737 research outputs found


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    This study aims to show the protest Against the Stereotypes of Muslim as terrorist in Karan Joharā€™s My Name is Khan Movie by using sociological approach. It is done by establishing two parts, the first is analyzing the movie based on its structural elements and the second is analyzing the movie based on the sociology of literature. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The benefits of this study are to give in the application of Sociological approach in literary study. The primary data is taken from the video and script of My Name is Khan Movie, while the secondary data is taken from book and the information related to theory of sociology. The method of collecting data is library research. The technique of analyzing data is descriptive. The outcome of the study shows that based on the structural analysis itā€™s apparent that in My Name is Khan Movie, Karan Johar conveys a moral message that Muslim is not a terrorist. Based on the sociological analysis, it is evident that in this movie, Karan Johar reflects the social realities of the America society, namely social, political, economic, cultural, science and technology, and religion aspects


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    Abstrak Orangtua merupakan pengambilan peran utama dalam mengasuh anak-anaknya. Terutama kedekatan anak terhadap ibu, karena ibulah yang mengandung, melahirkan, dan menyusui. Pengasuhan untuk pembentukan kepribadian anak yang baik adalah dimana orangtua tetap memprioritaskan kepentingan anak, akan tetapi orangtua juga mengendalikan anak. Cara pengasuhan orangtua yang bekerja dan tidak bekerja juga akan berbeda. Demikian juga dengan pengasuhan orang tua yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang tinggi maupun latar belakang pendidikan yang rendah. Pengasuhan yang diterapkan didalam suatu keluarga juga berkaitan dengan jenis pekerjaan kedua orangtua.Sifat atau tingkahlaku anak antara anak yang benar-benar diasuh langsung oleh keluarga inti (ayah dan ibu), dengan anak yang diasuh oleh keluarga luar inti misalnya diasuh oleh keluarga lain seperti kakek dan nenek dikarenakan kedua orangtuanya sibuk bekerja di luar negeri. Masyarakat di Desa Suwari Kecamatan Sangkapura Kabupaten Gresik memiliki kemampuan ekonomi yang berbeda. Hal ini terlihat dari sumber mata pencaharian masyarakat yang berbeda-beda pula, ada yang bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan, petani, pedagang, wirausaha, Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), dan bermata pencaharian sebagai Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan konstruksi sosial. Dimana konstruksi sosial menurut Berger menjelaskan betapa realitas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari telah memberikan ingatan, kesadaran, dan pengetahuan yang membimbing tindakan pada sesuatu yang dianggap wajar. Indikasi seperti ini menerangkan bahwa makna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak akan ada tanpa interaksi dan komunikasi dengan orang lain. Kata Kunci: Pengasuhan orangtua, Keluarga TKI, Sosialisasi anak.   Abstract Parents are taking a leading role in caring for their children. Especially the proximity of the child to the mother, because the mother who is pregnant, give birth, and breastfeeding. Parenting for the establishment of a good child's personality is one where the parents continue to prioritize the interests of the child, but parents also control the child. Way of parenting that works and does not work well would be different. Likewise, the care of parents who have high educational background and low educational background. Parenting that is applied in a family is also related to the type of work both parents. The nature or behavior of a child between children who really cared for directly by the nuclear family (father and mother), the child who was raised by a family outside the nucleus, for example cared for by another family like grandparents because both parents are busy working abroad. Rural communities in the District Suwari Sangkapura Gresik has a different economic capabilities. This can be seen from the livelihoods of different anyway, there are fishermen, farmers, traders, entrepreneurs, civil servants (PNS), and livelihood as Indonesian Workers (TKI). This study will use the social construction approach. Where the social construction of reality by Berger explains how the everyday life has given memory, awareness, and knowledge to guide action on something that is considered reasonable. Such indications explain that meaning in everyday life would not exist without interaction and communication with others. Keywords: Parental care, TKI‘s family, socialization of children

    Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Muslim Papua Melalui Inklusi Keuangan (Studi Pada BMT KUM 3 dan BMT Al-Hijrah)

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of the inclusion program by BMTs in Sorong (BMT Al-Hijrah and BMT KUM 3) to alleviate poverty in the Papuan Muslim community. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The technique for collecting data is the interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study are BMT KUM 3 and BMT Al-Hijrah have implemented financial inclusion programs to alleviate poverty in the Papuan Muslim community. In addition, the efforts that have been made by the two BMTs are by providing easy access for the poor to reach, besides that the two BMTs provide pick-up services, as well as facilitating the requirements for collection and financing products, and provide fast ones. The obstacles BMT KUM 3 and Al-Hijrah face are, First, internal factors, namely the lack of human resources, and external factors, namely customers do not have collateral. Second, from the perception of the Papuan Muslim community who are not familiar with BMT and feel the need for financial services provided by BMT


