49 research outputs found

    Metapragmatics Instructions in Leveraging English Proficiency on Apology

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    This study endeavors to investigate the effects of metapragmatic instructions: role play and elicited conversation negotiated feedback (RP+NF, EC+NF) embedded in Task-Supported Language Instruction (TSLI) on the students’ apology strategy. We used a laboratory-based research design encompassing 75 fifth-semester students of economics major taking English business for international communication in higher educational level. Those students were randomly assigned into one control group and two experimental groups. We utilized a mixed-design repeated measure analysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) to gauge the students’ apology proficiency explicated in a two-test design i.e., apology judgment test (AJT) and apology oral test (AOT) in a three test sessions (pre-, post-, and delayed test). The finding reveals that there is a significant difference between among groups in which both experimental groups outperform the control group in post and delayed tests. Also, a significant increase is explicated in both experimental groups from pre to post test, but not in the control group. While RP+NF provides the most robust of all and stimulates a long term effects with big effect sizes on both test designs, EC+NF fails to provide a long term effect in AOT. Keywords: Apology Strategy, Corrective Feedback, Elicited Conversation, Metapragmatic Instructions, Role Pla


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    ABSTRACTThis study endeavors to reinvigorate the concept of critical digital literacy within the framework of English language teaching in Indonesia. Employing a desk study methodology, a nexus analysis was conducted, encompassing theoretical frameworks, empirical research, political-ideological considerations, governmental and global institutional policies, and pedagogical possibilities related to the integration of critical digital literacy with digital technology in education. The data analysis involves the systematic deconstruction and synthesis of existing literature frameworks to establish emergent categories. These categories were subsequently thematized into a model, serving as a heuristic framework that spans the multifaceted domains of digital text, digital reader, digital task, and digital values. The framework underscores the imperative to prioritize human transformation and empowerment over a sole focus on digital technology utilization. It emphasizes the collaborative efforts required among stakeholders in English language teaching practices.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berupaya untuk menyegarkan kembali konsep literasi digital kritis dalam kerangka pengajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Dengan menerapkan metodologi desk study, analisis nexus diterapkan dengan menggabungkan kerangka teoritis, penelitian empiris, pertimbangan politik-ideologis, kebijakan pemerintah dan lembaga global, serta peluang-peluang pedagogis terkait integrasi literasi digital kritis dengan teknologi digital dalam pendidikan. Analisis data melibatkan dekonstruksi sistematis dan sintesis terkait dengan kerangka literatur yang ada untuk membentuk kategori-kategori yang muncul. Dari kategori-kategori tersebut kemudian di bentuk menjadi tema yang kemudian dikembangkan sebuah model yang berfungsi sebagai kerangka heuristik yang mencakup domain-domain beraneka bentuk, seperti teks digital, pembaca digital, tugas digital, dan nilai-nilai digital. Kerangka ini menekankan pentingnya untuk memberikan prioritas pada transformasi dan pemberdayaan manusia dibandingkan dengan fokus semata-mata pada pemanfaatan teknologi digital. Penekanan diberikan pada upaya kolaboratif yang diperlukan di antara para pemangku kepentingan dalam praktik pengajaran bahasa Inggris.How to Cite: Fadilah, E. (2023). A Multifaceted Framework for Critical Digital literacy in Transforming Human Resources. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 10(2), 463-486. doi:10.15408/ijee.v10i2.32036

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Melalui Teknik Think Pair Share Di SMA Negeri 2 Ketapang

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    : This research aimed at improving the students\u27 learning outcomes, at which it focused on an ability to both identify financial statement and overcome students\u27 learning difficulty in implementing the financial statement of commercial enterprise at accounting. The study was taken to the twelfth grade students at State Senior High School No 2 in Ketapang Regency . Besides, the researcher did it into 3 cycles. The procedures of the cycles consists of (1) Planning, (2) Implementation, (3) Observation (4) Reflection.The study result showed that the cooperative learning with the think pair share technique was significantly more effective to improve the students\u27 low mark and learning outcomes of the twelfth grade students at State Senior High School No 2 in Ketapang Regency\u27 response concerned with the cooperative learning with the think pair share technique about the financial statement of the commercial enterprise was about 80 percents stated easier to remember, about 86 percents stated understandable, about 75 percents stated pleased to the concept financial statement of the commercial enterprise and there were about 88 percents of the students

