352 research outputs found

    FAST, a method based on split-GFP for the detection in solution of proteins synthesized in cell-free expression systems

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    Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) systems offer a versatile platform for a wide range of applications. However, the traditional methods for detecting proteins synthesized in CFPS, such as radioactive labeling, fluorescent tagging, or electrophoretic separation, may be impractical, due to environmental hazards, high costs, technical complexity, and time consuming procedures. These limitations underscore the need for new approaches that streamline the detection process, facilitating broader application of CFPS. By harnessing the reassembly capabilities of two GFP fragments—specifically, the GFP1-10 and GFP11 fragments—we have crafted a method that simplifies the detection of in vitro synthesized proteins called FAST (Fluorescent Assembly of Split-GFP for Translation Tests). FAST relies on the fusion of the small tag GFP11 to virtually any gene to be expressed in CFPS. The in vitro synthesized protein:GFP11 can be rapidly detected in solution upon interaction with an enhanced GFP1-10 fused to the Maltose Binding Protein (MBP:GFP1-10). This interaction produces a fluorescent signal detectable with standard fluorescence readers, thereby indicating successful protein synthesis. Furthermore, if required, detection can be coupled with the purification of the fluorescent complex using standardized MBP affinity chromatography. The method's versatility was demonstrated by fusing GFP11 to four distinct E. coli genes and analyzing the resulting protein synthesis in both a homemade and a commercial E. coli CFPS system. Our experiments confirmed that the FAST method offers a direct correlation between the fluorescent signal and the amount of synthesized protein:GFP11 fusion, achieving a sensitivity threshold of 8 ± 2 pmol of polypeptide, with fluorescence plateauing after 4 h. Additionally, FAST enables the investigation of translation inhibition by antibiotics in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, FAST is a new method that permits the rapid, efficient, and non-hazardous detection of protein synthesized within CFPS systems and, at the same time, the purification of the target protein

    Brain natriuretic peptide constitutively downregulates P2X3 receptors by controlling their phosphorylation state and membrane localization

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    Background: ATP-gated P2X3 receptors are important transducers of nociceptive stimuli and are almost exclusively expressed by sensory ganglion neurons. In mouse trigeminal ganglion (TG), P2X3 receptor function is unexpectedly enhanced by pharmacological block of natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A), outlining a potential inhibitory role of endogenous natriuretic peptides in nociception mediated by P2X3 receptors. Lack of change in P2X3 protein expression indicates a complex modulation whose mechanisms for downregulating P2X3 receptor function remain unclear. Results: To clarify this process in mouse TG cultures, we suppressed NPR-A signaling with either siRNA of the endogenous agonist BNP, or the NPR-A blocker anantin. Thus, we investigated changes in P2X3 receptor distribution in the lipid raft membrane compartment, their phosphorylation state, as well as their function with patch clamping. Delayed onset of P2X3 desensitization was one mechanism for the anantin-induced enhancement of P2X3 activity. Anantin application caused preferential P2X3 receptor redistribution to the lipid raft compartment and decreased P2X3 serine phosphorylation, two phenomena that were not interdependent. An inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase and siRNA-mediated knockdown of BNP mimicked the effect of anantin. Conclusions: We demonstrated that in mouse trigeminal neurons endogenous BNP acts on NPR-A receptors to determine constitutive depression of P2X3 receptor function. Tonic inhibition of P2X3 receptor activity by BNP/NPR-A/PKG pathways occurs via two distinct mechanisms: P2X3 serine phosphorylation and receptor redistribution to non-raft membrane compartments. This novel mechanism of receptor control might be a target for future studies aiming at decreasing dysregulated P2X3 receptor activity in chronic pain. \ua9 2015 Marchenkova et al

    Structure of a 30S pre-initiation complex stalled by GE81112 reveals structural parallels in bacterial and eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation pathways

