475 research outputs found

    Studi Pengaruh Ukuran Butir Terhadap Porositas dan Konduktivitas Hidrolik Batupasir dan Batulempung (Study of The Effect of Grain Size on Porosity and Hydraulic Conductivity of Sandstone and Claystone)

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    AbstrakPorositas dan konduktivitas hidrolik berhubungan langsung dengan aktivitas penambangan, di antaranya pembuatan jalan tambang (ramp) pada front area penambangan. Proses penambangan yang menyebabkan pori-pori tanah semakin kecil (ruang pori berkurang) sehingga porositas mengecil disebabkan pengaruh ukuran butir. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran butir terhadap porositas batupasir dan batulempung serta pengaruhnya juga klasifikasi nilai porositas dan konduktivitas hidrolik batupasir dan batulempung ini, metode yang digunakan ialah analisis ukuran butir untuk mengetahui besarnya ukuran butir dan jenis batuan menggunakan skala Wentworth (1992) kemudian pada analisis porositas menggunakan pengujian sifat fisik, dilakukan untuk mencari nilai yang berpengaruh terhadap kekuatan batuan seperti natural density, dry density, saturated density, apperent specific gravity, true specific gravity, specific gravity, natural water content, saturated water content, derajat kejenuhan, porositas dan void ratio (Arif, 2016). Pada ada analisis konduktivitas hidrolik digunakan alat permeameter untuk mengetahui kecepatan air dalam satuan (meter/detik) dari sampel batupasir dan batulempung dengan jumlah 10 sampel berbentuk coring.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ukuran butir batupasir adalah 1/8 atau 0,125 mm sedangkan batulempung adalah 1/256 atau 0,003 mm. Analisis porositas yang dilakukan pada sampel daerah penelitian menunjukkan persentase rata-rata 87,44 % untuk sampel batupasir dan 77,95 % untuk batulempung. Sedangkan dari hasil uji konduktivitas hidrolik batupasir didapatkan hasil 5,71 × 10-9 meter/detik dan 5,74 × 10-9 meter/detik.Kata Kunci: Ukuran Butir, Porositas, Konduktivitas Hidrolik, Batupasir, Batulempung  AbstractPorosity and hydraulic conductivity are directly related to mining activities, including the construction of a minerampon the front of the mining area. The mining process causes the soil pores to get smaller (reduced pore space) so that the porosity decreases due to the influence of grain size. To determine the effect of grain size on the porosity of sandstones and claystones as well as its influence on the classification of porosity and hydraulic conductivity values of sandstones and claystones, the method used is grain size analysis to determine the size of grains and rock types using the Wentworth scale (1992) then porosity analysis using the Wentworth (1992) scale. Physical property testing is carried out to find values that affect rock strength such as natural density, dry density, saturated density, apperent specific gravity, true specific gravity, specific gravity, natural water content, saturated water content, degree of saturation, porosity and void ratio ( Arif, 2016). In the hydraulic conductivity analysis, a permeameter was used to determine the water velocity in units (meters/second) of sandstone and claystone samples with a total of 10 coring.The results showed that the value of the grain size of the sandstone was 1/8 or 0.125 mm while the claystone was 1/256 or 0.003 mm. Porosity analysis performed on the sample of the study area showed an average percentage of 87.44% for the sandstone sample and 77.95% for the claystone. Meanwhile, from the results of the hydraulic conductivity of sandstone, the results were 5.71 × 10-9   meters/second and 5.74 × 10-9 meters/second.Keywords: Grain Size, Porosity, Hydraulic Conductivity, Sandstone, Clayston

    Stress Concentration Factors at Two Radial Adjacent Nozzle-Header Connections of a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel.

