38 research outputs found


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    Provinsi Jawa Barat terdiri dari beberapa kabupaten dan kota yang memiliki daya tarik wisata alam, salah satunya adalah Kabupaten Subang. Capolaga Adventure Camp atau yang sekarang lebih dikenal dengan nama Wisata Alam Capolaga. fasilitas – fasilitas dan kegiatan atraksi yang dimiliki Wisata alam capolaga tersebut dalam keadaan kurang terawat dan terkesan seadanya selain itu Fasilitas – fasilitas dan atraksi wisata yang dimiliki saat ini tidak dapat mendukung aktifitas wisata di kawasan Wisata Alam Capolaga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi daya tarik wisata yang dimiliki Wisata Alam Capolaga dan memberikan strategi pengembangan di tempat tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan cara wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah SWOT. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi yang sesuai adalah strategi turn around yaitu strategi yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan (weakness) dengan cara mengambil keuntungan peluang (Opportunity) yang ada. Saran untuk pihak pengelola Wisata Alam Capolaga yaitu membangun atraksi wisata dengan keunikan tersendiri, memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana serta lebih aktif lagi dalam mempromosikan Wisata Alam Capolaga.;---West Java Province consists of several districts and cities that have natural attractions, one of which is the Subang district. Capolaga Adventure Camp or are now better known by the name of Wisata Alam Capolaga. facilities and activities Wisata Alam Capolaga has is in a state of less manicured and impressed roughing besides facilities and tourist attractions has currently unable to support tourism activities in the area of Alam Wisata Capolaga. This research purposes of study to determine the potential tourist attraction owned by Wisata Alam Capolaga and give the place development strategies. The method used is to use a descriptive study with qualitative approach. Researchers collected data by face to face and interact with peoples in the study. The data analysis technique used is SWOT. These results indicate that the appropriate strategy is the turn around strategy is a strategy that aims to improve the weakness (weakness) by taking advantage opportunities (Opportunity) that exist. Suggestions to the manager of Wisata Alam Capolaga of building tourist attraction with unique characteristics, improve infrastructure and be more active in promoting Wisata Alam Capolaga

    Fuzzy Inference System Tsukamoto–Decision Tree C 4.5 in Predicting the Amount of Roof Tile Production in Kebumen

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    Tile is a product that is in great demand by many people. This has become a trigger for producers to improve their management. The company's tile production management is still experiencing problems, namely frequent miscalculations in determining the agreement that must be issued in making tile production from customer requests. One of the efforts made is to predict the production that can be done to get the optimal amount obtained, to get a big profit. In this study, to obtain a prediction of the amount of tile production, computerized calculations were carried out using the Tsukamoto fuzzy logic method. This method uses the concept of rules from the C 4.5 decision tree in the building to make it easier to determine the rules that are built without having to consult an expert because C 4.5 will study existing datasets to serve as a reference in forming these rules according to conditions that often occur. The modeling results produce relevant rules after being compared with the actual results. The results of the comparison of predictions with actual production have an error percentage of 29.34%, with a truth of 70.66% (based on the calculation of the Average Forecasting Error Rate (AFER)). Therefore when implemented in the Tsukamoto Fuzzy Inference System it can produce predictions of tile production that are quite optimum. It is said to be quite optimum because all customer requests are met, either generated by the production prediction itself or the prediction results are added up with inventory data, and all predictions are close to actual production

    Pengaruh Promosi dan Distribusi Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT Tiga Serangkai Internasional Cabang Bandung

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    The objectives of the research are to know the responses about promotion, distribution, customer satisfaction, and customer trust, also to analyze the influence of promotion and distribution to customer satisfaction and its implication on customer trust. The population in this study is PT. Tiga Serangkai International in the reater Bandung Region. The research method used in this research is descriptive and verification research method with a sample size of 90 respondents, data collection by interview using a questionnaire, observation and literature. Sampling technique using the "Disproportionate Starfied Random Sampling" method. Data analysis method used is path analysis. The results showed that promotion and distribution simultaneously influence customer satisfaction, partially promotion and distribution have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Promotion gives an influence on customer satisfaction by 16%, while distribution gives an effect of 75.9%. The contribution of promotion and distribution variables to customer satisfaction is 73.7%, the remaining 26.3% is the contribution of the variables not included in the stud


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    After the shares were introduced to the public by the underpricing company (IPO), the problem lies in the closing price on the first day which tends to be higher than the initial offering price. Various factors can influence the occurrence of underpricing, both external and internal, that occurs in Islamic stocks. This study examines more about the influence of financial and non-financial variables on underpricing shares, especially in Islamic stocks. The population used includes, among others, listed companies on the IDX with a sample of issuers that went public from 2015 to 2019. Data analysis in this study used multiple regression. The results of the study prove that block holders in a company have an effect on the level of underpricing. Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) have an effect on the underpricing variable. Return on Asset (ROA) harms the underpricing variable. There is an effect of the current ratio value on underpricing. Firm size has an effect on underpricing. Company age (firm age) has an effect on the underpricing variable. JEL: D53; E44; G10 Article visualizations

