2,497 research outputs found

    The Child, the Emperor, and the Fabulous Clothes: Constructing a theory of how interpersonal difficulty in gifted adults arises, is perpetuated, and can be overcome

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    In the literature and research on giftedness there are ubiquitous references to interpersonal problems. This project investigated this by comprehensively bringing such references together and analysing them (textual analysis), and by interviewing 20 gifted adults about their interpersonal experiences. A Constructivist Grounded Theory methodology was employed to build a theory grounded in research data that could explain how interpersonal difficulty in gifted individuals arises, is perpetuated, and can be overcome. A Psychosocial (Hollway 2016) interpretation of the data examined not just its explicit cognitive and behavioural content but also the more hidden nuances of intersubjective experience ā€“ termed ā€˜unconscious processesā€™ ā€“ that the giftedness literature neglects. An ā€˜Overview Model of Giftednessā€™ was constructed to organize the research findings, which emphasizes the importance of person-environment interaction, belonging, competition, and collaboration. Interpersonal difficulty was found to arise predominantly through relating categorized as naĆÆve (ā€˜Childā€™, including autism) or arrogant (ā€˜Emperorā€™, including narcissism). It was demonstrated how interpersonal difficulty is perpetuated through unconscious processes such as transferences, valencies, and intersubjective complementarities. It was found that interpersonal difficulty was overcome by changing environments (gaining contact with more similar others); changing the level of self-expressiveness (ā€˜hiding selfā€™); or changing the nature of self-expressiveness (such as tempering naivety and arrogance through improving interpersonal understanding and skill). These findings were consolidated in an original model titled ā€˜Giftedness and Interpersonal Relatingā€™ that shows the optimal movement away from being interpersonally inhibited, despairing, or provoking, towards thriving. Conclusion: Atypically efficient neural functioning, and minority status, make gifted individuals vulnerable to interpersonal difficulty. Recognising the individual differences involved, their impact, and their unconsciously perpetuating intersubjective patterns, and taking this into account when communicating with others, improves interpersonal relating and the actualizing of gifted potential. The projectā€™s main products are a website offering services designed to ā€œhelp high-ability adults thriveā€, and a book proposal

    Degeneracies between Modified Gravity and Baryonic Physics

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    In order to determine the observable signatures of modified gravity theories, it is important to consider the effect of baryonic physics. We use a modified version of the ISIS code to run cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study degeneracies between modified gravity and radiative hydrodynamical processes. Of these, one was the standard Ī›\LambdaCDM model and four were variations of the Symmetron model. For each model we ran three variations of baryonic processes: non-radiative hydrodynamics; cooling and star formation; and cooling, star formation, and supernova feedback. We construct stacked gas density, temperature, and dark matter density profiles of the halos in the simulations, and study the differences between them. We find that both radiative variations of the models show degeneracies between their processes and at least two of the three parameters defining the Symmetron model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, matches version accepted to A&

    Aspects of the Sociology of Psychiatry

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    There can be little doubt that for the social scientist interested in the case of psychiatry there is much to learn. Not only is psychiatry a specialty in medicine, with a variety of subspecialities, is also enjoys links to other professions such as clinical psychology, psychiatric nursing and psychiatric social work. While in some sense this provides psychiatry the opportunity to be the renaissance man in medicine -- a situation which might elicit envy from others less universal and catholic -- it also causes it great difficulties and troubles. Nooone seems to know where psychiatry begins and ends; it suffers sizable difficulties in setting its own boundaries, delineate areas of knowledge and skill where it and it alone reigns supreme, and because its boundaries appear vague, at least to outsiders, it is vulnerable to attack and to raids by not always benign neighbors

    Social Continuity and Social Discontinuity: Social Work and, in, Against and Separate from Society

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    The burden of this paper is to clarify social continuity and social discontinuity. Social continuity is related to individuality-groupness (the I-G effect) and its related logic is demonstrated further by a rejection of social discontinuity, i.e. individualism

    The Effects of Arthritis Foundationā€™s ā€œWalk With Easeā€ Program on Cognitive Function

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    Physical activity (PA) is believed to improve cognitive function, particularly executive function, in older adults. However, few interventions in community settings have been performed to improve executive function through PA. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a community-based walking program on executive function in older adults (60+ years). Older adults from senior centers throughout Lexington County, SC were recruited for participation in this intervention. Exclusion criteria included currently exercising \u3e30 minutes and exercising ā‰„2x/week or scoring ā‰¤25 on the Mini-Mental State Exam. The intervention consisted of an evidenced-based community walking program, the Arthritis Foundation ā€™ s ā€œ Walk With Easeā€, which met two times a week for 9 weeks. Participants were tested at baseline and follow-up on the following measures: executive function (Stroop Color-Word, Trail Making Test A and B, Semantic Fluency, and Phonetic Fluency), physical performance (Timed Up-and-Go, Gait Speed, Chair Stand), depressive symptoms, disease management self-efficacy, and PA levels. Participants also reported demographics and subjective health status. Paired t-tests and repeated measures ANOVA were conducted for all outcomes of interest, along with effect sizes. Participants (N=56) were predominantly female (80.4%) and overweight (BMI= 29.81 Ā± 5.92). No significant improvements for any cognitive function measure or physical performance measure were found following the intervention. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant improvement following the intervention for both PA (B=17.79 Ā± 5.42 MET hours/week, p\u3c0.01) and disease management self-efficacy (B=5.77 Ā± 2.53, p=0.03). The results of this community-based single group pretest-posttest study does not provide enough evidence that the WWE is associated with improvements in cognitive function or improvements in physical performance. This study indicates that WWE increases PA levels and disease management self-efficacy of older adults. Larger studies of longer duration may be needed to reveal impacts on cognitive function

