394 research outputs found

    One or Two Things We know about Concept Drift -- A Survey on Monitoring Evolving Environments

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    The world surrounding us is subject to constant change. These changes, frequently described as concept drift, influence many industrial and technical processes. As they can lead to malfunctions and other anomalous behavior, which may be safety-critical in many scenarios, detecting and analyzing concept drift is crucial. In this paper, we provide a literature review focusing on concept drift in unsupervised data streams. While many surveys focus on supervised data streams, so far, there is no work reviewing the unsupervised setting. However, this setting is of particular relevance for monitoring and anomaly detection which are directly applicable to many tasks and challenges in engineering. This survey provides a taxonomy of existing work on drift detection. Besides, it covers the current state of research on drift localization in a systematic way. In addition to providing a systematic literature review, this work provides precise mathematical definitions of the considered problems and contains standardized experiments on parametric artificial datasets allowing for a direct comparison of different strategies for detection and localization. Thereby, the suitability of different schemes can be analyzed systematically and guidelines for their usage in real-world scenarios can be provided. Finally, there is a section on the emerging topic of explaining concept drift

    Corticosteroid hormone action in the cardiovascular system

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    The cardiovascular system (CVS) has emerged as an important target of corticosteroid hormones. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists provide cardiovascular protection and are now routinely used in disorders such as primary hyperaldosteronism, resistant hypertension and congestive heart failure (CHF) but the underlying molecular mechanisms of corticosteroid hormone action remain unclear. We have characterised corticosteroid hormone action and metabolism by 11β- hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenases (11β-HSDs) in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes (CM) and cardiac fibroblasts (cFb). We have detected 11β-HSD1 expression and activity in CM and cFb where it facilitates glucocorticoid hormone action, whereas 11β-HSD2 was absent. We have shown differential gene regulation by aldosterone (Aldo) and corticosterone in CM and identified novel Aldo target genes which may provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of Aldo action. We have also studied the role of corticosteroids in essential hypertension and the effect of spironolactone (Spiro) upon their secretion and metabolism in patients with chronic kidney disease. We have shown that mineralocorticoids but not glucocorticoids are involved in elevated blood pressure in essential hypertension and that Spiro treatment results in compensatory activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system (RAAS), whereas glucocorticoid secretion and metabolism remain unchanged. In summary, these data provide novel molecular and clinical insights into corticosteroid hormone action in the CVS.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Monozentrische Untersuchung von Co-Erkrankungen und möglichen Triggern der Trigeminusneuralgie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung odontogener Ursachen

