1,377 research outputs found

    Persuasión en diferentes niveles de elaboración : efectos experimentales de fuerza, valencia y agotamiento del ego

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    Pessoas são vítimas de golpes e fraudes contra o consumidor diariamente. No entanto, na maioria dos casos, a vítima poderia ter detectado a fraude se tivesse dado atenção para as inconsistências na mensagem do estelionatário. Por que algumas pessoas são capazes de detectar e evitar um golpe enquanto outras não? Este artigo investiga em dois experimentos, os efeitos do esgotamento do ego, do envolvimento com a questão, da necessidade de cognição, assim como a força e valência de argumentos sobre as atitudes e a mudança de atitude. O Experimento 1 testou a hipótese de que, sob um alto esgotamento do ego, atitudes seriam semelhantes em ambas as condições de argumentos fortes e fracos, enquanto sob um baixo esgotamento do ego, atitudes seriam significativamente mais favoráveis na condição de argumentos fortes. No Experimento 2, esperava-se que as atitudes dos participantes iriam seguir a direção da valência da mensagem persuasiva apresentada. Os resultados apenas corroboraram a hipótese do Experimento 2. Em geral, os resultados indicam uma pequena tendência dos participantes a concordar com as mensagens persuasivas. Pesquisas futuras poderão se beneficiar do uso de diferentes manipulações da probabilidade de elaboração e de testar o poder de persuasão de mensagens fraudulentas.People are victims of consumer fraud and scams on a daily basis. However, in most cases, the victims could have detected the fraud if only they had checked for inconsistencies in the scammer's message. What makes some people detect and avoid a scam while others fall prey to it? This article investigates, in two experiments, the effects of ego depletion, issue involvement, need for cognition, and strength and valence of arguments on attitudes and attitude change. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that, in the case of high ego depletion, the participants' attitudes would be similar in both strong and weak argument conditions, whereas in the case of low ego depletion, their attitudes would be significantly more favorable in strong argument conditions. In Experiment 2, we hypothesized that participants' attitudes would follow the direction of the valence of the persuasive message presented to them. The results corroborated the hypothesis of Experiment 2 alone. Overall, the results indicate a low tendency for the participants to agree with the persuasive messages. Future studies could benefit from using different manipulations of the elaboration likelihood and from testing the persuasiveness of fraudulent messages.Las personas son víctimas de fraudes y estafas de consumidores a todos los dias. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos, la víctima podría haber detectado el fraude si solo se verificaran las inconsistencias en el mensaje del estafador. Este artículo investiga en 2 experimentos los efectos del agotamiento del ego, de la participación del problema, de la necesidad de cognición, de la fuerza y valencia de los argumentos sobre la actitud y el cambio de actitud. El experimento 1 probó la hipótesis de que bajo un alto agotamiento del ego, las actitudes serían similares tanto en las condiciones de argumentos fuertes como débiles, mientras que bajo un empobrecimiento bajo del ego, las actitudes serían más favorables en la condición de argumento fuerte. En el Experimento 2 se esperaba que las actitudes de los participantes siguieran la dirección de la valencia del mensaje persuasivo. Los resultados respaldaron las hipótesis solo del Experimento 2. En general, los resultados indican una pequeña tendencia de los participantes a aceptar los mensajes persuasivos. La investigación futura puede beneficiarse del uso de diferentes manipulaciones de la probabilidad de elaboración y de probar la capacidad de persuasión de los mensajes fraudulentos

    A diversidade geracional e as políticas e práticas de recursos humanos em instituições de ensino superior

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    This article investigates the perception of the workers in High Education Institutions (HEIs) in the State of Santa Catarina (SC), it is based on six Human Resources policies, under the perspective of generational diversity. The research’s nature was quantitative, based on description and survey. Data collection was carried out using the scale of the Human Resources Policies and Practices (EPPRH), validated in Brazil by Demo in 2008. A total of 409 workers from eleven HEIs participated in the study. Comparatively, results were very similar, with averages close in the items investigated, comparing the generations baby boomers, X, Y e Z. It can be sustained that in the HR policies and practices in HEIs all generations usually converge on the thinking and perceptions related to them. The interviewees showed indifference or unawareness about the policies that were studied, since their existence and/or effectiveness were not expressly perceived, it would be advisable for HEI to re-think their proposals, models of implementation and dissemination of these themes. Further research is suggested in view of differences in the belonging of HEI workers, intersectionalities of diversity, and qualitative understanding of responses.O artigo investiga a percepção dos trabalhadores de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) enquadradas como comunitárias e privadas no Estado de Santa Catarina (SC), a partir de seis políticas de Recursos Humanos (RH), sob o olhar da diversidade geracional. A pesquisa foi de natureza quantitativa, tipo descritiva e levantamento (survey). Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se a escala de Políticas e Práticas de Recursos Humanos (EPPRH), validada no Brasil por Demo, em 2008. Participaram da pesquisa 409 trabalhadores de onze IES. Os resultados foram muito semelhantes, com médias próximas nos itens investigados, entre as gerações, gerações Baby Boomers, X, Y e Z. Pode-se inferir, que as gerações de forma geral convergem em pensamento e percepções sobre as políticas e práticas de RH. Os respondentes demonstraram indiferença ou desconhecimento de suas existências e/ou efetividade, o que sugere que as IES devam repensar suas propostas, modelos de implantação e de divulgação das políticas pesquisadas. Sugere-se novas pesquisas tendo em vista diferenças de pertencimentos dos trabalhadores das IES, interseccionalidades da diversidade e compreensão qualitativa das respostas.

