62 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Weight Control Behaviors among Adolescent Girls

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    Dieting or weight control behaviors have become increasingly widespread among adolescents, particularly adolescent girls. Girls may engage in a range of weight control behaviors, from healthy, such as exercising and eating more fruit and vegetables, to unhealthy and extreme strategies including fasting, skipping meals, and taking diet pills. The purpose of this study was to systematically review existing literatures on the prevalence of weight control behaviors among adolescent girls in Western and non-Western countries. Studies were identified through a systematic search using PsycINFO, Google Scholar and secondary references. Thirty studies published between 1983 and 2016 in 10 countries were identified and divided into 3 groups of years, i.e. 1980-1999, 2000-2009 and 2010- 016. The findings across the three groups showed that: (a) the prevalence of weight control behaviors among adolescent girls was associated with weight status and weight perception; (b) exercising was the most frequently reported healthy strategy; (c) skipping meals, fasting, selfinduced vomiting, taking diet pills and using laxatives were the frequently reported unhealthy and extreme weight control behaviors. Implications for future research include conducting more studies on weight control behaviors among adolescents in different countries for designing prevention and intervention programs to combat the negative consequences of unhealthy and extreme behaviors

    Kesuksesan Karier Subjektif sebagai Identitas Karier Karyawan

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    Kesuksesan karier subjektif dipandang sebagai bidang utama yang diminati dan eksplorasi, baik di bidang akademik maupun praktik. Konteks karier modern lebih menekankan pada mobilitas dan ketidakpastian. Oleh karena itu, karyawan tidak lagi hanya mengandalkan organisasi untuk mencapai kesuksesan kariernya. Mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan menciptakan pilihan-pilihan karier mereka sendiri. Memahami kesuksesan karier subjektif adalah tugas penting bagi individu dan organisasi. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk melakukan telaah literatur yang relevan mengenai kesuksesan karier subjektif dan mengembangkan kerangka teoretis tentang konsep dan definisi kesuksesan karier subjektif, faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesuksesan karier subjektif, dampak dari kesuksesan karier subjektif dan peran identitas karier terhadap kesuksesan karier subjektif

    The Role of PERMA+4 in Increasing Happiness at Work in BUMN X

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    Prioritizing happiness at work is a phenomenon in every company. In the fast-paced digital era, work demands are getting higher, and workloads are always arriving. This makes companies and employees required to quickly and be ready to adapt. PT X is a BUMN that has a large responsibility and workload related to energy generation and distribution, where this is prone to making employees easily burn out and stressed. To prevent and reduce the impact of high job demands, PT X issued a PerDir to implement a life balance program that aims to increase employee Happiness at Work. PERMA+4 can be used as a framework in compiling programs to increase employee Happiness at Work. The aim is to increase Happiness at Work at PT X so that employees are better prepared to face all changes and are ready to contribute more to PT X. The Research & Development method is used to produce programs that are right on target and test the effectiveness of the program. The results of the research are that the Happiness at Work program with the PERMA framework makes it possible to increase employee happiness at work, where the program is in the form of four types of programs, namely two programs that are carried out in companies, and two programs that can be carried out independently. The subjects of this study were all employees at PT X.Memprioritaskan kebahagiaan dalam bekerja menjadi sebuah fenomena di setiap perusahaan. Di era digital yang serba cepat membuat tuntutan pekerjaan semakin tinggi dan workload yang selalu berdatangan. Hal tersebut membuat perusahaan dan karyawan dituntut untuk secara cepat dan siap beradaptasi. PT X merupakan BUMN yang memiliki tanggung jawab dan beban kerja yang besar terkait pembangkit dan distribusi energi, dimana hal tersebut rentan membuat pegawai menjadi mudah burnout dan stress. Untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak dari tuntutan pekerjaan yang tinggi, maka PT X mengeluarkan PerDir untuk menerapkan program keseimbangan hidup yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Happiness at Work pegawai. PERMA+4 dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah framework dalam menyusun program untuk meningkatkan Happiness at Work pegawai. Tujuan meningkatkan Happiness at Work pada PT X agar pegawai semakin siap untuk menghadapi segala perubahan dan siap berkontribusi lebih untuk PT X. Metode Research & Development digunakan untuk menghasilkan program-program yang tepat sasaran, dan menguji keefektifan program tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian adalah bahwa program Happiness at Work dengan framework PERMA memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan pegawai dalam bekerja, dimana program tersebut berupa empat jenis program yaitu dua program yang dilakukan di perusahaan, dan dua program yang dapat dilakukan secara mandiri. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai pada PT X

    Measuring Career Well-Being on Working Mothers: Adaptation of Well-Being at Work Scale

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    Abstract This research aimed to conduct the adaptation and validation of the Well-Being at Work Scale (WBWS) in order to ready it for implementation as the instrument to measure career well-being on working mothers as respondents in Indonesia. The career well-being approach was based on the concept of general well-being which included affective and cognitive components. The respondents were mothers working full-time in the formal sector and had fulfilled the requirement of several pre-determined criteria. The collected research data was analyzed with the confirmatory factor analysis in order to obtain instrument reliability and validity. Based on the analysis, results were obtained that the WBWS model adaptated had fulfilled the goodness-of-fit criteria, meaning that there was compatibility between the developed model and the empirical data. Furthermore, this research was hoped to provide contribution in the measurement and development of research of career well-being on working mothers.