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    Die Trigeminusneuralgie ist eine seltene Krankheit, die bei den Patienten sehr starke stechende, blitzartig einschießende Schmerzen im Gesicht verursacht. Diese Schmerzen treten gehäuft einseitig und den Ober- bzw. Unterkiefer betreffend auf. Medikamentös lassen sich die Schmerzen temporär bis zu einem erträglichen Maß reduzieren. Wenn der Zeitpunkt erreicht ist, dass die Medikamente die Schmerzen nicht mehr verringern können, gibt es die Möglichkeit chirurgischer Eingriffe. Allerdings gibt es auch Fälle der Trigeminusneuralgie, bei denen noch kein Ursprung der Krankheit festgestellt werden konnte. Das Vorkommen odontogen bedingter Veränderungen im Ober- bzw. Unterkiefer, insbesondere mögliche Auswirkungen von Zysten auf den Trigeminusnerv sollten in dieser Studie betrachtet und verglichen werden. Im Rahmen dieser retrospektiven Studie sind 107 Patienten, die im Zeitraum von dem Jahre 2005 bis einschließlich 2016 an der Neurochirurgischen Klinik der Universitätsklinik Tübingen auf Grund einer diagnostizierten Trigeminusneuralgie operiert worden sind, befragt worden. Durch eine telefonische Umfrage wurden die Patienten mit Hilfe eines erstellten Fragebogens hinsichtlich der Schmerzentwicklung, der Medikamenteneinnahme, zahnärztlicher Behandlungen und zusätzlicher schmerzauslösender Ursachen interviewt. Neun der 107 Befragten (8,4%) hatten zystische Veränderungen im Ober- bzw. Unterkiefer. Um die Häufigkeit von Zysten bei Patienten mit Trigeminusneuralgie zu erhalten, wurde das Konfidenzintervall berechnet. Es wurde ein Konfidenzniveau von 95% verwendet. Als Ergebnis für die untere Grenze des Konfidenzintervalls ist der Wert 3,9% berechnet worden, als obere Grenze der Wert 15,4%. Der Vergleich mit dem Vorkommen von Zysten in der europäischen Bevölkerung hat ergeben, dass Trigeminusneuralgiepatienten nicht häufiger von Zysten im Ober- oder Unterkiefer betroffen zu sein scheinen. Demnach konnte in dieser Studie kein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten einer Trigeminusneuralgie und dem Vorhandensein von Zysten im Ober- und Unterkiefer nachgewiesen werden. Eine Kompression des Trigeminusnervs, verursacht durch eine auf den Nerv drückende Zyste, könnte einen Auslöser für neuralgieartige chronische Gesichtsschmerzen darstellen. Zudem ist vorstellbar, dass Entzündungsmediatorstoffe, die in Zystengewebe vorkommen, eine Irritation des Trigeminusnervs bewirken, die neuralgieähnliche Schmerzen verursacht. Viele Patienten deuten die Schmerzen, die durch eine Trigeminusneuralgie verursacht werden, als Zahnschmerzen. Dies zeigt sich an einer erhöhten Anzahl an Zahnarztbesuchen von Trigeminusneuralgiepatienten im Vergleich zum Bevölkerungsdurchschnitt. Bei Betrachtung von weiteren möglichen zahnmedizinisch relevanten Gesichtspunkten kann man zusammenfassend festhalten, dass auch Weisheitszähne eine Rolle im Zusammenhang mit neuralgieähnlichen Schmerzen des Nervus trigeminus spielen können. Der Zahnarzt spielt bei dieser Krankheit eine wichtige Rolle. Häufig werden Schmerzen, die durch eine TN bedingt sind, von den Patienten mit Zahnschmerzen assoziiert. Die erste Anlaufstelle ist somit nicht selten eine zahnmedizinische Praxis oder Klinik

    Effects of point source emission heights in WRF–STILT: a step towards exploiting nocturnal observations in models

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    An appropriate representation of point source emissions in atmospheric transport models is very challenging. In the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model (STILT), all point source emissions are typically released from the surface, meaning that the actual emission stack height plus subsequent plume rise is not considered. This can lead to erroneous predictions of trace gas concentrations, especially during nighttime when vertical atmospheric mixing is minimal. In this study we use two Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)–STILT model approaches to simulate fossil fuel CO2 (ffCO2) concentrations: (1) the standard “surface source influence (SSI)” approach and (2) an alternative “volume source influence (VSI)” approach where nearby point sources release CO2 according to their effective emission height profiles. The comparison with 14C-based measured ffCO2 data from 2-week integrated afternoon and nighttime samples collected at Heidelberg, 30 m above ground level shows that the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) between modelled and measured ffCO2 is indeed almost twice as high during the night (RMSD =6.3 ppm) compared to the afternoon (RMSD =3.7 ppm) when using the standard SSI approach. In contrast, the VSI approach leads to a much better performance at nighttime (RMSD =3.4 ppm), which is similar to its performance during afternoon (RMSD =3.7 ppm). Representing nearby point source emissions with the VSI approach could thus be a first step towards exploiting nocturnal observations in STILT. The ability to use nighttime observations in atmospheric inversions would dramatically increase the observational data and allow for the investigation of different source mixtures or diurnal cycles. To further investigate the differences between these two approaches, we conducted a model experiment in which we simulated the ffCO2 contributions from 12 artificial power plants with typical annual emissions of 1 million tonnes of CO2 and with distances between 5 and 200 km from the Heidelberg observation site. We find that such a power plant must be more than 50 km away from the observation site in order for the mean modelled ffCO2 concentration difference between the SSI and VSI approach to fall below 0.1 ppm during situations with low mixing heights smaller than 500 m

