1,140 research outputs found

    Investigation on the collation of the first Fight book (Leeds, Royal Armouries, Ms I.33)

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    This paper investigates the collation of the first Fight Book, the Leeds, Royal Armouries, Ms I.33. It critically reviews previous hypotheses about the composition of the quires and the identification of the material lacuna, and proposes a new hypothesis. This investigation is based on observation of the original after restoration (2012) and the simulation of the previous hypotheses with a working document composed of laminated sheets into which reproductions were inserted. Bifolia were physically attached, forming quires by successive folds. This simulation phase allowed us to analyse textual and pictorial content according to the various postulates and to propose identification of the material lacuna. The pivot point allowing a new argumentation are the two counterfoils of the two flying leaves (fol. 19 and 26), which were not taken into account by previous researchers. Several synoptical diagrams of the representation of the quire are enclosed for the reader to follow the developments

    Del «edificio escolar» a la «arquitectura escolar» - Técnicos escolares, grandes edificios escolares y arquitectura educativa en Prusia y los Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX

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    The history of school buildings is commonly written as a history of architecture, focusing on outstanding architects and buildings. However, the connection between pedagogical-administrative prescriptions and educational architecture has been studied less, particularly in the nineteenth century. This article highlights the often-overlooked agency of school technicians and proposes to interpret the nineteenth-century history of building schools as a history of implementing pedagogical-administrative objectives. The design of schools followed the inner differentiation of school curricula, at the same time being affected by the growth of school sizes prompted by school management structures and their efficiency aims. We will show how in larger cities the initial one-classroom schools developed into multiple-classroom buildings, taking on their final form in “grand school buildings”. The organizational developments tried and tested here would later become the national standard, with rural schools following with a certain delay. In order to grasp the emergence of the phenomena of these “grand school buildings” we combine the Prussian and US-American cases in their transatlantic connection  in order to comprehend the transnational dimension of school building norms. Being closely connected through mutual observation, the US and Prussian contexts established two decisive aspects: in the Prussian case, the division into separate classrooms as functional units of school construction was implemented, while in the United States additional school rooms such as the assembly hall and specific subject-related rooms were introduced. “Grand school buildings” initiated the interest of the architectural profession, leading to negotiations between school technicians and architects.La historia de los edificios escolares se presenta comúnmente como una historia de la arquitectura, centrándose en arquitectos y edificios excepcionales. La conexión entre las prescripciones pedagógico-administrativas y la arquitectura educativa ha sido menos investigada, particularmente para el siglo XIX. En este artículo se acentúa el impacto de los técnicos escolares, a menudo pasada por alto, y se propone interpretar la historia de la construcción de escuelas del siglo XIX como una historia de la aplicación de objetivos pedagógico-administrativos. El diseño de las escuelas siguió la diferenciación interna de los programas escolares. Al mismo tiempo, el diseño se vio afectado por el crecimiento de los edificios escolares impulsado por las estructuras de administración escolar y sus objetivos de eficiencia. En este artículo, se analiza cómo en las grandes ciudades las escuelas unitarias se convirtieron en edificios con múltiples aulas, tomando su forma final de grandes edificios escolares. Los desarrollos en la organización probados en las urbes se convirtieron más tarde en el estándar nacional, con las escuelas rurales siguiéndolas con cierto retraso. Para captar la aparición del fenómeno de estos grandes edificios escolares combinamos los casos prusiano y estadounidense en su conexión transatlántica para comprender la dimensión transnacional de la aparición de normas para los edificios escolares. Conectados por observaciones mutuas, los contextos estadounidense y prusiano establecieron dos aspectos decisivos y diferentes: en el caso prusiano, se aplicó la división de aulas separadas como unidades funcionales de la construcción de escuelas, mientras que en el caso estadounidense se introdujeron aulas adicionales como el auditorio y salas específicas para asignaturas específicas. Los grandes edificios escolares despertaron el interés de los arquitectos, lo que dio lugar a negociaciones entre los técnicos escolares y los arquitecto

    Agri-food clusters: Does French policy match with real spatial dynamics?

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    In this paper, we attempt to ascertain to what extent the clusters identified in the agricultural and agri-food space rely on a spatial dynamic involving real agricultural and agri-food activities in the relevant geographic area. We use explanatory spatial data analysis (ESDA) to detect the spatial structure and dynamics of agri-food activities and to connect them to the competitiveness clusters’ locations. Results show that the six clusters specifically studied have different profiles because of their proximity to dynamic areas of agricultural and agri-food production and because of their collaborations with other clusters. Keywords: French Competitiveness Clusters, spatial analysis, inter cluster collaboration.