    Optimal Control within the Context of Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis, and Optimization

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    Multidisciplinary design, analysis and optimization involves modeling the interactions of complex systems across a variety of disciplines. The optimization of such systems can be a computationally expensive exercise with multiple levels of nested nonlinear solvers running under an optimizer.The application of optimal control in project development often involves performing trajectory optimization for fixed vehicle designs or parametric sweeps across some key vehicle properties.This information is then relayed to the subsystem design teams who update their designs and relay some bulk characteristics back to the trajectory optimization procedure.This iteration is then repeated until the design closes.However, with increasing interest in more tightly coupled systems, such as electric and hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion and boundary layer ingestion, this process is prone to ignore subtle coupling between vehicle subsystem designs and vehicle operation on a given mission.Integrating trajectory optimization into a tightly coupled multidisciplinary design procedure can be computationally prohibitive, depending on the complexity of the subsystem analyses and the optimal control technique applied.To address these issues a new optimal control software tool, Dymos, has been developed.Dymos is built upon NASA's OpenMDAO software and can leverage its capabilities to efficiently compute gradients for the optimization and optimize complex models in parallel on distributed memory systems.This report provides some explanation into the numerical methods employed in Dymos and provides several use cases that demonstrate its performance on traditional optimal control problems and improvements ino techniques have been used extensively in recent decades to solve a variety of optimal control problems, typically in the form of aerospace vehicle trajectory optimization

    Inorganic carbon time series at Ocean Weather Station M in the Norwegian Sea

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    International audienceDissolved inorganic carbon (CT) has been collected at Ocean Weather Station M (OWSM) in the Norwegian Sea since 2001. Seasonal variations in CT are confined to the upper 50 m, where the biology is active, and below this layer no clear seasonal signal is seen. From winter to summer the surface CT concentration typical drops from 2140 to about 2040 ?mol kg?1, while a deep water CT concentration of about 2163 ?mol kg?1 is measured throughout the year. Observations show an annual increase in salinity normalized carbon concentration (nCT) of 1.3Ā±0.7 ?mol kg?1 in the surface layer, which is equivalent to a pCO2 increase of 2.6Ā±1.2 ?atm yr?1, i.e. larger than the atmospheric increase in this area. Observations also show an annual increase in the deep water nCT of 0.57Ā± 0.24 ?mol kg?1, of which about a tenth is due to inflow of old Arctic water with larger amounts of remineralised matter. The remaining part has an anthropogenic origin and sources for this might be Greenland Sea surface water, Iceland Sea surface water, and/or recirculated Atlantic Water. By using an extended multi linear regression method (eMLR) it is verified that anthropogenic carbon has entered the whole water column at OWSM

    Practical Student Self-affirmation

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    This research paper focuses on student peer interactional relationships in a tertiary level classroom setting in Japan. The research is based on the use of one piece of technology, Microsoft PowerPoint, to illustrate student peer interactional relationships during presentation tasks throughout the 2015 Spring Semester. The application of the particular software used in this research is of little importance, in that any piece of software could be used to investigate student interaction. The important findings of this research indicate that students can be made aware of their self-affirmation through an application of sociolinguistics and an introduction of critical pedagogy that encompasses a significant reduction in the influence of the traditional ā€˜teacherā€™ role to the benefit of student empowerment. The role of the student changes from being the passive object to that of a more active Subject role, as that of the ā€˜teacher,ā€™ or better termed ā€˜facilitator,ā€™ dispenses their traditional paternalistic, authoritative Subject position, in favor of being one that helps to bring about ā€˜ā€¦an outcome (as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision,ā€™ on the part of the ā€˜facilitator,ā€™ as it is defined in the Miriam-Webster dictionary (2015). For students to adopt a more active role requires a change in study habits, which requires more effort. However, this adheres perfectly to the Kyoai College motto; ā€˜You can develop your ability though it might be hardā€™ (Kyoai, 2015)

    Comparing view-based and map-based semantic labelling in real-time SLAM

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    Generally capable Spatial AI systems must build persistent scene representations where geometric models are combined with meaningful semantic labels. The many approaches to labelling scenes can be divided into two clear groups: view-based which estimate labels from the input view-wise data and then incrementally fuse them into the scene model as it is built; and map-based which label the generated scene model. However, there has so far been no attempt to quantitatively compare view-based and map-based labelling. Here, we present an experimental framework and comparison which uses real-time height map fusion as an accessible platform for a fair comparison, opening up the route to further systematic research in this area
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