1,143 research outputs found

    Getting Chemical and Biochemical Engineers Excited about Additive Manufacturing

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    A new course was designed to attract chemical and bioengineers to additive manufacturing and to provide them with an effective approach to this new field. The goal is a wider use of the advantages of additive manufacturing for complex multifunctional components in chemical process engineering. We describe the structure of the course and the experiences from the first two years. Students show great interest and are able to develop their own functional components with assistance. Yet many have deficits in the use of CAD software, which will be remedied in the future through a specific lecture

    A systematic look at the Very High and Low/Hard state of GX 339-4: Constraining the black hole spin with a new reflection model

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    We present a systematic study of GX 339-4 in both its very high and low hard states from simultaneous observations made with XMM-Newton and RXTE in 2002 and 2004. The X-ray spectra of both these extreme states exhibit strong reflection signatures, with a broad, skewed Fe-Kalpha line clearly visible above the continuum. Using a newly developed, self-consistent reflection model which implicitly includes the blackbody radiation of the disc as well as the effect of Comptonisation, blurred with a relativistic line function, we were able to infer the spin parameter of GX 339-4 to be 0.935 +/- 0.01 (statistical) +/- 0.01 (systematic) at 90 per cent confidence. We find that both states are consistent with an ionised thin accretion disc extending to the innermost stable circular orbit around the rapidly spinning black hole.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS 17/04/0

    Estimating the star formation rate at 1 kpc scales in nearby galaxies.

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    Using combinations of H alpha, ultraviolet (UV), and infrared (IR) emission, we estimate the star formation rate (SFR) surface density, Sigma(SFR), at 1 kpc resolution for 30 disk galaxies that are targets of the IRAM HERACLES CO survey. We present a new physically motivated IR spectral-energy-distribution-based approach to account for possible contributions to 24 mu m emission not associated with recent star formation. Considering a variety of "reference" SFRs from the literature, we revisit the calibration of the 24 mu m term in hybrid (UV+IR or H alpha+IR) tracers. We show that the overall calibration of this term remains uncertain at the factor of two level because of the lack of wide-field, robust reference SFR estimates. Within this uncertainty, published calibrations represent a reasonable starting point for 1 kpc-wide areas of star-forming disk galaxies, but we re-derive and refine the calibration of the IR term in these tracers to match our resolution and approach to 24 mu m emission. We compare a large suite of Sigma(SFR) estimates and find that above Sigma(SFR) similar to 10(-3)M(circle dot) yr(-1) kpc(-2) the systematic differences among tracers are less than a factor of two across two orders of magnitude dynamic range. We caution that methodology and data both become serious issues below this level. We note from simple model considerations that when focusing on a part of a galaxy dominated by a single stellar population, the intrinsic uncertainty in H alpha- and FUV-based SFRs is similar to 0.3 and similar to 0.5 dex.Peer reviewe

    Towards Vision Zero - V2X Communication for Active Vulnerable Road User Protection

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    Almost half of the casualties on European roads can be accounted to the group of the so-called Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs). The introduction of V2X Communication makes it possible to extend the awareness horizon of automated and autonomous vehicles, in order to avoid accidents with VRUs. In this paper we learn how V2X communication will protect VRUs, what requirements have to be met, what the key performance metrics are and how different communication and localization technologies perform. The Vision Zero goal is to reduce the road traffic casualties including VRUs to zero

    OpenTestBed: Poor Man's IoT Testbed

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    International audienceTestbeds are a key tool for evaluating and bench-marking IoT solutions. Several public testbeds are being run by institutions around the world. These are built with a variety of tools, and are typically “heavy” installations with dedicated wiring, hard installations, switches, servers, and a reservation and experiment management back-end. To complement those, we have taken the opposite, minimalistic, approach in designing the OpenTestBed. The OpenTestBed features all the tools necessary to build a testbed from off-the-shelf components such as Raspberry Pi single-board computers, OpenMote B low-power wireless devices, and glass domes. Each TestBox in the testbed connects to an MQTT broker over WiFi, no dedicated wiring or back-endis needed. The Inria-Paris OpenTestBed testbed of 80 motes has cost only 9,480 euros, and is open-access. The OpenTestBed is a fully open-source and open-hardware project, which several institutions have already adopted

    Perception and city: analysis of the ‘Cali cómo vamos’ program survey (2005-2014)