    Parking Effects on Aircraft Reliability and Flight Performance

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    During the pandemic period caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020, the airlines have parked or stored their fleets partially or wholly worldwide. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimated a major downsize in approximately 65% of the worldwide airline fleet\u27s airline operational activity at the end of April 2020. With that said, mechanical and electrical systems, when stopped during long periods, can deteriorate by corrosion, contamination, discharge, and oxidation (Boeing, 1998). During the aircraft parking or storage process, it is not different (Airbus, 2020). This study aims to understand how much the aircraft performance and reliability are affected by parking and storage processes when these processes are correctly applied following the aircraft manufacturer\u27s manuals and instructions. The research is applied regarding the study\u27s nature, exploratory in front of the study\u27s objective, quantitative in light of the research approach since all reliability databases are numeric. The study group will apply a t-test statistical tool to compare the averages among the reliability and operational database. The results suggest a real impact on the aircraft\u27s technical performance that stopped in the parking process during this critical period for airlines. The post-pandemic findings show more than 20% of worsening in the average of failure reports in general and identify worsening in pre-established subgroups according to the aircraft\u27s downtime or age. It was also identified 5 aircraft systems that should focus on the engineering and support areas in the return of operations, by the considerable increase in failures. Durante o período de pandemia causado pelo Coronavírus (COVID-19) em 2020, as companhias aéreas estacionaram ou armazenaram suas frotas de forma parcial, ou total, ao redor de todo o mundo. A Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo, da sigla em Inglês IATA (International Air Transport Association) estimou uma redução de aproximadamente 65% da atividade operacional da frota aérea mundial no final de abril de 2020. Desta forma, os sistemas mecânicos e elétricos, quando parados durante longos períodos, podem se deteriorar por corrosão, contaminação, descarga e oxidação (Boeing, 1998), e durante o processo de estacionamento ou armazenamento de aeronaves, não é diferente (Airbus, 2020). Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender o quanto o desempenho e a confiabilidade das aeronaves são afetados pelos processos de estacionamento e armazenamento, mesmo quando esses processos são corretamente aplicados seguindo as instruções e manuais do fabricante da aeronave. A pesquisa é aplicada quanto à natureza do estudo, exploratória frente ao objetivo do estudo, quantitativa à luz da abordagem da pesquisa, uma vez que todas as bases de dados de confiabilidade são numéricas. O grupo de estudo aplicará uma ferramenta estatística de teste t para comparar as médias entre o banco de dados de confiabilidade e operacional. Os resultados sugerem um impacto real no desempenho técnico das aeronaves que pararam no processo 7 de estacionamento neste período crítico para as companhias aéreas. Os achados pós-pandêmicos mostram mais de 20% de piora na média dos relatos de falhas em geral e identificam piora em subgrupos pré-estabelecidos de acordo com o tempo de inatividade ou idade da aeronave. Identificamos também sistemas de aeronaves que devem focar nas áreas de engenharia e suporte no retorno das operações, pelo aumento considerável de falhas

    Experimental trial on surgical treatment for transverse fractures of the proximal phalanx: technique using intramedullary conical compression screw versus lateral compression plate

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    AbstractObjectiveTo compare the mechanical parameters between two methods for stabilization through compression: 1.5mm axial compression plate versus conical compression screw used as an intramedullary tutor.MethodsPolyurethane models (Sawbone®) that simulated transverse fractures of the proximal phalanx were used. The models were divided into three groups: lateral plate, conical screw and no implant.ResultsGreater force was needed to result in fatigue in the synthesis using an intramedullary plate. Thus, this model was proven to be mechanically superior to the model with the lateral plate.ConclusionStabilization using the Acutrak® screw for treating fractures in the model used in this trial presents mechanical results that are statistically significantly superior to those from the axial compression technique using the lateral plate (Aptus Hand®)

    Distal Articular Fractures of the Humerus: Surgical Approach with Dynamic Elbow external Fixator

