304 research outputs found

    Communication Apprehension and Perceived Responsiveness

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    The purpose of this study was to construct a training program designed specifically for college students struggling with Communication Apprehension in the public speaking context. Research has consistently found that perceived responsiveness acts as one form of social support, and social support has been found to decrease stress (Maisel, Gable, & Strachman, 2008). Given the fact that anxiety is stressful, the purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between perceived responsiveness of an audience and CA. Using data from an earlier pilot study measuring for correlation between CA and perceived responsiveness in one‟s close relational partner, and using several focus groups as means for additional analysis, a training module was developed that provides responsiveness training as a means to reduce speech anxiety. The training plan modeled that of Beebe, Mottet, & Roach‟s (2013) Needs Centered Training Model, due to it‟s high needs centered approach (Beebe, Mottet, & Roach, 2013)

    Gildun á mælistikum : hvaða orðgildi er best að nota á svarmöguleika mælikvarða?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenGildunarannsókn var gerð þar sem þátttakendur voru beðnir um að meta merkingu íslenskra orðagilda sem hægt er að nota á mælistiku matskvarða. Úrtak 598 Íslendinga var tekið úr 10.000 manna netpanel sem valinn var með tilviljunaraðferð úr þjóðskrá. Alls tóku 398 þeirra þátt og var svarhlutfall því 65,9%. Þátttakendur, sem voru á aldrinum 17 til 73 ára, mátu 96 orð og orðasambönd. Erlendar rannsóknir á merkingu orðagilda voru hafðar til hliðsjónar þegar orðagildi voru valin en einnig var leitað fanga í íslenskum orðabókum. Á grundvelli niðurstaðna er hægt að velja orðagildi sem hafa nákvæma merkingu og spanna þá viðhorfavídd sem verið er að mæla með jöfnu millibili

    Frumkvæði í starfi: Þáttabygging hugtaks og próffræðilegir eiginleikar mælitækis.

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur rannsóknarinnar var tvíþættur. Í fyrsta lagi að skoða hvort þáttaformgerð hugtaksins frumkvæði sé sú sama í íslensku úrtaki og í áströlsku úrtaki. Í öðru lagi að athuga próffræðilega eiginleika íslenskrar útgáfu frumkvæðiskvarða Parker og Collins (2010) og leggja mat á hvort þeir séu fullnægjandi svo nota megi kvarðann í rannsóknum á frumkvæði hér á landi. Þátttakendur voru 485 starfsmenn á íslenskum vinnumarkaði (59,6% konur), bæði starfsmenn einka- og opinberra fyrirtækja ásamt útskrifuðum og núverandi nemendum í MBA námi tveggja íslenskra háskóla. Niðurstöður sýndu að þáttabygging frumkvæðis er öðruvísi í íslensku úrtaki en erlendu. Hér fellur líkan með tveimur annars stigs þáttum betur að gögnunum en líkan með þremur annars stigs þáttum. Próffræðilegir eiginleikar mælitækisins reyndust góðir, en ljóst er að frekari rannsókna er þörf til að hægt sé að álykta hver formgerð frumkvæðis er. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The purpose of the study was twofold. First, to examine whether the factor structure of proactive behavior is the same in an Icelandic sample as in an Australian sample. Second, to examine the psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of Parker and Collins‘s (2010) measure of proactive behavior, and evaluate whether they meet requirements for it to be used in research on proactivity in Iceland. The study sample was comprised of 485 Icelandic professionals (59.6% female) working in the public and private sector as well as current or former MBA students at two separate universities. Results showed that the factor structure of proactivity is different in an Icelandic sample than abroad. In this study a model with two second order factors fit the data better than a model with three second order factors. The psychometric properties of the measure were good, but further research is needed to determine the factor structure of proactive behavior