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    There are three major phases in completing project named, “Stress Concentration Factors at Two Radial Adjacent Nozzles Header Connections of a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel”. These three phases are; parameters specification, design and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This report basically will summarize the activities that have been done to complete this project. In parameter specification phase, data acquired to design a two radial adjacent nozzles header connection of cylindrical pressure vessel was extracted from the standard nozzles and piping codes used in the industry. The required data and information for this project also been gathered by using all available resources. In design phase, the author will compiles all data and parameters gained and design a nozzles-pressured vessel configuration which will be the basis for the whole project. Finally, a FEA simulation will be done by using ANSYS to analyze the model and complete these project objectives. The design of nozzles in a pressure vessel is subjected to the internal pressure acting from all direction. But in this study, only the internal pressure effect will be considered. This project objectives are to analysis and investigate the stress concentration factors of two radial adjacent nozzles header connection of cylindrical pressure vessel result that come from internal pressure by using ANSYS and To study the result and effect of different nozzles inner diameter and size and displacement of these two nozzles so that, recommendation can be made to improve the design of two radial adjacent nozzle header connection of cylindrical pressure vessel. From this project, it is decided that stress concentration factor most occur at low value of L/d ratio which the distance between the two nozzle are closer


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    ABSTRAK Bangsa Indonesia mempunyai budaya yang sangat beragam dan memiliki berbagai macam ornamentik yang kaya akan nilai seni serta maknanya, di antaranya terlihat pada kepercayaan dan tradisi lokal masyarakat yang masih terdapat sisa-sisa tradisi meghalithikum salah satunya adalah kebudayaan yang menghasilkan bangunan-bangunan dari batu besar, seperti menhir adalah tugu yang melambangkan arwah nenek moyang sehingga digunakan menjadi benda pujaan. Tradisi kepercayaan dan sistem sosial budaya adalah produk masyarakat lokal dalam menciptakan keteraturan, seperti tradisi melakukan upacara adat, menghadirkan tata cara menanam dan memanen, melakukan selamatan serta melakukan upacara peralihan hidup (kelahiran, pernikahan, kematian). salah satu yang sangat penting dalam upacara kematian disebut dengan pula batee (tanam batu nisan). Namun dalam perkembangannya dan perubahan yang terjadi dalam sosial masyarakat, kini upacara pula batee sendiri sudah tidak pernah dilakukan lagi. Hal tersebut dapat diungkapkan melalui penelitian tentang ekspresi Ragam Tanda Budaya Pada Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng yang merupakan bukti perkembangan Islam dan Pra Islam di Aceh. Peninggalan batu berupa monomen dalam fungsi Batee Jeurat yang sangat artistik ini, telah banyak memberi bukti atas keberadaan Kerajaan itu sendiri, sebelumnya menjadi tanda tanya besar oleh peneliti-peneliti sejarah tentang nama dan keberadaannya yang disebut-sebut pada Abad Ke-9 oleh pedagang dari Arab, Persia dan India. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui Bagaimana bentuk Batee Jeurat yang ada di Situs Kerajaan Lamuri, (2) Bagaimana ragam ornamen pada Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng, (3) Bagaimana ekspresi tanda budaya yang terkandung pada Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng di Situs Kerajaan Lamuri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Secara umum Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng berbentuk persegi empat yang didirikan tegak vertikal dan pada pangkal badan sedikit patahan yang semakin lancip ke atas dan paling atas memiliki bagian yang disebut kepala berupa tunas bunga yang secara umum memiliki ciri bunga empat kelopak, bagian pangkalnya secara umum agak lebih besar. Adanya pengaruh bentuk kuil- kuil India Tamil yang menggunakan gaya arsitektur Dravidian. Artefak berupa monumen ini dapat dikatakan sebuah produk budya yang dibangun dengan gagasan (konsep) perpaduan tanda, yang berlatar belakang dengan nilai-nilai luhur dari kebudayaan dan latar kepercayaan (religi) yang berbeda (berkonsep Plang Pleng), diantaranya Hinduism, Budhism, Islam, dan kepercayaan lokal. Tanda-tanda berupa simbol dan ikon yang di pahatkan berupa ikonoklasme burung kakak tua, phonix, naga, kerbau atau sapi, teratai, unsur omkara, maupun kalimah suci bersifat religi (kalimah tauhid, hadist, kata hikmah dan lainnya), adapun kalimah suci ini di tuliskan dengan huruf arab yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kaarakter khas lokal dalam pola arabesk. Secara mitos (konotasi) pemaknaan terhadap sosok burung begitu menonjol dalam hikayat, kisah kepahlawanan Aceh. Burung kakak tua (cicem bayeun), sangat digemari: ia sebagai penolong para pahlawan dan sebetulnya ia seorang puteri yang menyamar, sumber asal dari burung kakak tua dalam desain Aceh mungkin Persia. Adapun naga yang biasa dimaknai dengan perwakilan ular yang mewakili bumi (dunia bawah), selain itu ada kala dan makara, kerbau, antromorphic, Raja duek yang ditampilkan secara Ikonoklasme, teratai, tunas atau kuncup teratai, yang hampir tidak dapat dikesan lagi dalam cerita-cerita rakyat di akhir abad ke-19. Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng pada prinsipnya sangat kaya akan makna religius, humanistik maupun edukatif. Kebijaksanaan para leluhur tampak telah dituangkan begitu cerdas dan indah melalui tangan- tangan pengukir, memahami benar tentang nilai-nilai yang dipahat pada batu tersebut. Tampilan Batee Jeurat Plak-pleng memberikan isyarat bahwa penenda kematian ini bukan hanya sebagai batu yang terpahat indah belaka, namun jauh dari itu, pahatan kaligrafi berupa Syair, hadist, ayat Al-Quran maupun kalimah tauhid (mengesakan Allah) secara jelas telah menunjukkan bahwa ada pesan (Message) penting untuk dibaca oleh generasi yang ditinggalnya. Berbagai pesan penting yang berkaitan tentang kehidupan, kehidupan di alam akhirat adalah hal yang sangat dikhususkan, dominan dari teks yang tertulis dalam huruf arab pada bagian kaki nisan adalah tentang keabadian hidup. Kata kunci: Ekspresi Tanda, Ragam Tanda Budaya, Batee Jeurat Plak Pleng, makna dan nilai-nilai kehidupan