    Persepsi Masyarakat Kelurahan Seketeng Terhadap Tugas Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumbawa Dalam Penyebaran Informasi Pemerintahan Melalui Media Sosial

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    Perkembangan  media  sosial dimanfaatkan oleh humas pemda Kabupaten Sumbawa  untuk  memaksimalkan penyebaran informasi terkait pemerintahan. namun jumlah like pada setiap postingan hanya berkisar 20 hingga 30 like.penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Kelurahan Seketeng terhadap Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Sumbawa dalam penyebaran informasi pemerintahan melalui akun media sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap humas pemda Kabupaten Sumbawa dalam penyebaran informasi pemerintahan melalui akun media sosial cenderung positif dengan beberapa harapan dan kritikan yang diharapkan dapat membangun dari masyarakat untuk humas pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa


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    Periklanan merupakan salah satu bentuk informasi yang menyampaikan pesan suatu produk atau jasa. Informasi iniditujukanuntuk umum. Lebih jauhlagi, iklandapat mempengaruhikeinginandanpikiranorang tentang produk atau layanan yang kemudian membujuk mereka untuk menjadi konsumen. Studi penelitian ini menggunakan dua iklan yaitu IklanDolce & Gabbana diMajalahElle edisiMei 2020. Kedua iklantersebut adalahDolce & Gabbana Millenialskin On-The-Glow Tinted Moisturizer dan Dolce & Gabbana Passioneyes Intense Volume Mascara. Kedua produk ini memiliki banyak makna simbolis. Melalui analisis penelitian ini, tanda-tanda visual dan frasa verbal berpengaruh membangun representasi makna simbolik. Dalam memahami makna, peneliti menggunakan teori semiotik dari Ferdinand de Saussure dan Rolland Barthes, serta struktur iklan menurut teori Leech. Teori-teori tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui makna simbol yang terkandung dalam iklan dan bagaimana merepresentasikan citra perempuan


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    The present study aims to investigate direct and indirect factors affecting willingness to communicate (WTC) in L2 by using Facebook. Second semester English students (n=156) from private and state universities in three cities in Indonesia; Surabaya, Bali, and Malang participated in this study. A set of questionnaire with a 5-point Likert-scale encompassing students’ perception, motivation, communicative selfconfidence (CSC), and Willingness to Communicate (L2 WTC) was used to collect the data. The data were then analyzed using a software package, AMOS 20, to gauge the magnitude of the factors affecting L2 WTC by using FB platform. The finding reveals that there are considerable effects on perception and motivation mediated by communicative self-confidence to WTC. While, communicative self-confidence shows the strongest predictor on L2 WTC


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    In the age of the 5.0 society era, a teacher's job description should include lifelong learners, learning leaders, instructors of learning resources, network builders, and communication facilitators. This study are to identify the difficulties that the 5.0 society era poses and present a heutagogical approach to teacher preparation and an overview of the implementation process. To achieve the goals, a thorough analysis of the literature was conducted. The findings showed that training programmes using a heutagogical approach should be taken into account because it is a self-determined learning process, and its implementation steps include enhancing digital literacy, developing a full and trustworthy learning management system platform, and implementing heutagogical teacher training. It is envisaged that heutagogy can be a substitute method of teacher preparation to create instructors who are ready for the learning difficulties of the society era 5.0.