    General Survey of Polarization Observables in Deuteron Electrodisintegration

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    Polarization observables in inclusive and exclusive electrodisintegration of the deuteron using a polarized beam and an oriented target are systematically surveyed using the standard nonrelativistic framework of nuclear theory but with leading order relativistic contributions included. The structure functions and the asymmetries corresponding to the various nucleon polarization components are studied in a variety of kinematic regions with respect to their sensitivity to realistic NNNN-potential models, to subnuclear degrees of freedom in terms of meson exchange currents, isobar configurations and to relativistic effects in different kinematical regions, serving as a benchmark for a test of present standard nuclear theory with effective degrees of freedom.Comment: 56 pages, 32 figures, revtex

    A idealização da alteridade: reflexões sobre seus fundamentos na história ocidental

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    Así como fueron considerados “salvajes” o “atrasados”, los nativos de las tierras colonizadas por los europeos también han sido objeto de elogios que han llegado hasta la idealización, y que han surgido especialmente entre las élites intelectuales de origen europeo. Este último tipo de discursos e imaginarios, relativamente poco comunes y escasamente estudiados, parece contraponerse al racismo e invitaría a una valoración de la diversidad cultural. Sin embargo, este artículo tiene como objetivo plantear un análisis crítico de dicho elogio de la alteridad, el cual, contrariamente a lo que se suele creer, no es un avance intelectual reciente, sino un discurso basado en antiguos mitos premodernos. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se hizo un análisis hermenéutico de los discursos de autores y colectivos reconocidos en Occidente, quienes han recurrido a términos connotados positivamente para describir las culturas de pueblos no europeos. En esos discursos se observaron algunos patrones generales, lo cual permitió relacionarlos con estructuras míticas de larga duración, tales como el mito cristiano del Jardín del Edén y el mito grecolatino de una Edad de Oro. Como una prolongación de esto, hoy se puede considerar al Otro “natural” y “tradicional” como el ejemplo de un ser humano admirable. No obstante, en este artículo se concluye que ese tipo de representaciones, aunque hoy estimadas como políticamente correctas, se basan en versiones esencializadas de la alteridad, las cuales en realidad reproducen ideales hegemónicos y contribuyen a ocultar la complejidad de la diversidad cultural.Just as the natives of lands colonized by Europeans were considered "wild" or "slow," they have also been the object of praise that has gone as far as idealization, and that have emerged especially among the intellectual elites of European origin. This last type of discourses and imaginaries, relatively rare and scarcely studied, seems to be opposed to racism and would invite an appreciation of cultural diversity. However, this article aims to propose a critical analysis of this praise of alterity, which, contrary to what is usually believed, is not a recent intellectual advance, but a discourse based on ancient pre-modern myths. To achieve this goal, a hermeneutic analysis of the discourses of authors and collectives recognized in the West, who have resorted to positively connoted terms to describe the cultures of non-European peoples was made. In these discourses, some general patterns were observed, which allowed them to be related to mythical structures of long duration, such as the Christian myth of the Garden of Eden and the Greek-Latin myth of a Golden Age. As an extension of this, today we can consider the Other "natural" and "traditional" as the example of an admirable human being. However, in this article it is concluded that such representations, although nowadays considered as politically correct, are based on specialized versions of alterity, which in reality reproduce hegemonic ideals and contribute to hide the complexity of the cultural diversity.Assim como foram considerados “selvagens” ou “atrasados” os nativos das terras colonizadas pelos europeus, também foram objeto de elogios que chegaram até a idealização e que surgiram especialmente entre as elites intelectuais de origem europeia. Este último tipo de discursos e imaginários, relativamente pouco comuns e escassamente estudados, parece contrapor-se ao racismo e convida a uma valorização da diversidade cultural. Contudo, este artigo tem como objetivo propor uma análise crítica do elogio da alteridade, o qual, ao contrário do que se costuma acreditar, não é um avanço intelectual recente, mas sim um discurso baseado em antigos mitos pré-modernos. Para atingir esse objetivo, fez-se uma análise hermenêutica dos discursos de autores e coletivos reconhecidos no Ocidente, os que têm recorrido a termos conotados positivamente para descrever as culturas de povos não europeus. Nesses discursos, foram observados alguns padrões gerais, o que permitiu relacioná-los com estruturas míticas de longa duração, tais como o mito cristão do Jardim do Éden e o mito greco-latino de uma Idade do Ouro. Como uma prolongação disso, hoje pode-se considerar o Outro “natural” e “tradicional” como o exemplo de um ser humano admirável. No entanto, neste artigo, conclui-se que esse tipo de representações, embora hoje estimadas como politicamente corretas, estão baseadas em versões essencializadas da alteridade, as quais, em realidade, produzem ideais hegemônicos e contribuem para ocultar a complexidade da diversidade cultural.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/191