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    Los capítulos que componen este libro dan cuenta de algunos de los modos a través de los cuales es posible abordar la diversidad constitutiva del fenómeno urbano. Cali es, por su historia, por sus pobladores, por el entresijo de procesos que tienen lugar en ella y con ella, por su tamaño, una ciudad diversa, fragmentada, desigual, inequitativa, heterogénea, multifacética. Frente a esto no queda sino aproximarse a ella poco a poco, capa a capa, proceso por proceso. Este libro es un intento por recorrer la ciudad desde la perspectiva de los ciudadanos, analizando y discutiendo lo que implican sus percepciones, contrastándolas con otras más institucionales, más decantadas por los procedimientos académicos y políticos, por los famosos datos \'duros\'; de este contraste, esperamos salgan mejores formas de aproximarse a la ciudad. En el primer capítulo, el profesor Mario Gandini explora la percepción de la ciudadanía sobre los aspectos ambientales y la gestión ambiental que desarrolla la Administración Local. El texto muestra que, con relación a esta última, la calificación que le da la ciudadanía es toda inferior a 3 sobre 5, en temas como: contaminación del aire; contaminación del agua; nivel de ruido; cantidad de árboles; contaminación visual: basuras y escombros en las calle, lo cual evidencia el complejo panorama que atraviesa la ciudad con respecto a este problemaAnálisis del programa Cali cómo vamos, aspectos ambientales. Movilidad y vialidad en Cali: una carrera perdida. Empleo y precios. Sector salud. La educación en Cali: realidades y percepciones. El espacio público y la oferta de cultura y recreación en Cali. Percepción de la seguridad, Cali: 2005 - 2014. Metodología de las encuestas repetidas: un análisis en el marco de la encuesta Cali cómo vamos (2005-2014

    An overview of jets and outflows in stellar mass black holes

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    In this book chapter, we will briefly review the current empirical understanding of the relation between accretion state and and outflows in accreting stellar mass black holes. The focus will be on the empirical connections between X-ray states and relativistic (`radio') jets, although we are now also able to draw accretion disc winds into the picture in a systematic way. We will furthermore consider the latest attempts to measure/order jet power, and to compare it to other (potentially) measurable quantities, most importantly black hole spin.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Also to appear in the Space Sciences Series of ISSI - The Physics of Accretion on to Black Holes (Springer Publisher

    Genomic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and selection signatures in European local pig breeds assessed with a high density SNP chip

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    Genetic characterization of local breeds is essential to preserve their genomic variability, to advance conservation policies and to contribute to their promotion and sustainability. Genomic diversity of twenty European local pig breeds and a small sample of Spanish wild pigs was assessed using high density SNP chips. A total of 992 DNA samples were analyzed with the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler (GGP) 70 K HD porcine genotyping chip. Genotype data was employed to compute genetic diversity, population differentiation and structure, genetic distances, linkage disequilibrium and effective population size. Our results point out several breeds, such as Turopolje, Apulo Calabrese, Casertana, Mora Romagnola and Lithuanian indigenous wattle, having the lowest genetic diversity, supported by low heterozygosity and very small effective population size, demonstrating the need of enhanced conservation strategies. Principal components analysis showed the clustering of the individuals of the same breed, with few breeds being clearly isolated from the rest. Several breeds were partially overlapped, suggesting genetic closeness, which was particularly marked in the case of Iberian and Alentejana breeds. Spanish wild boar was also narrowly related to other western populations, in agreement with recurrent admixture between wild and domestic animals. We also searched across the genome for loci under diversifying selection based on F-S(T) outlier tests. Candidate genes that may underlie differences in adaptation to specific environments and productive systems and phenotypic traits were detected in potentially selected genomic regions

    Spintronics: Fundamentals and applications

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    Spintronics, or spin electronics, involves the study of active control and manipulation of spin degrees of freedom in solid-state systems. This article reviews the current status of this subject, including both recent advances and well-established results. The primary focus is on the basic physical principles underlying the generation of carrier spin polarization, spin dynamics, and spin-polarized transport in semiconductors and metals. Spin transport differs from charge transport in that spin is a nonconserved quantity in solids due to spin-orbit and hyperfine coupling. The authors discuss in detail spin decoherence mechanisms in metals and semiconductors. Various theories of spin injection and spin-polarized transport are applied to hybrid structures relevant to spin-based devices and fundamental studies of materials properties. Experimental work is reviewed with the emphasis on projected applications, in which external electric and magnetic fields and illumination by light will be used to control spin and charge dynamics to create new functionalities not feasible or ineffective with conventional electronics.Comment: invited review, 36 figures, 900+ references; minor stylistic changes from the published versio

    A novel role for RIP1 kinase in mediating TNFα production

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    Receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP1) is a Ser/Thr kinase with both kinase-dependent and kinase-independent roles in death receptor signaling. The kinase activity of RIP1 is required for necroptosis, a caspase-independent pathway of programmed cell death. In some cell types, the inhibition of caspases leads to autocrine production of TNFα, which then activates necroptosis. Here, we describe a novel role for RIP1 kinase in regulating TNFα production after caspase inhibition. Caspase inhibitors activate RIP1 kinase and another protein, EDD, to mediate JNK signaling, which stimulates Sp1-dependent transcription of TNFα. This pathway is independent of nuclear factor κB and also occurs after Smac mimetic/IAP antagonist treatment or the loss of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (Traf2). These findings implicate cIAP1/2 and Traf2 as negative regulators of this RIP1 kinase-dependent TNFα production pathway and suggest a novel role for RIP1 kinase in mediating TNFα production under certain conditions