110 research outputs found

    Prática desportiva de adolescentes em acolhimento residencial : percepções, significados e motivações

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    Este estudo teve como principal objectivo analisar as percepções, significados e motivações que adolescentes em acolhimento residencial manifestam sobre a sua prática desportiva. Para o desenvolvimento desta investigação, foram entrevistados 25 adolescentes de três casas de acolhimento do distrito do Porto, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 19 anos. Foi utilizado um guião semi-estruturado e realizada uma análise de conteúdo com recurso ao NVivo. Os resultados apontam para claros benefícios da prática de desporto ao nível do bem-estar dos adolescentes, influenciando-os de forma positiva no seu quotidiano. Os adolescentes identificam aprendizagens para a vida, tais como a persistência, a resiliência e o valor do esforço. Os dados sugerem a importância de se favorecer a prática desportiva de adolescentes em acolhimento residencial, intencionalizando estes momentos através da promoção de oportunidades de reflexão potenciadoras do desenvolvimento das crianças e jovens.The main objective of this study was to analyze the perceptions, meanings and motivations that teenagers in host institutions show about their sports practice. For the development of this research, 25 teenagers aged between 12 and 19 years, from three host institutions in Porto area, were questioned. A semi-structured script was used and a qualitative content analysis was performed through NVivo software. The obtained results point to clear benefits of practicing sport in terms of well-being, influencing teenagers in a positive way in their daily lives. Adolescents identify lifelong learning, such as persistence, resilience, and the value of effort. The obtained data suggest the importance of favoring the sports practice of teenagers in host institutions, by making these moments available through the promotion of reflection opportunities advantageous to the development of children and young people

    lessons from Brazilian air disasters

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    Purpose: The focus of this study was to analyze crisis management in a context of high-reliability organizations (HRO) evidenced in two cases of Brazilian air disasters. Aspects of human and technological natures were examined, addressing the complex sociotechnical system. Design/methodology/approach: This in-depth case study addressed the two most serious air disasters on Brazilian territory. The first case involved a midair collision between Gol Flight 1907 and the Legacy jet. In the second case, TAM flight 3054 had difficulty braking when landing at the airport and crashed into a building. Data were collected from official disaster documents. Findings: The results revealed that the management and operational activities aimed to maintain the necessary conditions that prioritize a high level of reliability. High reliability mainly involves concern over failure, reluctance to accept simplified interpretations, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience and detailed structure specifications. Practical implications: The implications are based on alerting highly reliable organizations, emphasizing the focus on managing more reliably, resiliently and conscientiously. Changes will be required in the operations of organizations seeking to learn to manage unexpected events and respond quickly to continually improve the responsiveness of their services. Originality/value: In the perspective of an intrinsic case study for crisis management in a context of HRO and disaster risk management, the originality of this study lies in its examination of the paradoxical nature of control within the systems of dangerous operations in complex organizations, as well as their contradictions in a high-reliability system.authorsversionpublishe