    Intranasal delivery of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells, macrophages, and microglia to the brain in mouse models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

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    In view of the rapid preclinical development of cell-based therapies for neurodegenerative disorders, traumatic brain injury, and tumors, the safe and efficient delivery and targeting of therapeutic cells to the central nervous system is critical for maintaining therapeutic efficacy and safety in the respective disease models. Our previous data demonstrated therapeutically efficacious and targeted delivery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to the brain in the rat 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The present study examined delivery of bone marrow derived MSCs, macrophages, and microglia to the brain in a transgenic model of PD ((Thy1)-h[A30P] αS) and an APP/PS1 model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) via intranasal application (INA). INA of microglia in naïve BL/6 mice led to targeted and effective delivery of cells to the brain. Quantitative PCR analysis of eGFP DNA showed that the brain contained the highest amount of eGFP-microglia (up to 2.1x104) after INA of 1x106 cells, while the total amount of cells detected in peripheral organs did not exceed 3.4x103. Seven days after INA, MSCs expressing eGFP were detected in the olfactory bulb (OB), cortex, amygdala, striatum, hippocampus, cerebellum, and brainstem of (Thy1)-h[A30P] αS transgenic mice, showing predominant distribution within the OB and brainstem. INA of eGFP-expressing macrophages in 13 month-old APP/PS1 mice led to delivery of cells to the OB, hippocampus, cortex, and cerebellum. Both, MSCs and macrophages contained Iba-1-positive population of small microglia-like cells and Iba-1-negative large rounded cells showing either intracellular Amyloid beta (macrophages in APP/PS1 model) or α-Synuclein (MSCs in (Thy1)-h[A30P] αS model) immunoreactivity. Here we show, for the first time, intranasal delivery of cells to the brain of transgenic PD and AD mouse models. Additional work is needed to determine the optimal dosage (single treatment regimen or repeated administrations) to achieve functional improvement in these mouse models with intranasal microglia/macrophages and MSCs

    XMM-Newton Surveys of the Canada-France Redshift Survey Fields - II: The X-ray Catalogues, the Properties of the Host Galaxies, and the Redshift Distribution

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    We present the X-ray source catalogues for the XMM surveys of the 3-h and 14-h Canada-France Redshift Survey fields (0.5-10 keV flux range ~2E-15 - 1E-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1). We use a subset of the XMM sources, which have Chandra positions, to determine the best method of obtaining optical identifications of sources with only XMM positions. We find optical identifications for 79% of the XMM sources for which there are deep optical images. The sources without optical identifications are likely to be optically fainter and have higher redshifts than the sources with identifications. We have estimated `photometric redshifts' for the identified sources, calibrating our method using ~200 galaxies in the fields with spectroscopic redshifts. We find that the redshift distribution has a strong peak at z~0.7. The host galaxies of AGN identified in this work cover a wide range of optical properties with every galaxy type being represented, and no obvious preference for one type over another. Redder types tend to be more luminous than blue types, particularly at lower redshifts. The host galaxies also span a wide range of optical luminosity, in contrast to the narrow range found for the starburst galaxies detected in micro Jy radio surveys. We find a strong correlation between optical and X-ray luminosity similar to the Magorrian relation, although selection effects cannot be ruled out.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure, accepted to MNRA
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