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    Penelitian mengenai etnobotani jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat telah dilakukan di Desa Wargasaluyu, Kecamatan Gununghalu , Kabupaten Bandung Barat pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juli 2016. Penge tahuan tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat di Desa Wargasaluyu masih belum banyak diketahui dan dieksplorasi sehingga sudah sepatutnya untuk me mperkenalkan tumbuhan obat ke masyarakat umum dan dikaji lebih dalam lagi . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan yang di manfaatkan sebagai obat. Selain itu, karena ada pergeseran pola hidup masyar akat, perkembangan zaman, dan kemajuan teknologi yang mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah sumber daya hayati di Desa Wargasaluyu sangat penting bagi kita untuk menggali pengetahuan tentang tumbuhan obat lebih jauh lagi. Metode penel itian yang digunakan adalah survey eksploratif dengan teknik Participatory Rural Appraisal ( PRA) yaitu dengan menetapkan 30 orang yang memenuhi kriteria u ntuk dijadikan sebagai responden. Responden terdiri dari 11 orang Pria ata u 36,67% dan 19 Wanita atau 63,33%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui 55 spesies tumbuhan yang berasal dari 27 famili dimanfaatkan sebagai tumbuha n obat. Jenis tumbuhan yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat tradi sional oleh masyarakat Desa Wargasaluyu yaitu spesies tumbuhan rimpang-rimpanga n yang berasal dari famili Zingiberaceae , sebanyak 7 spesies atau 12,72% diantaranya Jahe ( Zingiber Officinale), Kencur (Kaempferia Galanga), dan lainn ya. Masyarakat Desa Wargasaluyu memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat untuk mengob ati 50 penyakit dalam atau 90,91% dan 5 penyakit luar atau 9,09%. Bagian tumbuhan yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan adalah daun sebanyak 34 spesies atau 61,82% dengan cara pengolahan paling banyak yaitu dengan cara direbus sebanyak 29 spesies atau 52,73%. Melihat data hasil penelitian dapat disimpu lkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Wargasaluyu masih memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat. Namun , diperlukan upaya dan cara untuk melestarikan budaya tersebut dan diperlu kan juga penelitian lanjutan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kuantias serta kualitas pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat. Kata kunci : Desa Wargasaluyu, Etnobotani, Tumbuhan obat, Pengetahuan lok

    Knowledge in the making: methodological considerations on the production, dissemination, and usage of "small forms in education"

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    Collecting and producing mass data has offered an appealing way to condense educational phenomena. However, thus far, little attention has been given to the seemingly insignificant preprinted forms that represent the basis for compiling and aggregating data. Taking inspiration from science and technology studies and the ensuing development of so-called paper technologies, this article highlights the potential of small forms in education that were used to record, evaluate, and aggregate data for educational statistics. By suggesting a multi-level methodological approach that we frame as 3D hermeneutics, we seek to contribute a methodological proposal on how to analyse these materials and showcase what lies beneath – or what comes before – the knowledge produced by educational statistics. These analyses draw on pre-printed forms collected by the Prussian educational administration at the turn of the nineteenth century, and re-trace the contexts they were embedded in, examine their materiality, and reconstruct their usage

    Soutien des proches aidants d'une personne atteinte de démence neurodégénérative vivant à domicile: outils et modèles d'interventions infirmiers en lien avec le modèle McGill : travail de Bachelor

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    Dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population, le nombre de personnes atteintes de démences neuro-dégénératives (DND) ne cesse d’augmenter, tout comme la demande en soins infirmiers à domicile. Les proches aidants (PA) de personnes atteintes de DND vivant à domicile sont donc une ressource importante pour le maintien à domicile de celles-ci. Il incombe au rôle de l’infirmière de promouvoir la santé auprès de ces PA et de développer leur potentiel de santé. Une revue de la littérature a été menée en interrogeant les bases de données Medline via PubMed et la Banque de données en santé publique (BDSP). Les outils d’évaluation sélectionnés (génogramme et écocarte, The Zarit Burden Interview, CAMI-CADI-CASI et ESPA) permettent d’apprécier la situation systémique du PA en identifiant ses ressources, le risque d’épuisement, ses difficultés, ses besoins et ses attentes. Ils permettent également de créer avec lui un partenariat de collaboration et de promouvoir sa santé par la détection précoce des problématiques susmentionnées. Les interventions psychoéducatives constituent un apprentissage de la santé à travers l’acquisition de connaissances, de compétences et l’amélioration de la capacité à utiliser les stratégies de coping. Elles ont un effet bénéfique sur les douleurs chroniques, le sentiment de détresse psychologique et l’auto-efficacité du PA. Celles-ci permettent également d’améliorer les interactions entre le proche et le PA ainsi que de retarder l’entrée en institution du proche en faisant appel au réseau disponible (soins de répits et hôpitaux de jour). Néanmoins, ce type de programme n’agit que modérément sur le fardeau ressenti par les PA. En lien avec le modèle de soins infirmiers McGill (Moyra Allen 1977,1981), les outils et les interventions développés dans cette revue de littérature sont essentiels à la reconnaissance du rôle des PA et à leur soutien à domicile. Des guides de bonnes pratiques destinés à l’utilisation des outils et des interventions infirmières à domicile devraient être développés