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    Balita usia 1-3 tahun seharusnya sudah menerima toilet training, namun kenyataannya masih ada orang tua yang belum mengajarkan sehingga balita belum bisa mengontrol BAK dan BAB. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan toilet training anak usia 1-3 tahun di Wilayah Rungkut Menanggal RT 01 RW 02 Surabaya. Desain penelitian analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah semua ibu yang memiliki anak usia 1-3 tahun sebanyak 51 responden. Sampling yang digunakan probability sampling teknik Simple Random Sampling dengan 45 responden.Variabel Independent yaitu pola asuh orang tua dan variabel dependent yaitu toilet training. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner data di uji dengan menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan a = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 45 responden yang mampu melakukan toilet training dengan pola asuh demokratis hampir seluruhnya (83,3 %), pola asuh otoriter sebagian besar (54,5%), pola asuh permisif sebagian besar (54,5%), serta pola asuh campuran hampir seluruhnya (90,9%) tidak mampu melakukan toilet training dengan hasil uji 0,005 maka p < a hal ini berarti H0 ditolak artinya ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan toilet training anak usia 1-3 tahun di Wilayah Rungkut Menanggal RT 01 RW 02 Surabaya Simpulan penelitian ini pola asuh demokratis membuat anak mampu melakukan toilet training. Maka diharapkan orang tua tetap mempertahankan dan mengajarkan pola asuh demokrati

    Pengembangan Multimedia sebagai Media Pembelajaran Myob pada Smk Nu 01 Kendal

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    Proses belajar mengajar di SMK NU 01 Kendal khususnya pada Kelas XI Akuntansi masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan cara mendengarkan apa yang dijelaskan oleh guru pengajar melalui buku paket, dan baru kemudian mempraktikannya. Sehingga materi yang disampaikan oleh guru pengajar kurang maksimal untuk dipahami oleh murid-murid. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan penulis adalah menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development dalam pengembangan multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran Myob pada SMK NU 01 Kendal untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan sekaligus menguji efektifitas produk tersebut. Dalam perancangan ini, penulis menggunakan bahasa pemograman Flash, dengan database menggunakan MySQL, dan PHP. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran lama ke media pembelajaran baru yang lebih moderen, yaitu menggunakan multimedia interaktif, yaitu menyediakan berbagai fasilitas pembelajaran dengan menyajikan materi dengan video interaktif yang dilengkapi dengan latihan soal serta tampilan yang dibuat dengan animasi agar lebih menarik sehingga penggunaannya lebih mudah, efisien, dan efektif serta berinteraktif dengan mengklik tombol-tombol yang sudah disediakan

    Intelligent Energy Management in Residential Building

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    Residential building has high consumption of energy especially electrical energy. This motivates researchers to work on how to improve residential building energy efficiency. However, the improvement of energy efficiency in a building is difficult to be done for the whole building at a time. Some of the difficulty is the inefficient of energy management system in the building, but the biggest contribution to the deficiency is that there is no optimal algorithm which is suitable to the facilities in the building. An intelligent energy management system has been proposed in this paper to address this problem which include the integrated optimal control system consists of an occupancy sensor network and adaptive dynamic programming algorithm. To increase accuracy and avoid faults in available sensor technology, multiple sensors are being used in this project including passive infra-red sensors, Ultrasonic sensors and Carbon Dioxide concentration sensors have been installed to set up a hybrid occupancy detection sensor network. It is very critical to control and optimization for complex systems such as the system constituted by all electromechanical systems in a building. It learns from environment of a building and generates a series of optimal control strategies to preserve human comfort and improve energy efficiency in low cost


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    Abstrak:Penelitian ini didasarkan pada rendahnya keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada saat pembelajaran berlangsung. Materi yang disampaikan masih bersifat konvesional tanpa mendapatkan informasi atau materi yang aktual dan pembelajaran didominasi oleh guru, sehingga pembelajaran berpusat pada guru. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin melakukan perubahan pada sekolah tersebut. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru dan siswa, mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis melalui model pembelajaran discovery pada pembelajaran IPS dan mengetahui respon siswa setelah guru menerapkan model pembelajaran discovery. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan menggunakan teknik analisis diskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitaif. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua siklus, yang tiap siklusnya terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan tindakan, tahap pengamatan, dan tahap refleksi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan pada tiga siklus. Hal ini terbukti pada saat pembelajaran tiap siklusnya selalu memperoleh hasil yang meningkat. Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran discovery,keterampilan berpikir kritis, IPS. Ā  Ā  Abstract: This research was based on studentsā€™ lack of critical thinking skills when learning activity takes place. Due to the nature of the material that presented was too conventional without getting the information or the actual material and learning dominated by the teacher, so it made teacher centered learning. There for, researcher wants to make at the school. InĀ orderĀ toĀ determine the activity of teachers and students renovation, to know increased studentsā€™ critical thinking skills through discovery learning model on social studies learning and to know the students response after the teacher applied discovery learning model. This researh used classroom action research using qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The research was conducted during three cycle,Ā  each consisted of phases such as planing, action implementation, observation and reflection. This research revealed an incerase in teacher activity after applying the three cycle. This was proved during each cycle of learning, always obtain incerased results. Keywords:Discovery learning model, critical thingking skills, social studies


