50 research outputs found

    Estudio de diferencias en el tratamiento funerario entre distintos grupos etarios en un cementerio del Período Temprano del Noroeste Argentino

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    En la dècada de 1920 es va excavar a la localitat de La Ciénaga (vall de Hualfín, Província de Catamarca, Argentina) una zona de necròpolis constituïda per un conjunt de 14 cementiris que dècades més tard va ser datada dins del “Período Temprano” del Nord-oest Argentí (200-600 dC). A partir d'una revisió de l'ampli registre documental d'aquelles excavacions i dels materials recuperats, que avui es conserven al Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Plata, es van analitzar els contextos funeraris d'un d'aquests cementiris, el n º 13, centrant l'estudi en la manera en què els individus van ser enterrats d'acord al grup etari al qual pertanyien. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats obtinguts, on s'ha pogut registrar un tractament diferencial pel que fa a diverses variables vinculades al tipus d'enterrament i als aixovars associats. Es busca així analitzar la conceptualització dins de l'àmbit funerari de diferents categories etàries per part del grup social i de quina manera aquestes diferències es veien materialitzades en els sepulcres.In the decade of the 1920's a necropolis comprising a set of 14 cemeteries was excavated in the site of La Ciénaga (Hualfín Valley, Province of Catamarca, Argentina), which some decades later was dated to the Early Period of Argentine Northwest (200-600 AD). Based on a review of the extensive documentation and the materials recovered from those excavations, which are currently preserved in the Museum of Natural Sciences of La Plata, the funerary contexts of one of these cemeteries (No. 13) were analyzed, studying specially the way in which individuals were buried according to the age group they belonged to. A differential treatment was observed in relation to a number of variables regarding the burial type and the grave goods. In this way, the purpose is to analyze the conceptualization of different age categories in the funerary sphere by the social group and how those differences were materialized in the tombs.En la década de 1920 se excavó en la localidad de La Ciénaga (valle de Hualfín, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina) una zona de necrópolis constituida por un conjunto de 14 cementerios que décadas más tarde fue datada dentro del Período Temprano del Noroeste Argentino (200-600 d. C. ). A partir de una revisión del amplio registro documental de aquellas excavaciones y de los materiales recuperados, que hoy se conservan en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, se analizaron los contextos funerarios de uno de esos cementerios, el nº 13, haciendo hincapié en el estudio del modo en que los individuos fueron sepultados de acuerdo al grupo etario al que pertenecían. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos, habiéndose podido registrar un tratamiento diferencial en cuanto a diversas variables vinculadas al tipo de entierro y a los ajuares asociados. Se busca así indagar sobre la conceptualización dentro del ámbito funerario de distintas categorías etarias por parte del grupo social y de qué manera esas diferencias se veían materializadas en los sepulcros

    Estudio de diferencias en el tratamiento funerario entre distintos grupos etarios en un cementerio del Período Temprano del Noroeste Argentino

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 5. Arqueología de la muerte.En la década de 1920 se excavó en la localidad de La Ciénaga (valle de Hualfín, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina) una zona de necrópolis constituida por un conjunto de 14 cementerios que décadas más tarde fue datada dentro del Período Temprano del Noroeste Argentino (200-600 d.C.). A partir de una revisión del amplio registro documental de aquellas excavaciones y de los materiales recuperados, que hoy se conservan en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, se analizaron los contextos funerarios de uno de esos cementerios, el nº 13, haciendo hincapié en el estudio del modo en que los individuos fueron sepultados de acuerdo al grupo etario al que pertenecían. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos, habiéndose podido registrar un tratamiento diferencial en cuanto a diversas variables vinculadas al tipo de entierro y a los ajuares asociados. Se busca así indagar sobre la conceptualización dentro del ámbito funerario de distintas categorías etarias por parte del grupo social y de qué manera esas diferencias se veían materializadas en los sepulcros.In the decade of the 1920's a necropolis comprising a set of 14 cemeteries was excavated in the site of La Ciénaga (Hualfín Valley, Province of Catamarca, Argentina), which some decades later was dated to the Early Period of Argentine Northwest (200-600 AD). Based on a review of the extensive documentation and the materials recovered from those excavations, which are currently preserved in the Museum of Natural Sciences of La Plata, the funerary contexts of one of these cemeteries (No. 13) were analyzed, studying specially the way in which individuals were buried according to the age group they belonged to. A differential treatment was observed in relation to a number of variables regarding the burial type and the grave goods. In this way, the purpose is to analyze the conceptualization of different age categories in the funerary sphere by the social group and how those differences were materialized in the tombs.En la dècada de 1920 es va excavar a la localitat de La Ciénaga (vall de Hualfín, Província de Catamarca, Argentina) una zona de necròpolis constituïda per un conjunt de 14 cementiris que dècades més tard va ser datada dins del "Período Temprano" del Nord-oest Argentí (200-600 dC). A partir d'una revisió de l'ampli registre documental d'aquelles excavacions i dels materials recuperats, que avui es conserven al Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Plata, es van analitzar els contextos funeraris d'un d'aquests cementiris, el n º 13, centrant l'estudi en la manera en què els individus van ser enterrats d'acord al grup etari al qual pertanyien. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats obtinguts, on s'ha pogut registrar un tractament diferencial pel que fa a diverses variables vinculades al tipus d'enterrament i als aixovars associats. Es busca així analitzar la conceptualització dins de l'àmbit funerari de diferents categories etàries per part del grup social i de quina manera aquestes diferències es veien materialitzades en els sepulcres.