    The psychometric properties of parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire-short form in Indonesia

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    Parenting style was a set of parental attitude and behavior communicated by parents to children, forming an emotional climate condition used by parents to raise children. The study on parenting style had been conducted for a long time, but measurement of parenting style in Indonesia was still experiencing problem due to lack of sufficient and proper instrument, despite the monumental need for a valid and reliable instrument. The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire-short form (PSDQ-SF). The instrument comprises 32 items (12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and five questions regarding the permissive style). The research sample consisted of 169 mothers with children of 5-7 years of age. Research was conducted in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia. Structural equation modelling (SEM) with LISREL 9.20 was utilized as the data analysis technique. Data analysis results by CFA second order showed that construct validity testing fulfilled the minimum criteria, with the factor loading range of 0.51-0.99. The reliability score’s Cronbach’s alpha also fulfilled the requirement, including the authoritative parenting style 0.86; the authoritarian parenting style 0.76 and the permissive authoritarian parenting style 0.67. These findings support the PSDQ-SF original structure. The results showed that the adaptation of PSDQ-SF in Indonesia was valid and reliable to use in measurement of parenting styles of parents of children of 5-7 years of age in Indonesia

    Middle Manager’s Commitment to Change: a Qualitative Study

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    AbstractIn times of change, it is very important for middle managers to commit to change because middle managers have a strategic role in the formulation and implementation of change. This study aims to explore the middle manager’s commitment to change at the beginning of the change period and one year after the initiation of change. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach and the longitudinal method. Data was taken using semi-structured interviews at nine middle managers. The result shows three main themes: (1) Middle managers' initial commitment to change is influenced by their views on the importance of change and middle managers experience at the beginning of change, (2) there is a change in commitment to change after one year of organizational change, (3) factors that are influenced change in middle manager’s commitment to changes. The findings in this study are expected to be a meaningful contribution to understanding the commitment to change among middle managers.Keywords: Organizational changes, agents of changes, qualitative study

    Authentic Followership: Criticism of the Authentic Followership Models

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    Scholars have begun to shift their focus from leadership to followership. The results of several studies indicate that followership has several positive impacts. One type of followership that exists is authentic followership. Several scholars have created several authentic followership models that have been published in journals. In this paper, we will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing authentic followership models. The method used in this paper is by conducting a scoping review to answer the research objectives. Scoping review is a method for synthesizing and categorizing research results based on the literature review that has been carried out. Furthermore, the analysis used in this scoping review is thematic analysis. As a result, each authentic followership model has its own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, based on the perspective of the underlying theory, the three existing authentic followership models can be divided into two perspectives. The two perspectives are state and trait perspectives. This paper will also discuss the criticism of the state and trait perspectives. The practical implication of this paper is that there is a need to develop an authentic followership model based on the results of existing research

    Organizational Communication and Job Insecurity with Work Centrality as a Moderator: A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic to Tourism Industry

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    The economic impact of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has left many workers to be laid off. It psychologically caused those with jobs to feel insecure, which is known to affect individuals and organizations negatively. Drawing from Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) theoretical framework, this study examined the correlation of organizational communication and job insecurity among workers during the COVID-19 pandemic with the moderating role of work centrality. Data were collected from 271 tourism workers in Bali through the purposive sampling technique. The result showed the negative correlation of organization communication towards job insecurity of tourism workers in Bali. The negative correlation between organizational communication and job insecurity became stronger for Balinese tourism workers with high work centrality than workers with lower work centrality. Accordingly, organizations should make a greater effort to communicate with workers about the organization’s stability during the COVID-19 pandemic to attenuate workers’ job insecurity

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II in Indonesian Women Leaders

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    This study aimed to examine the 16 items of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II) psychometric traits among women holding corporate leadership positions in Indonesia. It used quantitative methods and was conducted on 181 women in various management positions. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to analyze the PGIS-II instrument factorial validity comprising four dimensions and to determine the factor structure suitability. Furthermore, internal reliability and convergent validity were analyzed from the total and subscale scores. The results showed that the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) matched scores with different ranges. PGIS-II's internal reliability indicated the intentional planning dimensions and behavior that require modifying the items’ measurement and analysis. In terms of validity, the Intentional Behavior (IB2) indicator does not meet the standard loading factor (SLF). However, these findings suggest that the PGIS-II scale could be used to study female figures in Indonesia
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