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    Kawasan Karst Mangkulirang menyimpan tinggalan budaya yang berasal dari masa mesolitik yang selama ini belum diperhatikan oleh peneliti lingkungan, khususnya geoarkeologi, salah satunya adalah Situs Gua Mardua. Hal inilah yang menjadi pokok permasalahan yang mencakup kondisi geologi secara umum. Adapun maksud penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemetaan geologi permukaan secara umum sebagai salah satu upaya menyajikan informasi geologi terkait dengan situs arkeologi. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi di situs-situs arkeologi. Metode penelitian diawali dengan kajian pustaka, survei lapangan, dan interpretasi data lapangan. Pengamatan lingkungan memberikan informasi tentang bentang alam daerah penelitian yang terdiri dari satuan morfologi dataran, dan satuan morfologi karst. Sungainya berpola aliran dendritik dan rektangular, berstadia Sungai Dewasa- Tua, Sungai Tua, Sungai Periodik/Permanen. Batuan penyusun Situs Gua Mardua adalah batugamping. Struktur geologi berupa kelurusan. Peninggalan arkeologis di Situs Gua Mardua berupa lukisan gua berwarna merah dan hitam berupa gambar telapak tangan, pohon, hewan, dan geometris. Selain itu, terdapat gambar perahu tradisional dan kapal uap. Pertanggalan Uranium/Thorium terhadap kalsit yang menutupi gambar telapak tangan adalah 9.800-10.400 tahun BP, sedangkan dating C-14 terhadap arang yang ada di sekitar gambar cadas yang merujuk 11.750 ± 50 – 5.160 ± 90 tahun yang lalu. Penggunaan hematit sebagai pewarna banyak dijumpai di sungai-sungai dan gunung sekitar situs, demikian pula untuk arang kayu yang tidak terlalu sulit didapatka

    The Indonesian Natural Rubber Export Competitiveness in Global Market

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    As one of the largest natural rubber exporters in the world, Indonesia has a potential to globally conquer the natural rubber export market. Furthermore, natural rubber gave a positive contribution to economy due to supplying foreign exchange for the country. This condition was indicated from a high Indonesian natural rubber export value to the global market. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure the Indonesian natural rubber export competitiveness in global market. The methods in this study used Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Constant Market Share (CMS). The result showed that the Indonesian natural rubber export still had competitiveness in global market, but in a declined trend. One cause of declined Indonesian natural rubber export competitiveness in global market was due to low quality product of natural rubber. Moreover, land control was still dominated by the community plantation, therefore necessary performed a dissemination related to cultivation technological use to improve the Indonesian natural rubber productivity.