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    In bacteria, the start site and the reading frame of the messenger RNA are selected by the small ribosomal subunit (30S) when the start codon, typically an AUG, is decoded in the P-site by the initiator tRNA in a process guided and controlled by three initiation factors. This process can be efficiently inhibited by GE81112, a natural tetrapeptide antibiotic that is highly specific toward bacteria. Here GE81112 was used to stabilize the 30S pre-initiation complex and obtain its structure by cryo-electron microscopy. The results obtained reveal the occurrence of changes in both the ribosome conformation and initiator tRNA position that may play a critical role in controlling translational fidelity. Furthermore, the structure highlights similarities with the early steps of initiation in eukaryotes suggesting that shared structural features guide initiation in all kingdoms of life

    Inhibition of translation initiation complex formation by GE81112 unravels a 16S rRNA structural switch involved in P-site decoding

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    In prokaryotic systems, the initiation phase of protein synthesis is governed by the presence of initiation factors that guide the transition of the small ribosomal subunit (30S) from an unlocked preinitiation complex (30S preIC) to a locked initiation complex (30SIC) upon the formation of a correct codon-anticodon interaction in the peptidyl (P) site. Biochemical and structural characterization of GE81112, a translational inhibitor specific for the initiation phase, indicates that the main mechanism of action of this antibiotic is to prevent P-site decoding by stabilizing the anticodon stem loop of the initiator tRNA in a distorted conformation. This distortion stalls initiation in the unlocked 30S preIC state characterized by tighter IF3 binding and a reduced association rate for the 50S subunit. At the structural level we observe that in the presence of GE81112 the h44/h45/h24a interface, which is part of the IF3 binding site and forms ribosomal intersubunit bridges, preferentially adopts a disengaged conformation. Accordingly, the findings reveal that the dynamic equilibrium between the disengaged and engaged conformations of the h44/h45/h24a interface regulates the progression of protein synthesis, acting as a molecular switch that senses and couples the 30S P-site decoding step of translation initiation to the transition from an unlocked preIC to a locked 30SIC state

    B-type natriuretic peptide-induced delayed modulation of TRPV1 and P2X3 receptors of mouse trigeminal sensory neurons

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    Important pain transducers of noxious stimuli are small- and medium-diameter sensory neurons that express transient receptor vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) channels and/or adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-gated P2X3 receptors whose activity is upregulated by endogenous neuropeptides in acute and chronic pain models. Little is known about the role of endogenous modulators in restraining the expression and function of TRPV1 and P2X3 receptors. In dorsal root ganglia, evidence supports the involvement of the natriuretic peptide system in the modulation of nociceptive transmission especially via the B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) that activates the natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) to downregulate sensory neuron excitability. Since the role of BNP in trigeminal ganglia (TG) is unclear, we investigated the expression of BNP in mouse TG in situ or in primary cultures and its effect on P2X3 and TRPV1 receptors of patch-clamped cultured neurons. Against scant expression of BNP, almost all neurons expressed NPRA at membrane level. While BNP rapidly increased cGMP production and Akt kinase phosphorylation, there was no early change in passive neuronal properties or responses to capsaicin, \u3b1,\u3b2-meATP or GABA. Nonetheless, 24 h application of BNP depressed TRPV1 mediated currents (an effect blocked by the NPR-A antagonist anantin) without changing responses to \u3b1,\u3b2-meATP or GABA. Anantin alone decreased basal cGMP production and enhanced control \u3b1,\u3b2-meATP-evoked responses, implying constitutive regulation of P2X3 receptors by ambient BNP. These data suggest a slow modulatory action by BNP on TRPV1 and P2X3 receptors outlining the role of this peptide as a negative regulator of trigeminal sensory neuron excitability to nociceptive stimuli. \ua9 2013 Vilotti et al