    The Existence of Consumer Protection in the Perspective of Cyber Law in Indonesia

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    The subject matter of this research is about how consumer protection is regulated in cyber law in Indonesia. Legal protection of consumers in buying and selling transactions through electronic media is regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. The type of research used in this research is library research with a normative basis. While the approach used by the author is the statute approach so that the primary source of material is obtained from statutory literature, minutes or official records in making legislation, and judges' decisions. The research results show: First, the need to create a consumer protection system that contains elements of legal certainty. Second, legal protection for consumers in buying and selling transactions through electronic media consists of two concepts of legal protection, namely preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection.Keywords: Legal Protection, Consumers; Electronic buying and selling transaction


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    This study is performed to examine the effect of cash ratio, debt to equity ratio, profitability, and sales growth toward dividend payout ratio to impact company value. The objective of this study is to scale and analyze the effect of the company financial ratios performance (cash ratio, debt to equity ratio, profitability and sales growth) toward DPR to impact company value in manufacturing industry over period 2010-2014. Sampling technique used here is purposive sampling. The data is obtained based on Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). It is gained sample amount of 15 data. The analysis technique used here is multiple regression with the least square difference and hypothesis test using t-statistic to examine partial regression coefficient and f-statistic to examine the mean of mutual effect with level of significance 5%. In addition, classical assumption is also performed including normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test. During 2010-2014 period show as deviation has not founded this indicate clasiccal assumption that the available data has fulfill the condition to use multilinier regression model. Empirical evidence show profitability to have influence toward DPR at level of significance less than 5%, profitability and DPR have influence toward company value at level of significance less than 5%

    Penerapan Teori Graf Pada Jaringan Komputer Dengan Algoritma Kruskal

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    Graph theory a branch of mathematics that studies graphs of a problem that arises. Problems related to graph theory include electricity grid planning, water networks, computer networks and so on. In this graph theory, many of the methods studied include Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). This MST method is used to determine a minimum of a graph.  In this MST there is an algorithm which is a kruskal algorithm. This kruskal algorithm is used to determine the shortest distance or minimum tree of a graph. The author conducted several trials related to the algorithm to be used. The author also conducts literature studies to determine the existing problems. In this study, choosing graph theory on a computer network with the algorithm used is the kruskal algorithm. In this study the authors conducted several stages such as hypotheses, trials and results. The results of this study are graph theory can be applied to computer networks, the number of devices needed can be known and in this experiment the algorithm gives a very maximum total used

    Implementation Segmentation of Color Image with Detection of Color to Detect Object

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    Detection of objects in an image 2 dimensional is a process which is quite complex to do. Object detection required a computer vision approach to the desired part of the object can be recognizable computer accurately. The method in this research using waterfall method. This research will describe the application of color segmentation method with the color detection of a digital image to produce image segment object in the form of blob so that the computer can be detected. The object detection process will process the resulting color segment by the process of segmentation so that can know the number of detected objects, the area and the center of the object. This application can take pictures with laptop or notebook webcam. The result of color segmentation based on color detection is strongly influenced by color samples and color tolerance values to which the segmentation process is based. Lighting, location, texture, and contour of objects or background image will greatly affect the results of segmentation and object detection

    WACANA ISU NASIONAL JEPANG DALAM PIDATO KEBIJAKAN SHINZO ABE DI RAPAT MAJELIS KE-195 (Analisis Wacana Kritis Model Teun A. van Dijk) 安倍晋三の演説「国難『第百九十五回国会における安倍内閣総理大臣所信表明演説』における批判的談話分析」

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    ABSTRACT Insani, Fajar Pandu Mahardika. 2020. “Discourse on Japanese National Issue in Policy Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the 195th Session of the Diet: Critical Discourse Analysis Teun A. van Dijk Model”. Thesis, Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University. The Advisor: Lina Rosliana, S.S, M.Hum. Speech is a way of expressing ideas in the form of words or discourse that is prepared to be spoken in front of the audience. Speech contains a message that is tailored to the situation when the orator delivers the speech. In addition to the message to be conveyed, the ideology and thoughts of an orator are also reflected in his speech. Therefore, an orator must have expertise in delivering his speech. This research is aims to determine the purpose and background of the Shinzo Abe Policy Speech at the 195th Session of Diet. The speech was delivered by Abe after he was re-elected as Prime Minister of Japan after the general election on October 22, 2017. Researcher used the critical discourse analysis of Teun A. van Dijk's model to dissect the ideology contained in the speech. This discourse model does not only focus on text analysis alone, but also on social cognition and social context. Based on the results of this research, it can be interpreted implicit meanings in the text through linguistic elements. Then, through cognitive analysis and social context can be found the facts underlying the making of the speech text. The fact that becomes a social context is the life history and career of Shinzo Abe as a Japanese politician and prime minister. Meanwhile, Japan's long-standing national issues became the social context in the national crisis discourse conveyed by Abe. Keywords : Speech, Critical Dicourse Analysis of Van Dijk, Shinzo Abe, National Issu