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    This project aims to study the impact of low and high injection water salinity on asphaltene precipitation during WAG-CO2 injection. Dynamic core flooding experiments were conducted with injection water salinity of 5000ppm and 35000ppm at 1:1 WAG ratio. Dynamic core flooding experiments were conducted using Berea sandstone core as formation representative. Dulang Malaysian light crude sample with 0.39 % wt initial asphaltene content was used. 2 runs of experiments were conducted using low and high salinity of injection water at 5000ppm and 35000ppm. Secondary water flooding were conducted followed by WAG-CO2 injection. WAG-CO2 injection procedure from Jiang et al.(2010) will be use as a reference in this research. In WAG injection scheme, a 0.25PV half slug size of CO2 is injected followed by 0.25PV half slug size of injection water for a total of 6 alternate cycles. All experiment parameters were fixed at 2500psia overburden pressure and 98oC with an injection rate of 0.4cc/min (for secondary water flooding and WAG injection) and 2000psi injection pressure. The effluent oil was collected for every cycle of WAG injection (total of 6 samples). Asphaltene precipitations in the core were determined from the change in asphaltene content of effluent oil. The effects of asphaltene precipitation in the core sample were observed from initial and final porosity and permeability measurement of the core sample. The experiment results concluded that higher brine salinity will give a higher oil recovery, lower asphaltene precipitation and lower porosity & permeability reduction

    Analisis Peranan Sektor Pertanian di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) is a province that has a lot of potential natural resource due to its diverse demographics from volcanoes to savanna and steppe. This potential makes NTT Province feasible to be developed, especially in the agricultural sector. Potential analysis of the agricultural sector was carried out to measure the role of the agricultural sector for economic growth in NTT Province using the Klassen Typology Method, Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share analysis. The results with Klassen Typology Method show that the agricultural sector is in quadrant II, which is an advanced but depressed sector. This reflects that the agricultural sector is the dominant sector for economic growth in NTT Province during the analysis period. However, over time, other sectors had faster growth rates than the agricultural sector. In addition, the results of the LQ analysis state that the agricultural sector is the basis of the sector in NTT Province, while the Shift Share analysis states that the growth of the agricultural sector in NTT Province has a faster growth than the national agricultural sector.Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) merupakan provinsi yang memiliki banyak potensi sumberdaya alam karena memiliki keragaman demografi seperti adanya gunung berapi hingga savana dan stepa. Potensi tersebut menjadikan Provinsi NTT layak untuk dikembangkan terutama pada sektor pertanian. Analisis potensi sektor pertanian dilakukan untuk mengukur peranan sektor pertanian bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian di Provinsi NTT dengan menggunakan alat analisis Klassen Typology Method, Location Quotient (LQ) dan Shift Share. Hasil analisis dengan Klassen Typology Method menunjukkan bahwa sektor pertanian berada pada kuadran II, yaitu merupakan sektor yang maju namun tertekan. Hal tersebut mencerminkan bahwa sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang dominan untuk pertumbuhan perekonomian Provinsi NTT dalam kurun waktu analisis. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, sektor-sektor lain memiliki laju pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan sektor pertanian. Selain itu, hasil analisis LQ menyatakan bahwa sektor pertanian merupakan sektor basis di Provinsi NTT, sedangkan analisis Shift Share menyatakan bahwa pertumbuhan sektor pertanian di Provinsi NTT memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan sektor pertanian secara nasional


