289 research outputs found

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    Aspectos internacionales de los contratos de cobertura del riesgo cambiario en los mercados OTC

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    La crisis económica ha forzado a numerosas empresas, entre ellas, las pymes, a salir al exterior en busca de nuevos mercados. Estas transacciones implican un riesgo de cambio que puede ser cubierto mediante derivados sobre divisas. Estos instrumentos cuando se negocian en los mercados OTC suelen incluirse dentro de un contrato marco, pero implican nuevos riesgos, entre ellos el riesgo legal. Analizaremos ese riesgo legal que aparece en las transacciones internacionales a partir del ISDA Master Agreement y del Contrato Marco de Operaciones Financieras. En especial, nos centraremos en aquellos contratos en los que las pymes actúan como contraparte para analizar si su intervención tiene alguna implicación o si debemos aplicar el mismo régimen que a las grandes empresasThe economic crisis has forced numerous companies, among them, the SMEs, to expand abroad searching for new markets. These transactions entail a currency risk that can be hedged through forex derivatives. These fi nancial instruments, when traded on the OTC markets, are usually included in a master agreement, but pose other risks, like legal risk. We will analyze the legal risk associated to international transactions from the ISDA Master Agreement and the Contrato Marco de Operaciones Financieras. Specially, we will focus on those contracts where the SMEs are the counterparty to analyze whether its intervention has any implications or if we should apply the same regime of large companie

    On the History of the English Progressive Construction Jane came whistling down the street

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    This article examines the historical development of the VVingOBL construction, as exemplified by “Jane came whistling down the street” or “She went walking up the field path,” where an intransitive motion verb is followed by a present participle and an oblique complement. The analysis looks at the precursors of the construction since Old English and argues that the sharp rise in productivity of the VVingOBL construction, especially from the second half of the nineteenth century, is interrelated with changes affecting English motion vocabulary in Early and Late Modern English and also the increase in frequency of the be progressive over the same period. By the twentieth century, the VVingOBL construction had settled into its modern form, namely a deictic-directional construction with either come or go in the V slot. The article also considers indices of the advancing grammaticalization of the construction. It concludes by discussing whether its morphosyntactic and semantic properties support considering it as a serial verb construction, a hypothesis briefly raised in work by Goldberg (2006:52)For generous financial support I am grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant FFI2017-86884-P)S

    El latín y la ley de la penúltima: un paralelo en irlandés.

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    Assessment and forecasting of solar resource: applications to the solar energy industry

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se lleva a cabo un estudio de la evaluación y de la predicción del recurso solar para su aplicación en el campo de la industria solar. El objetivo principal es mejorar el conocimiento sobre varios aspectos de la radiación solar como fuente primaria de energía. Sin embargo, a pesar del incesante desarrollo tecnológico y el considerable abaratamiento de costes, su grado de introducción dentro de los sistemas eléctricos a gran escala está todavía lejos de su potencial real. Esto es debido en gran parte a que, a pesar de que la radiación solar es la fuente primaria de energía más abundante del planeta, presenta de forma natural una gran variabilidad espacio-temporal. Esta característica constituye la mayor fuente de incertidumbre en el desarrollo de los proyectos solares, tanto en la fase inicial de estudio de viabilidad como durante la fase de operación. Con el fin de contribuir a la reducción de dicha incertidumbre, en el trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo en esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado y evaluado métodos para la caracterización y la estimación de la irradiancia solar en superficie, tanto para la componente global (GHI) como para la directa (DNI).In this thesis a study of the assessment and forecasting of the solar resource for its application in the solar industry is carried out. The main objective is to improve the knowledge about various aspects of solar radiation as primary energy source. . However, despite the relentless technological development and the considerable cost reductions, its degree of introduction at large-scale into power systems is still far from its real potential. This is due mainly to the fact that, although solar radiation is the most abundant primary energy source in the planet, it naturally presents a great spatial and temporal variability. This characteristic constitutes the major source of uncertainty in the development of solar projects, both in the initial phase of feasibility study and during the phase of operation. In order to contribute to the reduction of this uncertainty, the research work carried out in this thesis has developed and evaluated methods for the characterization and estimation of surface solar irradiance, both components: global (GHI) and direct (DNI).Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Física. Leída el 24 de julio de 2017

    Las directivas europeas de armonización de garantías procesales de investigados y acusados. Su implementación en el derecho español

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    Este trabajo ofrece un sucinto análisis de las seis Directivas sobre garantías procesales de sospechosos y acusados en procesos penales aprobadas en el marco del Plan del Consejo de la Unión Europea 2009, con especial consideración de las modificaciones legislativas que ha requerido su transposición en el ordenamiento español.This paper offers a brief analysis of the six Directives on procedural safeguards of suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings adopted in the framework of the Roadmap for strengthening procedural rights of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings of the Council of the European Union (2009), with particular consideration given to the legal amendments that have been required to implement them into the Spanish national law