    The structure of self-regulation: A study with Icelandic youth

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textSelf-regulation refers to people‘s abilities to control their thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Research with non-Icelandic samples suggests that self-regulatory skills undergo important changes and are crucial to healthy development during adolescence. The goal of the current study is to assess whether intentional self-regulation among 14 and 18-year old Icelandic youth consists of three differentiated, adult-like structures, or if self-regulation processes are still undifferentiated at this age. The SOC questionnaire was used to assess three self-regulation processes. Over 500 14-year-old youth (51% female) and 533 18-year-old youth (60% female) in three towns in Iceland participated. Structural equation procedures did not confirm a tripartide structure, but one self-regulation factor was confirmed in both samples. Thus, a global, undifferentiated self-regulation factor among 14 and 18-year old youth in Iceland is comparable to the structure that has been identified among early adolescents in the U.S. but not with the differentiated, tripartide structure found among older U.S. adolescents. The implications of the findings are discussed.Sjálfstjórn vísar til hæfni fólks til að stjórna eigin hugsun, tilfinningum og hegðun. Erlendar rannsóknir benda til að sjálfstjórnarferli taki breytingum og gegni lykilatriði í þroska á unglingsárum. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar er að meta hvort sjálfstjórn 14 og 18 ára íslenskra ungmenna samanstandi af aðgreindum ferlum líkt og meðal fullorðinna eða hvort ferlin séu enn óaðgreind. SOC spurningarlisti var notaður til að meta þrjú ferli sjálfstjórnar; hvernig fólk setur sér markmið (S) og leitar leiða til að ná markmiðum (O og C). Rúmlega 500 ungmenni í grunnskóla (51% stúlkur) og 533 framhaldsskóla (60% stúlkur) í þremur byggðarkjörnum á landinu tóku þátt. Staðfestandi þáttagreining sýndi að mátgæði þriggja þátta líkans voru ekki ásættanleg en eins þátta líkan féll vel að gögnum beggja aldurshópa. Því samanstendur sjálfstjórn 14 og 18 ára íslenskra ungmenna af einum undirliggjandi þætti. Þessi formgerð er sambærileg formgerð sjálfstjórnarferla bandarískra ungmenna á fyrri hluta unglingsáranna en ólík þeirri sem fram kemur hjá þeim um miðbik þess tímabils. Þýðing niðurstaðnanna er rædd

    The association between body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, body mass index and thin-ideal internalization

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textA huge emphasis is placed on the female thin-ideal in contemporary society, especially in popular media. Research evidence shows that internalization of the thin-ideal increases risk for body dissatisfaction and dietary restraint. The aim of the present questionnaire study (N = 303) was to (a) examine the extent of body dissatisfaction and dietary restraint among Icelandic female college students and (b) examine simultaneously the associations between body dissatisfaction, dietary restraint, BMI, and thin-ideal internalization, using a structural equation model. More than half of the participants were dissatisfied with their body and restricted their food intake. The conceptual model that was tested received support. Internalization of the thin-ideal was positively associated with dietary restraint, regardless of participants BMI. Furthermore, when the effects of body dissatisfaction and internalization on dietary restraint were controlled for, a previously significant association between BMI and dietary restraint was reduced to non-significance.Mikil áhersla er lögð á ofurgrannan vöxt kvenna í fjölmiðlum. Erlendar rannsóknir sýna að konur sem innfæra gildi fjölmiðla um grannt vaxtarlag eru líklegar til að upplifa óánægju með líkamsvöxt sinn og takmarka fæðuinntöku sína. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að (a) athuga umfang fæðutakmörkunar og óánægju með líkamsvöxt hjá kvenkyns framhaldsskólanemum og (b) skoða samtímis tengsl líkamsþyngdarstuðuls, innfæringar á gildum um grannt vaxtarlag, óánægju með líkamsvöxt og fæðutakmörkunar með formgerðarlíkani. Spurningalisti var lagður fyrir 303 kvenkyns framhaldsskólanema í kennslustund. Niðurstöður sýndu að meirihluti stúlknanna var óánægður með líkamsvöxt sinn og takmarkaði fæðuinntöku sína. Formgerðarlíkan sýndi að líkamsþyngdarstuðull og innfæring á gildum um grannt vaxtarlag veittu sterka forspá um óánægju með líkamsvöxt. Óánægja með líkamsvöxt og innfæring á gildum veittu jafnframt sterka forspá um fæðutakmörkun, en fæðutakmörkun var óháð líkamsþyngd þátttakenda. Niðurstöðurnar benda til þess að innfæring á gildum fjölmiðla um ofurgrannt vaxtarlag sé áhyggjuefni