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    Identification of potential hazards and risk assessments are part of the occupational safety and health program in the risk management stage, which is conducted in an effort to prevent work accidents and occupational illness. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential hazard in PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk Sanitary division and analyze the root cause and give suggestion of improvement. Location and time of observation is PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk in April until May 2017. Object of observation is potential danger in section Slip Preparing PT Surya Toto Indonesi Tbk. The methods used by the researchers are HIRARC and FTA. The identification of potential hazards and risk assessments undertaken by researchers together with experts, which in this case are OSH officers and local supervisors, resulted in 25 different risks. With the following division, 2 low risk level, 10 medium level risk, 11 high risk level and 2 extreme level risk. After handling by the management of the company against the risk of extreme and high level, there is risk to be 2 high risk and 11 medium level risks. To reduce the value of risk, companies can make safer working conditions and better supervision of employee's unsafe behavior. Keywords: Hazard Potential Identification, Risk Assessment, SMK3, HIRARC, FT

    Grammar Learning At Tertiary Level In Indonesia: A Curriculum Development Of Genre-Task Based Approach

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    This article explores the grammar learning in two influential English language teaching (ELT) curriculum approaches to tertiary level and the potential approach to interweave them. The two prominent approaches shaping language learning in Indonesia are communicative language teaching (CLT) specified in Task-based Instruction and Genre approaches rooted in Systemic Functional Language (SFL). Given the various curriculum which comes and goes, bringing together with miscellaneous methods or approaches, it is urgently needed to adapt rather than adopt the wholesale methods or approaches by making the nexus between those two aproaches to fit the context. This article aims at revisiting creative and innovative grammar teaching and learning at tertiary educational level. We elucidate how those approaches foster English as a Foreign Language (EFL), notably, how grammar should be learnt and assessed through them

    Dampak psikologis wanita perokok terhadap masyarakat di Desa Sipangko Kecamatan Batang Angkola Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

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    Saat ini merokok seakan telah menjadi budaya bangsa ini. Rokok sudah menjadi milik semua kalangan baik orangtua sampai anak-anak, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, orang kaya maupun orang miskin. Secara tidak langsung budaya ini merusak moral pribadi, bukan tidak mungkin dapat merusak lingkungan, psikologis, dan kesehatan. Namun di lain pihak dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi perokok sendiri maupun orang-orang disekitarnya. Berbagai kandungan zat yang terdapat di dalam rokok memberikan dampak negative pada tubuh penghisapnya, tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan fisik, tapi juga mempengaruhi perilaku dan mental seseorang. Perilaku merokok yang dilakukan wanita sangat mengganggu masyarakat khususnya sesame kaum ibu-ibu yang ikut serta dalam bermasyarakat. Berbagai masalah yang ditimbulkan siperokok menjadikan orang disekelilingnya tidak banyak menyukainya dan bahkan membenci karena ketidaknyamanan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan peneliti merasa perlu meneliti dampak psikologis wanita perokok terhadap masyarakat di Desa Sipangko. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Apa saja factor penyebab wanita menjadi perokok di Desa Sipangko Kecamatan Batang Angkola, Bagaimana dampak psikologis wanita perokok terhadap masyarakat di Desa Sipangko Kecamatan Batang Angkola. Tujuan penelitian yaitu: Ingin mengetahui factor penyebab wanita menjadi perokok di Desa Sipangko Kecamatan Batang Angkola, Ingin mengetahui dampak psikologis wanita perokok terhadap masyarakat di Desa Sipangko Kecamatan Batang Angkola. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Penelitian lapangan adalah penelitian yang dilakukan di lapangan bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi dan mendeskripsikan peristiwa, kejadian yang terjadi di lapangan sesuai dengan fakta yang ditemukan di lapangan. Sedangkan pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah suatu penelitian yang dimaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek atau informan penelitian. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini bahwa banyak wanita perokok yang telah memasuki usia 30 sampai 50 tahun namun belum menghentikannya, factor penyebab wanita merokok di Desa Sipangko dikarenakan faktor internal (faktor yang berasal dari wanita itu sendiri), dan factor eksternal atau yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Dampak psikologis wanita perokok terhadap masyarakat yaitu banyak masyarakat yang tidak menyukai, membenci bahkan keberatan terhadap perilakunya, sehingga menyebabkan ia sering menyendiri