    A construction of independent means: the history of the Way construction revisited

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    The emergence and development of the Way construction was famously examined by Israel (1996) in a study which traced the modern form of the construction to three senses or subschemas, namely manner of motion (He stumbled his way to the front door), means of motion (He dug his way out of the prison) and incidental activity (He whistled his way out of the room). The present article moves beyond the late Middle English period – the starting point of Israel’s research – and looks at the precursors of the Way construction since Old English times, as well as its interaction with the Intransitive Motion construction (IMC) (He walked into the room). By approaching the data in terms of Goldberg’s typology (1997) of verb-construction relationships, which is finer-grained than Israel’s tripartite division, the analysis identifies the areas of conceptual and constructional overlap that have existed between the Way construction and the IMC in the course of history, and shows that the Way construction has gradually specialised in the expression of those relations which could not be readily coded in the IMC, such as means of motion and incidental activity. The study thus seeks to contribute to a better understanding of how the constructicon, the repertory of constructions making up the grammar of a language, may change over time.For generous financial support I am grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant FFI2017-86884-P) and the Regional Government of Galicia (grants ED431B 2017/12 and ED431D 2017/09)S

    Situational analysis of diabetic retinopathy treatment services in Ghana

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    BACKGROUND: Although the equitable distribution of diabetic retinopathy (DR) services across Ghana remains paramount, there is currently a poor understanding of nationwide DR treatment services. This study aims to conduct a situation analysis of DR treatment services in Ghana and provide evidence on the breadth, coverage, workload, and gaps in service delivery for DR treatment. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was designed to identify health facilities which treat DR in Ghana from June 2018 to August 2018. Data were obtained from the facilities using a semi-structured questionnaire which included questions identifying human resources involved in DR treatment, location of health facilities with laser, vitreoretinal surgery and Anti–vascular endothelial growth factor therapy (Anti-VEGF) for DR treatment, service utilisation and workload at these facilities, and the average price of DR treatment in these facilities. RESULTS: Fourteen facilities offer DR treatment in Ghana; four in the public sector, seven in the private sector and three in the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) centres. There was a huge disparity in the distribution of facilities offering DR services, the eye care cadre, workload, and DR treatment service (retinal laser, Anti-VEGF, and vitreoretinal surgery). The retinal laser treatment price was independent of all variables (facility type, settings, regions, and National Health Insurance Scheme coverage). However, settings (p = 0.028) and geographical regions (p = 0.010) were significantly associated with anti-VEGF treatment price per eye. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a disproportionate distribution of DR services in Ghana. Hence, there should be a strategic development and implementation of an eye care plan to ensure the widespread provision of DR services to the disadvantaged population as we aim towards a disadvantaged population as we aim towards a universal health coverage

    Instalación para vivienda multifamiliar de ACS en Madrid

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    El objeto de este proyecto consiste en el diseño y propuesta de una instalación solar térmica para producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) en una vivienda multifamiliar situada en Madrid. Para ello se van a estudiar las necesidades térmicas de ACS en función de las características constructivas del edificio y analizando los datos climatológicos y de temperatura de red de agua fría propios del emplazamiento. Con ello se llevará a cabo un estudio energético teniendo en cuenta las pérdidas de calor que se producen por el viento tanto en los captadores como en las tuberías, consiguiendo a pesar de ello la contribución solar mínima deseable. A partir de estos cálculos se propondrá un campo de captación compuesto por colectores de placa plana. Y se dimensionará toda la instalación. El sistema de producción propuesto empleará tecnología solar térmica de baja temperatura. No obstante, en previsión de la carencia de aporte solar en los meses de menor radiación se dotará a la instalación de un sistema de aporte auxiliar, empleando el gas natural como combustible. Finalmente será objeto de este proyecto, realizar un estudio de impacto ambiental indicando las emisiones de dióxido de carbono evitadas. Y se realizará también un estudio económico planteando el período de retorno de la inversión. Para la determinación y cálculo de la instalación se tendrán en cuenta los siguientes criterios de diseño: - Minimizar impactos ambientales que se pueden producir en el entorno urbano con una correcta integración arquitectónica. - Asegurar el consumo y el confort de los usuarios con un buen diseño y dimensionado de la instalación consiguiendo un óptimo rendimiento y máximas prestaciones. - Reducir las demandas energéticas y emisiones de CO2. - Cumplimiento de la Normativa legal aplicable.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic


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    Este artículo analiza el nuevo régimen en España de la mediación penal regulada con carácter general en este ámbito por ley 4/2015, del estatuto de la víctima en el proceso penal. Nos preguntamos, además, si ha llegado el momento de revisar la prohibición existente de extenderla al ámbito de la violencia de género, introducida por Ley orgánica 1/2004 de medidas de protección integral frente a la violencia de género