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    Interferensi bahasa merupakan penyimpangan bahasa yang terjadi dalam tuturan dwibahasawan akibat dari pengenalan bahasa dan pengaruh bahasa lain yang diterima oleh individu. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya interferensi bahasa adalah kedwibahasaan dan kontak bahasa. Kedwibahasaan adalah kemampuan seorang individu yang dapat menguasai dua bahasa karena pengenalan bahasa yang telah dipelajari. Kontak bahasa adalah penggunaan dua bahasa secara bergantian yang terjadi dalam peristiwa tutur atau komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk interferensi bahasa sesuai bidang bahasa berdasarkan kajian sosiolinguistik dalam novel ā€œOurā€ karya Adrindia Ryandisza. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif sehingga metode yang digunakan adalah analisis sosiolinguistik. Pemerolehan data dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 66 data mengenai bentuk-bentuk interferensi yang terdapat dalam novel ā€œOursā€ karya Adrindia Ryandisza, data tersebut terdiri dari: dua bentuk interferensi yakni interferensi ujaran dan interferensi bahasa


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    The study aims at describing the effectiveness of the use of film media in learning to write short story of class VII students at SMPN 34 Makassar. The study is an experimental true design with posttest-only control design. The study was conducted at SMPN 34 Makassar. The populations of the study were 292 students of class VII. The samples were taken by employing simple random sampling and obtained class VII1 as the experiment class and class VII3 as the control class. Data collections were then analyzed using descriptive statistic analysis an inferential statistics analysis. The results of the study indicated that studentsā€™ ability at the experiment class that wrote short story by employing film media showed extremely sufficient result. Students who were able to abtain above the set KKM was 83,3% or 25 students, and students who obtained below the set KKM was 16,7% or 5 students. On the other hand, studentsā€™ ability at the control class that wrote short story by employing conventional media (pictures) showed sufficient result. Students who were able to abtain above the set KKM was 54,8% or 17 students, and students who obtained below the set KKM was 45,2% or 14 students. So, the results indicated that the use of film media is effective to be used in learning to write short story proved by the hypothesis test which used inferential statistic of independent sample test obtained the t score by 4,405 with the independent degree 59 at the level of significant p= 0,000 because Ī± = 0,05 &gt; p = 0,000 so H0 hypothesis was rejected and H1 hypothesis was accepted. Suggestions based on the study are teachers should use variation, one of the examples is by using film media in learning to write short story. Students should be active to learn how to write and should have more practices in writing short story. Students should be active to learn how to write and should have more practices in writing short story. The researches should use this research as a reference to conduct further study with different learning strategy to obtain alternative of learning strategies


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    The study aims at describing the effectiveness of the use of film media in learning to write short story of class VII students at SMPN 34 Makassar. The study is an experimental true design with posttest-only control design. The study was conducted at SMPN 34 Makassar. The populations of the study were 292 students of class VII. The samples were taken by employing simple random sampling and obtained class VII1 as the experiment class and class VII3 as the control class. Data collections were then analyzed using descriptive statistic analysis an inferential statistics analysis. The results of the study indicated that studentsā€™ ability at the experiment class that wrote short story by employing film media showed extremely sufficient result. Students who were able to abtain above the set KKM was 83,3% or 25 students, and students who obtained below the set KKM was 16,7% or 5 students. On the other hand, studentsā€™ ability at the control class that wrote short story by employing conventional media (pictures) showed sufficient result. Students who were able to abtain above the set KKM was 54,8% or 17 students, and students who obtained below the set KKM was 45,2% or 14 students. So, the results indicated that the use of film media is effective to be used in learning to write short story proved by the hypothesis test which used inferential statistic of independent sample test obtained the t score by 4,405 with the independent degree 59 at the level of significant p= 0,000 because Ī± = 0,05 &gt; p = 0,000 so H0 hypothesis was rejected and H1 hypothesis was accepted. Suggestions based on the study are teachers should use variation, one of the examples is by using film media in learning to write short story. Students should be active to learn how to write and should have more practices in writing short story. Students should be active to learn how to write and should have more practices in writing short story. The researches should use this research as a reference to conduct further study with different learning strategy to obtain alternative of learning strategies
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