386 research outputs found

    Infrared Phase-Change Meta-Devices with In-Situ Switching

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium via the link in this recordWe describe a possible device design approach and an experimental test platform suitable for the realization and characterization of phase-change based meta-devices incorporating in-situ switching and operating at infrared wavelengths. Measurements on such a prototype device working at 1.55 µm are presented.US Naval Research LaboratoriesEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Análisis del plano sagital en las escoliosis idiopáticas tratadas con instrumentación Cotrel-Dubousset

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    Se analiza la evolución del plano sagital en 50 enfermos con escoliosis idiopática intervenidos mediante artrodesis posterior con instrumentación de Cotrel-Dubousset con un seguimiento medio de 72 meses. Se recogieron los valores evolutivos de cifosis torácica medida entre T5 y T12 y de lordosis lumbar medida entre Ll y L5. Las curvas escolióticas fueron clasificadas según King et al. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que no existía una variación global significativa de la cifosis torácica tras la cirugía. Sólo en aquellos enfermos que previamente existía una hipocifosis torácica existía una mejoría estadísticamente significativa de la misma con la intervención. Se evidenció una clara tendencia al incremento de la cifosis torácica con el tiempo. La lordosis lumbar se mantuvo, en la mayoría de los casos, dentro de límites fisiológicos. La instrumentación de Cotrel-Dubousset ofrece ventajas evidentes respecto a instrumentaciones previas en lo que respecta a la obtención de una curva más fisiológica en el plano sagital. Permite corregir la hipocifosis torácica severa y mantener la lordosis lumbar dentro de límites normales, incluso en instrumentaciones por debajo de L3.Sagittal plane analysis of 50 patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated with Cotrel- Dubousset instrumentation was performed. Mean follow-up was 72 months. The values of thoracic kyphosis from T5 to T12 and lumbar lordosis from L1 to L5 were retrospectively reviewed. Scoliotic curves were classified according to King et al. The results showed that there was not any significant change in thoracic kyphosis after surgery. Only those patients with preoperative thoracic hypokyphosis achieved a significant realignment. There was an obvious increase of thoracic kyphosis with time. Lumbar lordosis was maintained within normal limits in the mayority of patients. Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation achieves better sagittal alignment than previous systems. It corrects thoracic hypokyphosis and preserves lumbar lordosis, even when the instrumentation is carried out lower than L3

    Avulsión de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia asociada a rotura del tendón cuadricipital

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    Se presenta 1 caso de fractura-avulsión de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia asociada a rotura del tendón cuadricipital en un varón de 16 años. Tras el tratamiento quirúrgico de la fractura tuberositaria, y a pesar de haber pasado inicialmcnte inadvertida la lesión tendinosa, el resultado final a los 9 meses ha sido satisfactorio.A case of avulsion-fracture of the anterior tibial tubercle associated with rupture of the cuadricipital tendon in a 16-ycars-old boy is presented. After surgical treatment, in spite of having overlooked initially the tendinous lesion, the functional result at 9 months follow-up has been satisfactory

    The weighted independent domination problem: ILP model and algorithmic approaches

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    This work deals with the so-called weighted independent domination problem, which is an N P -hard combinatorial optimization problem in graphs. In contrast to previous theoretical work from the liter- ature, this paper considers the problem from an algorithmic perspective. The first contribution consists in the development of an integer linear programming model and a heuristic that makes use of this model. Sec- ond, two greedy heuristics are proposed. Finally, the last contribution is a population-based iterated greedy algorithm that takes profit from the better one of the two developed greedy heuristics. The results of the compared algorithmic approaches show that small problem instances based on random graphs are best solved by an efficient integer linear programming solver such as CPLEX. Larger problem instances are best tackled by the population-based iterated greedy algorithm. The experimental evaluation considers random graphs of different sizes, densities, and ways of generating the node and edge weights

    The Weighted Independent Domination Problem: ILP Model and Algorithmic Approaches

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    This work deals with the so-called weighted independent domination problem, which is an NPNP-hard combinatorial optimization problem in graphs. In contrast to previous work, this paper considers the problem from a non-theoretical perspective. The first contribution consists in the development of three integer linear programming models. Second, two greedy heuristics are proposed. Finally, the last contribution is a population-based iterated greedy metaheuristic which is applied in two different ways: (1) the metaheuristic is applied directly to each problem instance, and (2) the metaheuristic is applied at each iteration of a higher-level framework---known as construct, merge, solve \& adapt---to sub-instances of the tackled problem instances. The results of the considered algorithmic approaches show that integer linear programming approaches can only compete with the developed metaheuristics in the context of graphs with up to 100 nodes. When larger graphs are concerned, the application of the populated-based iterated greedy algorithm within the higher-level framework works generally best. The experimental evaluation considers graphs of different types, sizes, densities, and ways of generating the node and edge weights