    Produção de biogás em diferentes sistemas de criação de suínos em Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia AmbientalAs emissões de metano a partir da geração de dejetos animais têm contribuído para o aumento dos gases de efeito estufa, intensificando o problema do aquecimento global. A utilização de biodigestores no tratamento de dejetos animais além de reduzir a carga orgânica dos dejetos, também diminui a emissão de GEE com a possibilidade de gerar energia. O estado de Santa Catarina é o principal estado produtor de suínos do Brasil, e possui um efetivo de suínos da ordem de 7,158 milhões de cabeças. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a composição e a quantidade produzida de biogás em 13 reatores anaeróbios aplicados no tratamento de dejetos de animais em diferentes regiões de Santa Catarina, onde a suinocultura é significativa. Além da análise do biogás, avaliou-se o afluente e efluente de cada biodigestor em termos de pH, Eh, T, DQO e SV. A composição média do biogás na maioria dos casos variou entre 26,6 e 39,9% para a concentração do CO2 e entre 62,2 e 74,8% para o CH4. A produção média de biogás registrada nos biodigestores variou entre 4,5 e 8 m3/h, exceto em 3 propriedades, que se observaram valores menores de vazão entre 0,8 e 3 m3/h. A eficiência de remoção de DQO, na maioria dos biodigestores foi satisfatória, com uma média de 75% no verão, e de 78% no outono. Em relação aos SV, a eficiência de remoção nos biodigestores apresentou valores médios de 80% (verão) e 69% (outono). A média de produção de biogás diária por matriz e por animal, obtida neste trabalho foi de 0,61 m3 e 0,26 m3, respectivamente. Considerando esses dados e o número de matrizes e de suínos em fase de terminação existentes no estado, Santa Catarina tem um potencial de geração de biogás em torno de 493,03 milhões de m3/ano. Concluiu-se que utilização de reatores anaeróbios nos sistemas de tratamento dos dejetos de suínos, além de removerem a matéria orgânica e os sólidos voláteis existentes nos dejetos brutos, possibilitam a formação do biogás com boa composição em termos de CH4 e com a possibilidade real de sua utilização para geração de energia. Com este tipo de tratamento minimiza-se o impacto causado pela libertação dos GEE na atmosfera, beneficiando o meio ambiente

    Evolução actual do litoral Foz do Lizandro - Malhadinha

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    Tese de mestrado, Geografia Física e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2010Actualmente, existe um interesse crescente no estudo da dinâmica litoral, com destaque para a avaliação das taxas de recuo da linha de costa e para a determinação dos factores actuantes e dos processos que controlam a evolução actual da faixa costeira. A dissertação teve como objectivos: caracterizar geomorfologicamente a faixa costeira Foz do Lizandro – Malhadinha (Ericeira); identificar os factores e os processos de evolução das formas elementares que compõe o sistema litoral. O estudo baseou-se fundamentalmente em trabalho de campo e de laboratório, bem como na análise de fotografias terrestres e na comparação de fotografias aéreas e de ortofotomapas. Este litoral caracteriza-se por compreender essencialmente dois sistemas litorais fundamentais: sistema praia-arriba e sistema plataforma rochosa de sopé-arriba. Identifica-se também, um sistema intermitente em que a plataforma se encontra alternadamente descoberta e coberta por areia. Das análises efectuadas destacam-se: a identificação detalhada da morfologia da área; a litologia aflorante e as suas características, incluindo a natureza e resistência das rochas e a estrutura geológica; e a presença de depósito de material sedimentar, com referência à sua natureza e a alguns parâmetros morfométricos. Os sistemas litorais evidenciam a acção dos processos de evolução com diferentes magnitudes na dinâmica actual, com destaque na relação entre os processos marinhos e subaéreos e a presença ou não dos processos biológicos. O estudo da evolução da arriba foi feito com base na análise dos depósito acumulados na base da arriba, com o intuito de compreender quais os processos dominantes (marinhos e/ou subaéreos). O estudo da plataforma rochosa de sopé foi realizado com base nas taxas de rebaixamento efectuadas entre Setembro de 2007 e Maio de 2009, com recurso ao TMEM, e realizados no âmbito do projecto BISHOP (PTDC/CTTE-GEX/70448/2006), sendo também analisados dados ambientais referentes a este período. Os resultados alcançados permitiram identificar alguns dos processos envolvidos na evolução das plataformas. Não foi possível quantificar uma taxa de recuo precisa neste troço litoral, sendo apenas possível inferir que se tratava de uma arriba com uma dinâmica actual onde predominam movimentos de vertente de pequena magnitude, nem sempre originando recuo do alto da arriba. A plataforma rochosa de sopé, apresentou uma taxa de rebaixamento anual médio de 0,399 mm/ano, para uma faixa entre-marés inferior mais próxima do mar, e de 0,202 mm/ano para uma área nas proximidades da base da arriba.ABSTRACT There has been an increased interest in the research of coastal dynamics, particularly the evaluation of coastline retreat rates and the determination of active factors and of processes that control the coastline evolution. This dissertation aims to: characterize the geomorphology of the stretch Foz do Lizandro - Malhadinha (Ericeira); identify the factors and the processes of evolution of the elementary forms that compose the coastal global system of this area. The study was based primarily on field work, laboratory analysis, as well as land photographs and the comparison of aerial photographs and orthophotomaps. This rocky coast has two main systems: beach-cliff system and shore platform-cliff system. A discontinuous system was also identified in which the platform is either exposed or covered by sand. This study focused on: the identification and classification of the coastal stretch morphology; the lithology (including the rock nature and strength) and the geological structure; and the presence of slope deposits, analyzing its nature and some dimensional parameters. In detail, the different coastal systems demonstrate the action of evolutionary processes with different magnitudes, with emphasis on the relationship between marine processes and sub-areal processes and also the presence or absence of biological processes. The study of the evolution of the cliff was based on analysis of the deposits accumulated at the base of the cliff in order to understand which were the dominant processes (marine and/or sub-areal). The study of the shore platform was supported by the determination of the downwearing rates, using a TMEM, carried out between September 2007 and May 2009 and were carried out under the project BISHOP (PTDC/CTTE-GEX/70448/2006). Environmental data for this period was also analyzed. The results have identified some of the processes involved in the evolution of the shore platforms. It was not possible to quantify the rate of retreat of the coastline, but it was possible to conclude that is a cliff where landslides of small magnitude often occur, not always affecting the cliff top. The shore platform had a rate of downwearing of 0.399 mm/year in an intertidal zone closest to the sea, and 0.202 mm/year on an area near the base of the cliff