    Archaeometric analysis of Late Roman amphorae from Africa in the ancient city of Iluro (Mataró, Catalonia, Spain)

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    In this paper, the results of the archaeometric study of an assemblage of Late Roman amphorae, found in several contexts from the ancient city of Iluro (Mataró, Catalonia, Spain) and with a presumable origin in Roman Africa, is presented. A total of 57 samples have been analysed, by means of optical microscopy (thin-section analysis), X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction, in order to obtain an integrated petrographic, chemical and mineralogical characterisation and, from this data, to shed light on their provenance. The results indicate the presence of a large number of fabrics, most of them with a Tunisian provenance; a fabric probably from Algeria was also found, as well as a few chemical-petrographic loners that should be related to a provenance out of Africa. Concerning the Tunisian fabrics, the comparison with data from production centres allows for a more precise provenance hypothesis for many of them. These results are useful for the study of the trade networks of Iluro in Late Antiquity, since they provide new evidence on the diversity of transport amphorae that were arriving to this urban centre in Hispania Tarraconensis, showing a more complex reality than initially suggested by the archaeological evidence

    Análisis de las prácticas funerarias en el sector sur de la necrópolis de La Ciénaga (prov. de Catamarca, Argentina)

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    Se presenta un estudio de los contextos funerarios en el cementerio 13 correspondiente al sector sur de la necrópolis de La Ciénaga (Depto. de Belén, Prov. de Catamarca, Argentina), a partir del análisis de los registros y materiales que son el resultado de las excavaciones de la IX expedición Muñiz Barreto en 1927, y que hoy se conservan en el Museo de de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata. El estudio se centra en la identificación de patrones generales y de formas de diferenciación en el tratamiento de los muertos. Se pudieron observar diferencias en cuanto al tipo de entierro y al ajuar entre distintos grupos etarios, así como también dentro del grupo etario de los adultos. Estas diferencias permiten pensar en la existencia de individuos que pudieron haber sido conceptualizados de manera distinta en el ámbito funerario, materializándose esta división conceptual en diferentes modalidades de entierro. Este trabajo se plantea como una contribución al conocimiento de las prácticas mortuorias en La Ciénaga, presentando un interés adicional al ser el primer estudio de este tipo que se realiza específicamente sobre el sector sur de dicha necrópolis.The purpose of this paper is to present a study on the funerary contexts in Cemetery 13, located in the southern section of the La Ciénaga necropolis (Department of Belén, Province of Catamarca, Argentina). The study is based on an analysis of the documents and materials from the archaeological excavations of the Ninth Muñiz Barreto Expedition in 1927, which are currently preserved in the Museum of Natural Sciences of La Plata. The study focuses on the identification of general patterns and ways of differentiation in the treatment of the dead. Differences in burial types and grave goods were observed between age groups and within the adult age group. These differences allow us to consider that some individuals may have been conceptualized distinctively, and that this conceptual division was materialized in diverse burial methods. This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of mortuary practices in La Ciénaga, and has special interest since it is the first study on this topic focused on the southern sector of this necropolis.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Investigating the provenance of the Baetican amphorae Dressel 23: new archaeometric evidence from Late Roman consumption centres

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    Baetican amphorae of the type Dressel 23 found in Late Roman consumption centres from the northeastern Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands were archaeometrically investigated in order to characterise the materials and examine their provenance. A combination of analytical techniques was used, including optical microscopy (thin-section analysis), X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results show two main fabrics and a number of other less represented fabrics. Some of these fabrics comprise all the samples of the variants Dressel 23a and 23c, and can be related to a provenance in the Guadalquivir/Genil valleys, while other fabrics include all the Dressel 23d samples and their provenance must be situated in the coastal area of Málaga, based on their petrographic composition and the integration of the archaeological information. Some samples of Almagro 51A-B amphorae are also analysed, and show the same chemical-petrographic composition as the Dressel 23d individuals, this indicating that they both come from the same workshops. The results suggest that the arrival of Dressel 23 amphorae from the Málaga area to the analysed consumption centres may have been more significant in the Late Roman period than usually acknowledged

