19 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Polymorphism (Rs2273773) in The SIRT1 Gene and Plasma SIRT1 Levels, and Frailty in The Elderly

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    Frailty is a physical aging syndrome characterized by health vulnerability. Diagnosis is established incorrectly based on three or more of the five criteria: weakness, decreased walking speed, fatigue, decreased physical activity, and weight loss. Sirtuin 1 plays a role in weakness, particularly in the elderly, acting as a protective factor during weakness, and its activation could provide a novel therapeutic approach. However, research in this area is still very limited. A cross-sectional method with observation or measurement of study subjects was employed in this research, involving a total of 118 elderly subjects selected through non-probability sampling. Pearson correlation test indicates a relationship between the polymorphism genotype (rs2273773) in the SIRT1 gene and the frailty scale (p-value < 0.05), while no relationship was found between plasma SIRT1 levels and the frailty scale (p-value > 0.05). Furthermore, the F-test reveals a significant simultaneous relationship between the polymorphism genotype (rs2273773) and plasma SIRT1 levels with frailty (p-value < 0.05)

    STRATEGI PENGASUHAN ORANG TUA DALAM MENGATASI PERILAKU SIBLING RIVALRY ANAK USIA DINI (Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif di Kelurahan Rawamangun, Pulogadung,Jakarta Timur)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai strategi pengasuhan orang tua dan bagaimana perilaku sibling rivalry yang terjadi pada anak usia dini di Kelurahan Rawamangun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus - Desember 2017. Subjek penelitian adalah orang tua dan kakak adik dari 3 (tiga) keluarga di Kelurahan Rawamangun, Kecamatan Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan verifikasi kesimpulan. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, teknik, dan waktu. Hasil penelitian memperoleh teori subtantif yaitu perilaku sibling rivalry yang terjadi karena pertengkaran antar saudara, sikap berkuasa kakak, pengaruh teman sebaya, dan perilaku saling merebutkan perhatian dari orang tua. Strategi pengasuhan yang dilakukan orang tua untuk mengatasi perilaku sibling rivalry pada anak usia dini yaitu orang tua mengajarkan sikap mandiri, memberikan pengertian, mendampingi, mencarikan solusi, membiarkan anak, dan mengajarkan disiplin pada anak

    Analisis Dan Evaluasi Implementasi Sistem ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) Pada PT Petrokopindo Cipta Selaras

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    Utilization of Information Technology is a solution for PT Petrokopindo Cipta Selaras in facing this increasingly competitive business environment. In order to realize the company's commitment to both corporate value and customer value, PT Petrokopindo Cipta Selaras implements an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) system to increase the effectiveness of company management. The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the ERP system used by PT Petrokopindo Cipta Selaras. The method used is using a qualitative approach with the action research method. This research was conducted by direct observation and interviews with users of the company's ERP system. The results of the study concluded that with the implementation of the ERP system in general the implementation has been going well, this can be seen from the implementation of the ERP system, it is easier for companies to make business decisions because the existing data is integrated, updated and accurate. However, the company also still needs to monitor the system because there are several obstacles that make the ERP system not run optimally

    Konsentrasi Ekstrak Daun Cincau Hijau (Cyclea barbata Miers) sebagai Edible Coating terhadap Kualitas dan Masa Simpan Buah Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)

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    Buah tomat mudah mengalami kerusakan sehingga perlu dilakukan penanganan pasca panen yaitu edible coating. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi, lama penyimpanan dan ada atau tidaknya interaksi antara konsentrasi ekstrak daun cincau hijau dan lama penyimpanan terhadap kualitas buah tomat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih dan Laboratorium Hortikultura Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial 4-x-3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama yang diteliti yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak daun cincau hijau yang terdiri dari 4 taraf (kontrol, 2,5%, 5%, 7,5%), faktor kedua yaitu lama penyimpanan terdiri dari 3 taraf (1 minggu, 2 minggu, 3 minggu). Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah susut bobot, kadar air, kadar vitamin C, pengukuran warna dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi ekstrak daun cincau hijau sebagai edible coating terbaik terdapat pada konsentrasi 2,5%. Pada perlakuan lama penyimpanan, masa simpan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan lama penyimpanan 1 minggu. Terdapat interaksi antara konsentrasi pelapisan ekstrak daun cincau hijau dengan lama simpan dimana perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan pelapisan 2,5% dengan lama penyimpanan 1 minggu

    Analisis Sentimen Tanggapan Masyarakat terhadap Calon Presiden Ridwan Kamil 2024 Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Banyaknya berita yang beredar dalam sosial media mengenai Tanggapan Masyarakat Terhadap Calon Presiden Ridwan Kamil 2024  menggugah rasa penasaran penulis untuk memastikan seperti apakah tanggapan masyarakat mengenai calon presiden ridwan kamil, apakah menuai kesan positif atau negatif. Dengan demikian, penulis melakukan analisis sentimen pengguna twitter terhadap Tanggapan Masyarakat Terhadap Calon Presiden Ridwan Kamil 2024 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi dalam menentukan kebijakan. Penulis menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor untuk menentukan sentimen pengguna twitter dengan bantuan phyton yang populer di kalangan Data Scientist. Metode tersebut diterapkan ke 2261 data tweet dengan kata kunci “calon presiden ridwan kamil†yang dikumpulkan pada 20 Desember 2022– 30 Desember 2022, yang mana hasil data bersih dari data tersebut berjumlah 1504 data tweet.  Hasil training model membuktikan bahwa skor akurasi 88,70%, recall 96,92% , dan presisi 90,65% dengan nilai k=3