    Sodium butyrate in growing and fattening diets for early-weaned rabbits

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    [EN] To study the effect of adding coated sodium butyrate (SB) to growing-fattening rabbit diets, 2 trials were conducted. In trial 1, 180 rabbits were housed in pairs and fattened from 23 (weaning) to 63 d of age to evaluate their zootechnical performance. Trial 2 involved 30 rabbits, from 23 to 37 d of age and housed individually in digestibility cages, to evaluate digestibility, caecal fermentative activity and morphology of the intestinal mucosa. In both trials rabbits were randomly divided into 2 groups, each receiving one of the following diets: control diet [CTR, 360 g neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and 170 g crude protein (CP)/kg dry matter (DM)] and SB diet. The SB diet, similar to CTR diet, included coated SB at 5 g/kg by replacement of an identical quantity of wheat. In trial 1, after the first 2 wk, the SB content was reduced from 5 to 3 g/kg. In trial 2, faeces were collected over the last 6 d (32-37 d of age), with rabbits being slaughtered at 37 d of age. Gastric and caecal pH were measured and fermentative activity was determined in caecal contents. Three sections of the small intestine were excised from 20 rabbits (10 per treatment) for microscopic examination of intestinal villi and crypts in the proximal region, central region and distal region. In the first 2 wk after weaning, SB rabbits grew 8% less than their counterparts (P=0.002), but had a better feed conversion ratio (1.58 vs. 1.61; P=0.036). During the whole trial 1 period, SB improved feed conversion (P=0.005) and decreased feed intake (104.1 CTR vs. 98.8 g/d SB; P=0.017). No difference was recorded in daily weight gain (42.7 vs. 42.9 g/d). In both diets, the digestibility of DM, organic matter, energy, CP and NDF were similar. In the 3 intestinal regions of rabbits fed SB diet, crypts were deeper (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in villus height and width between treatments. Pectinase activity was higher (P=0.054) with SB diet, but cellulase and xylanase activity remained unaffected by diet. In our experimental conditions, the addition of SB allowed an improvement in feed conversion.Ribeiro, J.; Gaspar, S.; Pinho, M.; Freire, JPB.; Falcão-E-Cunha, L. (2012). Sodium butyrate in growing and fattening diets for early-weaned rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 20(4):199-207. doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1233SWORD19920720