    PLoS Biol

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    Regulation of translation initiation is well appropriate to adapt cell growth in response to stress and environmental changes. Many bacterial mRNAs adopt structures in their 5' untranslated regions that modulate the accessibility of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Structured mRNAs interact with the 30S in a two-step process where the docking of a folded mRNA precedes an accommodation step. Here, we used a combination of experimental approaches in vitro (kinetic of mRNA unfolding and binding experiments to analyze mRNA-protein or mRNA-ribosome complexes, toeprinting assays to follow the formation of ribosomal initiation complexes) and in vivo (genetic) to monitor the action of ribosomal protein S1 on the initiation of structured and regulated mRNAs. We demonstrate that r-protein S1 endows the 30S with an RNA chaperone activity that is essential for the docking and the unfolding of structured mRNAs, and for the correct positioning of the initiation codon inside the decoding channel. The first three OB-fold domains of S1 retain all its activities (mRNA and 30S binding, RNA melting activity) on the 30S subunit. S1 is not required for all mRNAs and acts differently on mRNAs according to the signals present at their 5' ends. This work shows that S1 confers to the ribosome dynamic properties to initiate translation of a large set of mRNAs with diverse structural features

    The mechanism of functional up-regulation of P2X3 receptors of trigeminal sensory neurons in a genetic mouse model of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine type 1 (FHM-1)

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    A knock-in (KI) mouse model of FHM-1 expressing the R192Q missense mutation of the Cacna1a gene coding for the \u3b11 subunit of CaV2.1 channels shows, at the level of the trigeminal ganglion, selective functional up-regulation of ATP -gated P2X3 receptors of sensory neurons that convey nociceptive signals to the brainstem. Why P2X3 receptors are constitutively more responsive, however, remains unclear as their membrane expression and TRPV1 nociceptor activity are the same as in wildtype (WT) neurons. Using primary cultures of WT or KI trigeminal ganglia, we investigated whether soluble compounds that may contribute to initiating (or maintaining) migraine attacks, such as TNF\u3b1, CGRP, and BDNF, might be responsible for increasing P2X3 receptor responses. Exogenous application of TNF\u3b1 potentiated P2X3 receptor-mediated currents of WT but not of KI neurons, most of which expressed both the P2X3 receptor and the TNF\u3b1 receptor TNFR2. However, sustained TNF\u3b1 neutralization failed to change WT or KI P2X3 receptor currents. This suggests that endogenous TNF\u3b1 does not regulate P2X3 receptor responses. Nonetheless, on cultures made from both genotypes, exogenous TNF\u3b1 enhanced TRPV1 receptor-mediated currents expressed by a few neurons, suggesting transient amplification of TRPV1 nociceptor responses. CGRP increased P2X3 receptor currents only in WT cultures, although prolonged CGRP receptor antagonism or BDNF neutralization reduced KI currents to WT levels. Our data suggest that, in KI trigeminal ganglion cultures, constitutive up-regulation of P2X3 receptors probably is already maximal and is apparently contributed by basal CGRP and BDNF levels, thereby rendering these neurons more responsive to extracellular ATP. \ua9 2013 Hullugundi et al

    The Cryo-EM Structure of a Complete 30S Translation Initiation Complex from Escherichia coli

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    Formation of the 30S initiation complex (30S IC) is an important checkpoint in regulation of gene expression. The selection of mRNA, correct start codon, and the initiator fMet-tRNAfMet requires the presence of three initiation factors (IF1, IF2, IF3) of which IF3 and IF1 control the fidelity of the process, while IF2 recruits fMet-tRNAfMet. Here we present a cryo-EM reconstruction of the complete 30S IC, containing mRNA, fMet-tRNAfMet, IF1, IF2, and IF3. In the 30S IC, IF2 contacts IF1, the 30S subunit shoulder, and the CCA end of fMet-tRNAfMet, which occupies a novel P/I position (P/I1). The N-terminal domain of IF3 contacts the tRNA, whereas the C-terminal domain is bound to the platform of the 30S subunit. Binding of initiation factors and fMet-tRNAfMet induces a rotation of the head relative to the body of the 30S subunit, which is likely to prevail through 50S subunit joining until GTP hydrolysis and dissociation of IF2 take place. The structure provides insights into the mechanism of mRNA selection during translation initiation