    Socially desirable responding: The psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnBalanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) er eitt mest notaða mælitækið á félagslega æskilegri svörun. Það samanstendur af tveimur undirkvörðum, sjálfsblekkingu (SB) og ímyndarstjórnun (ÍS), sem innihalda hvor um sig 20 fullyrðingar sem svarað er á sjö punkta kvarða (1=Ekki satt, 4=Að einhverju leyti satt, 7=Mjög satt). Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að þýða BIDR kvarðann og kanna próffræðilega eiginleika íslenskrar útgáfu BIDR með staðfestandi þáttagreiningu og ígrunduðum viðtölum (e. cognitive interviews with probing). Í fyrri fasa rannsóknarinnar (N=321) er þýðingarferlinu og próffræðilegum eiginleikum lýst. Niðurstöður bentu til þess að meðaltöl og fylgni milli undirkvarða væru sambærileg þeim sem finnast í erlendum rannsóknum og áreiðanleiki mælitækisins væri viðunandi. Niðurstöður úr staðfestandi þáttagreiningu voru einnig sambærilegar þeim sem fengist hafa í erlendum rannsóknum, þó fram hafi komið vandamál sem tengjast vissum atriðum kvarðans. Í seinni fasa rannsóknarinnar var fjallað um niðurstöður viðtala (N=20) þar sem farið var ítarlega í íslenska þýðingu kvarðans. Niðurstöður þeirrar rannsóknar bentu til þess að ekki væru til staðar alvarleg vandamál varðandi þýðingu kvarðans.The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) is one of the most commonly used measures of socially desirable responding. It consists of two scales, Self-Deceptive Enhancement (SDE) and Impression Management (IM), containing 20 statements each, answered on a 7-point scale (1=Not true, 4=Somewhat true, 7=Very true). The purpose of this paper was to translate the BIDR to Icelandic and examine the psychometric properties of the Icelandic translation using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and cognitive interviews with probing. The first phase of the study (N=321) focuses on the translation process and the psychometric properties of the BIDR. The results indicated that the means, intercorrelation between the two scales, and CFA results are comparable to those found in previous studies and the reliability is acceptable, although the results indicated certain items were problematic. In the second phase of the study (N=20) cognitive interviews with probing were used in order to identify potential problems with regards to the translation. The results suggest the Icelandic translation is adequate

    The effect of one-and-done players on Division I men’s college basketball programs

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    In 2006, the NBA instituted a rule that required players to be one year removed from high school before they were eligible to enter the NBA draft. As a result, many of the nation's top high school basketball players decided to play NCAA Division I college basketball for one season, until they could enter the draft. These players became known as one-and-dones and this study was created to determine their impact on college basketball. Their impact was measured with five variables: winning percentage, NCAA tournament games, attendance, merchandise sales, and roster turnover. Of the five variables only NCAA tournament games was found to be significantly different with a one-and-done player. However, because of the popularity and importance of the NCAA tournament, it can be concluded that one-and-done players have had a significant effect on Division I Men's College Basketball Programs