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    Abstract Purpose To measure clinical and radiographic outcomes using external fixation in distal humeral fractures. Methods A total of 10 elderly patients, with a mean age of 71 (range 64–84 years) years old, with unstable distal humeral fractures were treated by percutaneous reduction and fixation with an articulated external fixator. The patients were assessed on range of elbow motion, patient disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH), and pain visual analog scale (VAS) and radiographic evaluation at 12 months. Results The mean range of motion was 134° of flexion, extension was of - 5°. All of the elbows were clinically stable. The mean VAS was 2.2, and the mean DASH score was 14.3. Radiographic analysis showed satisfactory reduction and consolidation. All of the patients showed congruence of concentric humerus-ulnar and radius and no patient had joint stiffness or posttraumatic arthritis of the elbow. Regarding complications, we observed a patient who presented with pain in the location of the ulnar pin, which was resolved with the removal of the pin. After two months, another patient had pneumonia and died. The follow-up was of 15.44 months. Conclusions A radiographic analysis of the patients showed fracture healing with joint congruity. In the functional clinical aspect, it was noted that patients had functional range of motionType of study/level of evidence Therapeutic I

    Adverse events following immunization of elderly with COVID-19 inactivated virus vaccine (CoronaVac) in Southeastern Brazil: an active surveillance study

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    Healthcare workers, the elderly and other vulnerable populations were the first to receive COVID-19 vaccines in public health programs. There were few vaccine safety data available on the elderly. This observational study aimed to evaluate the inactivated vaccine (CoronaVac) safety in the elderly, at the beginning of the vaccination program, in Sao Paulo city, Brazil. The elderly people that received CoronaVac at the Reference Center for Special Immunobiologicals (CRIE) or at home, administered by the Interdisciplinary Home Care Team (NADI) of the Hospital das Clinicas were invited to participate in this phase 4 observational study. The vaccination schedule included two CoronaVac doses 28 days apart. The information on solicited and unsolicited adverse events following immunization were collected by phone calls on days 4 and 8 after each vaccine dose. We enrolled 158 adults aged 65 to 101 years (mean of 84.1 years); 63.9% were females and 95.6% had chronic conditions, 21.5% had moderate or severe impairment in daily living activities; 34.2% were pre-frail and 19.6% were frail. We were able to contact 95.6% and 91.6% of the vaccinated people, after the first and second doses, respectively; 31.8% and 23.4% of the contacted participants reported some adverse events (AE) following the first and second doses, respectively. Pain at the injection site, fatigue, myalgia and headaches were the most frequent solicited AE. Most AE were mild to moderate. There were eight severe adverse events, but none of them were considered related to the vaccine. The CoronaVac was safe and well tolerated by these adults of advanced age with frailty and comorbidities

    Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de educação ambiental no jardim botânico municipal de Bauru, SP

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed.La comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos puede ser utilizada como indicador biológico por incontables razones: por la facilidad de colecta y manoseo, por su visibilidad y porqué, sus características son reconocidas fácilmente por los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio es discutir, con alumnos y profesores que visitan el Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, informaciones sobre el uso de los indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Este artículo describe la implementación, las características y las actividades desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Extensión “Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: subsidios para un proyecto de Educación Ambiental”. Los resultados indican que los alumnos sacaron provecho de las actividades.A comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos pode ser usada como indicador biológico por inúmeras razões: é facilmente coletada e manuseada, é visível a olho nu e suas características podem ser facilmente reconhecidas pelos estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir com alunos e docentes que visitam o Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru informações sobre o uso de indicadores biológicos da qualidade da água. Este artigo descreve a implementação, as características e as atividades desenvolvidas dentro do projeto de extensão: “Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de Educação Ambiental”. Os resultados indicaram que houve um aproveitamento satisfatório dos estudantes que participaram das atividades propostas

    Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project in the city botanic garden in Bauru - SP.

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed

    Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de educação ambiental no jardim botânico municipal de Bauru, SP

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    Aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biological indicators for numerous reasons: it is easily collected and handled, it is visible to the naked eye and their characteristics can be easily recognized by students. The aim of the study was to discuss with the students and teachers who visit the Botanic Garden in Bauru information about the use of biological indicators of water quality. This paper describes the implementation, characteristics and activities developed within the extension project: “Bioindicators of water quality: subsidies for an environmental education project”. The results indicated there was a satisfactory exploitation of the students who participated of the activities proposed.La comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos puede ser utilizada como indicador biológico por incontables razones: por la facilidad de colecta y manoseo, por su visibilidad y porqué, sus características son reconocidas fácilmente por los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio es discutir, con alumnos y profesores que visitan el Jardín Botánico Municipal de Bauru, informaciones sobre el uso de los indicadores biológicos de la calidad del agua. Este artículo describe la implementación, las características y las actividades desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Extensión “Bioindicadores de la calidad del agua: subsidios para un proyecto de Educación Ambiental”. Los resultados indican que los alumnos sacaron provecho de las actividades.A comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos pode ser usada como indicador biológico por inúmeras razões: é facilmente coletada e manuseada, é visível a olho nu e suas características podem ser facilmente reconhecidas pelos estudantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi discutir com alunos e docentes que visitam o Jardim Botânico Municipal de Bauru informações sobre o uso de indicadores biológicos da qualidade da água. Este artigo descreve a implementação, as características e as atividades desenvolvidas dentro do projeto de extensão: “Bioindicadores da qualidade da água: subsídios para um projeto de Educação Ambiental”. Os resultados indicaram que houve um aproveitamento satisfatório dos estudantes que participaram das atividades propostas