy plays an important role in calculating the amount of necessary fund investments. The results of these calculations are compared with the results without life expectancy. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the required pension fund investments calculated with the life expectancy is much less than the one without life expectancy. This happens because the required pension fund investments are only estimated by assuming that he/she is still alive.Keywords: present value, annuity, pension, investmentPersiapan memasuki usia pensiun penting untuk dilakukan mengingat seorang karya- wan tidak akan mempunyai pemasukan dari gaji setelah dia pensiun, tapi pengelu- aran untuk kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari masih tetap ada. Kesulitan yang sering muncul adalah menghitung berapa besaran dana investasi yang harus dilakukan pada saat masih aktif bekerja supaya mencukupi kekurangan dana setelah seorang karyawan pensiun meskipun ia telah menerima juga tunjangan pensiun dari pe- rusahaan tempatnya bekerja. Pada penelitian ini ditelaah lebih lanjut bagaimana ekspektasi hidup berperan dalam menghitung besaran dana investasi ini. Hasil per- hitungannya dibandingkan dengan perhitungan biasa yang tidak menerapkan ek- spektasi hidup di dalamnya. Dari hasil analisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung dengan menerapkan ekspektasi hidup, jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan besaran dana pensiun yang dihitung tanpa ekspektasi hidup, karena antisipasi dana investasi pensiun hanya dilakukan selama orang tersebut diasumsikan masih hidup

    Perhitungan Perkiraan Biaya Pendidikan Anak

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    The education of children is a very important investment for the future of children. The preparation of educational funds adapted to the educational plans of the child, their needs and financial capacity of their family. In planning, It is necessary to calculate the estimation of the magnitude of this education fund. This is not easy to do considering the calculation involves the assumptions of the future and also the formulas to calculate the present value of the fund in the future. Besides, it should also be calculated the amount of annual funding, which must be collected to cover their needs. To facilitate the calculation, the program will be made by using MATLAB software. The variable will be filled with the assumption using the current cost information of education. A few illustrations will be provided to help understand the problems that often occur in planning the educational costs for children


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    The education of children is a very important investment for the future of children. The preparation of educational funds adapted to the educational plans of the child, their needs and financial capacity of their family. In planning, It is necessary to calculate the estimation of the magnitude of this education fund. This is not easy to do considering the calculation involves the assumptions of the future and also the formulas to calculate the present value of the fund in the future. Besides, it should also be calculated the amount of annual funding, which must be collected to cover their needs. To facilitate the calculation, the program will be made by using MATLAB software.  The variable will be filled with the assumption using the current cost information of education. A few illustrations will be provided to help understand the problems that often occur in planning the educational costs for children

    Penerapan Metode Klasifikasi Perangkat Lunak ArcMap pada Pemetaan Penyebaran Penyakit Dengue di Bandung

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    Bandung is the city with the highest cases of Dengue disease in West Java. The effectiveness of the vaccine of Dengue disease are still not very high and there is no specific medicine for Dengue disease. In this study, we estimate the relative risk of Dengue disease in each sub-district in Bandung. The results of the relative risk estimation can be used as a reference to cure and prevent this disease more effective and efficient because we can focus more on critical area. The relative risks are estimated using two approaches, the frequentist with the Standardized Morbidity Ratio (SMR) model and Bayesian with the Localized model of Bayesian Conditional Autoregressive (CARBayes). The results show that the sub-districts with the highest and lowest relative risk are Cibeunying Kidul and Bandung Kulon, respectively. Furthermore, each sub-districts are depicted based on their relative risk using some classification methods. The classification methods from ArcMap software that will be used are Manual Interval, Defined Interval, Equal Interval, Quantile, Natural Breaks, and Standard Deviation. The classification results with each method show that each method has its own characteristics

    Pemodelan Premi Asuransi Bencana Kematian pada Ternak Sapi dengan Pengaruh Fatal Shock

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    Cattle farming is one of the highest demands of occupation by Indonesians as the source of income. If in a farm there are cattle with an infectious disease, thus it will cause them sick or even die, hence the infected cattle cannot provide maximum benefits. As a result, the farmer's income will decrease or incurred losses. Therefore, cattle insurance become one preventive way to divert the risk of financial losses incurred by cattle breeders. The expectation of losses is determined by the effect of fatal shock, namely the arrival time of the Brucellosis disease which follows a Poisson process. The distribution of loss amounts occurs as a mixture distribution of the binomial and degenerate distribution from a random variables of remaining cattle's future lifetime with influence of fatal shock, which is then modeled by determining the loss distribution incurred by the insurance company as a modification of the insurance policy with deductible, policy limit, and co-insurance. Insurance premium is obtained using the Pure Premium Method which uses the expectation of losses. Based on the calculation that used cattle population data in Bogor Regency, the premium rate increases as the policy limits, rate of Brucellosis disease arrival time, number of cattles insured, and cattle’s age increase. However, the premium rate will decrease if the deductible increases