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    In this paper, we propose to resolve the contraversy results of emperical research on the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance. The results showed that Entrepreneurial Orientation has no significant effect on Firm Performance, but Entrepreneurial Orientation has positive and significant effect on Innovation Speed. Innovation Speed has no significant effect on Firm Performance. Adaptability capability has positive and significant effect on Firm Performance. Thus, these finding can’t answer the controversy about the influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance. Keywords : Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation Speed, Adaptability capability and Firm Performance


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    Kesejahteraan subjektif penting untuk emerging adults sebab perasaan bahagia membuat mereka terbuka untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman baru dalam hidupnya. Namun Indeks Kebahagiaan 2021 dari BPS menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi DKI Jakarta mengalami penurunan taraf kebahagiaan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh penerimaan orang tua dan welas diri terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif pada emerging adults dan mengidentifikasi perbedaan setiap variabel berdasarkan sosiodemografi. Responden penelitian sebanyak 360 emerging adults yang berdomisili di Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik incidental sampling. Emerging adults cenderung merasa diterima oleh ayah dan ibu ketika kecil. Kesejahteraan subjektif dan welas diri emerging adults berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil uji independent T dan ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan faktor sosiodemografis pada kesejahteraan subjektif emerging adults, yakni jenis kelamin, usia, dan status tempat tinggal. Lalu hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh penerimaan ayah dan penerimaan ibu terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif. Welas diri juga menunjukkan pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif dan berperan sebagai variabel prediktor. Temuan ini mengindikasikan pentingnya kehangatan dalam pengasuhan orang tua terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif anak saat menginjak usia dewasa. Selain itu Welas diri juga memiliki kontribusi yang penting terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif individu

    Effectiveness, accountability and understanding board characteristics of non-profit organisations in Malaysia / Norliza Omar … [et al.]

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    Non-profit organisations (NPOs) exist to fulfil the needs of societies that cannot be reached by the government and profit centres. Their ultimate goal is to create social values by solving social problems. In order to fulfil this social mission, it is vital for the NPOs to be effective. NPOs are associated with effective Board of Directors because they are the backbone for organisational success. Of late, there are growing media reports on mismanagement and diversion of NPOs funds. Despite having Board of Directors as trustees in NPOs, mismanagement is still on the rise. Previous findings suggest that NPOs’ board characteristics can be divided into two groups - (1) board characteristics that enhance NPOs’ effectiveness and (2) board characteristics that reduce NPOs’ effectiveness. Hence, this study aims to examine selected board characteristics of Malaysian NPOs. The selected board characteristics are board size, board engagement, board efficiency, board commitment, board with political connection and board professionalism. Using content analysis of NPOs registered under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM), this study finds that, in general, the number of members on the board is seven. Board efficiency and engagement indicate that less than 50% of the members are committed in generating funds for the NPOs. However, results on board commitment indicate that board members are committed in managing their organisations efficiently. In relation to politically affiliated board members and professional affiliation, the results are 44% and 14% respectively. In summary, the findings provide insights on the characteristics of Malaysian NPOs’ board members in. It also provides a basis for future research in examining the influence of board characteristics on effectiveness as well as other areas of concern in NPOs

    Antimicrobial polymers:The potential replacement of existing antibiotics?

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    Antimicrobial resistance is now considered a major global challenge; compromising medical advancements and our ability to treat infectious disease. Increased antimicrobial resistance has resulted in increased morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases worldwide. The lack of discovery of novel compounds from natural products or new classes of antimicrobials, encouraged us to recycle discontinued antimicrobials that were previously removed from routine use due to their toxicity, e.g., colistin. Since the discovery of new classes of compounds is extremely expensive and has very little success, one strategy to overcome this issue could be the application of synthetic compounds that possess antimicrobial activities. Polymers with innate antimicrobial properties or that have the ability to be conjugated with other antimicrobial compounds create the possibility for replacement of antimicrobials either for the direct application as medicine or implanted on medical devices to control infection. Here, we provide the latest update on research related to antimicrobial polymers in the context of ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp.) pathogens. We summarise polymer subgroups: compounds containing natural peptides, halogens, phosphor and sulfo derivatives and phenol and benzoic derivatives, organometalic polymers, metal nanoparticles incorporated into polymeric carriers, dendrimers and polymer-based guanidine. We intend to enhance understanding in the field and promote further work on the development of polymer based antimicrobial compounds