Practical Student Self-affirmation


This research paper focuses on student peer interactional relationships in a tertiary level classroom setting in Japan. The research is based on the use of one piece of technology, Microsoft PowerPoint, to illustrate student peer interactional relationships during presentation tasks throughout the 2015 Spring Semester. The application of the particular software used in this research is of little importance, in that any piece of software could be used to investigate student interaction. The important findings of this research indicate that students can be made aware of their self-affirmation through an application of sociolinguistics and an introduction of critical pedagogy that encompasses a significant reduction in the influence of the traditional ‘teacher’ role to the benefit of student empowerment. The role of the student changes from being the passive object to that of a more active Subject role, as that of the ‘teacher,’ or better termed ‘facilitator,’ dispenses their traditional paternalistic, authoritative Subject position, in favor of being one that helps to bring about ‘…an outcome (as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision,’ on the part of the ‘facilitator,’ as it is defined in the Miriam-Webster dictionary (2015). For students to adopt a more active role requires a change in study habits, which requires more effort. However, this adheres perfectly to the Kyoai College motto; ‘You can develop your ability though it might be hard’ (Kyoai, 2015)

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