    Agri-food clusters: is French policy in line with real spatial dynamics?

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    In this paper, we attempt to ascertain to what extent the clusters identified in the agricultural and agri-food space rely on a spatial dynamic involving real agricultural and agri-food activities in the relevant geographic area. We use explanatory spatial data analysis (ESDA) to detect the spatial structure and dynamics of agri-food activities and to connect them to the competitiveness clusters' locations. Results show that the six clusters specifically studied have different profiles because of their proximity to dynamic areas of agricultural and agri-food production and because of their collaborations with other clusters

    Analysis of the Effect of Changes in Pitch Ratio and Number of Blades on Cavitation on CPP

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    Cavitation is a detrimental phenomenon to ship operations because it causes many losses. It caused some effects i.e decreased propeller efficiency, damaged propeller material, lower ship speed, vibration, and extreme noises. In that regard, this research conducts cavitation analysis on controllable pitch propeller (CPP) by varying number of blade i.e. 3, 4 and 5 blades; diameter i.e. 30, 40 cm and 50 cm; also pitch i.e 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8.  The research method is carried out by the author in this study by conducting a simulation method based on the CFD approach. The simulation process consists of 3 stage-post processor, solver manager, and post-processor. From the simulation based on the CFD approach result, it was found that propeller rotation has an effect on the pressure ratio value. As the propeller rotation increase, the value of the pressure ratio will increase as well. The value of the pressure ratio in propeller design affects the cavitation area that occurs in the propeller. The percentage of the cavitation area on the propeller has an increasing tendency with the number of blades, rotation, and pitch. On the propeller with diameter 300 mm, 3 blades, pitch 0.8 at rotation 125 rpm no indication of cavitation, then it increases to 1.41% at rotation 175 rpm and keeps getting higher at rotation 225 to be 4.22% from total propeller expanding area. Whereas at rotation 225 rpm and pitch 0.4 is 3.38 %, then it becomes 3.85 % at pitch 0.6, which is getting bigger at pitch 0.8 that is 4.22 %

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran terhadap Penerimaan Bersih Restoran Omah Pincuk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pemasaran pada restoranOmah Pincuk dan menganalisis prospek penerimaan bersih bisnis restoran OmahPincuk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yakni mengumpulkandata mengenai informasi yang berkaitan dengan restoran Omah Pincuk, laporankeuangan restoran tersebut dan menggunakan tabel analisis SWOT (Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threats) serta tabel penerimaan bersih dari restoranOmah Pincuk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hasil penerimaan bersih yang diperolehrestoran Omah Pincuk pada tahun 2012 mengalami fluktuasi yang cukup signifikandikarenakan kurangnya pengoptimalan strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan olehrestoran Omah Pincuk. Oleh karena itu analisis SWOT yang dilampirkan dalampenelititan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar dalam mengoptimalkan strategipemasaran sehingga penerimaan bersih untuk tahun mendatang dapat lebihbaik

    Subjectivation through Structural Coupling – The Emergence of School Laggards and Deficient Pupils

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    This contribution explores how practices, concepts, and ideas about including and excluding pupils in schools are connected to different arenas of knowledge and how their inter-connectedness produced specific subject positions for pupils. By applying Niklas Luhmann’s concept of structural coupling as an analytical approach this article discusses the problem of non-promotion and the emergence of the “deficient child” to grasp the connections between the different social systems involved in these processes. Based on two case studies that deal with specific iterations of efforts to alleviate non-promotion, the contribution exemplifies how structural coupling can help to identify connections between and resulting activities in different social systems
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