356 research outputs found

    A family of representations of braid groups on surfaces

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    We propose a family of new representations of the braid groups on surfaces that extend linear representations of the braid groups on a disc such as the Burau representation and the Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow representation.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    A note on the Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow representation

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    A very popular problem on braid groups has recently been solved by Bigelow and Krammer, namely, they have found a faithful linear representation for the braid group B_n. In their papers, Bigelow and Krammer suggested that their representation is the monodromy representation of a certain fibration. Our goal in this paper is to understand this monodromy representation using standard tools from the theory of hyperplane arrangements. In particular, we prove that the representation of Bigelow and Krammer is a sub-representation of the monodromy representation which we consider, but that it cannot be the whole representation.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-24.abs.htm

    Quotient groups of the fundamental groups of certain strata of the moduli space of quadratic differentials

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    In this paper, we study fundamental groups of strata of the moduli space of quadratic differentials. We use certain properties of the Abel-Jacobi map, combined with local surgeries on quadratic differentials, to construct quotient groups of the fundamental groups for a particular family of strata.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures. Version 2: Minor typos fixed, Section 3 removed and may now be found in arXiv:0804.043

    Modification rule of monodromies in R_2-move

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    An R_2-move is a homotopy of wrinkled fibrations which deforms images of indefinite fold singularities like Reidemeister move of type II. Variants of this move are contained in several important deformations of wrinkled fibrations, flip and slip for example. In this paper, we first investigate how monodromies are changed by this move. For a given fibration and its vanishing cycles, we then give an algorithm to obtain vanishing cycles in one reference fiber of a fibration, which is obtained by applying flip and slip to the original fibration, in terms of mapping class groups. As an application of this algorithm, we give several examples of diagrams which were introduced by Williams to describe smooth 4-manifolds by simple closed curves of closed surfaces.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figure

    Loop homology of spheres and complex projective spaces

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    In his Inventiones paper, Ziller (Invent. Math: 1-22, 1977) computed the integral homology as a graded abelian group of the free loop space of compact, globally symmetric spaces of rank 1. Chas and Sullivan (String Topology, 1999)showed that the homology of the free loop space of a compact closed orientable manifold can be equipped with a loop product and a BV-operator making it a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra. Cohen, Jones and Yan (The loop homology algebra of spheres and projective spaces, 2004) developed a spectral sequence which converges to the loop homology as a spectral sequence of algebras. They computed the algebra structure of the loop homology of spheres and complex projective spaces by using Ziller's results and the method of Brown-Shih (Ann. of Math. 69:223-246, 1959, Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes \'Etudes Sci. 3: 93-176, 1962). In this note we compute the loop homology algebra by using only spectral sequences and the technique of universal examples. We therefore not only obtain Zillers' and Brown-Shihs' results in an elementary way, we also replace the roundabout computations of Cohen, Jones and Yan (The loop homology algebra of spheres and projective spaces, 2004) making them independent of Ziller's and Brown-Shihs' work. Moreover we offer an elementary technique which we expect can easily be generalized and applied to a wider family of spaces, not only the globally symmetric ones.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Estimating the higher symmetric topological complexity of spheres

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    We study questions of the following type: Can one assign continuously and Σm\Sigma_m-equivariantly to any mm-tuple of distinct points on the sphere SnS^n a multipath in SnS^n spanning these points? A \emph{multipath} is a continuous map of the wedge of mm segments to the sphere. This question is connected with the \emph{higher symmetric topological complexity} of spheres, introduced and studied by I. Basabe, J. Gonz\'alez, Yu. B. Rudyak, and D. Tamaki. In all cases we can handle, the answer is negative. Our arguments are in the spirit of the definition of the Hopf invariant of a map f:S2n1Snf: S^{2n-1} \to S^n by means of the mapping cone and the cup product.Comment: This version has minor corrections compared to what published in AG

    Planar open books with four binding components

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    We study an explicit construction of planar open books with four binding components on any three-manifold which is given by integral surgery on three component pure braid closures. This construction is general, indeed any planar open book with four binding components is given this way. Using this construction and results on exceptional surgeries on hyperbolic links, we show that any contact structure of S^3 supports a planar open book with four binding components, determining the minimal number of binding components needed for planar open books supporting these contact structures. In addition, we study a class of monodromies of a planar open book with four binding components in detail. We characterize all the symplectically fillable contact structures in this class and we determine when the Ozsvath-Szabo contact invariant vanishes. As an application, we give an example of a right-veering diffeomorphism on the four-holed sphere which is not destabilizable and yet supports an overtwisted contact structure. This provides a counterexample to a conjecture of Honda, Kazez, Matic from arXiv:0609734 .Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Two cancelling sign errors remove

    Optimal bounds for a colorful Tverberg--Vrecica type problem

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    We prove the following optimal colorful Tverberg-Vrecica type transversal theorem: For prime r and for any k+1 colored collections of points C^l of size |C^l|=(r-1)(d-k+1)+1 in R^d, where each C^l is a union of subsets (color classes) C_i^l of size smaller than r, l=0,...,k, there are partition of the collections C^l into colorful sets F_1^l,...,F_r^l such that there is a k-plane that meets all the convex hulls conv(F_j^l), under the assumption that r(d-k) is even or k=0. Along the proof we obtain three results of independent interest: We present two alternative proofs for the special case k=0 (our optimal colored Tverberg theorem (2009)), calculate the cohomological index for joins of chessboard complexes, and establish a new Borsuk-Ulam type theorem for (Z_p)^m-equivariant bundles that generalizes results of Volovikov (1996) and Zivaljevic (1999).Comment: Substantially revised version: new notation, improved results, additional references; 12 pages, 2 figure

    Knaster's problem for almost (Zp)k(Z_p)^k-orbits

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    In this paper some new cases of Knaster's problem on continuous maps from spheres are established. In particular, we consider an almost orbit of a pp-torus XX on the sphere, a continuous map ff from the sphere to the real line or real plane, and show that XX can be rotated so that ff becomes constant on XX

    The center of some braid groups and the Farrell cohomology of certain pure mapping class groups

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    In this paper we first show that many braid groups of low genus surfaces have their centers as direct factors. We then give a description of centralizers and normalizers of prime order elements in pure mapping class groups of surfaces with spherical quotients using automorphism groups of fundamental groups of the quotient surfaces. As an application, we use these to show that the pp-primary part of the Farrell cohomology groups of certain mapping class groups are elementary abelian groups. At the end we compute the pp-primary part of the Farrell cohomology of a few pure mapping class groups.Comment: 16 page