    Nutrient and herbivore alterations cause uncoupled changes in producer diversity, biomass and ecosystem function, but not in overall multifunctionality

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    Altered nutrient cycles and consumer populations are among the top anthropogenic influences on ecosystems. However, studies on the simultaneous impacts of human-driven environmental alterations on ecosystem functions, and the overall change in system multifunctionality are scarce. We used estuarine tidal flats to study the effects of changes in herbivore density and nutrient availability on benthic microalgae (diversity, abundance and biomass) and ecosystem functions (N2-fixation, denitrification, extracellular polymeric substances -EPS- as a proxy for sediment cohesiveness, sediment water content as a proxy of water retention capacity and sediment organic matter). We found consistent strong impacts of modified herbivory and weak effects of increased nutrient availability on the abundance, biomass and diversity of benthic microalgae. However, the effects on specific ecosystem functions were disparate. Some functions were independently affected by nutrient addition (N2-fixation), modified herbivory (sediment organic matter and water content), or their interaction (denitrification), while others were not affected (EPS). Overall system multifunction remained invariant despite changes in specific functions. This study reveals that anthropogenic pressures can induce decoupled effects between community structure and specific ecosystem functions. Our results highlight the need to address several ecosystem functions simultaneously for better ecosystem characterization and management.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    Plasmonically-enhanced all-optical integrated phase-change memory

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Optical Society of America via the DOI in this record.Integrated phase-change photonic memory devices offer a novel route to non-volatile storage and computing that can be carried out entirely in the optical domain, obviating the necessity for time and energy consuming opto-electrical conversions. Such memory devices generally consist of integrated waveguide structures onto which are fabricated small phase-change memory cells. Switching these cells between their amorphous and crystalline states modifies significantly the optical transmission through the waveguide, so providing memory, and computing, functionality. To carry out such switching, optical pulses are sent down the waveguide, coupling to the phase-change cell, heating it up, and so switching it between states. While great strides have been made in the development of integrated phase-change photonic devices in recent years, there is always a pressing need for faster switching times, lower energy consumption and a smaller device footprint. In this work, therefore, we propose the use of plasmonic enhancement of the light-matter interaction between the propagating waveguide mode and the phase-change cell as a means to faster, smaller and more energy-efficient devices. In particular, we propose a form of plasmonic dimer nanoantenna of significantly sub-micron size that, in simulations, offers significant improvements in switching speeds and energies. Write/erase speeds in the range 2 to 20 ns and write/erase energies in the range 2 to 15 pJ were predicted, representing improvements of one to two orders of magnitude when compared to conventional device architectures.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Resistance to Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis in MMP-8 Deficient Mice Is Mediated by Interleukin-10

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    BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may have pro and antifibrotic roles within the lungs, due to its ability to modulate collagen turnover and immune mediators. MMP-8 is a collagenase that also cleaves a number of cytokines and chemokines. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To evaluate its relevance in lung fibrosis, wildtype and Mmp8(-/-) mice were treated with either intratracheal bleomycin or saline, and lungs were harvested at different time points. Fibrosis, collagen, collagenases, gelatinases, TGFβ and IL-10 were measured in lung tissue. Mmp8(-/-) mice developed less fibrosis than their wildtype counterparts. This was related to an increase in lung inflammatory cells, MMP-9 and IL-10 levels in these mutant animals. In vitro experiments showed that MMP-8 cleaves murine and human IL-10, and tissue from knockout animals showed decreased IL-10 processing. Additionally, lung fibroblasts from these mice were cultured in the presence of bleomycin and collagen, IL-10 and STAT3 activation (downstream signal in response to IL-10) measured by western blotting. In cell cultures, bleomycin increased collagen synthesis only in wildtype mice. Fibroblasts from knockout mice did not show increased collagen synthesis, but increased levels of unprocessed IL-10 and STAT3 phosphorylation. Blockade of IL-10 reverted this phenotype, increasing collagen in cultures. CONCLUSIONS: According to these results, we conclude that the absence of MMP-8 has an antifibrotic effect by increasing IL-10 and propose that this metalloprotease could be a relevant modulator of IL-10 metabolism in vivo