    Amphora production in the Guadalquivir valley (Spain) during the Late Roman period: petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of reference groups

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    This paper presents a scientific analysis of Late Roman amphorae from four kiln sites located in the Guadalquivir river basin: Azanaque-Castillejo (AZ), Isla de la Barqueta (IB), Las MonjasSoto del Rey (SR) and Picachos (PIC). This region was a significant producer and exporter of oil in the Roman Empire and also during the Late Roman period. The amphorae analyzed belong to type Dressel 23 and were used for trading oil to other Mediterranean regions. A total of 36 amphora samples were analyzed by using a combination of instrumental analytical techniques, including thin-section optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence, in order to establish reference groups based on the petrographic, mineralogical and chemical characterization of the materials. The amphorae from the four kiln sites showed approximately similar petrographic fabrics and chemical compositions, as well as strong technological similarities. However, there are slight petrographic and/or chemical differences that allowed for the differentiation of three reference groups (AZ, SR and IB-PIC). These groups were also compared with existing reference groups for Early Roman amphorae in the same area, and compositional differences were also observed. This is the first time that compositional reference groups for Late Roman amphora kiln sites in the Guadalquivir valley are characterized. Hence, the results of this research not only contribute new evidence on the study of oil-amphora production in this region, but they will also serve as a basis for the identification and sourcing of these amphorae in consumption sites and, consequently, for a better understanding of trade networks during the Late Roman perio

    Archaeometric characterisation of amphorae from the Late Antique city of Iluro (Mataró, Spain)

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    A large number of transport amphorae coming from various Late Antique archaeological contexts in Mataró (Catalonia, Spain) have been analysed, in order to characterise the materials, investigate the diversity of fabrics and shed light on their provenance. A total of 96 individuals were subjected to petrographic (OM), chemical (XRF) and mineralogical (XRD) analysis. The results prove that the majority of the amphorae are related to a northern African provenance (Tunisian mainly), with several different fabrics that, in some cases, can be associated with specific production centres. Also a large number of southern Hispanic fabrics, in particular from the Baetican area, have been identified. In addition, some eastern Mediterranean and Balearic fabrics have been characterised, as well as a few fabrics for which a local/regional production can be proposed. The results indicate the presence of many different chemical-petrographic compositions from each of these regions and provide, thus, an insight into the variety of transport amphorae that arrived to the Late Antique urban centre of Iluro

    Dressel 23 (Costa Bética)

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    Ficha del catálogo Amphora ex Hispania. Acceso a versión actualizada en: http://amphorae.icac.cat/amphora/dressel-23-baetica-coas

    Cooking and common wares in the Late Antique rural site of Plaça Major de Castellar del Vallès (Catalonia, Spain): archaeometric characterization

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    This paper presents an archaeometric analysis of utilitarian ceramics from a Late Antique rural site in the area of Vallès (Catalonia, Spain), with the aim of investigating their provenance and shedding light on some aspects of their production technology. A total of 55 samples of cooking and common wares were analyzed using a combination of instrumental analytical techniques, including thin-section optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and WD-X-ray fluorescence, in order to carry out a petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of the materials. A variety of petrographic fabrics were identified, generally composed of inclusions derived from granitic rocks, along with metamorphic inclusions in many cases. This variability is not related either to ceramic typologies or to chronological phases but to slight variations in the raw materials and/or paste recipes. Compositional similarities point to a broadly common origin for a large part of the ceramic assemblage. All fabrics identified may be compatible with the hypothesis of a local provenance, although a wider regional provenance cannot be excluded on geological grounds. This study is a step forward into the understanding of cooking and common ware production in northeastern Iberia during Late Antiquity

    Archaeometric characterization of Late Antique pottery from the rural site of Ses Païsses de Cala d'Hort (Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain)

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    This paper presents the results of an archaeometric characterization of Late Roman Pottery from a rural site on the island of Eivissa (Balearic Islands, Spain). The ceramic samples, including common wares, amphorae and cooking wares, have been analysed using X-ray fluorescence for the chemical characterization, optical microscopy by thin-section analysis for the mineralogical and petrographic characterization, and X-ray diffraction for the mineralogical analysis.The results show the importance of local/regional production for the common wares and amphorae, while for the cooking wares, all the materials are imported, including some fabrics widely distributed in the Western Mediterranean