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    Candi Sirih merupakan tinggalan budaya dari masa Hindu-Buddha, yang masih cukup lengkap yang terbuat dari batuan tufa, sehingga dianggap sebagai candi yang tidak umum di Pulau Jawa karena menggunakan batuan yang bukan andesit. Hal inilah yang menjadi pokok permasalahan pada penelitian ini, yang mencakup bahan batuan candi dan kondisi geologi secara umum. Maksud dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah pemetaan geologi untuk mengetahui gambaran keadaan lingkungan alam yang mencakup morfologi, litologi, struktur geologi, dan menentukan lokasi pengambilan sumber bahan batuan untuk pembangunan candi. Metode penelitian diawali dengan kajian pustaka, survei, dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis petrologi, dan interpretasi data. Hasil pengamatan lingkungan memberikan informasi tentang bentang alam yang termasuk pada satuan morfologi dataran, dan satuan morfologi bergelombang lemah. Pola pengeringan permukaan dendritik, radial, dan rektangular, stadia sungai dewasa-tua, dan sungai periodik/permanen. Batuan penyusun adalah aluvial, dan satuan batuan tufa serta struktur geologi berupa sesar normal. Penentuan lokasi bahan batuan tufa (kasar. halus, berlapis) dan serpih untuk pembangungan Candi Sirih berasal dari lingkungan sekitarnya dalam radius 3,5 kilometer bujursangkar.   Sirih Temple is a cultural heritage from the Hindu-Buddhist era, which is still quite complete, made of tufa rock, so it is considered an unusual temple in Java because it uses non-andesite rocks. This is the main problem in this study, which includes the material of the temple rock and geological conditions in general. The purpose and objective of this research is geological mapping to determine the description of the state of the natural environment which includes morphology, lithology, geological structure, and determining the location of the source of rock material for the construction of the temple. The research method begins with a literature review, survey, and is followed by petrological analysis and data interpretation. The results of environmental observations provide information about the landscape that is included in the morphological units of the plains, and the weak wavy morphological units. Drying patterns of dendritic, radial, and rectangular surfaces, mature-old river stage, and periodic/permanent river. The constituent rocks are alluvial, and the tuff rock units and the geological structure are normal faults. The location of the tuff (coarse, fine, layered) and shale materials for the Sirih Temple construction came from the surrounding environment in a radius of 3.5 square kilometers.Candi Sirih merupakan tinggalan budaya dari masa Hindu-Buddha, yang masih cukup lengkap yang terbuat dari batuan tufa, sehingga dianggap sebagai candi yang tidak umum di Pulau Jawa karena menggunakan batuan yang bukan andesit. Hal inilah yang menjadi pokok permasalahan pada penelitian ini, yang mencakup bahan batuan candi dan kondisi geologi secara umum. Maksud dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah pemetaan geologi untuk mengetahui gambaran keadaan lingkungan alam yang mencakup morfologi, litologi, struktur geologi, dan menentukan lokasi pengambilan sumber bahan batuan untuk pembangunan candi. Metode penelitian diawali dengan kajian pustaka, survei, dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis petrologi, dan interpretasi data. Hasil pengamatan lingkungan memberikan informasi tentang bentang alam yang termasuk pada satuan morfologi dataran, dan satuan morfologi bergelombang lemah. Pola pengeringan permukaan dendritik, radial, dan rektangular, stadia sungai dewasa-tua, dan sungai periodik/permanen. Batuan penyusun adalah aluvial, dan satuan batuan tufa serta struktur geologi berupa sesar normal. Penentuan lokasi bahan batuan tufa (kasar. halus, berlapis) dan serpih untuk pembangungan Candi Sirih berasal dari lingkungan sekitarnya dalam radius 3,5 kilometer bujursangkar.   Sirih Temple is a cultural heritage from the Hindu-Buddhist era, which is still quite complete, made of tufa rock, so it is considered an unusual temple in Java because it uses non-andesite rocks. This is the main problem in this study, which includes the material of the temple rock and geological conditions in general. The purpose and objective of this research is geological mapping to determine the description of the state of the natural environment which includes morphology, lithology, geological structure, and determining the location of the source of rock material for the construction of the temple. The research method begins with a literature review, survey, and is followed by petrological analysis and data interpretation. The results of environmental observations provide information about the landscape that is included in the morphological units of the plains, and the weak wavy morphological units. Drying patterns of dendritic, radial, and rectangular surfaces, mature-old river stage, and periodic/permanent river. The constituent rocks are alluvial, and the tuff rock units and the geological structure are normal faults. The location of the tuff (coarse, fine, layered) and shale materials for the Sirih Temple construction came from the surrounding environment in a radius of 3.5 square kilometers