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    ABSTRACTThe global COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Indonesia, has led many businesses and institutions to ask their staff to work from home. This policy has had a significant impact on female employees, especially those who are already married, because at the same time, educational institutions from elementary to higher education have also implemented a Distance Learning (PJJ) policy. These female employees were frequently required to make changes and divisions of tasks. This paper presents data from an online survey regarding the work and household aspects that affect female employees' performance during Work from Home. Adding to that is information on the type of assistance provided by the company/institution to help them enhance their performance productivity. According to the results of this online survey, 52.3 percent of respondents said their productivity has declined due to numerous work and household variables. Furthermore, the supporting variables that are expected to improve their performance productivity are mentioned. These bolstering variables were gathered from 47.7% of respondents who said their productivity had increased. By understanding these supporting variables, the company/institution would gain insight into how to change the policies that must be applied to their female employees to improve their productivity when working from home.Keywords: female worker; COVID-19; working from home; productivity; online surveyABSTRAKSituasi pandemi COVID-19 di seluruh dunia dan khususnya di Indonesia memaksa banyak perusahaan/institusi mewajibkan karyawannya bekerja dari rumah. Kebijakan yang diterapkan ini membawa dampak besar bagi para karyawan perempuan khususnya yang sudah berumah-tangga karena dalam waktu yang bersamaan, insitusi pendidikan sekolah dasar sampai pendidikan tinggi juga memberlakukan kebijakan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Banyak penyesuaian waktu dan pembagian kerja yang terpaksa dilakukan oleh para karyawan perempuan ini. Tulisan ini menyajikan data hasil survei daring mengenai faktor-faktor pada aspek pekerjaan dan rumah tangga yang mempengaruhi produktifitas kinerja para karyawan perempuan selama mereka menjalankan kebijakan Bekerja dari Rumah. Pemaparan data dilengkapi juga dengan informasi mengenai jenis dukungan dari perusahaan/institusi sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktifitas kinerja mereka. Dari survei ini diperoleh data bahwa 52,3% menyatakan bahwa produktifitas mereka menurun karena berbagai faktor dari aspek pekerjaan dan rumah tangga. Selanjutnya, diuraikan juga faktor-faktor pendukung yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas kinerja mereka. Faktor-faktor pendukung ini dikumpulkan dari 47,7% responden yang menyatakan bahwa produktifitas kinerja mereka meningkat. Diharapkan dari pemaparan faktor-faktor pendukung ini, pihak perusahaan/institusi mendapatkan informasi sebagai masukan agar dapat menyesuaikan kebijakan yang harus diberlakukan pada karyawan perempuan mereka agar produktifitas kinerja mereka bisa meningkat selama mereka harus Bekerja dari Rumah.Kata kunci: karyawan perempuan; COVID-19; bekerja dari rumah; produktifitas; survei darin


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    Polis asuransi akan bermanfaat jika dapat memberikan benefit yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tertanggung. Dalam penentuan besaran benefit ini, terdapat beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan apalagi jika benefit tersebut menutupi risiko karena pengaruh suatu penyakit, khususnya pada penyakit menular. Pada makalah ini, akan ditelaah pengaruh banyaknya populasi manusia rentan (susceptible) dengan menggunakan model Susceptible, Infected, Deceased, Recovered and Susceptible (SIDRS) dan menerapkan metode prinsip ekuivalensi fundamental pada perhitungan aktuaria dalam menentukan besaran premi. Diharapkan dengan memperhitungkan populasi manusia rentan ini, premi pada suatu polis asuransi dapat ditentukan dengan lebih akurat sehingga tidak merugikan perusahaan ketika memberikan benefit kepada pihak yang ditanggung. Dari hasil simulasi studi kasus, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perubahan populasi manusia rentan berbanding terbalik dengan perubahan besarnya premi, namun perubahan populasi manusia terinfeksi berbanding lurus dengan perubahan besarnya premi