    The effect of Nannochloropsis oceanica feed inclusion on rabbit muscle proteome

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    Nannochloropsis oceanica is a microalga, highly concentrated in protein and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). It has a recalcitrant cell wall that decreases nutrient digestibility. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of Nannochloropsis oceanica feed inclusion on the muscle proteome of fattening rabbits. Twenty rabbits were housed in individual cages for 5 weeks and were fed a control diet (n = 10) and one with 4.45% inclusion of microalga, replacing whole soybean meal (n = 10). After slaughter, samples of gastrocnemius muscle were taken for label-free proteomic analysis. A total of 1497 proteins were identified, 46 with differential abundance. Control rabbits had high abundance of proteins related to protein metabolism, suggesting higher muscle protein turnover. They also had higher abundance of structural proteins, suggesting a less tender meat by comparison with algae-fed rabbits. These had high abundance of proteins related to amino acid catabolism (Phe, Tyr) and synthesis (Gln). In addition, they had high abundance of proteins related to protein breakdown, overall suggesting that more tender meat may result from algae feedinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in rabbit feeding: a review

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    [EN] This review is focused on the most studied and developed substances which are commonly knownas alternatives to dietary antibiotics, particularly as far as rabbit feeds are concerned. After a reminder of thereason to be and success of antibiotic growth promoters, and why they lately came to be banned in the European Union, we successively deal with probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes and organic acids. Data on rabbitsare, as expected, quite scarce when compared to species such as pigs and poultry. Nevertheless, theavailable performance results are discussed together with the possible mechanisms of action. Special mentionis made of the effects of these substances on digestibility and caecal activity.Falcão-E-Cunha, L.; Castro-Solla, L.; Maertens, L.; Marounek, M.; Pinheiro, V.; Freire, J.; Mourão, JL. (2007). Alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in rabbit feeding: a review. World Rabbit Science. 15(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.597SWORD15

    In vitro analysis, an accurate tool to estimate dry matter digestibility in rabbits. Intra- and inter- laboratory variability

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    [EN] The aim of the present study was to determine the intra- and inter-laboratory variability of an enzymatic system of in vitro analysis for estimating dry matter (DM) digestibility in rabbits and validating the predicted nutritive value of 4 complete diets and 4 raw materials during three different periods of time. Chemical composition, DM digestibility and digestible energy (diets only) were known. In vitro DM digestibility (DMdinv) of all samples was determined by 4 laboratories (triplicate analysis) at different times with an interval of one month between analyses. DMdinv variability and chemical parameters were measured in terms of repeatability (SR: intra-series variability within each laboratory), reproducibility (SL: intra-series variability among laboratories) and reliability (SF: variability through time within each laboratory). Both the laboratory and sample affected DMdinv values (P<0.001). The period of time also had a significant effect (P=0.002) on mean DMdinv values (67.4, 66.8 and 67.0% for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd month, respectively). Significant laboratory x sample, time x laboratory and time x sample interaction effects were also observed. Repeatability, reproducibility and reliability values for the diets were better than those obtained for the raw materials (by 2.0, 1.9 and 2.4 times, respectively). Repeatability values were also better than the values obtained for reproducibility and reliability (by 2.2 and 3.6 times, respectively). Repeatability and reproducibility values were consistently worse for raw materials than for complete diets (by 1.5, 4, 2.9 and 1.3, 4.3, 2.8 times for SR and SL in period 1, period 2 and period 3, respectively), and were also worse in period 1 with respect to the other two periods (by 2.1 and 2.2 times for SR and SL, respectively). Finally, the in vitro method always showed better coefficients of variation of repeatability (CVR) and reproducibility (CVL) than those of the chemical parameters frequently used as predictors of dietary energy value (acid detergent fibre and crude fibre) (1.73 vs. 2.41 and 3.88 for CVR and 3.24 vs. 3.70 and 5.17 for CVL, respectively). In conclusion, the proposed in vitro methodology showed adequate repeatability and reproducibility, being suitable for predictive purposes.This research was supported by ERAFE project CE-FAIR (3-CT96-1651)Carabaño, R.; Nicodemus, N.; García, J.; Xiccato, G.; Trocino, A.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Falcão-E-Cunha, L.... (2008). In vitro analysis, an accurate tool to estimate dry matter digestibility in rabbits. Intra- and inter- laboratory variability. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.614SWORD16