    Health care needs and quality of life of elderly in home care in Reykjavik, 1997

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: It is increasingly emphasized that the elderly should be supported to live at home as long as possible. The purpose of this study was to describe the health and conditions of people in home care. Material and methods: Individuals who received home care in the Reykjavik area in autumn of 1997 were assessed with the Minimum Data Set-Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care, MDS-RAI HC. Results: The study evaluated 257 individuals at four primary care health centers. The mean age was 82.7 years, women were 78.6%, living alone were 62.5%, and they had received home care on average of 2.4 years. Almost all were independent in primary activities of daily living, ADL, but about half needed help with instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Impaired cognition was observed in 40% of individuals, depressive symptoms in 18%, daily pain was noted in 47% and 47% assessed their health as poor. Loneliness was expressed by 21%, 18% had not gone out doors in over 30 days and 27% were always alone during the day. The mean number of hours during two weeks was 3.5 hours in nursing care and 9.5 hours in home help. Thirty-four percent took 9 or more medications. Conclusion: Individuals in home care were independent in ADL but needed assistance with IADL. There are important quality of life issues that are of concern. Further research is needed in home care with particular emphasis on improvement of well being.Tilgangur: Vaxandi áhersla er lögð á að aldraðir geti búið heima sem lengst, en rannsóknir á högum aldraðra Íslendinga sem njóta þjónustu í heimahúsum eru takmarkaðar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að lýsa heilsufari, líðan og aðstæðum fólks í heimaþjónustu. Aðferð: Einstaklingarnir sem nutu heimaþjónustu heilsugæslunnar á Reykjavíkursvæðinu haustið 1997 voru metnir með MDS-RAI HC (Minimum Data Set-Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care) mælitækinu. Niðurstöður: Metnir voru 257 einstaklingar á fjórum heilsugæslustöðvum. Meðalaldur var 82,7 ár, 62,5% bjuggu einir, og höfðu þeir notið heimaþjónustu að meðaltali í 2,4 ár. Konur voru 78,6%. Nær allir voru sjálfbjarga með persónulegar athafnir daglegs lífs (ADL), en 53% þurftu aðstoð við böðun. Um helmingur þurftu mikla aðstoð við almennar athafnir daglegs lífs (IADL). Skert minni var hjá tæplega 40% einstaklinganna en dapurt yfirbragð hjá 18%. Átján prósent höfðu aldrei farið út úr húsi á 30 daga tímabili, 27% voru alltaf einir yfir daginn, en 21% tjáði sig um einmanaleika. Daglegir verkir greindust hjá 47% einstaklinganna og 47% töldu heilsufar sitt vera lélegt. Á 14 dögum var meðalfjöldi klukkustunda á skjólstæðing í heimahjúkrun 3,5 klukkustundir og heimilishjálp 9,5 klukkustundir. Lyfjanotkun var mikil og voru 34% á níu lyfjum eða fleiri. Ályktun: Einstaklingar í heimahjúkrun eru sjálfbjarga með ADL en þeir þurfa aðstoð við almenn dagleg verk og böðun. Ýmis atriði sem snerta lífsgæði þyrfti að skoða nánar með hliðsjón af því hvort bæta megi líðan þeirra sem njóta þjónustunna

    Neonatal Vitamin D Status and Risk of Asthma in Childhood:Results from the D-Tect Study

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    Background: low vitamin D status in pregnancy can influence the offspring’s lung function and contribute to childhood asthma development. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of neonatal vitamin D status on the development of asthma among children age 3–9 years in a large population sample. Method: in a case-cohort study utilizing a Danish biobank and register data we examined the association between neonatal 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) concentrations and incidence of asthma among children aged 3–9 years. Cases of asthma (n = 911) were randomly selected among all cases of asthma in the Danish National Patient Register from children born between 1992 and 2002. The sub-cohort (n = 1423) was randomly selected among all children born in the same period. We used a weighted Cox proportional hazard model assessing the hazard of first asthma diagnoses by quintiles of 25(OH)D3. Results: the median 25(OH)D3 (interquartile range) for asthma cases was 23 nmol/L (14–35) and the sub-cohort 25 nmol/L (14–40). The hazard ratio for developing asthma between ages 3 and 9 years was lower for children in the fifth quintile of neonatal 25(OH)D3 compared to children in the first quintile, both in the unadjusted (0.61 95% CI: 0.46–0.80) and adjusted (0.55 95% CI: 0.39–0.77) analyses. Conclusion: the results from our study suggest that higher neonatal vitamin D concentration may reduce the risk of developing childhood asthma at ages 3–9 years, indicating that neonatal vitamin D status as a proxy of vitamin D status during the prenatal period is important for normal immune- and lung development