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    This study is important to understand the interrelationship of Islamic communication with interpersonal communication. The basic concept needs to be understood that humans are spiritual and physical beings, so what is inside us cannot be fully understood by others, if we do not want to reveal to them. Other people cannot understand our ideas, feelings, intentions and intentions if we do not consciously convey to them. Interpersonal communication is communication that occurs in two directions reciprocally between two or more people. Interpersonal communication is very appropriate to do, because between communicators and communicants can discuss each other about various problems. Communicators can see directly the communicant response during the communication process. Interpersonal communication is practiced by many communicators as a process of approach to communicants, such as completing a problem, da'wah, trial process and others. As one effective method of communication, interpersonal communication still exists even though there are many methods of communication that are currently developing, such as virtual communication that communicators and communicants do not have to meet to communicate. Basically, interpersonal communication indirectly creates mutual respect between communicators and communicants. So that this method is very effective for the process of problem solving between communicants and communicators


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    History records that the success in the effort to formulate a compilation of Islamic law was overshadowed by differences of opinion from several Islamic legal thoughts at that time. Moreover, there are many offers to include customary law and BW that are familiar to Muslims in the country into the KHI material. The emergence of differences of opinion among ulama is due to many factors, including their differences in using arguments, the method of ijtihad and understanding the al-Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the background, social, educational, and cultural backgrounds of the KHI formators at that time. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study answers the hypothesis that certain social values and solidarity play an important role in the conclusions of a legal product. In collecting data in this study, the authors used two techniques, namely direct interviews and documentation. Direct interviews with figures involved in formulating KHI and several Islamic legal experts who are seen as understanding the issues being studied. Also reviewing data from other sources such as documentation related to KHI formulations such as journals, newspapers, magazines, study manuscripts at the beginning of the KHI preparation and other sources of information. The results of the study show the fact that the formulation of KHI through a structural approach is top down from the central government, but still involves the role of the ulama, scholars and practitioners of Islamic law. KHI material absorbs fiqh that is familiar in the country. The dynamics of differences of opinion are found in three patterns of Islamic Law thought that emerged at that time. First, the literalisasi group, which is a group that opposes thoughts that violate the nash qat'i. Secondly, the group is assimilative, this group tries to find a new interpretation in understanding nash qat'i. The three groups are Harmonized, Characteristics of this group may be out of zahir nash, if  judging there are provisions that can be an alternative, inheritance is included in the category of mu'amalat worship which must be open to accepting changes by considering the interests and eliminating the narrowness in society.History records that the success in the effort to formulate a compilation of Islamic law was overshadowed by differences of opinion from several Islamic legal thoughts at that time. Moreover, there are many offers to include customary law and BW that are familiar to Muslims in the country into the KHI material. The emergence of differences of opinion among ulama is due to many factors, including their differences in using arguments, the method of ijtihad and understanding the al-Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the background, social, educational, and cultural backgrounds of the KHI formators at that time.This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study answers the hypothesis that certain social values and solidarity play an important role in the conclusions of a legal product. In collecting data in this study, the authors used two techniques, namely direct interviews and documentation. Direct interviews with figures involved in formulating KHI and several Islamic legal experts who are seen as understanding the issues being studied. Also reviewing data from other sources such as documentation related to KHI formulations such as journals, newspapers, magazines, study manuscripts at the beginning of the KHI preparation and other sources of information.The results of the study show the fact that the formulation of KHI through a structural approach is top down from the central government, but still involves the role of the ulama, scholars and practitioners of Islamic law. KHI material absorbs fiqh that is familiar in the country. The dynamics of differences of opinion are found in three patterns of Islamic Law thought that emerged at that time. First, the literalisasi group, which is a group that opposes thoughts that violate the nash qat'i. Secondly, the group is assimilative, this group tries to find a new interpretation in understanding nash qat'i. The three groups are Harmonized, Characteristics of this group may be out of zahir nash, if  judging there are provisions that can be an alternative, inheritance is included in the category of mu'amalat worship which must be open to accepting changes by considering the interests and eliminating the narrowness in society
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